Furry Love (A Jacob Black Lov...

By sammy1671

368K 4.6K 509

It’s a love story about Jacob Black and Samantha Uley. A story of love found lost and found again. They go th... More

A New House
The Reunion
Friends comes at bad timings
Things Changed
Heart Breaks are Only the Beginning
The Healing Process
Christmas shopping
Moving out
christmas party
Back to School
Schools out
The Planning
Vamp hunt
Meeting Time
Taking Notes
It's On
going home
The Wedding
She's Here!
Listen Up!
Go Away
She's Back
Not a new chapter

Chapter 1 The Past

61.6K 519 113
By sammy1671

(The original characters of this story are Stephanie Meyers character. Only Samantha Uley is mine. Just to let you know.)

Chapter 1 The Past

Samantha Pov-

As I was driving to La Push, the place where I was born, I was reminiscing the past. My head was leaned against the window, the music was cranked to background music, my hands were on the wheel, and the day was raining and cloudy as ever. As I was driving the memories came back to me with full force of course me being scattered brain at times the memories didn’t come in chronic logical order. They were of me when I was a kid then the next was me as a teenager back to when I was five and so on.

I remembered when I was a little girl I was friends with Jacob Black. But I moved when I was 14, not wanting to stay on the rez any longer, I hated that place. I’m pretty sure that everyone knew I hated living with my parents on the rez but they just didn’t know the extent of that hatred. The only ones who actually knew were the selective few – meaning my big brother, Sam Uley, and my bestest friend in the world, Jacob Black.

When I moved I knew I wasn’t going to have anywhere to go, but I found out where my father was and I lived with him for two years. Unfortunately, Josh, my father, and I never really were on the same page. We would fight constantly over every little stupid thing. May it be because we don’t have enough food in the fridge or over the bills, so deciding I had enough I moved out of his house when I just turned sixteen. But ever since mom died which happened not that long after I turned seventeen, I decided to move back to help my brother out.

He was always a momma’s boy – I on the other hand never really got close to her. Yeah I loved her and all but we weren’t close on anything, we would get in our little arguments and stuff of that nature but it wouldn’t be like how my dad and I were. I remembered thinking that maybe it was my moms fault for driving my dad away and that he was probably the nicer one of the two. Boy was I wrong, wrong, wrong! So here I am driving back to a place that I hate for my moms funeral and because my brother just might need me. Of course I’m not gonna like it but if it is for Sam then I would do anything.

As I was turning on the bend of the road in the sea of green I remembered when I first met Jake. I felt a smile coming on my face as that happy little memory sprung to the front of my mind. I was seven years old and was playing tag with Sam on First beach, a crescent looking beach that had more rocks than sand. I was running and thinking about how both mine and Sam’s names are alike. Not paying attention to what I was doing whatsoever I ran right into a boy of russet color. I fell backwards and scratched my hand on some of the pointed rocks, the pain wasn’t too bad and I picked myself up. My brother jogged over to me and tagged me but I waved him off looking at the boy who I ran into.

The boy I ran into was on the floor and had a frown on his face. I could tell he was about to yell at me but as soon as he whipped his head around it seemed like the anger disappeared and was replaced by a friendly smile.

 “Hey, are you ok?” He asked.

 “Yeah I’m ok. Are you ok?” I asked him to see if I gave him a bruise when we collided into each other.

“Well I’m not the one on the ground, you are.”

“No I’m not! You were on the ground, too, buster. You should be paying attention where you walk on this beach it’s not made with sand, this beach has rock you know.”

“I should be paying attention? You were the one who ran into me.” He replied and I could tell he wanted to laugh at me so I just did the best thing I could think of at the time. Stick my tongue out at him and cross my arms.

“What’s your name?” Sam asked the boy.

“Jacob, Jacob Black. And what are your guys’ names?” answered Jacob.

“My name is Sam Uley and this is-” My brother was about to talk for me but I cut him off.

“My names Samantha Uley, but you can call me Sam or Sammy for short.” I replied and stuck my hand out for him to shake it. There was just something about this boy that I couldn’t understand, why did I feel so brave to talk around him when I don’t talk to the other kids in my own class?

You see, Sam would usually be the talker for me since I’m always the shy one. His friends always call him a sissy for wanting to be by me and always sticking up for me. I always try and have him go with his friends but he doesn’t budge. Ever since dad left he has been my dad ever since I can remember. If I really want him to he would play dolls with me. This was something that I used to my advantage.

