Severus's Love, Harry's Prote...

By ChristinaPosey3

53.4K 1.4K 247

This is a story of one girl, Amy Links, and how her life, along with the life of Harry Potter and Severus Sna... More

Amy's Decision
Becoming Attached
New Friends
A Surprise for Amy
Changing Times
Saving Harry
Starting Life in 1990
Christmas 1990
Finishing The School Term
The Marauders and the Future
Severus and Moony
Christmas 1973
Times Get Harder
Summer Vacation
Malfoy and Wormtail
Hermione Granger and Narcissa Malfoy
The Stone
Prank of the Year
Joining the War
Tragedy Stirkes
Growing Up
Working Things Out
Back To Hogwarts
Going Out With a Bang Part 2
Amy Breaks
Getting It Out
The Marauders are Back
Another Year Gone
A New Plan
Saying Goodbye
Time With Moony
Cedric and the First Task
The Yull Ball Part 1
The Yull Ball Part 2
Severus and Amy
Moldy Voldy
Molly and Amy
The Marauders Tale
The Marauders Tale part 2
The Pink Toad
Amys Revenge
Getting Married
Christmas & Voldys First Move
The Ministry
The Full Moon
The Resurrection Stone
Bringing in Allies
Voldys Wrath
Playing with Werewolves
Amys Betrayal
It Begins Again
Broken part 2
Life Goes On
Wednesday Tea
That Meddling Old Fool
A Dangerous but Brilliant Idea
Introducing the Marauders
Untold Tales
More Untold Tales
Severus's Decision
Moving On
Finally at Peace


329 13 0
By ChristinaPosey3

After the wedding, I ended up joining Harrys little defense group. They were calling themselves Dumbledores Army, which I found funny seeing as that was something Fudge feared. Jessie, Sirius and I ended up helping Harry teach the students. I liked the way he started them all off on simple spells, making sure everyone in the class had mastered all the spells. Those that had trained with me were the most advanced in the room so far, so I had them learning more advanced spells while I helped those who hadn't trained with me catch up.

"Now I'm going to teach you a dark spell, be fair warned, this spell is dangerous and if I catch you using it outside of this upcoming war, I will kill you. Please don't take my death treats lightly. I can be quite the evil woman." I said, looking at the few who had never before had my training.

"Why would you teach us dark magic? Isn't that what we are fighting agaisnt." A snobby boy asked.

"Yes and no. All of Voldemorts little snake servents know this spell, it was after all, a deatheater that created it. I will be teaching you the spell itself, and how to reverse it. Jessie and Sirius will help me with this. You will be using the spell on all three of us, and Harry, Ron and Hermione will heal us. Be fair warned, if not healed in time, this spell can and will kill a person." I said. I waited until everyone nodded and Jessie and Sirius approached me.

"Amy, you ready?" Jessie asked.

"Of course I am. Let's play." I said with a smile and she used Severus's cutting curse on me, sending deep gashes all over my body. I was on the ground bleeding. I heard a few screams as Sirius healed me and I took a blood repliqish potion.

"That is awful! Why would someone use such a spell?" A girl I knew to be Cho Changs friend asked.

"You will be fighting people who want to kill you, this spell is perfect for them." Harry said as if this was ovious, which I thought it was.

"What if we do not want to kill." The girl asked.

"Then dont join the war. Susan, you've mastered this spell already, correct?" I asked looking at Susan Bones.

"Yes ma'am. I haven't mastered reversing it though." Susan informed me.

"Good, your classmates will use the spell on me Jessie and Sirius, you will focus on keeping me healed. Understand?" I asked and she paled a little but nodded.

That lesson actually turned out pretty well. It took Susan a little time to manage to heal me correctly, and it took the students even longer to get the spell right, but in the end, everyone knew how to perform the spell and Susan Bones knew how to heal someone from it.

