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By bonnies__bitxh

138K 2.8K 590

Started: September 9th 2022 Finished: Morrigan Brooks had been called a witch many times in her life. Whether... More

authors note pls read !!


2.1K 42 11
By bonnies__bitxh

thank you guys so much for 20k it means so much❤️❤️❤️

Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1444

HE was close. I knew he was, Morrigan knew he was, but she seemed too calm about it.

As if she already knew what she was going to do.

We were currently in the north of Italy, and while it was nice here, the oncoming threat to Morrigan and her child put me and my siblings off any sort of carefree activity.

"What are you thinking about?" Rebekah comes up behind me, standing in the doorway, though when I turned, I could see she was talking to Morrigan.

"Life," the latter says, and even I knew that was simplifying it tenfold.

"I do that quite a bit," my sister admits, sitting on the cushion opposite Morrigan. "I watch you with Rosalie and I think of how different it would be if I never turned. If my mother never performed that spell." She says absentmindedly and Mor nods understandingly.

"It's a funny thing, our brains." She says softly, gazing sadly at her daughter's toy and my sister nods.

I hear loud but tiny footsteps running towards us and I turn, though out of the corner of my eyes I see Morrigan lowering into a crouching position. "Hey baby girl. Where have you wbeen?" She says, picking up Rose and Rebekah comes closer to stroke her untameable hair.
"Nik taught me to slip stones." She says and both Morrigan and I chuckle at the mispronunciation.

My younger brother comes over to me and whispers in my ear about unusual storm clouds and I nod, wondering what was so unusual about them?

"Do you mean skip stones?" Her mother asks but she was uninterested in her, struggling out of her arms.

She puts the child down and I walk closer to the group.

"Niklaus says he sees thunder clouds, we should probably head inside." I say, looking around for Rosalie but she was no where to be seen.

"Rose?" Mor says, also noticing the abscence of her daughter. She walks outside and goes around a pillar, but it's like Rosalie had completely vanished, as I couldn't find her either.

"We'll find her," Rebekah says from a few metres away before speeding off.

I walk around the garden, calling her name but I hear no response

It was several minutes before I found Rosalie, and by then she was sitting against a tree, awfully pale and coughing.

"Rose, what happened?" I ask but she just coughs again, her little heart thumping rapidly against her chest.

"Mama..." She says.

"Rebekah!" I shout at the top of my lungs and a mere second later, she was beside me, a worried expression covered her face.

"What happened?" She akss, gently picking the girl up.

"I don't know, but I need you to play nurse maid. I think somethings happened to Morrigan."

Her eyes go wide before she nods, speeding away with the toddler.

I hear a horrible wrenching sound before a thump on the ground and I sped in that direction, just to see Morrigan's father, a man I barely remember, his heart five metres away from his body, and Morrigan, another twenty metres away, lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

My stomach dropped as I ran over to the unconscious girl.

I could hear her heart, so she wasn't dead, but it was so soft and so quiet that I worried how long that would be for.

I picked her up, bridal style, and sped her back to the house, where everyone was.

Rebekah and Klaus crowded around Morrigan's bed, where a still pale Rosalie lay.

Her breathing was shallow, which matched Morrigan's, as did the complexion.

"What happened?" Rebekah asks hollowly.

"Her father." I say, gazing out the window at the garden. "I don't know what happened, but I just know he's dead."

"You killed him?" Niklaus asks and I shake my head.

"I assume she did," I say, nodding in Mor's direction. "He was dead when I got there. Plus, look at her hand."

"How can she do that?" Rebekah asks, seeing the blood that coated Mor's hand in a thin layer. "Magic?"

"Probably." I say, still in a worried tone.

Suddenly, Morrigan gasps and sits up abruptly, whipping her head around.

"Lie back down," Rebekah says and Mor looks like she was going through a play by play of what happened.

"No! Where's Rose?" She says, still whipping her head around frantically.

"She's just there," I say, coming forward to make her lie down. Rosalie was still sleeping.

She exhales in relief, pushing her hair out of her face.

"He's dead." Mor says with a relieved smile. "My father. I killed him." Before we could react, Mor suddenly bends over the side of the bed and wretches.

Throwing up black matter for a few seconds before all that came out was blood.

