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the number 10 sucks so we js gonna skip it 🤼‍♀️🤾‍♀️🤸‍♀️

[Y/N] opened the door to the hideout before stepping in, taking her shoes off, and setting the huge ass stack of money in her purse. Fugo stared at the girl in shock, a bowl of strawberries in his hand.

"Why the hell do you have so much money on you?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, some bitch tried to steal my wallet, so I stole his. Also, I made a friend and we fucked around for a bit." The [H/C] haired girl explained, a smile present on her face.

The strawberry blonde's purple hues shone with curiosity, but he didn't ask any more questions. Taking another bite of a strawberry he just continued to read the history book that sat in his right hand.

[Y/N] went over to her room, setting her purse inside her closet and locking it.

Sitting on her bed, the [H/C] haired girl hugged her [F/C] stuffed bunny, pulling out her phone and calling her friend.

"Hey, Pesci! How have you been?"

"[Y-[Y/N]? Hi! I'm been doing good, how about you?" Her friend said through the speaker. Settling into the bed, [Y/N] giggled a bit.

"I've been good, Pesci. I've got some news to tell you, though. It's really important for you to know." She mumbled, putting on a sudden serious tone. The [H/C] haired girl could sense her friend's nervousness.

"W-What is it, [Y/N]?"

"I've... joined a gang. [Name of boyfriend] doesn't know, but he thinks I've been missing for around a month now." Honestly the girl never really thought much of her boyfriend after she joined Passione, but just the thought of him made her shudder.

She could hear a bunch of shuffling, and Pesci's worried whimper. A bit more rustling could be heard until he responded.

"Passione? Did you join... Passione?"

"Yeah. How did you know? Don't you work in a flower shop?" [Y/N] inquired, a hint of confusion in her voice. The [H/C] haired girl shifted a bit in her bed, readjusting her pillow so her neck could be comfortable.

"Um, about that... I don't. I work for Passione as well. I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me. I just wanted to protect you."

[Y/N] became silent as she processed the information, thoughts racing through her head and threatening to break out at any moment.

Pesci... is part of... Passione?

"[Y/N]? You there? Please don't be angry." The green-haired man spoke after a pause.

"Yeah, sorry. I was thinking. Don't be worried, I'm not mad or anything. Just a bit surprised that you're in a gang. What part do you work for?"

"The Assassination Team," Pesci murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. The [H/C] haired girl raised an eyebrow, not expecting her timid friend to be an assassin in secret.

"Oh. I work for the Bodyguard Team as a medic. How is the team?"

Pesci paused, unsure of what to reveal to his friend... but he trusted her.

"We... don't get paid enough for our work. Our team is barely surviving as it is." He responded.

"Barely? That's fucking stupid. I can give you some money to help out if you'd like. You don't have to pay me back." Pesci gasped in surprise, stuttering and spitting out words at random.

"WH-WHAT? You don't have to do that, [Y/N]! Save your money on something else!"

"Bitch, I have plenty for both you and I. Where are you right now? I'll give you the money today. Don't think you can reject my offer, cause you can't."

The [H/C] haired girl's friend sighed, but she could sense that he was elated. After a bit of muffled talking on the other end, Pesci gave you the address to where he was. Quickly saying goodbye, [Y/N] grabbed a stack of cash in her stash and put on her platform boots. Stepping outside, she made her way over to the apartment in no time.

Ringing the doorbell, she made herself visible through the peephole, her [H/C] locks fluttering in the slight breeze. Surprisingly though, a fish hook latched onto her and pulled her inside the house, and [Y/N] fell flat on her ass.

"Ow, what the fuck?" She grumbled before seeing that it was Pesci who did that.

"Sorry about that." He bashfully apologized. Hearing footsteps walking toward them, the two looked over to see a huge ass man walk over to them.

[Y/N] eyes widened as she slowly looked up to see him towering over her, his white hair shadowing his face. Pesci casually greeted him with a 'Hey, capo!' while she stood there, waving shyly at him.

Finally, he spoke. "Is this the person you were talking about?" The man asked, looking at you with his red and black eyes. His gaze penetrated her soul, and it seemed like he could disintegrate her with his stare alone.

"Yes, Risotto. This is my friend, [Y/N]." Pesci said enthusiastically, happy to be in your presence. The man you presumed to be 'Risotto' only hummed in response.

[Y/N] pulled out the money from her purse and handed it to the tall man, who took it from the [H/C] haired girl's hands. Examining the bills, she could see his slight frown shift into a more neutral expression.

"Thank you for your help. We appreciate it so much." Her green-haired friend said, Risotto nodding in agreement.

"It's nothing guys. Don't worry 'bout it." [Y/N] reassured, waving it off with a smile. Pesci returned the smile, his eyes lighting up as an idea popped into his head.

"Capo, can we take [Y/N] to meet the rest of the team? She's in Passione as well." He asked, the smile still present on his face. Mumbling a 'fine', Risotto walked away, presumably to his office. Grabbing her wrist gently, Pesci took the [H/C] haired girl up a flight of stairs until she could hear some audible talking.

Taking her through a door, [Y/N] could feel everyone's eyes on her.

"Who the fuck is her?" Shouted a man with multiple brown pigtails.

"Is that your girlfriend, Pesci?" Questioned a guy with a buzzcut.

"She's kinda hot- ouch!" A guy with purple hair commented before being smacked by a blonde with man-buns. [Y/N] stifled a laugh as she noticed a man with pretty blue curls yelling at the pigtail man for saying 'Who the fuck is her' instead of 'Who the fuck is she'.

Guess that's the price you pay for not using proper grammar.

"This is my friend [Y/N]. She's really nice, and she was the one who gave us money." Instantly after hearing this everyone's demeanor changed from judging, lustful, or angry to a bit more welcoming... except for blue hair guy. He was still ranting about grammar.

"Hey! I'm Formaggio, the blonde over there is Prosciutto, the purple-haired dude is Melone, pigtails, is Illuso, and the angry guy is Ghiaccio."

Illuso immediately started scolding Formaggio for calling him 'pigtails', which only amused the [H/C] haired girl even more. She gave them a friendly wave and sat down with Pesci to join in on the conversation.

Oh, it was so great to hang out with your friend Pesci again... especially during a time like this.

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