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lolll as promised, a new chapter.


After [Y/N] and Prosciutto finally managed to get the police off their tails, the latter quickly bid goodbye and proceeded to fuck off somewhere else. Now that the girl was all alone, she decided that the smart thing to do was to take the local train car home since Bruno was out. Getting there super early, she sat down and waited for the vehicle to take her to her destination. Noticing a familiar golden head of hair amongst the few people who got on, [Y/N] waved at her friend, who noticed her and sat down beside the [H/C] haired girl.

"Hey, Giogio! I didn't know you lived near here. I thought you were close to that one boarding school?" The train started moving, so the few people that were standing sat down. Not noticing another familiar person among the crowd, [Y/N] focused all of her attention on the blonde, who seemed equally surprised to see her.

"Yeah... This train stops near there, but it'll take a while." He responded, heart racing from his previous 'stunt'. Raising his eyebrow at her quite unsightly outfit, he chose to remain silent. Unbeknownst to his friend, Giorno murdered one of her fellow mafia members. The clueless teenager hadn't realized who he was.

"Damn, I didn't know that. I guess I just haven't been in this area long. I lived closer to Afragola for the most part." A coin rolled near the two, quickly becoming the point of interest. [Y/N]'s eyes trailed up to the figure who picked it up, a shocked look on her face when her eyes met with Bucciarati's. He paid no attention to her as if she didn't exist. Perhaps finding Giorno was the mission he spoke about? Was Giorno the one who killed Luca? Her thoughts were interrupted when Bruno finally spoke.

"Is this yours?" An almost sinister smile was etched upon his face as he questioned the blonde.

"No. It's not."

"Of course. I guess it's mine now..." He sat down across from him before chuckling. [Y/N] has heard Bucciarati laugh many times before, but this one sounded different...

It sounded fake. Like he had an ulterior motive. The ebony-haired man spoke once more, "Suppose you happened upon a bag containing one billion unmarked lire... Would you take it to the authorities?" What an odd question.

Giorno chuckled back. "Never. I'd keep it for myself." Bucciarati erupted in laughter at his response.

"My, my, aren't you honest...? But what if I was a plainclothes police officer and witnessed you taking it?"

"I'd give you half of it to look the other way, I suppose." He laughed loudly at Giorno's response as the blonde hugged one leg close to himself.

"I can tell that's exactly what you would do... You're not joking or bluffing. I can really tell! You're being honest. Besides that..." He looked at [Y/N], a serious expression worn on his face. "Could you please leave for a second, [Y/N]? I have some... private matters to attend to. I'll talk with you later, okay? I just need to have a conversation with your... friend..." She stared at him confused, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Giorno.



"...Okay. I'll see you later, Bruno..." And with that, she walked off, climbing out of the window, an action that led to the worried murmurs of the civilians on the train. Pulling herself onto the roof of the train she used her stand to grab onto and slide down a light pole. Since the train car wasn't a viable option for transport, [Y/N] flagged down a taxi, which dropped her off near the hideout.


Back at the train, Giorno wondered how [Y/N] knew the man who sat across from him. He knew that the guy wasn't there just to chat, and he had a certain dangerous aura. He would stay wary of that 'Bruno' guy for now... he could be dangerous.

"Funnily enough," It was not very funny. "I can tell when someone is being honest with me or not." The ebony-haired man carried the conversation like nothing just happened beforehand. Clasping his hands together, he grinned at the fifteen-year-old. "I'm rarely ever mistaken. Do you know how your skin glistens a bit when you sweat? That's how I do it." What a weird conversation topic. Giorno seemed utterly shocked and a bit alarmed. "If I'm able to taste the sweat, it gives me a better impression..."

Bucciarati licked his lips, and Giorno narrowed his eyes at the man. He definitely was up to something, for sure.

"Who exactly are you?" That statement seemed to trigger the ebony-haired man, who promptly stood up and stomped his foot on the ground. Leaning in to intimidate the teen, Bruno glared at him.

"Leaky-eye Luca was found on the ground near the airport with the imprint of his spade bashed into his head. It was a serious injury, and he won't be regaining consciousness... I'm looking for the individual responsible."


Bucciarati leaned closer, eyes boring into Giorno's stoic expression. He seemed to be scanning him for any vulnerabilities, but he showed none. Giorno showed no signs of emotion, and he wasn't sweating.

"Giorno Giovanna, nobody knows what Leaky-eye Luca was doing at the airport. However, the airport security guards kindly informed me that you were present there." The ebony-haired man sat down once more, hands still clasped together. "That's why I came here to ask you a few questions."

"Are you an actual police officer?" Giorno seemed slightly miffed that his trip was being interrupted, but didn't show it very much.

"Of course not." Bucciarati stood up once more, towering over the teen's figure. "Luca's no ordinary thug, He's a gang member. There are countless reasons someone would take him out." Giorno's expression didn't falter. "He's the kind of person people hold a grudge against... But the boss isn't concerned with any of that." He pointed a finger at the blonde, using his other hand to trap him against the wall of the train car. "The boss feels his reputation was called into question since one of his own was incapacitated." Grabbing Giorno's hand, Bucciarati brought it up to his face. "That's why he ordered me to find the perpetrator and settle the score."

Giorno seemed stunned at the man's actions but didn't respond. This man was in the mafia? Did that mean his dear friend [Y/N] was in the mafia as well?

"So answer me this..." He smirked, meeting Giorno's gaze. "Did you happen to run into Leaky-eye Luca at the airport?"

"No. I don't know who that is." The blonde finally spoke, and Bucciarati scanned his expression for any signs that he might be lying. The atmosphere was tense, silence drowning the both of them as nobody in the train car seemed to speak. The vehicle finally came to a stop, a dinging sound heard to signal everyone in the train car as the doors opened.

"You aren't sweating... Fine. I believe you. That's all I wanted to ask. Bucciarati stood up and proceeded to leave the train car. "Sorry for bothering you, Giorno Giovanna."

The blonde's fist was clenched, a surprised gasp leaving his lips. Wasn't it open earlier? He couldn't remember. Unfurling his fingers an eye sat in the palm of his hand. Exclaiming loudly, he dropped it onto the ground, sweat forming on his face.

What was that? Even though my hand was clenched..."

"That was Luca's right eye. He was unconscious, so I brought it with me" A familiar voice sounded behind him. Had the man snuck up on him whilst he was distracted? Bringing his head into the window, Bruno licked the sweat off of Giorno's cheek, the latter reeling away in disgust.

"This taste... is the taste of a liar, Giorno Giovanna!"


"Back home already?" Mista's voice could be heard from the kitchen as [Y/N] entered their hideout. He appeared to be trying to cook a hotdog, but it wasn't going as planned.

"Yeah, I felt kind of bored, and the stores had nothing interesting."

"What the hell are you wearing?" The gunslinger pointed at the hideous outfit that she showcased to Prosciutto at the store. Oh shit, she forgot that she had it on.

"Clothes that I did not just steal from the strip mall thirty minutes ago. Why?" She sat down on the couch, scanning the television channels for any shows worth watching. Settling on a romcom that just started, her eyes struggled to focus on the screen.

"...Whatever. Is Bucciarati on his mission still? He's been gone for like, forever."

"...I don't know..." She lied through her teeth.


ily guys n thanks so much for supporting my book

if u enjoyed be sure to vote!!! ok bye im gonna sleep now

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