The first one to react was Niklaus who held her hair.

Probably the nicest thing I've seen him do ever.

I hear Rosalie groan and so does Mor, because she quickly wiped the bile from her mouth and presents a nurturing smile.

"Hello, love. How was your sleep?" She says, still looking sickly and pale, though I don't comment.

"Mama..." The girl starts before coughing.

Coughing blood.

"Rose! What did that man do?" Mor says on the verge of tears.

"He taught me magic." She says meekly. "He thinks I'm ready."

"What spell did he teach you, darling?" Mor says and Rosalie holds out her hands before her mother pushed them down. "Just say it, don't actually cast it."

"Moers veniet ante diese finem." Rosalie says and the small bit of remaining colour in Mor's face drained, leaving her white as a ghost.

"No." She says, jumping out of the bed and stumbling all around the room. "No, no, no." She was too weak to hold herself up for some reason, so she slumped against the wall and started muttering. "Revelare viribus postremo alica iacta est," she says and her breathing becomes heavier and heavier before it just stops.

And she collapses.

"Mor!" Rebekah speeds to her aid, placing Morrigan's head in her lap. "What did she do?"

"Mama..." Rosalie mutters. "Vivifica," but that doesn't do anything except for exert the toddler.

"Rose, you mother will be fine," Niklaus says as he picks up the girl. "Your mother will be alright." He said, now just trying to convince himself.

"Get her some water, Nik." Rebekah said, her voice wavering. "Mor too. She'll need some when she wakes up."

Niklaus leaves the room with the child in his arms and for some reason, I was still frozen.

Of course I've lost people, seeing as I'm nearing five hundred, but for some reason, it felt different with Morrigan.

She was my friend.

As much as I wanted it to one day be more, she was my closest friend.

"Elijah, what are you doing?" Rebekah asks, snapping me out of my daze. I blink and wordlessly go to find something that can help.

I can't lose her. Not her.

"Rebekah!" I hear Niklaus shout and along with Rebekah, I follow his bellowing voice.

We get to the living room, where they were, to see Rosalie sitting on a chair, her eyes slowly closing and a slow stream of blood coming out of her nose.

"What happened?" I ask but my brother just shrugs.

"She was happy until that happened. Now she's just tired."

"What on earth did that man do to them?" Rebekah asks, almost breathlessly, but Niklaus and I just shrug worriedly, nod knowing ourselves.

End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

I WOKE up to the sound of a beating heart and I smiled to myself, knowing who the owner of that heart was.

"Good morning," he says, his voice still deep and rough from sleep.

"Morning," I say, moving my head so I could look at him. I rest my chin on his chest and smile at the memory of last night.

"How was your sleep?" He asks, giving me a sleepy smile that literally made me melt.

"Amazing," I say with extra emphasis. "How was yours?"

"It was alright, I guess. You know, a quiet night." He says mischievously and I just lightly shove his chest, causing me to fall off and roll onto his arm. He then promptly uses that arm to roll me back up.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask and he smirks.

"Well, I was promised a date that I could plan." He says and I pretend like I was mentally checking my schedule.

"Hmm, I suppose I could fit you in. What time?" I say and he just gives me a hard stare.

"I think I deserve a few hours of your precious time after you stole my date."

"Oh, so you didn't like it." I say in a mock accusatory tone and he rolls his eyes while attempting to hide a smile.

"I think we both know that's not true."

"Hmm, anyway, I'm sure I could pencil you in anytime today," I say sweetly before leaning in to kiss him. I know we weren't official, which was my fault, but I think I could kiss him just once.

I also didn't see him complaining.

"Also, to answer your question from last night. Yes, I would love to." That brings a smile to his face and he pulls me down for another kiss, though not as soft but just as endearing as the last one.

"I've ordered some room service since it's about ten thirty." He says and I nod satisfied.

"You know me so well," I say with a happy face. "It's like we're connected."

His eyes flash but I don't think anything of it as we go into a comfortable silence, my head back on his chest while we wait for room service.

Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1444

MORRIGAN sat up, gasping for air but it seemed like she couldn't get one.

"Hey, hey, you're alright," I say as she clutches her chest.

"Where's Rosalie?" She says desperately. "Somethings happened. I need to- I need to fix it!"