Harry was still dreaming about the Department of Mysteries. No amount of Occlumency I had taught him seemed to be working. His connection with Voldemort worried me greatly, but I did not think we would be able to stop it, even with Occlumency. In November, the first Quidditch match of the season came up. It was a pretty good game, until the end. Harry, Fred and George had been banned from the game for attacking Draco, who had earned that attack. What pissed me off the most was Umbitch had Harrys Firebolt. The Firebolt Lily and James had helped get him. Angelina asked me to be a beater for the team, which I agreed to. It was taking a lot to keep Sirius from changing his form to that of a student and joining the team. Seeing as Umbitch thought she had Gryffindor down because she took three of our best players, I got myself and Ginny, who would be replacing Harry, a Firebolt. I also upgraded Ron to a Firebolt.

The end of term was approaching, and I was very happy for this. I was not sure how much more I could take of Umbitch. She was slowly taking over the school. Two days before Christmas break, I was awoken by Professor McGonagall.

"Amy, Remus, we need you quickly."

We both jumped up and followed her to Professor Dumbledores office. Harry and the Weasley children were all there and Harry was pale. I ran over to him and wrapped him in a hug. "What's happened?"

"Harry has seen Arthur Weasley get attacked by a snake." Dumbledore informed me.

"Right, have you managed to conform this attack?" I asked.

"We have and have help coming to him. Will you take over his post until morning?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course. Get the children to my house in America. I want Arthur transferred to the hospital on post. It won't do for our injured to be in England right now." I said. I kissed Harry on the cheek and Remus on the lips and transformed to my wolf form, and ran to apperation point. I went to the ministry and stayed in my wolf form guarding the door that lead to the Department of Mysteries.

The next day, I went to the Hospital Chris had once been in, and found my way to Arthur, who was not in the best of shape. I had our top healers on the case, this included Sherry. I then made my way home where everyone was still sleeping. I went to my room, where Remus was sleeping and passed out on my bed. Later that day, I woke to an argument going on outside my room.

"She needs to sleep!" Remus said.

"I need to talk to her!" Harry yelled.

"What until she wakes up. You know you can talk to me." Remus said calmly.

"I need her! She will understand better!" Harry screamed.

"How so?" Remus asked.

"You don't know what it's like to do something, realize you're doing it and can't stop it!" Harry yelled.

"Actually Harry, you'll find that I do, or did you forget I'm a werewolf?" Remus asked, hurt lacing his voice.

They were both quite for a moment when Harry whispered, "I'm sorry Uncle Remus."

I could tell he was crying, so I opened the door and pulled him to me. I took him to my room and sat beside him on the bed without a word. Remus went to walk away when Harry stopped him. "Don't go, please, come and listen."

Remus paused for a moment, then desided to join us on the bed. "I understand you're closer to Amy Harry. I don't have to be here if you don't want me here."

"I do want you here. I'm sorry, it's just so frustrating. I'm always so angry at everything. I've snapped at Ron and Hermione more times then I can count and I can't control the angry. Then, as if that's not bad enough, I attacked Mr. Weasley."

"How did you attack Mr. Weasley?" I asked.

"I was the snake." Harry sobbed.

"No Harry, Voldemort was the snake, you were seeing through his eyes. You did not attack Mr. Weasley." Remus said.

"The connection is getting stronger. Harry, the anger you are always feeling is how Voldy always feels. Is there ever a time when you do not feel angry?" I asked.

"When you are at the meetings talking to him. Only when he's around you does he not feel so angry." Harry informed me.

"What does he feel when he's around me?" I asked.

"Pride, fear, and a little happiness, not a lot. The pride and fear almost cover the happiness." Harry informed me. This made me laugh.

"I told you, he favors you." Remus said with his own chuckle.

"Aunt Amy, why does he have this effect on me?" Harry asked.

"I'm not ready to answer that question Harry." I said, all trace of amusement gone.

"Give him a hint." Remus said.

"No. Not yet. I'm not ready."

"Amy, I think he is." Remus said.

"I know he is, I'm not. No. Not yet."

"You can't keep putting it off."

"Don't you think he has enough on his plate right now with Umbitch and the D.A and these dreams." I stated.

"I don't like it any more then you do Amy, but we can't keep hiding it from him. You're no longer protecting him, you're protecting yourself." Remus said, his voice slightly raised.

"I can't Remus! I can't do it! I can't sit back and watch it happen all over again!" I yelled.

