HEART OF GOLD. | vento aureo

By linhsdumb

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"I understand the motive, but why?" ᴠᴇɴᴛᴏ ᴀᴜʀᴇᴏ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ -- 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘... More

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767 52 12
By linhsdumb




"The enemy on this boat has a stand..!" The three men stayed close, wary of any incoming attacks from the newfound rival. It had only been around five minutes since Narancia had been taken, but now over half of their team was captured. Bucciarati internally yelled at himself. He should've been more vague when discussing the details...

"Wait, Bucciarati. Why now, though? Why now, of all of the times he could've done it...?"

"The money..." The others turned to face their leader, confused and silently asking for context. "The fact that I know the location of the money must have gotten out, and now someone is trying to claim it." He scanned the boat, looking for any signs of the enemy. " I can only assume they're from the organization... There's no other possibility."

"Does this mean they've been hiding nearby and following us since we left the shore?"

"So it would seem..." Beads of sweat trickled down his cheek. "They've probably grown impatient since I haven't revealed the location of the money." Bruno knew that if he didn't act quickly, he and his team could be disposed of before they even reached the shore. "They'll get rid of everyone but me, then force me to cough up the location... And after that, they can take their time since we're out on the ocean with nowhere to flee."

Abbacchio couldn't help but slightly panic. Were they all dead? Was [Y/N] dead? He could not live with himself if she got seriously injured. "Are... Are Narancia and the others dead? What about [Y/N]?"

"...I wouldn't say that... But we're dealing with ten billion lire here. They'll kill even a member of their own organization for that kinda cash..."

"No, I wouldn't say that." Giorno finally interrupted, about to speak his observations. The two other guys turned their heads to face him, wondering what the fuck was up. "They're somewhere on this boat. I don't know if our attacker plans to use them as hostages..." He looked out into the distance, worried for his friend's safety. "...But they are alive. That is a fact."

Abbacchio, being a petty bitch who didn't trust a thing the teen said, spoke up. "Giorno Giovanna, what the hell makes you so sure of that?" The blonde didn't answer verbally, merely pointing to something in the distance. A buzzing sound could be heard, drawing the attention of the two men beside him.

"I used my stand to turn Narancia's shoe and [Y/N]'s ring into flies. They're attempting to return to their owners, Narancia, and [Y/N]." The flies buzzed around aimlessly in a certain spot, seemingly not wanting to move. "If the two of them were truly dead, the flies would simply cease searching."

"Can you find them?" Bruno questioned, a glimmer of hope for the fate of his comrades resurfaced.

"They're alive... The two of them are alive, but..." The flies weren't moving anywhere but just outside of the cabin. "The flies aren't going down into the cabin or inside the locker. They won't stop moving. They keep buzzing around that area looking for Narancia and [Y/N]."

"Just what the hell is his ability?" Abbacchio muttered.

Bucciarati waved a hand up at the pale-haired goth's face, a sign to shut the fuck up and stop dickpiling the poor kid. "Be quiet and listen.."

"The two of them are near the entrance of the cabin. That much is certain... Yet, for some reason, the flies are unable to locate them, so they are lost." Giorno's confidence rose as he spoke, a menacing aura seemingly surrounding him. "I believe we can safely assume we'll find the enemy wherever those two are." He dropped down, examining the floor of the boat. "I can only conclude that the enemy isn't just hiding behind something."

The ebony-haired man crouched with Giorno, meeting his gaze. "I see. So if we don't solve the mystery with the enemy's stand first, carelessly getting closer will lead to our demise?" Abbacchio also got down next to Bruno, looking pissed off.

"Yes. But the fact that their ability requires them to attack while hidden is a disadvantage. It means that if we're able to solve the mystery, defeating them will be a piece of cake."

Bucciarati had a peculiar expression on his face, grabbing his arm with his other hand. "If you use your stand, Abbacchio..." He trailed off. Moody Blues would be perfect for tracking the enemy's movements, but the pale-haired goth didn't seem in a rush to show off his stand to the newbie. Bruno stood up a little from his previous position, moving his head closer to him. "...You may be able to defeat an enemy like that."

Giorno gasped. "Defeat?" What was his stand? "Can your ability solve this mystery for us?" Abbacchio chose not to hear the blonde, staring off into the distance like some dramatic prissy bitch. Admittedly he was a bit mad that [Y/N] got angry with him earlier, but he wasn't going to tell them that.

With a scowl on his face, he finally spoke. "Hard to say..." Absolutely done with his bullshit, Bucciarati scolded him for his immatureness, but he wouldn't budge. If Giorno wanted to see them succeed, he would have to take matters into his own hands. 

"You better not get hung up on petty bullshit right now of all times...!" It was weird hearing Bucciarati curse but that didn't matter. The two exchanged a few words, Leone talking about his 'safety' like he couldn't just beat up Giorno if he tried anything, but the blonde knew what he had to do.

"...And I'm trying to tell you that's just this untrustworthy brat's theory. It's just his scared imagination --- He didn't see anything."


"The enemy is just hiding somewhere in the cabin..." He seemed confident in his speculation, a small smirk appearing on his face. "I'll find them and take them out."

Giorno attempted to reason, his face serious. "If we get close without solving this mystery, we'll definitely be killed."

"Shut the fuck up!" He was done with the newbie's shit, getting all up in his face to yell at him. Taking out his frustrations on others was his new favorite hobby. Face contorting to a hateful glower, he glared at Giorno with the intensity of the Devil. If looks could kill, the blonde's guts would be the new paint for the boat. "You goddamned brat..." Giorno turned to face the older man nonchalantly, unaffected by his gestures. Placing a hand over his heart, Giorno stared off into the distance.

"I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream."

"What are you on about?"

Not responding, the blonde propelled forward, taking off toward the cabin entrance. "You can solve the mystery, right? I'm counting on you!" Bucciarati seemed mortified at his actions, yelling out his name as he watched him scurry off to his (probable) demise (not really).

"Giorno! What the hell are you doing?!" Said blonde jumped into the air before getting grabbed by a light green tentacle-looking thing. Gripping his ass for some reason, the stand used a sword to pierce his back, the blonde's skin seemingly shrinking. "G-Giorno! The enemy is over there!" Yeah, no shit, Bucciarati. "Damn it, Giorno is in danger!" Once again stating the absolute fucking obvious, the ebony-haired man stood up, prepared to take action.

A loud stomp sounded, and Abbacchio could be seen standing tall in front of his leader, preventing him from jumping forward. A green aura surrounded him as he wordlessly pulled out his stand.


"Giorno Giovanna... You're one crazy son of a bitch! All this just to prove yourself..." He was honestly surprised, but that didn't change the fact that they were being hunt down and only the two of them were left. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

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