"Rosalie's with Niklaus and Rebekah, don't worry."

"Elijah you don't understand," she says, her voice breaking. "This isn't some little sickness. He hexed us."

"Wha- Why would he do that?" I ask dumbly and she  rolls her eyes.

"Because he's a spiteful bastard. I need to-" She attempts to stand but falls as she puts any pressure on her feet, so I take her hands and haul her up before picking her up and speeding us to the living room where the trio were.

"Mor, are you-" Rebekah starts but Morrigan gets out of my grip and goes over to her daughter, who, while looking sickly and pale, was smiling and playing with my siblings.

"Quid asi facere maledictio exspectationasa," I could see that the spell was once again draining her, so I got her water, not that that did any good.

"Mor, stop that! You're going to kill yourself!" Rebekah said, though the witch wasn't listening.

She stood up and by some miracle, didn't fall down, but instead she went over to the opposite side of the room where her grimoire sat and she began furiously flicking through it.

"Doesn't matter," she says and all our eyes go wide.

"Don't say that!" Rebekah demands but Morrigan just laughs cynically.

"Rebekah, I'm dying already. The least I can do is save her life. My last act. Heroism and all that." She says absentmindedly as if she were talking about buying a loaf of bread.

"Your last act- No! We'll figure it out." My sister argues but Mor shakes her head.

"Doesn't matter." She mutters, now only to herself.

Rosalie makes her way over to her mother and seems to just sit with her. I'm not sure whether the toddler knew what was happening, but it seemed that it was a show of solidarity even though she was clueless. "It doesn't matter." She murmurs to herself.

End of Flashbacks

Morrigan Brooks

WHEN Elijah said I needed to be ready by six, he didn't factor in the possibility that we would have a really comfy bed and vampire stamina.

"Oh shit," I say, looking at the clock next to the bed. "This is your fault." I laugh as I try to get out of bed but he grips my arm, pulling me back in for a slow kiss.

"I just want you all to myself for a bit." He says in a throaty voice.

"You've had me for seven hours straight," I say lightly.

"Yes, I know. It was a great seven hours." I pull my arm away and look through my part of the closet.

"What's the vibe for tonight?" I ask, wondering what I should wear.

"You didn't tell me what we were doing yesterday." He protests.

"You don't have to tell me what we're doing. Just what I should wear."

"That white dress," he says, pointing at it and I raise a brow, but trust him in his choice.

"Alright." I say. "You should probably get ready too." I say, pointing at his linen clad body and he groans, rolling over so his face was in the pillows.

"Why don't we stay here tonight? Order room service-" He starts and I point an accusatory finger at him.

"And do what we've been doing all day?" I question. "You were the one who wanted to go out tonight."

He groans but doesn't contradict me and instead rolls out of bed to get dressed.

I must admit, I wished things went in slow motion as he did, as it was definitely a sight to see.

I put on the white dress he suggested and pull out two pairs of shoes.

"Which one?" I ask and he look between the two thoughtfully for a second before pointing at the shorter white pair.

"I hope you're not just trying to make me shorter." I say playfully but he just smiles.

"I don't think that's possible, darling."

I give him my best death glare before he leans down and kisses my temple, making my stormy expression clear into a content one.

I do my makeup while Elijah sits on the bed, reading something, though every now and again, he will look up at me, as if to check if I was alive or not.

Technically... I wasn't.

"Let's go," I say when I finish it and look at the clock that displayed 5.59. "And look at that. I'm early." I say cheerfully because it was usually the opposite.

"Look at that," he said, though I didn't miss the sarcasm. "Shall we?" He asks, holding out his arm which I promptly take.

"We shall," I say, following him as he takes me out into the Sicilian streets.

Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1444

MORRIGAN had been muttering ineligible words for five minutes now.

"What is she doing?" Rebekah whispers to me but I can only shrug.

"It can't be good. These words don't seem to be very happy words." I say and she gives me a look.

"Happy words?" She asks ands I roll my eyes.

"What do you want me to say? Anti-death words?" I mutter but she doesn't reply, instead, directing her attention back to the witch who had stopped muttering. Creepily slow, she opens her eyes with an even creepier expression.

"It's done." She says and stands up and leaves.

She just leaves as if she wasn't dying. As if it were a normal day.