After that day we had hung out together all the time just Jake and me. Sam would always check up on us but that was about it. Whenever we hung out we would think up some of the craziest things to do together. Sometimes it would end up in us getting grounded or in trouble on days ends.

I remembered the day for our dance at school when we were 13, he asked me to the dance so I said yes because we were both friends. I didn’t know that he did that because he liked me. I was really surprise when he told me why a couple days later and even though I didn’t admit it I was really thrilled. Because I had a crush on him since I was 7.

But I was scared that if the relationship didn’t go well and we ended up breaking up I didn’t want to loose him as a friend. I would rather have him as a friend then a guy who became my ex. In the end we didn’t do anything about our feelings toward each other. So I became real jealous the first two times he had a girlfriend. And when the time came for the girl to dump him because they would make him choose between me and his girlfriend I would be a little happy, just for the fact that he chose me instead of them. Don’t get me wrong I would feel guilty about it for a while but when he assured me that it wouldn’t have worked out anyways I listened and put my guilt aside.

I also remembered the day his mom died and how hurt he was. He wouldn’t talk to anybody but me and his father. He couldn’t talk to his sisters because his sisters weren’t around the house; they didn’t want to be burden with memories concerning their late mother. It took him a while to get over the death of his mother and in that while I would always be with Jacob whenever he needed my support. Sometimes I would crawl through his window just so that he wouldn’t feel lonesome and at other times it would be the other way around when he really needed to talk. But in the end I got him through the grief and we were both thankful for the end of the period to have come.

Five years after his mom died, when I was 14, I moved away from La Push. I was sorry to leave but I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t stand to not always be happy and having to put on a fake forefront on my face when folks came. I tried calling around to see if I had any other folks beside just my dad but none were alive as far as I was concerned. In the end I had to call my dad and tell him that I was going to move in with him. He wasn’t all that thrilled about it, but I didn’t care I needed to leave and I needed to leave now. Now three years later my mom died and I go and comfort my brother. Yippee for me.

I pull off of the road and into a little gas station needing to refuel my car. Turning off the car and going towards the pump with my credit card in hand I began to fill up. I heard children laughing from the direction of the store and I turned my head to see kids of about eight or nine playing with yo-yo’s and putty. Another faint smile reappeared on my face as I remembered all the fun pranks Jake and I did.

We weren’t always the best pranksters but we did do pranks on each other, his parents, Billy and his mom, my mom, and Sam. They were all good sports except for my mom.

One time we put a fake bug in her food and that same day I came home I got the heat from her. She was screaming at me and saying that if I did that again to her then I would be grounded and not be able to hang out with Jake anymore. That night I was so mad and the next day I told Jake what happened.

“I don’t understand how she could be so un-understanding. I mean doesn’t she know she’s suffocating me with all this you can’t do this, you can’t do that. Your brother can do it because he’s older and he’s a boy. Clean your room; do the dishes, blah, blah, blah!” I imitated my mother’s voice and Jake laughed.

“It’s not funny, Jake. You’re lucky your parents understand.”

“Sometime’s they don’t and sometimes they do. What can you say?”

“You’re spoiled?” I asked and put a smile on the end.

“Yea- hey! I’m not spoiled!” Jake mock pouted and I laughed.

“I know you’re not spoiled, you’re parent’s are cool. It’s just that lately mom’s been having a tough time and all.” I said sadly and he brought me in for a hug.

“So you ready to do something fun?” Jake asked and my face brightened.

 Those were the good old days when I wouldn’t give a care about the world. I would only be care free and go wherever I wanted to. That doesn’t mean that I would fail my schooling. I was the brightest kid in my grade. I would help out Jake when ever he needs my help. We would help out each other in one way or another.

I heard the click in the pump signaling to me that the gas tank is filled and I put the pump back into its little station thingy and paid on my credit card. Sighing I ran my fingers through my hair and went back into my car pulling out and heading on my way to La Push.

Another memory hit me and I let it play for a moment. One day we were walking home from school-Sam usually takes the bus home I prefer to walk I like the rain and the trees- and Jake was with me. Out of nowhere these three huge boys came out, you could tell that they were in 7th grade while Jake and I were only in 5th grade which meant that Sam was in 8th grade, the boys were looking at me funny.

One of the kids said to Jake, “Hey, Redskinned, what? Did you stay in the sun too long?”

“No.” Jake comes in front of me purposely, so they couldn’t touch me.

“Do you know what we do to kids who are such a weird color?.” Now I was mad because I don’t even know these kids. I knew that they weren’t even Quileute; they were just people off of the rez.

