The Blind Girl's Guardian Ang...

By XxImmortalsKissxX

32.8K 285 57

*read anyway please. its kills me to say this, but its on hold. im just really behind on things and ill work... More

2: Out To The Wild Steel City
3: Ava Valentine Who?
4: The Man Who Ran Into Me (Literally)
5: The Knight In Shining Armor. Without The Armor
6: I Like Evanescence, What About You?
7: Romeo's a Joker and Juliet's Blind. . . This Is A Happy Love Story
8: Evacuate The Dance Floor If You Value Your Lives
9: Dark Matters. . . Not That Stuff From Space
9 1/2: Dark Matters. . . Not The Stuff From Sapce
10: Look What The Wind Brought Me? Damn Not A Pony
11: Her Name Is Ava
12: Peace at Mind. I Think. . .
13: Dancing With Angels
14: The Cat's Out of The Bag (Who Put The Cat In There In The First Place?)
Note To Awesome Readers and Unicorns With Braces
15: Rise of the Fallen Demon Queen
16: Lilith's Wrath
17: Angel of Darkness
18: The Light Within The Darkness

1: Ava The Blind

5.6K 36 8
By XxImmortalsKissxX


Every little girl has a dream. To be a princess. To be famous. To marry a handsome Prince Charming and be taken away to their fantasy castle. To become a vampire in some cases. But I didn't want any of that. I didn't want to be a princess or be swept away by Prince Charming. All I wanted was so simple but so impossible

I wanted to see.

I was born blind. And ever since I could, I wished I could see the world. I don't care what my parents say about how horrible the world could be, how people steal and cheat and kill, how pollution kills all of its beauty. But even if, and when, I get my eyes, I will drink in all the beauty that hides behind all the terrible monsters mankind had layred over Mother Earth, like a thick, dirty blanket.

My name is Ava Valentine and this is the story of how I saw the world.



Now this is the beginning of Chapter One: enjoy :)

"Ava," Julia's soft voice filtered through my hazed dream state."Ava, darling. Wake up."

I let out a noise between a grunt and a 'maybe later'.

She sighed. "Come on. Your mother wants you up."

"Well do I care?" I grunted, settling deeper into my soft, warm bed.

I heard the slight rustle of Julia shaking her head.

I love Julia. Honestly. She's like a mother to me. She's only in her early 30's but she's been taking care of me since I was a mere infant. And she has helped me with everything from helping me with my homework to getting me an outfit that matched my mood. It was sort of hard to dress nice if you had no clue what you were wearing. She was my nurse you could say. My best friend really.

"Come on. Your parents want you to join them for breakfast this morning. So up and at 'em!" she said cheerfully. I heard her cross the room to my closet. "And what suite your mood today?"

"How about a light shirt. Short sleeved. A color neither black nor white. And jeans. Black if there's any clean pairs. And a nice pair of comfortable shoes please. Sneakers would be best, please." I said, rolling out of bed and stretching.

"Here, sweetheart. Don't hurt yourself." She said after she gathered the clothes.

After I was dressed I shuffled down to the dinning room to join my parents.

Okay I'll help you here. My parents are rich. So we have a big honking mansion in the hills. And because they are like all rich snotty people, they don't want to be disgraced having a blind daughter. They tried everything to get me to see, but the doctors all say there's so hope in my, that I'm the blindest of the blind. So they keep me in the mansion, never to see the world outside the walls. No one really actually knows that Archer and Sheila Valentine has a baby girl. Apparently, they think if anyone found out about me, they would be disgraced, a laughing stalk.

Well there's some good out of that. I've been wandering these halls so much that I've memorized every turn, every nook and cranny in this place, so I don't have to wear those dumb glasses and walking stick.

"Good morning, Mother. Good morning, Father," I said as I entered the big, echoe-y dinning room.

"Good morning, darling," Mother said, not directly at me. Father just grunted as he turned the page of his newspaper. I took a seat at my normal spot, between my parents who each sat at the heads of the table.

"Well, what a disgrace Charles Yewes' must be in. Lost 26 million to a little girl. A mere child!" Father blared, his booming voice echoing around the big marble room, making me flinch from the sudden noise.

"Mmm Hmm." Was Mother's only reply.

"So, Avalona," Father started. I heard the newspaper crinkling as he put it down. Then the groan of his chair as he shifted his fat bottom into a more conversational poise.

"Father, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Ava. Avalona's a mouthful." I interrupted.

"Oh, right. Ava, how did you sleep last night?"


"Anything You want to talk to us about? We'd be glad to listen."

"Umm. . . Am I in trouble?" I asked suspiciously.

"No, darling." my Mother added in, putting down her magazine down as well. "Only if you want to."

"No thanks," I said taking a bite of my oatmeal. Yuck.

"Are you sure? You've been awfully silent lately," Mother stated. It was true. I have been. All I could really talk about is the books I've been listening to my iTouch. And all the great songs I just bought off iTunes. And my parents don't like either.

"Well okay," Father said, concluding our daily family chat time. I heard his chair scrape against the floor as he stood. I heard the footsteps of a servant come and take his plate. "I have a company to run." My dad was the CEO of some big company. I don't know.

"And I have to go to the Boise Home Charity." Mother stated, rising also.

"And I," I joined into the high-and-mighty act, "have a meeting to attend with Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll." But they were already gone in a whiff of Chanel No. 5 and some rich cologne.

I sighed in disapointment. I guess its just another day alone and ignored.

Note from me:

Okay this story has been inmy head forever. This part is boring but don't worry, it gets better. waaaaayyyyyy better.....

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