"Mor- what? What did you do?" Rebekah demands, but as if she were in a trance, Mor walks over to the girl and hugs her tightly.

"Thank you for being my friends, Bekah. It means more than you knwo."

That sounds like a goodbye, I think worriedly.

"That sounds like a goodbye," Rebekah asks concerned, voicing my thoughts.

"Look after her. Please? Just until she finds a coven." Mor says and instead of arguing, she nods, tears threatening to spill over.

Mor then moves over to Niklaus and wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"You too, Nik. She loves you. And so do I, so you know. Don't kill too many people."

"No promises." He says and if I didn't know better, I could have sworn I saw his eyes water slightly too.

"Elijah." She says with a fond tone. "Remember when you hated me?"

"I never hated you." I say and she raises a brow. "I thought you were slightly irresponsible and a bad influence, but I didn't hate you."

"A bad influence?" She says in a mock outraged tone while looking at my siblings for back up but they both shrug and nod.

"Remember when you and Nik 'accidentally' blew up a tree?" Rebekah says and Mor winces, remembering that incident.

"No..." She attempts but giggles lightly, giving herself away. "We'll, either way, look how far we've come. You can tolerate my presence." She jokes but I just try not to drop down to my knees and convince her to prevent herself from dying.

"I will miss you," I say and she buries her face in my chest, wrapping her arms around me and I choose not to comment on the fact that my shirt was beginning to dampen.

"Rosie, come with mummy." She says, her voice breaking slightly as she holds out a hand which the toddler runs to take as if it was a race and the two witches leave the room, leaving the three of us feeling raw.

End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

ELIJAH lead me through the city while talking about lighthearted subjects like favourite books or childhood game.

"I used to make rings of daisies bloom. My... My dad and I would get the other kids from our coven to grow and we would put them all in a pile before jumping in it." I think over what I just said. "That sounds really confusing- It was our version of like an autumn leaf pile, except all year round."

"That's creative," he says in an impressed tone. "My siblings and I used to play fight with swords, though that got shut down quite quickly by my father."

I nod, stopping myself from saying soemthing like 'here's to shitty fathers' because that just opens a whole other rabbit hole that I didn't want to go down.

"Here we are," Elijah says a second later and I look up and properly take in my surroundings, to see we were at a dock.

Well, we were in front of a pretty nice and expensive looking boat that I assumed we were taking.

"You're really trying to outdo me, huh?" I say blissfully and he chuckles, though he doesn't contradict me.

He takes my hand and helps me onto the boat before following me.

"Are you really not going to tell me where we're going?" I press but he doesn't let up.

"You'll know soon enough." He says and I roll my eyes. Was I being this annoying with the locations of my date?

He makes his way up to the helm of the little boat and starts it.

We make our way off into the horizon, the sea seemed like it was ablaze, the vibrant colours painted the water beautifully.

"What gave you this idea?" I ask, but he just looks at me with side eye.

"You aren't getting anything out of me," he says arrogantly.

"You can't keep things from your girlfriend. It creates trust issues." For a second his face flashes with something that looked like fear, but then it fades and his eyes shine with something else.


"Well, what if I wanted to surprise my girlfriend?" He asks and I scoff jokingly. He pulls me into him and holds me by my waist.

"Are you sure you're not going to tell me?" I plead but he stands strong.


Elijah Mikaelson

REBEKAH was the first one to go to find her. When she didn't return after fifteen minutes, Niklaus and I decided to investigate, only to find Rebekah, silently watching from the door.

"What are you-" Niklaus starts but Rebekah shushes him with a wave of her hand.

"When the princess found herself in the Isles of the Lost, she couldn't remember who she was. Not literally, but she felt empty without the king. All she was, was a normal girl who fell in love with a king, and when she lost her king, all hope was lost. For hundreds of years, she wandered the isles, remembering who she once was. Who she wished she still was. When she with the king." Morrigan was saying. She coughed a bit, though she hid the blood that came from her mouth from her daughter and continued the story. "When all hope was thought lost, the king, by some miracle, found the princess in a far off land. When the princess saw the king, she instantly fell in love again. She looked into his green eyes. The same green as the fern trees in the forest. The king looked into the girls eyes, wondering when was the last time he was thsi happy to see someone."

