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a/n: once again a new chapter since i have nothing to do with my life.

Giorno gasped, the man had found out about his bluff. If he was in a mafia, he would soon be fucked, probably. Watching as the ebony-haired man approach the train once more, Giorno desperately tried to think of a way to get out of the ordeal.

"Well, well, well, well..." As he got back onto the train, the man in the white suit glared intensely at the teen. " I said I was done asking questions, but the situation has changed, Giorno Giovanna... You lied to me." He stepped closer to the blonde, once again leaning over him in an attempt to intimidate the boy. "So now I'm obligated to figure out just why you were lying to me aren't I?" One of Bruno's hands traced the railing above Giorno before closing into a fist, punching the blonde directly in the face.

Giorno screamed, doubling over, and an immense urge to gag overtook him (don't take this the wrong way, you horny women.) The action caught the attention of the other people on the train, and they all stared at the two who had begun to fight. The ebony-haired man glared back at them. "What are you staring at? Are you jealous? Would you like to hit him, too?"

Scared of the gangster, the civilians shuddered, returning to what they were doing beforehand. Giorno was stunned, unable to speak due to the overwhelming nausea that he felt.

"My name is Bruno Bucciarati, but you may have already heard that from your friend that you were talking to... That doesn't matter, though... Now answer me. My questioning has turned into torture." Fingers came out of Giorno's mouth, and he threw them up, still crouched onto the floor. Bucciarati grinned, seemingly elated at his distress. "Well? It's a pretty unnerving ability, isn't it?"

"Th-These are..!?"

"They're Luca's fingers." The man stepped dangerously close to Giorno's hand, towering over him. "To tell you the truth... The boss already disposed of Leaky-eye Luca. He saw no reason to keep him alive." The blonde clasped a hand over his mouth, horrified at the gory scene that erupted from his lips. "I took his fingers to assist in torturing you."

It happened again! What did he do? Could he have an ability like that Japanese tourist?

"In addition to knowing whether someone is lying to me or not, I can also do this." Bringing a hand up to his face, Bucciarati seemed proud of his abilities. "I can put whatever I like in your mouth." How suggestive. If [Y/N] was here she would most definitely be cackling, but Bruno didn't mean it like that. "For example... If I wanted to, I could put that fire extinguisher inside your mouth. Though if I did, you would instantly die." He crouched down to Giorno's face, and a zipper appeared where he had been originally punched. The blonde looked down at his own face opening, a surprised gasp leaving his lips.

"Now talk!" Bucciarati yelled, elbowing his neck. "You saw the culprit! Were you instructed to remain silent?" Bruno stood up once more, staring down at the teen. How about you tell me exactly who did Luca in? Little did he know Giorno himself was the one who killed Leaky-eye Luca. Another zipper appeared where the man previously elbowed him, on his neck. The blonde exclaimed, his head feeling like it could fall off at any moment.

Giorno couldn't speak, his throat wide open. "Unless you hurry up and tell me, the torture will continue, Giorno Giovanna!" Striking the teen once more, Giorno was mortified to see a blue arm come out of the man. He screamed, falling back several feet from where he was originally. That guy was dangerous, and he could very well die soon if he didn't do anything about it. He had no choice but to bring out Gold Experience!

"Does your head feel like it's about to wobble off? Regardless, I doubt you have a clue what I've done to you. Giorno Giovanna, if I wanted, I could roll your head around like a ball while questioning you about did Leaky-eye Luca in." Giorno held his arm together, the zipper already making it hang off.

The blonde prepared to bring out his Gold Experience... Yet, Giorno was hesitant. The teen had never attacked another person with his ability, he only used it to steal... If he used it on a non-living thing, he could imbue it with life. But... What would happen if he used his ability on something already living?

"Answer me, Giorno Giovanna!" Giorno had no choice! He had to defend himself... Bringing out his stand, it punched Bruno's arm with a cry of 'Muda!'

"W..What?! You're a stand user! So you could see my ability, after all... Bastard.."

Giorno, not knowing what his ability was called, thought out loud. "A what user?"

"So you're the one who murdered Leaky-eye Luca! There's no other possibility!" Preparing to punch Giorno again, Bucciarati reeled his arm back, but Giorno was a tad faster. Imbuing the man with his ability, he watched as the ebony-haired man fell far back, hitting the ground with a thud. The worried cries of civilians filled up the train, and a woman started wailing.


[Y/N]'s romcom had finally finished, and she couldn't help but feel disappointed at the ending. Halfway through, Mista had joined her on the couch, but eventually fell asleep since he found the movie boring. She took a moment to think. Did she have enough time to go outside somewhere? Well- she would end up having to walk, but that wasn't an issue. Maybe she could get some gelato and watch the boats pass by, it was quite a therapeutic thing to do when she was bored out of her mind.

It would be a great way to pass the time, especially since Bruno was the only one on a mission right now. Grabbing the key to the hideout and slipping her shoes on she exited the building once more, determined to not sit around and do nothing. Spotting the gelato store she frequented often, she decided to go with her usual flavors, not wanting to risk having shitty tasting dessert.

She was walking along the sidewalk when a short pale-haired teenager and an eccentric-looking man who had green hair held together by a headband almost bumped into her, almost making her spill her gelato. Luckily she caught it in time, resuming her trip over to the nearest park area.

[Y/N] chuckled as she noticed some kids were bickering over a game of football (soccer). Sitting down on a bench, she began to eat her gelato. The children resumed their game, deciding that arguing was cringe and stupid and they could spend time actually having fun. Around ten minutes passed before she finished her gelato - it was quite a big bowl that she ordered - and decided to walk around the plaza nearby. Getting up, she was absolutely stunned to see Giorno and Bucciarati conversing nearby. They seemed to have not noticed her yet, so she took the opportunity to hide from their view.

The two didn't seem to be fighting, although there were some bloodstains on the blonde's suit, as well as a few red specks on Bruno's. [Y/N] couldn't help but wonder what events led to the two chatting. Bucciarati took a handkerchief and dabbled his chin, effectively getting rid of a red smudge that was pestering him. Stepping dangerously close to the girl's hiding spot, she decided the best thing to do was to retreat, yet she couldn't help but wonder:

What business did Giorno have with Bruno?

he thought plagued her for the next few minutes, but she decided to let it go for now. If Giorno had business with Passione, it would probably come to her attention soon enough. If not, she always had the option to ask the blonde herself.

update I don't have vietnamese class for the next two weeks so HAH

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