- T H I R T Y F O U R -

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"Now all we have to do is pursue... Find and save Narancia and the others, then give this guy a good beating... I just have to resume Moody Blues' replay!" Abbacchio was determined as fuck to solve this mystery. Even if it was dangerous and not worth it, he would solve it and save his comrades. Bucciarati was stunned at his resolve but slightly worried at what he would do. The timer on Moody Blues started up again as Abbacchio unpaused the replay. He watched as the ravenette fell into the pipe, getting sucked in.

"Pursue? Wait a second, Abbacchio!" The ebony-haired man tried to reason but to no avail. "You're defenseless and can't fight back while using replay! It's too dangerous to enter the pipe...!"

"I know exactly where my Moody Blues is going." He peered down into the pipe, prepared to finally catch the enemy once and for all. "When this piece of shit gets close, unzip the floor and get him. We don't stand a chance of defeating him unless we pursue, Bucciarati!" He stood up, approaching the area where he felt his stand go. "It went left. That's where he got Mista. Moody Blues just went under the life preserver." The two men followed, still closely watching the fly for any sudden movements. "It's headed toward the cabin where Fugo was abducted. Then it will probably go over to the railing where [Y/N] was taken, afterward."

"So the enemy is moving around with [Y/N] and the others?"

"It's slowing down..." He paused, fly in the distance seemingly not moving much. "That's where the shit stain was hiding earlier. On the inside of the rope fasteners!" He pointed over to where he thought they hid. "The enemy is right there below deck!"

Suddenly the fly darted toward them, seemingly aiming to pursue the two. "He's coming after us! I'm not sure if he realized we figured out his ability, but..."

"He's one gutsy bastard! The pipe! Zip it open and get him out!"

"Sticky Fingers!" Bruno cried, his stand punching the area where the enemy supposedly lay. Two zippers opened, showcasing literally nothing. In shock, both men stared at the empty pipe. He wasn't there?! "Th-They're not here! Where's the enemy, Abbacchio? Where's your Moody Blues?!"

Said goth pointed a finger at the empty pipe. "Right there... It's my stand, I know where it is... It's right around there..."

"Right around where?"

"It's right where you just unzipped! My Moody Blues is definitely right there!"

Bucciarati's eyes widened in shock. Pulling out his sand, he punched the areas near the pipe but find nothing once more. "Where are they?!" If the enemy wasn't there, did that mean that there still was a mystery to solve? Would they even get their team out alive?! Would [Y/N] and the others be okay? Abbacchio felt a pang of regret. He shouldn't have ignored her... She couldn't solved this mystery long ago...! "This is bad!" Bruno started panicking, wondering how the enemy could've evaded them. "Stop the reply and call your stand back!"

"I already did! Something's wrong... Which wall is this?" He had Moody Blues feel the wall of the pipe, the distinct texture of metal indicating where he really was. How was it possible though? The pipe was completely empty. Did this have to do anything with what [Y/N] said? Abbacchio had his stand punch the wall, a metallic ring sounding throughout the enclosed space. "Did you hear that, Bucciarati? We can't see it, but Moody Blues is definitely right below us... Trapped inside the pipe."

"What are you doing? The enemy is right here!"

"The pipe is right open, yet somehow it's trapped inside... What did [Y/N] say... two..."

"It's getting closer...!"

"Does that mean it's right here?!" The pale-haired goth had almost got the mystery, but there wasn't any more time to think. The enemy was rushing toward them each moment they stayed still.

"We need to run!" Bruno grabbed Abbacchio's shoulder urgently. If they wanted to live, they had to go right now!

"Run?" Abbacchio turned around, a deadly glare and a scowl on his face. The enemy was going to get it after he found him. "That smartass, Giorno Giovanna, asked me to solve this mystery." He huffed, not caring if the insect was still in pursuit. "He's an insolent brat..." Giorno literally has done nothing to him since joining, but whatever. "...But I'm going to solve this! I'm going to save [Y/N] and the others!"

"Abbacchio..." The two sat in a tense silence for like three seconds before he spoke up again. "It's coming!"

Abbacchio stood up, facing the dumb stinky ass fly. "There's one more mystery surrounding this enemy. I'm finally starting to see it. I'll solve it and kill the fucker!" He finally figured it out... [Y/N]'s clue had helped him come to a realization. 

"It's right there! Call back your stand, Abbacchio!"

"I just solved the other part of the mystery!" He had a malicious grin on his face, already prepared to beat the shit out of whoever was dumb enough to try to get them in the first place. His stand continued trying to punch the hell out of the metal pipe, the dull ring sounding once again. The fly left, zooming away before Abbacchio started falling to pieces, air escaping out of several wounds. The enemy must have gotten his stand...


"Kill him... Bucciarati! The mystery surrounding behind him... The place where he's hiding... The cactus prick grabbed him by the ankle pulling him towards a hatch.

"It's dragging you in! Grab my hand!" He reached forward only for his face to be met with Abbacchio's bloody wrist, painting his face with the colors of demise. He was gone just as quickly as he had been grabbed, now stuffed somewhere with his other team members. "Shit!" He peered down, wondering why the hell there wasn't any blood in the hatch. "H-He's gone..." Where did he go? A drop of crimson hit the bottom of the hatch, and Bucciarati looked on his cheek where Abbacchio slapped him. The fly moved past, seemingly ignoring him. "What?"

The mindless droning of the insect seemed to persist for eternity...

"You son of a bitch... Where did you take Abbacchio!?" His stand manifested once more, tearing holes into the ship as he zipped it open. "He's not in the cabin or drainage pipe... Where are you hiding Abbacchio and the others?!"

A laugh sounded somewhere in the boat. "The fact that there are seagulls around... huhuhu..." The fly seemed to be talking, but Bruno knew that wasn't the case. "...Tells me we're getting closer to shore. I finally got you all alone."

"You son of a-"

"Ah, wait, wait wait, ah ah! I'm the one doing the talking here." Bucciarati knew better than to speak now since he kinda had his entire fucking team hostage. "Keep your mouth hole shut until I speak to you! Good... I could finish you off whenever I want, plus I'm keeping your team alive in suspended animation. You should be grateful." He chuckled, a hostile undertone in his words. "I could've killed them and tossed the overboard, chopped up nice and fine for the fishies to eat."


"If you comply, I might just let them go... All you gotta do is tell me where Polpo's secret fortune is hidden! Hihihihihihi!" The enemy giggled like a maniac.

"Are you from Passione?" This sentence seemed to trigger him greatly, leading to multiple threats on his life and the life of his teammates. Bucciarati had to distract him though, or else his plan wouldn't work.

"Watch what you say real carefully... Now, I'll ask you again. Where's the money hidden?" Bruno stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity, merely gazing at the fly as it swivelled around in the air.

"Black-tailed gulls."

"Sorry, where?"

"Those aren't seagulls. They're black-tailed gulls." Bucciarati's knowledge of the ocean and it's creatures was finally coming in handy once more. Stalling the enemy was the only objective right now. If he could do that, then his team would be safe. "How do you tell them apart, you ask? The ones that sound like they're meowing are black tailed gulls." He looked to the side, a comically stoic expression on his face for the situation at hand. "You called them seagulls... But those are actually black tailed gulls."

The enemy giggled once more before yelling out in anger. "One of your friends is gonna die!"

"Just try it! Better hope you don't get dragged down!" As if on cue, water gushed through the hole Bucciarati previously made like a nautic geyser. The boat rocked heavily. Bruno chuckled to himself. [Y/N] would probably be screaming bloody murder if she witnessed it.

Finally, his fate was sealed. Bucciarati could save his team.


hah ily guys

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