"What colour were her eyes?" Rosalie asks and Morrigan thinks for a second.

"They were blue. Not like the sky, but more like... More like Nik's paint. A bit greyer than the sky." She explains. "They were fierce. Like a thunderstorm."

"What about her hair?" Rosalie asks, now less interested in the King and the girl rather than the girls looks."

"Dark. Like yours," she says. "And very long."

"Like Rebekah's?" Rosalie asks and Morrigan quietly chuckles.

"Yes, exactly like Rebekah's." She explains before continuing her story. "The king and the princess had been away from each other for so long but in the moment they looked at each other, it was like they were happy and in love an hour ago. They had their hurdles to jump over, but for love, it was possible. Anything was possible for them if it meant they got to be together."

"Mama?" Rosalie asks and Morrigan hums in acknowledgment. "Why did that man teach me magic? I thought you were going to."

I heard a wavering inhale before an answer came.

"That man... He was a very bad man. He was very angry at something I did and thought he could hurt me by hurting you."

"But he didn't hurt me." Rosalie says, clueless and Mor chuckles.

"Yes, that's because mummy is pretty cool."

I stifle a laugh and find it morbidly ironic that while she's dying because of a hex places on her by her own father, she can still joke about it.

"I'm going to get a drink. Would you like something?" Mor says and the three of us speed into the kitchen so we wouldn't get caught.

Or that was what we were doing in theory.

"Do you guys want to join story time too? Listening from the door doesn't immerse you in the whole experience." She says in a passive aggressive tone.

"What do you expect us to do, Mor? You're just letting yourself die. You're not even trying to survive."

"What do I expect?" She says in a harsh but quiet tone as if not to startle Rosalie. "I expect you to respect my choice," she says in a desperate tone. "In my twenty two years, I have never heard of anyone surviving this sort of hex, but I found a way around it for Rosalie. If she can survive, I'll die happily. Every single time." She says and walks out of the room, a stormy expression across her face, making the misery in the room heavier than ever.

End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

"HOW on earth did you plan this?" I ask. We got off the boat onto the island Salina.

"You know how you have your connections all over the place?" He asks, holding my hand in his. "I have my own connections too."

"Consider me impressed." I say, looking around. Sure I had been to Italy a bunch, but I never got to see many of the islands, Salina included in that list. "It's so pretty here."

"Why do you think I chose it?" He says and I laugh at the bluntness, though I was so glad he chose not to say something cheesy like 'just like you' or something.

Being on those dates were always a bit awkward and weird.

He leads us to a restaurant that overlooked the water, and we honestly did have the prime spot.

"You, Elijah Mikaelson are something else." I say after we order some wine.

"I could say the exact same thing about you, Morrigan Brooks." He says.

We somehow get on the subject of wardrobes and I joke about his suits.

"It's just rows apon rows of dark suits, isn't it?"

"There's the occasional pinstripe one," he says before smiling, thankfully indicating it was a joke.

Thank god. Elijah in a pinstripe suit. That was... horrifying.

"As you have probably gathered, I have a decently large wardrobe, and honestly half of its in like ten different countries."

"What if you really want to wear something out on the streets of Paris and it's all the way in London?"

"Sometimes I'll get express shipping, and by that I mean one of my friends or someone compelled will send it as fast as humanly possible, but there are also a few magical solutions I use at times."

He nods, smiling softly at me and my magic use.

"As you saw back in Mystic Falls when you climbed through my window, it's quite big."

"I never actually limbed through your window." He laughs. "Can you actually picture me doing that?"

I think for a second before answering. "Hmm, probably not. It would crease your pinstripe suits."

"Yes, that it would." He laughs. The waiter comes back and we order our food, which I was very excited for.

"What are your siblings doing right now? I swear there's been radio silence going on for a bit." I ask, for some reason thinking about Klaus and Rebekah.

"As far as I'm aware, they're still in Mystic Falls." He says, and I got the memo that not speaking for a while was normal.

"Dreadful little town, isn't it?" I say and he chuckles while nodding in agreement.

"I wonder if the founders named it that as a joke."

