The Crow

By phonywriter

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{Mature Content; viewer discretion is advised!} All characters that are not mine, rightfully belong to the au... More

{Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings}
Chapter 1. Red
Chapter 2. Games
Chapter 3. Best Friend
Chapter 4. Secrets
Chapter 5. Letters
Chapter 6. Legilimency
Chapter 7. Jealousy
Chapter 8. Cries
Chapter 9. Perfection
Chapter 10. A Broken Piano
Chapter 11. New Beginnings
Chapter 12. Answers
Chapter 13. Silence I
Chapter 14. Silence II
Chapter 15. Understanding Your Enemy
Chapter 16. Live to Love
Chapter 17. Repetition
Chapter 18. Last Forever
Chapter 19. Summer
Chapter 20. Undeniable
Chapter 21. Change
Chapter 22. Bird
Chapter 23. Party I
Chapter 24. Party II
Chapter 25. Distraught
Chapter 26. Amortenia
Chapter 27. Blinded
Chapter 28. Fiery
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Burning
Chapter 31. The Journal
Chapter 32. I'm Yours
Chapter 33. Second Love
Chapter 34. Party Crasher
Chapter 35. Deathly Burdens I
Chapter 36. Deathly Burdens II
Chapter 37. Drained
Specialty Chapter 1. Harry Potter
Specialty Chapter 2. Draco Malfoy
Chapter 38. To Stoke A Fire
Chapter 39. Compromise
Chapter 45. Forgotten

Chapter 40. Lost and Found

113 5 4
By phonywriter

Harry Potter

Malfoy was gone when I woke up the next morning. I wasn't angry, or upset. I felt a mutual understanding, a compromise. He had his own journey, but the same goal.

Somewhere in his cold heart was love and kindness. As much as it pained me to admit it, especially because hatred will always linger, the backpack of food, water, and a blanket left at my side proved it.

I didn't know where I was going. I had no sense of direction, and not a single clue where Hogwarts or Neveah resided. I had lost my mind at some point.

Trees blurred together and the sky clashed with the ground. It felt like I was running in circles. My body begged for me to stop, but my mind said to run.

I didn't feel the tears in my face until I fell to my knees, my hands falling against my face. I couldn't count the amount of times I wanted to give up, the amount of times I wanted to say 'screw it all,' and disappear.

If I could just see her... feel her. If I had some guarantee that she would come back, then maybe I could continue. Maybe I could be the hero everyone wants me to be.

The snow seeped through my jeans as I sat there, heart racing and eyes running. I hadn't cried since the day I watched her fall off that tower. Not at her funeral, and not a day after. I don't know why I did it now, but it ached for relief.

A thundered swarm of wings beat against the trees, startling me. Caws of birds spun around in circles high above. There were hundreds of them screaming, creeping closer and closer. Amongst all the black, was a red crow.

It stuck out like a flower in a dead field as it led its companions. Its color spread, and the noise grew louder. A tornado of crows was all I saw before it all faded into black.

I awoke in a room of black. There was no light, only darkness. I felt disoriented, but this was no dream.


The voice sent chills down my body. It ran cold, and I found it hard to breathe. The voice I hadn't heard in far too long.

"Neveah?" I spun around, but I found nothing.

"Yes, it's me, Harry." Her voice was an echo. Within it I heard her quiver. "It's really me."

My hand covered my mouth in awe, trying to catch my breath.

"Neveah! Where are you?" I was running now, no clue where. "Why can't I see you?"

"This is the best I can do right now, Harry. Please, breathe. Breathe for me, Harry."

"B-but how... how do I know this is real?" I had stopped running, but it became harder and harder to find air. "Neveah, I need to see you. I need to know this is real. Please."

"I wish I could... I shouldn't even be doing this at all." She paused for a moment. "Harry, you're making yourself sick. I can feel it."

"No. I'm okay. I'm okay, I just need to see you." I cried, "I've been looking for you, Nev... everywhere."

"I'm here, Harry. Only you could have found me. You knew I was alive, and now I'm here."

Despite being surrounded by darkness, I could've sworn I could feel her soft hands against my cheek.

"I was right? I'm not crazy?" Words caught in my throat.

"No, Harry. You're not crazy."

"I have so many questions, Nev."

"I know, my love. But now is not the time." Whether a figment of my imagination or not, she comforted me through her touch. Warm pushed the cold away. "There will be plenty of time to answer questions later, but now I need you to be strong."

"I can't..."

"Yes you can, Harry. I know you can. You are everything and more." She hummed, "you found me, now find yourself."

I felt her fade away, and panic settled once again.

"Please- please don't go! Not yet, please!" But she was gone. "I love you... I miss you Neveah."

By the time the words had left my lips, I was back in the frigid forest, cold and alone.

One spec of color remained... a crimson crow watching over me from a fallen tree. As it stood, it flew, perching not too far away. She was leading me home.


As I pushed through the doors of Hogwarts, eyes darted to me from all directions. I was tired, cold, and weak, yet I felt more alive than ever.

"Harry!" Hermione's voice echoed from down the hall as she ran towards me, Ron following behind her.

She threw her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I stood for a moment... and I hugged her tighter than ever. I only broke away to embrace Ron all the same.

My friends, my family. I was home, and I knew I had to protect it.

Three months later

I began gathering miscellaneous items I had forgotten to pack the night before. Ron scrambled to pack entirely as he didn't listen to me yesterday.

From my window I could see the students of Hogwarts gathering in the courtyard, waiting to return home. Christmas was around the corner, and it offered hope to many people of the wizard world.

Everything almost felt... normal. Except for one thing of course. I'd never tell Ron or Hermione of my encounter months ago, and I hardly believe it myself. That journey is over, and I have begun preparing for a new one.

I still thought of her, but not as much as I used to. I found it easier to try and forget, at least for the moment. It felt wrong at first, but now it feels like the only way. Sometimes, she feels like nothing more than a memory.

"Shit... I think I left some of my books in Neville's room." Ron stressed, "I'll be right back."

I watched as Ron flew the door open, sending a breeze through the room. Papers from a nearby dresser fell upon the floor.

As I gathered the papers into the pile, I found what I had nearly forgotten. The Marauders map.

Hermione had convinced me to tuck it away a few weeks ago. I had gone mad watching it hours on end, searching for something, anything.

Hesitantly, I contemplated.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I whispered.

Once again, there was nothing to be found. The school had hardly any occupants as the students already began leaving the castle. Just as I began folding it closed, something caught my eye...

Neveah Crow, and Draco Malfoy standing in an empty room.

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