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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.



Not long after, Bucciarati and [Y/N] went back outside with the rest of the gang. Bruno with his fancy schmancy binoculars had lookout duty, while the [H/C] haired girl took it upon herself to aid Mista with his 'interrogation'. While the gunslinger stood crouched above the enemy, she approached him with a pair of eyeglasses and fishing line. "Hey, this yours?"

"No, but I guess it is now..." Looking down at the now-identified Mario Zucchero — thanks to Giorno, Mista decided to ignore his weird whimpering sounds to glower at the ugly bastard. "Is this thing on your face a piece of garbage? Or is it just seaweed? What do you think, [Y/N]?" He cocked his head to the side, gaze meeting hers before turning back to Zucchero.

"I dunno, maybe you should take a look, Mista..." Attempting to contain her amusement, she covered her mouth with a hand.

"It could be seaweed, but it also looks like a piece of plastic or something." He looked over to [Y/N] again, the smallest smile on his face. "It would break my heart to learn it's actually a piece of garbage and that this beautiful ocean is polluted..." Pointing to his cheek, Mista leaned into Zucchero. "Mind if I take a closer look?" His question was met with a string of muffled cries for help, which slightly annoyed him. "Hey buttmunch, I asked if you would mind if I took a closer look."

At this point [Y/N] couldn't hold in her laughter anymore, bursting out into a fit of giggling before Abbacchio dragged her away so he could 'talk with her' or whatever.

"Least you could do is answer a simple question like that, dipshit!"

"Bucciarati, we'll be reaching shore soon..." Any conversation that took place was soon drowned out by the annoyed grumbling of the dumbass gremlin herself, who was currently being brought somewhere by the pale-haired goth.

"What the hell do you want?! Just tell me right now already... I wanted to go fuck with the guy like Mista is!" Not that he would ever know though, but [Y/N] secretly wanted him to talk to her. Being a hater was a bit exhausting, so might as well make things up, but being the insufferable shitstain she is, she wouldn't apologize first.

"Shut up already..." He groaned before stopping in place. If she wouldn't shut up he would likely punt her into the ocean. "Look, [Y/N], I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I should've listened more carefully." He said, wanting to leave as soon as possible so he could do something other than say sorry.

"I'm sorry too, I-"

"Shut the fuck up. It wasn't your fault." And with that, he left. Part of the reason why he was so hasty was because of the blonde bastard Giorno. Although [Y/N] seemed friendly with him, Abbacchio certainly wasn't, and he wasn't going to have him see him ask for forgiveness like that. Average petty bitch behavior.

Bored of seeing the green-haired bitch get absolutely shit on, [Y/N] approached Narancia, observing the conversation between Bucciarati and the others. "...I'm worried about whoever that guy heard rumors of the secret fortune from..." The ebony-haired man expressed his concerns, and the ravenette teen quickly lost interest.

"Hey, [Y/N]... D'ya got any snacks?"

"Yeah, but don't you have shit ton as well?" She kicked her feet back and forth, watching Mista hook Zucchero up to the rail. "Or did you lose it on the other boat?"

"It fell into the ocean after I was attacked. I just hope some fishies don't get to it. Do ya think they'd eat the stuff?"

"The chip bags were made of paper, so I think they'll be fine. I have some snacks in the cabin, too. You can have some once we've got the money n' shit." Raising a concerned eyebrow at the enemy, [Y/N] saw smoke coming from something... his eye? "Oh shit, his eye's burning, Narancia."

"Sweet! Thanks, [Y/N]! Huh-? Oh. Why is it a rainbow? What's that dude's name again?"

"I dunno. Maybe something to do with the sun and its rays or... uh. Yeah I don't know. His name is Mario Zucchero, though. Not gonna lie, he's pretty hideous..." She grimaced whilst looking at him. He seemed... facially challenged at the least.

"Ma-ri-o Zuc-che-ro. Heaven, Hell, or the Ninth Circle of Hell." He counted on his fingers, a playful child's game that used the syllables of the recipient's name. "Heaven, Hell, or... HAH! The Ninth Circle of Hell!" Bursting out in immature laughter, Narancia pointed at Mario, acting as if his name didn't lead him to the same fate either. "He's headed for the Ninth Circle of Hell according to the reading of his name!" Giggling once more he pressed the play button on his now fixed (???) radio.

'Vocal percussion on a whole 'nother level, coming from my mind...'

Narancia shuffled to the beat, playing a weird air guitar as he danced to the music. Mista stood nearby, observing the teen while Fugo sat down on the edge of the boat, looking out at the ocean.

'Vocal percussion on a whole 'nother level, coming from my mind...'

"Hey, I know this song..." [Y/N] mumbled to herself, getting up to join the ravenette in his dance. She recalled the time when they practiced their dance moves together. It was a fond memory looking back at it, but she quickly had to remember the steps to it. Matching his movements she blended in seamlessly as he moved across the deck of the boat.

'Haaah, we're golden wind... (Kono me amareri maroreri merari maro...)'

Mista decided to join the two in their dance as well, getting beside [Y/N] and flicking his hand to the rhythm. The three danced in sync as Zucchero hung nearby, too worried about his eye to wonder what the fuck was going on.

'Haaah, we're golden wind... (Kono me amareri maroreri merari maro...)'

Fugo turned back, seemingly wanting to get in the fun as well, so he did. Standing next to Narancia all f̶o̶u̶r̶ of them consistently danced together, a comically serious face shadowing the group.

'It's like a burning sunrise... (Ahi makareru makare kunkun pete) - It's like a burning sunset... (Ahi makareru makare kunkun pete)'

Sliding their shoes across the floor they seemed to have it together until Mista tripped on a stray fishing like that someone (him) left on the ground. Shrieking in terror, he grabbed onto the nearest thing — which happened to be [Y/N], who grabbed onto Narancia, who fell on top of Fugo. "Ow, fuck!"

"I think my ass broke..." Groaned the gunslinger, who lay on top of the idiot sandwich that took place.

'It's like a burning sunrise... (Ahi makareru makare kunkun pete) - It's like a burning sunset... (Ahi makareru makare kunkun pete)'

"Mista, what the fuck...?!" [Y/N] whined, smooshed in between. Narancia rolled out from the pile, shutting off the music before groaning in pain, while Fugo seemed to be knocked out. It was for the best, though... probably.

"Hey, it's not my fault! We had FOUR people dancing! Four is so unlucky, that's why we-"


hahaha bonding time gone wrong since mista hates four


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