"Yeah, it's as if they wanted supernatural beings to come." I shake my head in astonishment that anyone would think it's a good idea to name a town that. "I knew the founders. They were very generic. Except for the fact that the Lockwood's were werewolves and the rest tried to kill me, Eliza, Katherine and all the other vampires in that town." I say. "Where were you in that time?"

"I was in New Orleans. Niklaus, Rebekah and I were living there together and we were practically running the city." He says, a fond bit sad look on his face. "At least until the opera house burned. We left then."

"That's so interesting. I've only been to New Orleans once. It was maybe a year after the opera house burned." I think for a bit. "Late 1920, early 1921."

"Just missed you," he says with a laugh, though it sounded a bit strained.

Our food quickly arrived which we promptly ate, seeing as it was michelin star level, though I didn't think this place was actually rated.

"This place is amazing," I say with a mouthful of pasta. "I can't believe your connections are better than mine."

"Your words," he jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Well, hit me up if you want to go on a pub crawl. Completely free of charge."

"Who'd you compel for that?" He laughs.

"Surprisingly a lot of the pubs and bars here are owned by werewolves and witches."

"That's interesting but not surprising," he says after thinking about it.

"Do you want dessert?" He says and I smile.

"Kill me if I ever say no to that question."

Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1444

BOTH witches had started to cough up more blood and even some of the dark matter from before.

They were both resting in bed while Rebekah (who jumped at the opportunity) tended to them.

"What did she do? Why is she so confident she found a way around it for Rosalie but not for her?" Niklaus asks and I shrug, looking in the direction of the room they were in.

"What is it mother always used to say? Nature must have balance?" He nods, not seeing my point. "She must have found an imbalance of some sort. A loophole."

"Elijah! Nik!" We hear Rebekah shout in a shrill voice and we both speed into the room.

Rosalie was pale but still breathing but Morrigan was coughing up more black matter.

"This is the most it's been." Rebekah says, pointing at the pool of it on the ground.

Morrigan's breathing was laboured and wheezy, so when she did take her last breath, it was all but obvious.

The silence in the room was heavy, a pool of tears that refused to fall sat in my eyes.

I looked to Rebekah who was holding her hand and she had silent tears falling down her face.

I had to do something to keep my mind occupied, so I moved to the other side of the bed to sit with Rosalie to give her any bit of comfort in her last seconds.

It wasn't long before the toddler was gone too.

Niklaus puts the back of his hand against Morrigan's forehead and clenches his jaw before picking her up bridal style.

"Nik!" Rebekah exclaims. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making sure the first thing Rosalie sees is not her mothers dead body." Niklaus says forcefully and Rebekah desperately wipes the tears away.

"Where are you going to put her?" She asks.

"I don't know, Rebekah. Probably in the wine cellar." He says, now just sounding tired.

She turns away, not wanting to see her dead friend and holds Rosalie's hand, her dress now stained with tears.

THREE hours later, Rosalie was still and white as a ghost.

Not to mention cold to the touch.

"How much longer do you think?" Rebekah asks and both Niklaus and so shrug.

"She's coming back from the dead, I doubt it will be instantaneous." Niklaus says snippily, though I don't react to it.

Morrigan had been my friend for... probably the longest out of my short list of friends.

Seven years. I knew in the grand scheme of things, seven years was nothing, but we were constantly moving around to evade Mikael, and it was a nice change of pace to have a constant in my life.

Rebekah suddenly stands up and starts pacing around the room.

"Why isn't she waking up?" She says, obviously agitated. "I'm going to get her ready for the funeral." She says as she walks out and it was just me and my brother left in the room.

"I know what she did to save Rose's life." Niklaus says and I look up at him curiously. "I don't know what it's called, but she basically bound their life forces together. Mor dies, giving Rose her life force, therefore, Rose lives."

"How did you find that out?" I ask, knowing Morrigan didn't tell him.

"She may have left her grimoire out on the page she was on and I may have looked through what it is." He says with a shrug. "I was curious."

"You were curious?" I say in an stunned tone. He doesn't answer so I just sigh. "Did it tell you the estimated time of when they would wake up?"

"No, I don't think people do this regularly." he snips.

I stand up and walk out of the room, not wanting to deal with him at this point and I walk towards the front door to go find someone to feed on when I hear a blood curling scream.

Speeding to the origin of it, I realise it was Rebekah who screamed.

