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The rest of the enemies were taken care of quickly, and the gang made their way over to the car, Bucciarati still carrying [Y/N]. Placing her in the back of the car between Narancia and Mista, he sat down in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Bucciarati, we're getting a new car soon, right?" The ravenette whined.

"I already said that we would soon, don't worry." The ride back home was mostly quiet, save for the occasional 'is [Y/N] breathing' checks and whatnot. When they got home, an audible groan was heard from the back of the car.

"Urgh... I feel like shit." [Y/N] mumbled. "Hey, try not to get blood on the seat," Fugo said, a slight frown on his face. His idea of putting a sheet of plastic where the girl was had been a smart one, due to the fact that she had quite the amount of injuries and was *kinda* bleeding.

[Y/N] crumpled to the ground like a card tower as soon as she got out of the car, groaning loudly.

"Holy Jesus fuck, that hurt."

"Language," Bucciarati scolded, lending a hand for her to grab on to.

"My legs aren't fucking working right now." The [H/C] haired girl complained, her voice slightly muffled. Nobody stepped up to help so she started dragging herself over to the front door before Zipper Mama picked her up and carried her inside. Pulling out her stand, [Y/N] started healing herself, the wounds inflicted by the oil stand quickly healing up.

Moving her legs, she slowly got up once they were fully healed, and faceplanted into the beige sofa that the gang owned.

"I'm doneeeeee." [Y/N] stated, drawing out the 'e' for a couple of seconds. Fugo went over to the kitchen to see if they had anything worth eating, but the stuff in there was either drinks, desserts, or food that didn't look very appetizing. Grumbling loudly, the strawberry blonde went over to the front door, putting on his shoes.

"I'm going out to get pizza." He yelled, and instantly the [H/C] haired girl's head shot up.

"MAKE SURE TO GET [favorite pizza] PLEASE!" She screamed, attempting to get back up and run over to the 15-year-old, but instead she rolled off, hitting her head on the floor.

"Ow, fuck... please get [favorite pizza].." Blinking a couple of times at [Y/N]'s stupidity, Fugo rolled his eyes and left. Bored and with nothing left to do, [Y/N] the dumbass went to sleep... on the floor.

Walking into the living room, Mista went over to the couch to watch some quality television, followed by Narancia. The gunslinger sat down on the couch, oblivious to the dumbass on the floor in front of him. The ravenette stared at the girl, wondering why the fuck she was sleeping in the living room.. on the floor.

"Why the hell is [Y/N] on the floor?" He questioned, tapping Mista on the shoulder. Dumbass #2 (Mista) looked at Dumbass #1 ([Y/N]), his singular brain cell cooking up a plan.

"Let's draw on her face." He said, pulling out a sharpie from his hat. Ten minutes passed and the two boys drew a mustache, beard, and weird-ass eyebrows on her face, as well as dicks (of course). Slowly stirring from her rest, [Y/N] woke up to see Narancia and Mista hovering over her with a permanent marker.

Screaming loudly, she kicked the nearest thing she could, which happened to be the gunslinger's stomach.

"OW, THAT FUCKING HURT." He whined, clutching his abdomen. Holding a hand up to her face, [Y/N] noticed some ink smudged on her fingers. Stifling a snicker, she made her way over to the bathroom. Looking at her face, she started cackling like a bitch.


"What the hell."

Looking in the mirror, [Y/N] noticed Fugo was standing there, pizza boxes in his hands. Her cheeks started to flush, her ears becoming redder as each second passed. Not knowing what to do, she slammed the door in his face. Getting a washcloth and putting soap on it, [Y/N] tried to scrub the sharpie off, but it wouldn't budge and only made her face more irritated. Sighing, she exited the bathroom and went over to the dining room to eat some pizza.

The gang just stared at the [H/C] haired girl, while Narancia and Mista were trying to contain their giggles.

"Don't question it." She just muttered, a smile threatening to surface. Taking a big bite of her pizza, she closed her eyes, enjoying the flavor.

"By the way, how do you get rid of permanent marker? Like on the skin, I mean." [Y/N] questioned. "Uhhh, asking for a friend."

Fugo pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing out an annoyed sigh. Once everyone had finished their pizza, he dragged [Y/N] over to one of the bathrooms and opened up one of the cabinets. The strawberry blonde grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a wad of tissues. Pouring some of the liquid onto the tissue he started cleaning off the sharpie that was stuck to her face.

"How the fuck did you even get like this?" He questioned. Snickering a little, she opened her mouth to speak.

"I fell asleep on the floor so Narancia and Mista drew on my face." Smiling at the memory, [Y/N] looked Fugo in the eyes as she awaited his response. Not expecting the sudden eye contact he blushed a little, but the girl didn't seem to notice.

Once the last dick had been wiped off, Fugo threw away the tissue that was stained with ink. A small frown was present on his face, mostly due to the fact that he just had to clean dicks off of someone's face.

"Thank you for cleaning my face, Fugo." The [H/C] haired girl beamed. Her smile softened his expression a little, but the strawberry blonde left before she could notice. Exiting the bathroom, [Y/N] decided to watch some television with Mista and Narancia. A football (soccer for Americans) game was on, and the two teenagers were cheering loudly for their favorite team.



(pls bear with me i have no experience with sports)

The team scored a goal, which led to Narancia and Mista shaking each other and high-fiving, too.

Nevermind. Too much screaming.

Going into the kitchen [Y/N] decided to have some apple juice, so she grabbed her mug from the counter and filled it up. Taking a sip, she sat down on the stool and grabbed the nearest magazine. Opening it up, she scanned through the pages to see if anything in there was interesting. Spotting some clothes that she thought would look good on her, [Y/N] decided she would try to find clothes like that the next time she went shopping.

Wait, where's Bucciarati? Now that I think of it, I haven't seen him or Abbacchio since we came home.

[Y/N] made her way to her leader's office, hearing muffled voices on the other side of the door. Tempted to eavesdrop, but not wanting to invade their privacy, she decided to go to her room and sleep. Little did she know though, they were talking about her.. and the document they found at the warehouse.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!! Hope you guys enjoyed it! We're going to be doing remote learning next week, so I'll have more time to write chapters!! Have a lovely day/night, and I'll see you next time!

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