- T H I R T Y S E V E N -

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.



sry for the late chapter, im feeling unmotivated cause of school but im not gonna give up this book cause i love it sm and i love u all too <3


[Y/N] watched with minimal interest as Abbacchio used his stand to replay Zucchero's radio call. Giorno of course was pushed away, so she decided to hang out with him. As the blonde approached her she flashed him a huge grin. "Hey, Giogio..." She trailed off, her teeth clenched as she gave him a look. "Why the fuck did you join a gang? You're fifteen goddamnit..!" She whispered, giving him a small glare but not too much cause she didn't want him to get angry cause making her friends angry was a very bad thing.

"I... why did you join a gang?! And I'll tell you later, [Y/N]." Giorno seemed to be listening to the replay that Moody Blues was imitating, too preoccupied to let her know what the fuck was going on.

"That's beside the point! And why later..?" She trailed off, looking at the purple stand as the call ended.

The entire gang started to panic as they heard him mention Capri to his partner. "Once I eliminate his friends, I'm gonna make Bucciarati cough up the location. Over." Well, that goal certainly failed, but now the bitch was probably on the island and he probably was gonna try to kill them when they got there. This was an issue that needed to be solved now, but how would they even get to the shore before their yacht did?

The next words confirmed the other guy's location ."I'll take a speedboat and wait for you at Capri." That sentence... he was most definitely at the shore by now...! "Dock at Marina Grande. Over and out."

"That's the end of their conversation. The radio cut off." Abbacchio finally spoke once more, the scowl on his face deepening even more.

"How could this happen?" Fugo turned to the side, facing the island. "This is really bad! With a speedboat, he could get from Naples to Capri in thirty minutes!"

Narancia and Mista started complaining, muttering a string of very expressive words before questioning who the enemy on the other side was. "Who is it? Who was on the other end of the radio?! Damn it, I'll fucking kill them!" The gunslinger ran over to Zucchero's head on the deck, picking him up by his ugly ass hairstyle as blood gushed out from his mouth. The [H/C] haired girl popped the bones in her fingers as she mumbled something incomprehensible.

"No. He's a hardcore gangster." Bruno spoke up, even more stressed than everyone else. He felt somewhat responsible for the entire situation even if he wasn't at fault. "It will most likely take too long for us to get anything useful out of him... I doubt he would reveal anything today. Besides, he may not even know what his partner's stand looks like. There's a good chance he chose to keep it a secret even from him."

"Then what are our options? Just try entering the port like this!"

"Well, fuck." [Y/N] sighed, placing her arms over her head. "It can't be helped... but someone has to get there before this boat does and take care of him!"

"If he figures out it's us taking the boat in and not Zucchero..." Mista exclaimed, wiping away the sweat that appeared on his forehead from his stressed-out rampage.

"That's why we need to find a way to get there before he notices. Anyone got any ideas? Cause I don't." She responded, Fugo giving her a mean look before speaking up.

"Not to mention if it doesn't arrive at Marina Grande in about an hour... The guy on the radio is sure to think something happened to Zucchero! If that happens, will we still be able to get the money? " As Bruno's adviser, he certainly wasn't doing a good job at advising. "Or worse than that... We may not even make it back to Naples in one piece!" Fugo was very very good at making the situation seem worse. Most definitely a worst-case-scenario thinker.

Bucciarati stood completely silent, extremely fucked about what to do about the situation. Stress was a thing he had to deal with every day, but this entire ordeal was just a fucking mess. He could never seem to catch a break, but hopefully, they could make it out of this alive... The pale-haired goth beside him gave him a worried glance. "So, what's the plan Bucciarati?" Black-tailed gulls filled the boat with a thickening uncomfortable atmosphere, threatening to choke everyone with its silence.

Giorno was the first to break it.

"Before the boat reaches port..." He pointed to the island, catching everyone's attention. "...One of us needs to head to the island and take him out." Everyone was aghast, slightly concerned faces all looking at him.

"How does one do that? We aren't sharks..." [Y/N] mumbled, voice trailing off once more as a ladybug that snuck onto the boat caught her attention.

"What are you even saying?!" Narancia was a bit rude with his remarks. "Are you sure you're right in the head? Get to the island before the boat? You expect us to swim there or something?!" He said as if [Y/N] didn't say the same thing literally two minutes ago.



"I can imbue the life preserver with the life of a fish. If I have it pull me, I'll reach the island faster than the yacht." Giorno's foot touched the red floatie, the donut thing soon turning into a fish that flopped on the deck. "And naturally, since it's my stand, I'll be the one going."


"I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream. I want to obtain that ten billione lire. That money will ensure Bucciarati becomes a capo..." Light seemed to shine down upon him, making him seem like a sort of angel in the sun. "...And allow us to move up in the ranks."

"Anyone else tired of this bullshit? These people need to give us a fucking break..." She mumbled, Narancia chuckling while Mista nodded. The gunslinger very 'nonchalantly' slung an arm over her shoulder. "Look at you, casanova. That was very smooth." The ravenette started cackling even louder at her retort.

"Giorno..." Bucciarati was in utter shock at his determination, but of course, Abbacchio had to piss on the entire fucking thing with his gloomy-ass attitude (pun completely intended kill me if you want). Chuckling like a maniac the pale-haired goth gave him a condescending look. "You're going to go? Fine." He pointed at him, scowling once more. "That's a good idea, kid. too bad you don't have a damn clue who this guy is or what he looks like." He approached him. "Capri is filled with tourists. How the hell do you expect to find him?"

"I gotta side with Giorno on this one." Another voice cut in. Mista smirked at his very cool way of butting into the scuffle. He had to act cool if he wanted girls (especially [Y/N]) to like him! "Even though I have no idea who this guy is..." He pulled her closer to him, the two literally almost squished together at this point. "If he's waiting for Zucchero to get there in this boat... I think we have a good chance of attacking him first."

"So... how many people can that fish of yours pull, Giorno? My stand, Sex Pistols, is good for pulling off hits..."

"Wait, I wanna go too...!" [Y/N] spoke up, wringing herself from the gunslinger's side hug.

"No way." Abbacchio stopped her, a hand in front of her that prevented her from going forward.

"Well fuck you too, you... you elderly citizen!" The goth let out a scoff at her remark before dragging her a few meters back. "Hey what the fuck you can't do that! I'm not someone to be messed with!" Content that she was busy pestering him instead of going on that dumbass fish, Abbacchio closed his eyes and sat down.

The weather is pretty great... isn't it?


fucking help me i hate biology

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