"Rebekah?" I say, looking around whole gripping her shoulders. "What happened?"

She struggles out of my grip and goes over to Morrigan's body that was now... reanimated.

She was breathing.

"Wha- What's happening?" She says, her voice full of hysteria. "Why aren't I dead?"

End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

We strolled the beach, hand in hand, and since we had our own boat, we could leave at ant time.

"I still have no idea how on earth you put this together." I say, having the best time I've had in a while.

"And I will never tell." He says and I roll my eyes.

"What about in a year?" I say and he shakes his head. "Five years?"

"If, on this exact date in ten years, December second, two thousand and nineteen, you remember to ask me, I will tell you."

"I will set a magical reminder," I say with an air of satisfaction.

"Do you know how to do that?" He asks and I just look at him.

"No... but I'll figure it out." I say with a happy tone. "But you want to know what I did figure out?"

"What did you figure out?" He says with a lighthearted laugh.

"I figured out how to make sure no one goes into my house without me knowing."

"Did I prompt that?" He asks and I shrug nonchalantly.

"Partly. But mostly Damon. He keeps stealing my liquor." I chuckle. "My plan is to next time just give him a call and a bit of a scare."

"Quite cunning, love," he says and I smirk.

"You want to see?" I ask and he nods curiously. I lift my right hand to show him my new pandora charm bracelet. "This one," I say, toying with a charm that was shaped like a key. "Is for my house, like I told you. When I move, I just have to transfer the thingy."

"The thingy?" He says with a laugh.

"I don't have a name for it yet." I say, heat flooding my cheeks.

"And what about this one?" He says, pointing to the teddy bear with emerald eyes.

I swallow, remembering how I cut my early warning system into the size of two pinpricks so I could know when my father was coming subtly.

It was also a lot prettier.

"Early warning system. You know. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I say with a shrug. "The rest of them are just normal charms."

"They're quite subtle." He says and I smile not so humbly.

"We'll, I'm known for my subtlety." And suddenly, my key charm starts to heat. Not to the point of it burning, but enough to let me know. "Speaking of, would you excuse me for a second? I've got to scare someone. Most likely Damon."

I close my eyes and start to mutter the incantation to my spell. "Mutata in astrali ut pharus reahla vehas novas."

I open my eyes to be in my doorway, seeing Damon and a crowbar, prying my doorframe off of where it sat.

They couldn't see or hear me so there was no point in telling them to stop.

"Prohibere," I say as I come out of that trance and my expression was stormy.

"Was it him?" Elijah asks and I nod.

"Yep." I sigh. "Let's get back to the hotel and I'll give them a call later. Don't want to ruin this amazing night," I say with a newfound smile on my face.

"I totally agree," he says, pulling me further along the beach.

Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1444

She was hysterical. Her breathing was uneven and erratic. Tears were falling down her face and her eyes were becoming bloodshot.

"Why- Why didn't it work?" She shouted. "Why am I alive? Where's Rosalie? Where's my daughter?" She said, her voice shrill.

Rebekah and I shared a look while Niklaus ran into the room, obviously surprised to see Morrigan alive.

"Where is she? How am I alive?" She says, her voice and breathing now becoming uncontrollable.

"Morrigan, please. Please calm down and we'll figure it out." I say but she bats away my hand.

I look behind me for a little support but I see Rebekah standing there with her hand over her mouth and a horrified look on her face.

"What?" I ask and Morrigan looks up too and her breathing finally calms.

"No," she says, choking on her tears. "No. No this can't be happening."

"What?" I ask, still in the dark.

"Yesterday, she tripped down the stairs and cut her head," Rebekah starts and I hoped I was wrong with what I predicted. "And there was quite a bit of blood, so I fed her mine to heal her."

"There must be balance," Morrigan mutters, her voice breaking. "The spell didn't work."

Instead of reacting physically, Morrigan backs against the wall and slides down into a sitting position, her head in her hands while chanting the same one syllable word over and over.

"No, no, no." She cries. "My bab- my baby." She starts to hyperventilate and I wondered, while I knew it was inappropriate, whether or not she was going to feed.

In the back of my mind, I suspected not.

"Where is she?" Morrigan asks, her voice now cold and hollow. "I need to see her."

