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A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Prepare for bucciarati brainrot lmfao

It had been around a month now since [Y/N] joined the gang, and everyone seemed to take a liking to her. She brightened the mood when things were tense, she made everyone laugh (except for maybe Abbacchio) when serious topics soured everyone's mood, and overall they became... Friends. Sorta.

Currently, the gang was in Libeccio.


"Where do our thoughts go when we forget them? How were humans made? Did we discover Earth or did Earth discover us?" The [H/C] haired girl let out a whine as the strawberry blonde smacker her head lightly. [Y/N] then proceeded to throw a napkin at him as revenge, but that only made Fugo even angrier.

A waiter brought the food on a little moving tray and left. Taking a slice of cheesecake, she stabbed a fork into the dessert and took a bite.

Hearing something ring, [Y/N] raised an eyebrow, and Bucciarati quickly realized that his cellphone went off. Leaving so group so he could answer the call, he went outside.

Abbacchio sat to her right, listening to music while Fugo sat to her left, trying to teach Narancia. Mista, who sat next to Narancia, was eating some strawberry cake with a five-pronged fork.

"Who the hell eats with a FIVE-PRONGED FORK. Like, you can eat with a three-pronged fork if you don't like four, but FIVE? WHAT THE FUCK?" [Y/N] exclaims. Mista only gives her a side-eye before taking another bite of his cake.

"Mista, I'll get you a three-pronged fork for your birthday."

Leaning back in her chair, the [H/C] haired girl started flailing her arms around when she went too far back, the chair teetering.

"Woah!" [Y/N] exclaimed as she grabbed onto the table to prevent herself from falling.

Abbacchio sighed at her stupidity, a ghost of a smile on his lips. He was listening to some music with the headphones that she got him for an early Christmas present. They were red and green limited festive edition, super swag, very hot 10/10.

Laying her head down onto the table, [Y/N] was promptly smacked on the neck by Fugo for doing so along with him making a comment about how unsanitary it was.

Kicking his leg from under the table the [H/C] haired girl laid her head on the table again. Once Bucciarati came back from his phone call the gang walked back to their hideout, although they took a roundabout route to ensure that nobody was following them.

Once they arrived home, [Y/N] took off her shoes and made a run for her room, but instead ran straight into the wall.

"Ow you fucking bitch ass, your mother is a whore, your daddy don't love you, and YOU'RE A GODDAMN DICK!" She screamed at nobody in particular (except for that poor wall).

Bucciarati blinked at the girl, a shocked expression on his face. Retreating to his office, he closed and locked the door. The ebony-haired man grabbed a stack of papers and started scanning through them, looking at what needed to be signed. Polpo couldn't really sign the papers himself so he entrusted Bucciarati to the task, and he didn't disappoint.

While halfway through the stack of papers, he heard a clicking noise before the door started to open. Shooting a glare at whoever opened his LOCKED door, he quickly realized that it was [Y/N] who did it.

"How did you do that? I locked the door."


Putting a bobby pin back in her hair she waved at him. Bucciarati sighed and put the papers down.

"Do you need anything?" He clasped his arms together.

"I need you~" [Y/N] replied jokingly before bursting out in laughter at his confused expression.

"Kidding, I just wanted to hang out. It must be lonely to be in an office for so long, right?" She clarified before proceeding to lay down on the floor next to Bucciarati like an absolute chad.

He let out a tired chuckle at [Y/N] words, his exhaustion finally catching up to him. Bucciarati grabbed another document from the pile and scanned over it before stamping it and moving it to another stack of documents.

The ebony-haired man couldn't understand why, but the girl's presence made him feel at ease. The invisible weight on Bucciarati's shoulders seemed to be lifted off when he was around her, it was almost magical.

"How the fuck does your hair stay so perfect all of the time? Even in the morning! My hair looks like a nuclear warzone when I wake up! Is it a wig or something?"

Bucciarati laughed a little at her comment. "No, I can assure you my hair is real. You can touch it if you don't believe me."

Getting up from the floor, [Y/N] reached out to touch his hair, tugging it slightly, she frowned when it didn't fall off as a wig should.

"Your hair is so perfect." She mumbled.

Ruffling her hair playfully, Bucciarati went back to stamping documents, an amused look on his face when [Y/N] tried to rearrange her messy hair. She didn't know it yet, but being around her really made his day a lot better.

"Hey, let me do that to you back! That's not fair!" The [H/C] haired girl exclaimed as she attempted to ruffle his hair, only for it to fall back in place. Letting out a confused 'whAaat?' she stared at his ebony locks.

He chuckled as her eyes widened before stamping the last document for today. [Y/N] went back to laying down on the carpet, [H/C] locks still jumbled in a chaotic mess. To Bucciarati, she looked kind of cute like this, not caring about what anyone thought but... just doing her own thing, even if that 'own thing' was laying down on someone else's carpet.

The ebony-haired man put all of the documents into the top drawer of his desk and began to reorganize his desk, putting all of the pens back to where they were supposed to go, sweeping off all of the eraser shavings, and finally sharpening his pencils.

When he was finally done, he turned to look at [Y/N], surprised to see the girl asleep, her chest slowly rising and falling as she rested on the floor. Sighing, he bent down and picked the [H/C] haired girl up and exited his office, making his way over to her room.

Silently opening the door, he laid [Y/N] down onto her bed before pulling the [F/C] sheets up to cover her sleeping form. Bucciarati quietly exited the room before closing the door again, deciding to read the new book that Fugo recommended to him last week.

A/N: like i said yesterday i feel bad for making u wait so i might write another chapter today or do a longer chapter next time. I love you guys and i hope ur day/night is peaceful and full of happiness!

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