"Amy, just a hint. You're not telling him the whole truth, just giving him a bit of information. Let him be prepared for what he's up against."

"We could all just leave England now and forget Voldy and the war." I stated stubbornly.

"Aunt Amy! We can't do that! People will die." Harry said.

"I don't care about people Harry. I care about you, your friends and my friends. Screw the rest."

"Amy, you know we can't do that." Remus said.

"Why did I have to befriend Nobel parts." I growled, pulling a book out of my bag. I handed it to Harry. "This is a very dark book. Do not let anyone get their hands on this book Harry. Most of the magic in this book is long forgotten, however, Voldemort is using a spell that is in this book. It explains how he was able to come back after you defeated him as a baby. Read the book, when you figure out the magic involved, come to me so I can tell you the whole prophecy."

"I already know what the prophecy means." Harry said.

"No my child, you know what everyone thinks it means. Hate me if you want, for letting you believe it, but I am having trouble excepting the truth." I stated.

"Amy, you smell different, are you okay?" Remus asked.

"No clue, I've been feeling a little off these past two or three weeks. I'll ask Sherry to check me out later. Let's go eat breakfast." I said standing up and Remus and Harry laughed.

"Aunt Amy, you missed breakfast. It's almost dinner time." Harry said.

"Dinner? I slept all day?" I asked, my eyes wide in surpise.

"When was the last time you slept Amy. We all know you sleep differently then most." Remus said.

"I was asleep when Professor McGonagall came and got us. I called it a night early because I was tired, remember?" I stated, confused.

"We need to take you to Sherry. I think you may be sick." Remus said, worried.

"I don't feel sick, just a little off." I said and made my way downstairs to eat.

After we all ate, I played a few games of chess with Ron. After a few games, I went back to bed to sleep. The next morning, Sherry woke me up.

"Amy. Sorry to wake you up, but Remus sent me to check on you."

I looked up, still tired. "Why? I'm okay Sherry."

"He says you slept all day yesterday, then slept all night and you smell different. He said you have been feeling a little off lately."

I could tell Sherry was worried about me. "Sherry I'm fine. It's probably just so many years of me not sleeping well catching up with me."

Sherry shook her head. "Your excuse for smelling different to a werewolf. Jessie has noticed it as well."

"Remus and I bonded the day of our wedding. Remember, that's how you get married in the magical world. Of course we smell different." I said.

Sherry laughed, "Amy, let me check you over please."

"Oh alright, if it'll make you all happy. I'll prove to you I'm fine!" I grumbled and Sherry laughed again.

"Damn stubborn child. You know we just ca..." Sherry had been running her wand over me and stopped mid sentence.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried I might actually be sick.

"Amy, oh, Amy. Well, you're definitely fine, as you say. Better then fine really and this explains why you have felt off, why you're always so tired and why you smell different." Sherry said, amazement in her voice.

"Mind telling me what's going on?" I asked, a bit annoyed.

"Amy, you're two months pregnant." Sherry said and I the world around me went black.

I awoke to the sound of many people around me. I heard Remus ask Sherry what was wrong with me, and Sherry tell him it was for me to tell, not her. I opened my eyes to see Remus, Jessie, Sirius, Harry, Sherry and Chris around me.

I looked at Sherry, "Seriously?"

"Are you going to faint again if I say yes?" Sherry asked.

"No, think I'm good now." I said, still in shock.

"Seriously." Sherry said.

"Will someone tell me what's wrong with my wife!" Remus growled.

"Nothing is wrong with your wife. I told you, I'm fine!" I said, rolling my eyes, then looked at Sherry. "I don't believe you."

Sherry laughed, "Amy, I'm a professional Healer. You always say I'm the best Healer we have, why would my test be wrong?"

"You are the best Healer in the world, but this is me we are talking about. What the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked, more panicked then shocked now.

"I'd say the first thing you should do is tell Remus and Harry." Sherry said.

"Can I speak to Remus, Harry and Jessie alone please?" I asked and everyone else left the room.

"What's wrong Amy? Don't you dare say your fine." Remus said, clearly worried.

"I am fine, a bit shocked, a bit panicked, but fine. Jessie, remember when I was a kid and we use to talk about things we would do if we ever escaped Tim?" I asked.
"Yes." Jessie said.