"Mor, I don't think that's a good-" Rebekah starts but the witch- or... former witch cuts her off.

"I need to see her," she demands and my sister nods, beckoning for her to follow.

We walk back upstairs and Niklaus was sitting with Rosalie's corpse when Morrigan sees her.

Choking a sob, she walks feverishly to the bed where Rosalie lay.

"My baby," she uttered, stroking the hair from her face as more and more tears leak from her eyes. "I need to- I need to leave." She says abruptly and leaves the room.

"Losing a child while in transition. That's horrible." Rebekah says and we all agree, feeling empty.

End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

We got back to the hotel at about three in the morning and Elijah was in the shower.

I promised to join him, though only as soon as I called the eldest Salvatore and asked him what reason he could possibly have to deface my house like that.

Picking up after the fourth ring, Damon's voice was the epitome of feigned innocence.

"Hey, Ror. What's up? Where are you?" He says and I chuckle.

"I'm great, Damon. Living life in Italy. I was just calling to see if you stopped by my place today. One of my alarms went off."

"Uh, yeah. I took some of your bourbon. All of mine isn't aged enough." He says with a light laugh. "I didn't hear any alarms. Are they connected to your phone?"

"No, they're magic." I say simply. "Well, even if I don't stay in Mystic Falls, I'll see you when I come to grab my stuff."

"Yeah, see you, Ror." He says before hanging up.

I go into the bathroom and take off my dress before slipping into the shower with Elijah.

"Do you know why Damon would want to pry my doorframe off with a crowbar?" I ask and Elijah shakes his head.

"He works in very strange ways. Do you want Rebekah or Niklaus to torture it out of him?" He jokes and I pretend to consider it.

"Maybe next time," I say, going up on my toil toes to lightly kiss him. "I had a very nice time tonight, and don't worry. Even if you're on the other side of the world or if I'm dead, I will ask you in ten years when and how you planned this."

He chuckles before pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I wouldn't expect anything less, love."

Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1444

I sat at in the living room, trying to rid my mind of this wretched day when Morrigan walks in, silent as ever and a blank look on her face, but that's not what really caught my attention.

The whole bottom half of her face was covered in blood.

"You fed?" I say, immediately getting up from my chair and leading her into the kitchen.

"I didn't mean to." She says sincerely. "I was planning to not, but when I went into the woods there was this man and he cut his hand and I... I just couldn't stop myself." I wet a rag and cleaned the blood from her face. "I just wanted to die with her." She says looking at me through her eyelashes, her eyes still bloodshot. "I can't live eternity without her." Her voice broke mid-sentence. "It hurts so much. It hurts, Elijah, and I have to live with this pain forever."

"Hey, hey, Mor. It won't hurt forever. I promise."

"How do you know?" He says and I brush a strand of hair from her face.

"You just have to find that thing that makes it stop hurting." I say. "It could be a person, a memory, a thing, a-" I try but she opens her eyes and looks at me like nothing ever happened.

"Thanks, 'Lijah. Always helping." She smiles and walks away with a newfound skip in her step which seriously concerned me.

"Mor- What? Are you alright?" I ask and she nods, smiling almost cynically.

"Yes, thanks. I think I was just overreacting." She says before walking away.

End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

"Do you know why I have ten missed calls from your brother?" I ask after we got out of the shower and he shrugs.

"Niklaus works in strange and mysterious ways. I say ignore him." I laugh, though press on Klaus' name and call him back.

"Morrigan, finally!" He says. "Where have you been?"

Boning your brother, I wanted to say, though I went for the more civil approach.

"I was out at dinner," I say.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Italy. Why?"

"I need you to do a spell." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I need a bit more information than that."

"To unlink me and my siblings."

"Can't you get one of the local witches to do it? I'm having such a nice time with your brother," I say sweetly and I could pretty much hear his eyes rolling.

"Is Elijah there?" Klaus asks and instead of answering, I pass the phone to Elijah.

"Speak to your brother, please."

Elijah takes the phone and talks to Klaus, though I didn't listen in. My only indication that he came to bed with me was the dip of the mattress and the hand on my hip, both of which I registered half asleep.

y'all this chapter is over 7000 words though on another note, i saw the arctic monkeys a few days ago and i can finally die

my life is complete bc alex turner 🫶🫶

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