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Following Narancia to the seating area, [Y/N] stole the spot that was next to him on the bigger couch. Giving him a grin, she tried to start up a conversation.

"Do you want to get some gelato?"

She was a bit hungry, not gonna lie. Seeing the raven-haired boy's eyes light up, he shot up from his spot on the couch. "Yes! I know this really good place that's a seven-minute walk from here! They serve the sweetest sorbet and gelato ever, but Bucciarati barely ever takes us there."

Giving him a mischievous grin, she grabbed his wrist and ran to the front door. Shit, she forgot her money. "Wait, let me grab some money first, I left it in my room."

Making her way to her room she ran past Fugo, nearly bumping into him. "Hey, watch where you're going, you could've run straight into me." He grumbled.

Muttering a quick apology she grabbed her [F/C] wallet and shoved it in one of her pockets before dashing toward Narancia, who was patiently waiting for her. Putting her shoes on, she waited for him to do the same before stepping out of the hideout.

Walking in a comfortable silence they slowly made their way to the gelato place, but not without looking through some of the store windows along the way.

"Hey, the PlayStation 2 just came out, look!" [Y/N] said excitedly, pointing to the posters that adorned the gaming store that lay a block away from the gelato shop.

"Woah, that's so cool! It looks so high-tech.." Humming in response she focused on making her way to the frozen treat shop, motioning for Narancia to follow. He glanced at the console again before catching up to her, and the two of them made their way to the shop quickly.

Standing in line, she looked at the different flavors of gelato, looking through the long list to see if one would catch her eye.

Hm, panna cotta, espresso, or chocolate?

Narancia ordered first, choosing to get an orange-flavored gelato, while she went with the espresso-flavored one. Scooping up some of the frozen treats, she licked the spoon carefully, testing it to see if it was good.

The espresso-flavored gelato melted on her tongue, instantly lifting her mood a little. The raven-haired teen beside you did the same, his eyes shining with glee as he enjoyed his frozen treat.

"It's so good! Orange is the BEST flavor for ANYTHING, EVEN SANDWICHES!" Bursting out in laughter, [Y/N] raised an eyebrow.

"Sandwiches? You put oranges in sandwiches?" She found Narancia to be utterly hilarious.

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