- T H I R T Y O N E -

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"Bucciarati, come on already! Tell us where you go this boat headed...!" Mista's figure poked out from around the cabin. He quickly became impatient, already a tad pissed with having to deal with Narancia's loud ass music. Everyone stayed oddly silent as the older man pondered. They were on the water, so nobody would be able to hear them... right?

"Fine. We should be far away from shore, now." He thought out loud. Waves crashed against the yacht, the spray hitting the large '2' painted on the side of the boat. Bucciarati's serious expression had the gang on edge. "We're headed to the island of Capri." [Y/N]'s head cocked to the side at this. She sat next to Narancia, the two sharing a bag of her mini cookies. The ravenette promised her some of his chocolates later if she gave him a few.

"Capri?" Abbacchio questioned. What business did they even have there?

Fugo tried to think more logically. "I suppose we're not going there for sightseeing... right?" A confused frown sat on his features. A few more questions were asked by the gang, specifically Mista and [Y/N] heckling the poor man.

"You'd be correct." Bruno's expression quickly turned more grim. "This morning, the Caporegime Polpo committed suicide!" [Y/N]'s jaw dropped at his statement. It just didn't make sense though. Not that she cared anyway, La Squadra had quite a few negative words to speak about him. 

The gang let out a few surprised gasps, also extremely astonished  that he would have the heart to do so. His impudence was quite known across Passione, and very few took a liking to him. "What? Suicide? Polpo did?" To Mista the prospect of that happening was very low, and he had a hard time believing it. 

"Get outta here? Are you shitting me?"


The only person that seemed unfazed was Giorno. It didn't really matter anyway, since he hadn't known him long enough to be affected. That's just what [Y/N] told herself, though." Bucciarati's hardened expression glanced at the blonde for a split second, eyeing him with an intensity that an angry parent would have. "It doesn't matter why he did it, or how he died." He sighed, straightening his posture. "Polpo was a capo who knowingly put his life at risk."

The strawberry blonde prodded further. What did that have to do with them being on a yacht right now? "Bucciarati, how is that related to us going to Capri?"

"While he was alive, Polpo possessed a secret fortune." Bucciarati raised his head, bringing a hand up to his chin. "It's worth..." He struck a funky stance, eyes glancing at Giorno for a split second. "...Ten billione lire!" Everyone was in shock, eyes bulging out of their sockets. [Y/N] almost fell from her sitting spot from the sheer amount of surprise she felt. She had owed eighty-five millione lire before joining Bruno's gang, but ten billione? Just the thought of the sheer amount of money that Polpo had amassed made her feel dizzy.

Abbacchio was in utter disbelief. "T-Ten billione?"

"I'm the only one who knows its location." Bucciarati was confident that he could secure the fortune and become a capo. "He ordered me to hide it whilst he was alive." Bringing his hand up once again in yet another funky pose his gaze hardened to stone. "That ten billione belongs to us! We will be the ones to get to it first! With that kind of money, one of us can become a capo!" If someone were to become capo though, it would definitely be Bruno.

"A-Awesome!" Narancia exclaimed, wrapping his arm around [Y/N]'s and pulling her closer to him. "[Y/N], do you hear this?!" Everyone seemed elated at the thought of their group slowly climbing the ranks of the gang. Soon enough maybe, Bucciarati would get promoted again... could he even? "Where is it?! Where'd you hide that kind of treasure on Capri, Bucciarati?" Narancia prodded, the girl next to him eagerly nodding.

"I can't say just yet..." Bucciarati had worked hard to ensure that his reputation made a mark on Naples, and his hard labor was finally paying off. It was only a matter of time before he had a bigger influence on the city. He needed to keep the location secret for now, just in case someone was listening. "Rumors of his hidden fortune have circulated within the organization. Nobody can know except me... until we've secured it all."

[Y/N] felt a sharp tug beside her as the ravenette suddenly let go of her arm. "...Huh...? Narancia?!" He seemed to be pulled back into the box, his feeble cries for help not going unnoticed. "[Y/N].... B-Bucciarati..."

"Hey...! Something's going on!" He pointed a finger to the slowly sinking teen. "What just happened, Narancia?!"

"Bruno! He's being sucked into a box...!" Quickly jumping off of the roof-like area she moved quickly away to ensure that she wouldn't be hit next.

Mista was quick to action, running over to where he had gone and jumping up to the cabin roof. "Narancia?! What the hell are you playing at? Eh?!" He jumped back in shock only to inspect the area further. "H-Hey! Get a load of this!" The rest of the gang approached the box where a singular shoe had been left behind.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Abbacchio exclaimed.

"I told you, dumbasses! He got sucked into the damn box!"

"Only a single shoe is left..." Giorno picked it up, examining the footwear closely for any signs of what may have happened to him. Too bad he couldn't since the pale-haired goth snatched it away quickly.

"Hand it over, kid!" He was the one to look at it instead but found nothing. 

Fugo was lost. "I don't understand what's going on, Bucciarati... How could he just disappear like that?!" Bruno seemed shell-shocked, struggling to find out where his comrade went.

"You guys didn't see it?! It looked to me like Narancia was pulled into the box..." 


"I literally just said that, damn it!" The [H/C] haired girl was getting absolutely fed up with the constant ignoring. 

"Stop yelling so much, [Y/N]." Abbacchio scolded, sending a glare her way.

"You're one to talk, asshole! I'm done with being ignored like this...!" She huffed, choosing not to speak anymore. They could figure it out themselves if they wanted to be pricks to her. Crossing her arms, she struggled to think about what could've happened to her friend.

"What if Narancia just fell in the water?! He couldn't have fallen into a small-ass box like that!" The gunslinger questioned, running to the railing to see if the ravenette could be spotted. Making his way over to the lifesaver he contemplated just jumping overboard to find him. "Hey, Narancia! If you're just screwing around and hiding from us..." He leapt over the metal bars, choosing to do so regardless of the risks. "Then just tell us where you are!" Mista went oddly silent.

The rest of the gang started calling out for Narancia, walking around the boat and yelling whenever they could. [Y/N] sulked around, giving up on her search and choosing to mope instead. She gazed at the mast and then the cabin. Something seemed badly photoshopped for some reason... Sort of like the uncanny valley, but for boats. Out of place, per se. Fugo noticed the gunslinger's disappearance, opening a hatch to try to look for him. In his mind, they were probably pranking them...

While everyone was now panicking over the strawberry blonde's missing case, [Y/N] looked out of the railing peering at the side of the boat. 'Lagoon...2'??? Didn't Bruno have the key to...?

She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her calf, looking down to see something impaling her limb. Screaming out in pain and surprise, she caught the attention of the ebony-haired man who noticed her falling in a way similar to Narancia. "Bruno, help!! The boat, it's two! The boat, Bucciarati..." One of her rings rolled around the deck toward him, an ominous metallic sound emanating from it.

"Abbacchio, Giorno! We're under attack... everyone stay close to eachother and keep an eye out...!"

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