“Just leave us alone or else.” You could tell that Jake was angry. I don’t know why, but he has always been parental when it came to my safety.

“Or else what?” said one of the boys.

This time I spoke up. “Or else I’m gonna get my big brother to come and pound you guys.”

The boys just laughed and Jake just looked insulted. Trying to tell him that I was sorry through my eyes we didn’t see the boys circling us. By the time we realized it one of the boys grabbed me by the arms and the other pushed Jake to the ground. Frightened I screamed out in fear and Jake jumped up ready to pounce on someone.

The guy holding me, who so happened to be the leader of his group of friends, started to drag me to the cover of the trees, Jake saw what he was doing to me so he came and punched the guy in the side. The boy dropped me and ran towards Jake with his fist up and ready.

His friends came behind him getting ready to gang up on Jake, so I grabbed my phone and called Quil Ateara and Embry Call, other friends of ours. They both picked up and I told them what was happening. They asked where we were and I told them. We were just down the street in the forest path that we always took when we were all hanging out.

It took them about three minutes to get there. By the time they did I was frozen in my spot with tears running down my face. Quil and Embry saw the boys, ran, and jumped on them while the older boys tried to hit them, but they were too quick for them and they missed them. Thankfully, Quil and Embry didn’t miss.

 Jake was busy with the leader getting punched and punching the other. After a couple of minutes the older boys got tired of this and left. But before they left the leader punched Jake squarely in the face, I ran to Jake because he fell unconscious as soon as the punks left. I saw that he was bleeding and he was also seemed like he needed water. Quil and Embry were behind me asking what was wrong. All I said to them is, “Give me my bag. In it I have band aids and a first aid kit.”

Weird things to have in my bag right? Well you can thank Sam for that.

They did what they were told and I fixed Jake up. I also had a water bottle that I didn’t drink out of. After a couple of seconds Jake came to, as soon as he did I hugged him.

“Thank you so much, Jake, you, too, Quil and Embry.”

“Your welcome, that’s what friends are for.” Quil spoke up from behind me. But I saw them all give a knowing look to each other and then looked at me funny. I just hated it when they acted like I’m a little weakling but at times I was thankful, they treated me like the little sister they never had.

When we got home I ran to Sam because he was on the porch looking for me. “Sorry, Sam, but we got caught up.” I told Sam.

“With what?” Sam asked.

“Some kids were trying to bully us,” I mumbled.

“What,” he roared.

“Listen, Jake, Quil, and Embry didn’t let them get a chance to say anything too hurtful. In fact, they fought the kids off.” I calmed my brother down.

“That’s it, I don’t want you walking in the woods, got it? Don’t do it unless I’m there with you.” Sam told me, not wanting to argue with my brother I nodded my head.

Later that day when we were done with our homework we went over to Jake’s house. When we knocked on the door and Jake’s dad came out to hugged me.

“Sammy! Thank goodness you were alright!” Billy replied with relief in his voice.

I scoffed playfully, “Like you can get rid of me that easily.” I joked and Sam’s stature turned rigid. “Uh, Billy?” I asked. “Yes?”

“Will it be alright if I go and see Jake?”

“Of course you may. You know where he is, I’m sure.” I nodded in response to his question and he let me through. As I went through their house I caught a glimpse of Rachel and Rebecca sitting in the living room watching T.V.

Billy brought us to a room that had little drawings on them full of things like “Go away,” “Turn away now,” “Best friend is Sammy.” I smiled when I saw a picture of us that he took when we were in 3rd grade.

“Jacob, you got some visitors,” he then turned to us and nodded for us to go in. Jacob’s dad was as awesome as far as dad’s go. He was a father to me when I needed one and in a lot of ways I felt that he adopted me as his daughter.

Sam opened the door while I was hugging Jake’s dad. “Thanks Billy,” I whispered and followed Sam into Jake’s room.

As soon as Billy left us I blurted out, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine. Are you okay?” Jake asked back.

I chuckled and answered his question. “Yeah I’m fine a little shaken up. But altogether fine.” He himself chuckled at my statement.

“Thank you for trying to keep my sister safe-” Sam said.

“He didn’t try to keep me safe, Sam. He kept me safe.” I said interrupting him.

“Fine, thank you for keeping my sister safe. You happy now?” Sam corrected and narrowed his eyes at me playfully.

I pretended to be offended and smiled at him. Then I turned to Jake and I said with a serious voice, “But really, I just wanted to thank you for saving me from what could have happened.” He smiled at me and I thought that this smile was different from what I’m used to seeing. Something at the time I was too young to understand.

