- T W E N T Y T W O -

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The next day [Y/N] woke up to find herself healed and patched up quite nicely, thanks to her stand. For some reason though, the light pink entity would just not answer any questions when it came to her abilities and disappeared when the [H/C] haired girl asked if what she said the day before about reverting things was true. Of course, it could all have been a lie, but she felt like it had to do something with replacing or reverting the object. That, and the pink shimmery liquid. It was so unfair, the fact that her own soul manifestation was betraying her like this. Is this what Mista had to deal with on a daily basis? All in all, she'd probably figure it out eventually... hopefully.

After washing up in the bathroom and dealing with her shitty situation that was her hair, [Y/N] went over to her leader's office and gently knocked on the door instead of her usual disruptive barge-in. A muffled 'come in' could be heard on the other side, which was her cue to go in.


"Morning, [Y/N]. Do you need anything?" Bucciarati was quite surprised to see her so calm and contained at this hour, but alas he wouldn't complain. It was better than her yelling, at least.

"Something... Fuck I don't know how to say this... Something happened yesterday with my stand. When I was fighting the enemy, it happened."

"What happened? I don't understand what's going on." His brows furrowed as he tried to visualize what happened.

Opting for a demonstration instead, the [H/C] haired girl decided to just pull out her stand. Surprisingly, it complied, coming out of her with a graceful pose. The ravenette's eyes almost bulged out of his head in surprise. That thing wasn't there before. Quickly putting his leftover paperwork in a random folder he found himself at a loss for words.

"Well uh... that's different." He mumbled dryly, tapping his fingers against his desk.



"Yeah, no shit."

Bucciarati stood up suddenly, walking over to the floating stand that was checking out a random novel on his bookshelf. Unlike the previous version of [Y/N]'s stand, this one was an actual humanoid.

"It may have evolved due to a trigger of some sort. At least, that's why I believe. Do you know of its abilities?" He questioned, seeing if it would react to his own stand. Although his wasn't as sentient, it did sometimes move without him telling it to do so. [Y/N]'s stand turned around quickly and went up to the taller, much bluer stand. It played with its giant neck zipper for a moment before losing interest and going off to explore the rest of the office. At least he could tell it was long distance.

"I don't know what she can do yet... Just yesterday when I first got her she said sumn' about reverting things? But when I asked her about it today she wouldn't answer and disappeared back into me, and now she won't talk at all." She explained as best as she could.

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