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"W-What the hell did you do?!" The boat lurched back and forth, the enemy quickly panicking as he hastily realized what kind of situation he was really in. Bucciarati grasped onto a rail so he wouldn't lose his balance, pulling himself up so he wouldn't sink along with the ship. If his observations were correct, then there would be another yacht underneath this one. "I didn't punch the deck earlier to find out where Abbacchio went. I did it to put a hole in the bottom of the boat."

"A-A hole?!"

"Abbacchio solved the mystery of where you were hiding." He pulled himself over the railing, staring at the bubbles that formed as his opponent struggled. "He personally demonstrated to me where you were hidden and how to expose you." He recalled his previous bitch-slap. Oh well, it was for a good cause. "It was Abbacchio's blood. He intentionally injured his hand and left a trail of blood. A trail of blood that went below deck!" He struck a funky pose, proud of his accomplishment. His team was safe after all, thanks to Abbacchio. "...!"

"It was cut off right on the top deck! So what did that tell me about where he was dragged off to?" He sat down onto the side of the boat, now the top since it became fucking vertical. "I rented the yacht that was on the left. Abbacchio realized it when he looked up at the sky." Bucciarati glared into the water. They were trapped, which gave him a huge advantage. "I know right where you are so if you don't want to drown... you better show yourself!"

Muffled gurgling could be heard, indicating the struggle of the enemy as he tried to conceal himself for as long as possible. A weird ripping sound caught the attention of Bucciarati, looking up to see the boat literally tearing apart to reveal another one — the one he chose. "There were two boats after all!" Holding onto the pole of the boat for dear life he watched as they split apart, Lagoon 1 sinking while Lagoon 2 stayed afloat. Bucciarati jumped down onto Lagoon 2, almost slipping off but managing to regain his balance.

The enemy, who appeared to be a dude, was gasping for air, large heaving breaths showing that he was exhausted. "Damn you..." A hand came from one of the weird holes in the boat, revealing a really fucking ugly guy. What the fuck was his thought process behind the hair... nobody would know.

"You hid by thinly covering this yacht with another one." The weird green hair slug dude hoisted himself up, a nasty glare coming from his goofy ass face. "You attacked us by traveling through the thin gap between them." Bruno held two fingers up, symbolizing the method he used to capture the gang. "No wonder we couldn't figure it out. I'm actually kind of impressed."

"Stay back, Bucciarati!" He yelled, pulling out his stand, the gross cactus one. He pulled out a paper-thin version of Abbacchio, holding his spear to his throat. "I'll kill your friends!" A cowardly move to save his own ass. Attempts like these were a last-ditch decision to self-preserve, and Bruno knew better than to succumb to them.

"You should know better than anyone that a measly threat like that isn't enough to scare me." He was sure that he would win, but he had to get Abbacchio away from his hold. "Give up and I'll let you go. But the instant you stab Abbacchio..." His eyes narrowed as he stared down at the enemy. "...I will end your life."

Bruno's threat did little to nothing to scare him, the fugly bitch giggling as he tried to stab the pale-haired goth in the throat. Bucciarati was quicker, though, using Sticky Fingers to save his comrade and punch his head. "It's just like Giorno said. The fact you had to attack while hidden is your weakness." He pulled his arm back, grabbing his wrist with his free one. "You're way too slow." A zipper appeared on the man's throat, where Bucciarati punched him, and his head came off, falling onto the deck with a dull thud. He made a weird squawking noise as he realized he was defeated, and Bucciarati let out a tired sigh.

Everyone soon started to inflate once again, Abbacchio the first to wake. "Abbacchio!" The ebony-haired man crouched down to examine his friend. Hopefully, he wasn't too injured. Opening his eyes he locked gazes with Bruno, a weary smile appearing on his lips. Bucciarati returned it with a grin of his own. Luckily he was safe.

"Good work..."

After Abbacchio recovered, he quickly checked on [Y/N] to make sure she was alright. That's right... he still needed to apologize after she woke up. She would likely be pissed when she did, so he make sure to give her some space. Setting her down on one of the chairs in the cabin he went upstairs to meet up with Bruno once more.

Narancia was currently fussing over his injured head — a result of him banging it after getting attacked. Fugo stood nearby, comforting the teen as he was quite upset. "O-Ouch! It hurts..." Tears began to well up in his eyes, but Narancia didn't want to cry in front of his friends, especially the strawberry blonde. "Hey, Fugo... Could you take a look at a spot on my head for me?"

Fugo obliged, feeling the odd bump that was on his scalp. "Ah, you're definitely hurt. Look's pretty swollen." A frown appeared on his lips. Was [Y/N] up yet? "You should have [Y/N] heal it for you if it's bothering you too much."

"Oww! That hurts!" Narancia flinched, wincing in pain. "Cut it out! Stop touching it!" His suffering soon turned to anger as he wiped the stray tears on his face and glared down the enemy's body. "Damn it, you motherfucker! You're gonna pay for what you did, asshole! You left a bump on my head! Hope you're ready for me!" Repeatedly kicking the ugly hoe's body Narancia took out his anger on the enemy. "Take this, and this!"

Fugo amd Abbacchio soon joined in the utter beat down of that bitch, his head watching with a distraught look on his face, probably from seeing himself get absolutely punted. He could only let out muffled screams though, zipper on his mouth preventing him from speaking.

Giorno examined his ID, ignoring the chaos in the background. Chatter resumed once more on the boat as everyone regained their bearings.


[Y/N] woke up, a throbbing headache bothering the fuck out of her, but she did nothing to fix it. "Fuck..." She looked around, noticing that she was in the cabin, on one of the chairs. Who had put her there? Did they defeat the enemy? A scowl returned to her face as she recalled the events that happened beforehand. Maybe if everyone would've stopped ignoring her, the mystery would've been solved sooner.

Her silent fuming was interrupted by Bucciarati, who stood at the entrance to the cabin. "Hey, Bucciarati." Not in the mood to converse she held her head in her hands. The pain from the attack was still there, and her stand was currently empty due to it being stabbed where the healing liquid was. She had no energy left to revert herself, either, so she was kinda fucked.

"Hey, [Y/N]..." He stepped down into the small area, sitting on the chair opposite from her. "Are you doing alright? Are you hurt? How are you?"


Bruno pursed his lips. He regretted ignoring her earlier, and now she was mad at everyone. With reason of course, though. The entire ordeal was unnecessary.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you like that." He paused, thinking about his choice in wording. "I... We could have solved the problem if we had listened to you. I'm really sorry, [Y/N]." He approached her, pulling her into a hug.

Maybe she wasn't that mad after all, but she was still annoyed, and her head fucking hurt. "...It's okay. I'm sorry for lashing out at you guys..." Returning his embrace, she closed her eyes. God damn, her head really was getting fucking annoying...


Abbacchios gonna sorry next amd everyone's gonna be a big happy family


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