“Hey Sammy, can I talk to Sam privately?” Jake asked.

“Umm sure thing I will just, uh, wait out on the porch.” I said feeling a bit uncomfortable now. We wouldn’t have secrets with each other so it would be kind of weird to start now. But me being the best friend that I am I left without another word.

“You don’t have to wait outside, outside.” Jake said he must have thought he had hurt my feelings.

I smiled, “No it is fine I need to get some air anyways.” I said with assurance in my voice and I even through in a small smile for added measures.

“Okay then. See ya later.” Jake said giving me another one of his weird smiles.

On my way out I shut the door to give them some privacy. While I was on my way I wondered what he had to tell Sam that he couldn’t tell me, his best friend. I wonder if he knows that I have a huge crush on him ever since I was seven. Doesn’t matter he’s my best friend and your not suppose to date your best friend when he’s a boy.

Well a couple minutes later Sam comes out and I asked him what Jake had to say. He said, “Jakes not coming to school tomorrow.”

“That’s it?” I asked I was feeling very confused.

“Yeah that’s it. He seemed very tired from his fight this afternoon.” Sam seemed very quiet and thoughtful.

A honking car brought me back to the present. I realize that I was half way to La Push. 10 minutes later I was parked in front of Sam’s house.

Walking up to the door I prepared to meet my brother for the first time since I left La Push. I pushed my hair out of my face and knocked on the door that I was standing right in front of. Answering it was a woman whom I had no recognition of.

“Hello.” The women, with scars running from one side of her face extending all the way down to her hand, said.

“Umm, hello is this Sam Uley’s house?” I asked feeling confused and stupid just standing there. I looked at the address Sam gave me over the phone.

“Yes this is his – may I ask who is asking?” asked the lady.

“This is Samantha Uley, I’m his sister.” I said.

“Oh come in, come in!” She said growing excited.

“Are you sure? I really need to find him.”

“Yeah he lives here he will be in in just a minute he is out with some friends.”

Accepting what the lady was telling me, I walked in after her. I looked around and saw pictures of Sam and the girl that answered the door. Feeling someone looking at me I turned around to see the lady smiling hugely at me in a lope-sided smile.

“Are you Emily?” I asked.

“Yes, I am,” she chirped happily. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I decided to stay quiet. Thankfully, a couple minute later comes in my brother. He was taller than the last time I saw him and buffer, too.

“Sam is that you?! You changed so much.” I said not being able to recognize him thoroughly.

“The one and only! Can I have hug?” He held his arms out.

“Sure Sam.” I laughed and went to go hug him as I did so I noticed that he was a whole lot warmer than I was – like he was running a temperature or something.

“Hey Sammy this is my fiancée Emily.”

“I know, I can kinda tell from the pictures and your constant descriptor of her every time we talk.” I laugh. Emily just blushed while Sam smiled proudly.

“And Emily this is my little sister Samantha, Sammy for short.” He said smiling at me and then laughing at my reaction when he said little. She smacked him lightly on the shoulder and gave me a hug.

“Hi Sammy, I hope that you would be able stay with us for a little while?” she said sounding hopeful.

“Umm, no I was thinking of buying me a house to live in while I stay here. That is if there are any houses here.”

“Yeah there are some houses for sale. There is one not that far from here a little over a mile away.” Emily answered and this sparked my interest.

“How much is it?”

“It’s 2,349 dollars. We can help you pay for it if you need some money Sammy.” Sam said.

“No, no that is fine I have over 10,000 dollars in my bank account. What time is it?”

“It’s a little after twelve. Why?” Emily answered coming out of the kitchen.

“I want to go see if I can buy the house. Where are the realtors? ” I said, not wanting to stay and crowd them you know what they say about twos company and threes a crowd.

“I will show you where. Emily will you stay here and if one of the guys comes say that I am showing my little sister around?” He said laughing at me when he said the word little again.

“Sure thing, I love you Sam. Bye Sammy.” Emily called as we were heading towards my car.


okay so here is a new fan fic that I want to do. Don't worry my faithful Fret Lovers(haha) that is Fred and Juliet lovers I will keep adding on the chapters. My goal for that book is to get them to the point where they fight Voldy and maybe.... past that? Who knows. Well anyways here is this book I written it before but I didn't bother to publish it on here. So I decided to try it. Let me know what you think about this book and if I should continue. So please, please, please leave a comment. oh and I think that the song sort of goes with this chapter. EDITED!!!!

MkAy ByE nOw!

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