"I've officially done everything I said I would never do. I said I would never get married, because...." I started and Jessie finished.

"Because we can't trust men. That was something we both agreed on." Jessie said, laughing at the fact we were both married.

I laughed, "That's right. It was going to be me and you together always. Just us. I also said I would never have children because...."

"All we knew was torture, how would that help with raising a child." Jessie said.

"We'd make horrible parents. We are trained killers, not care givers." I said with a weak laugh.

"But you're already a mother Amy. I happen to think you're doing a great job with Harry." Jessie said, confused.

"No I'm not Jessie. I'm training Harry to be a killer. Which is why we both agreed kids were not for us."

"Because you have to Amy. We've both came a long way from that time in the basement. We've both changed for the better. Sirius and I are talking about having kids ourselves."

"You wouldn't be training Harry if his life didn't depend on it Amy. What's brought all this out?" Remus asked.

"I happen to think you make a great mom, Aunt Amy, I'd be lost without you, or more likely dead." Harry said, clearly worried.

"I'm glad you both think that because Remus is going to be a father and Harry is going to be a big brother." I said and Remus fainted, Jessie jumped up and down in excitement and Harry laughed and hugged me. "Sherry, you can come back in now. Remus needs your help."

Sherry, Chris, Sirius, Molly, and Professor McGonagall walked in. Sherry was laughing. "So, he took the news the same way you did."

"Apparently so. That's why we are married, we think so much alike."

This caused Sherry to shake her head at me, "I'm sure that's the only reason."

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with my daughter?" Chris asked.

"Oh my god, I'm fine people! However, there's a tad bit more to me then there was before." I said.

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked, also worried.

"I mean there is a tiny little being growing inside me." I said and everyone looked at me in shock.

"That's they way you chose to word it?" Remus asked, finally alert and talking.

"Sounded good to me. I think I just killed everyone in here though. Man, Professor McGonagall is getting old, she's going to be a great grandmother."

"Mrs. Lupin! For your information I have already been a great grandmother, Harry."

"Oh man, just think, Harrys already 15, you'll be a great great grandmother before long." I teased making Harry turn red.

"That would make you a grandmother as well."

"Holy hell, I'm only 18, don't do that to me!" I said making Harry, Jessie, Remus and Professor McGonagall laugh.

"You're pregnant? With a mini Moony?" Sirius asked, snapping out of his shock.

"Yes Padfoot." I said laughing.

"I get to be the Godfather, right?" Sirius asked.

"No. You're Harrys Godfather. I want Severus to be the Godfather." I said and Remus chuckled.

"I already knew you would want that."

"So you're good with it?" I asked.

"Of course." He said, kissing me.

I jumped up, "Oh goody, I'm going to tell him the news now."

I got dressed and made my way to Hogwarts. I danced down the halls all the way to Severus's chambers. When I walked in, he looked up from his papers and smiled. "Amy, shall I fix us a drink, that look says you have something to tell me."

"Just water for me Severus. Yes, I need to tell you some amazing information."

Severus looked at me oddly, I had never turned down a drink. He shrugged and fixed him a glass of wine and me some water, then handed me a stack of papers to help him grade. I pushed the papers back. "Ill help you grade, but first we talk."

This caused Severus to get worried, normally we enjoyed a glass of wine together while grading papers when we talked. "Amy, is everything okay? Is Harry okay?"

"Harry is fine, and everything is wonderful. I've come to tell you good news and ask something of you." I said happily.

"Well, I sure could use some good news." Severus said, waiting.

"I'm pregnant." I said and waited for this to register with him. It took a moment, him looking at me in shock, then he smiled.

"Congratulations are in order then." Severus said.

"There's more." I said and he looked at me, "We want you to be the Godfather."

Severus's eyes widened in shock. I sat there, smiling at him, waiting on his answer. "Not Sirius?"

"No, you. You're my best friend, I can trust you, I love you and I know if anything ever happens to me or Remus, I can depend on you over everyone else, to take care of my child." I said.

Severus jumped up and hugged me. "I would be honored."

I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Severus."

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