The Originals: Forgotten

By Lilly-JoElliott

593K 12.9K 3.5K

"I'm Aria Mikaelson, pleasure to meet me I know." She smirked. "Cocky much?" He laughed, eyes shining with am... More

Arrival of the Original
Allies. Enemies. Cheese balls...
The Curse is broken
What a depressing sacrifice
The be or not to be different I choose...
This sexy Original has Changed
Why must you talk to me?
Torture, how fun.
Bickering about me? You shouldn't have.
Humananity switch, bitch.
Weirdness comes in twos.
Dream schemes
Break out
The Plan
Story telling and Papa Original
The day of tears, memories and taco's.
Betrayal and Homecoming deaths.
Its about time Elena dies, isn't it?
One on one time
Bitches be hatin' cause I am.
Coffins above all plus a mother...
I'm skilled in the art of dyeing
An Originals path of death
We're all linked somehow
Whats the best way to serve a slaughter eh?
I must say, heroic actions aren't my forte
Mortality issues, apparently.
I'd rather kill him mate.
Sired Sired you are Sired.
There is no sanity.
Burn. Baby... Burn.
Eenie Meenie Miney Hoe

Dead but by magic she comes back as a unicorn!

31.2K 646 147
By Lilly-JoElliott

Wowwwwww three chapters in one day! Feel special guys! you mean that much to me! its nearly midnight now, here in Australia!


now that's out of the way, enjoy!

(Updated 16/04/14)


Arianna's POV

Mystic Falls High school Halloween Party, what a mouth full, I still can't see why anyone would want to come here. I mean, before laptops and books, people actually had memories. I would ace history but the rest, it just seemed about as pointless as an unripe banana.

The only reason I was here now was because we were on the look out for any signs of Klaus, I was still the only one that knew about Nik actually being in Alaric's body. Earlier in the day, he had compelled some girl I don't remember the name of, to tell Elena to save a dance for her at the party tonight. Apparently this was the second time he had used this girl to say something to them.

If you hadn't caught on yet, Klaus' family nickname is Nik. Well, only Kol, Rebekah and myself really call him that, Elijah and Finn usually just say his full name, that being Niklaus. We don't really call him Klaus. Its just weird.

Damon was standing beside me, his eyes scanning the crowd. Its not as if he knows what Nik really looks like anyway. Caroline persuaded me to dress up for the event, so was I standing here in a Vampire costume, which consisted of a red corset covered with black lace, a matching puffed out red tutu, reaching to just above my knees and black pumps. My hair was wavy but otherwise untouched. I thought it was to over the top but Carolines grin said otherwise...

Damon's dressed as Damon. Go figure.

I look around the dance floor sipping the alcohol infested punch, although, I would have to drink a lot more then this to even feel the buzz, but unfortunately for me, Bonnie decided I was going to be in on her plan tonight. She told me she's was going to do a spell that makes her die and then come back to life, but she needed one person to take her away so no one like, buried her alive or something. The rest are oblivious to this though, make it realistic and all. No, it was totally not my idea to make it look like she died...

I looked up to the stage, because the music was interupted. A brunette smiled and started speaking into the mic. "Lets give it up for the band!" She grinned, clapping her hands. "Ok, this next song is dedicated to Elena, from Klaus."

I smirked at that, always the dramatic one out of the family.... Who am I kidding? I am. Well, what I can remember of it anyway. I glanced over to where I last saw Elena, my thoughts were right when she spun around, looking around her.

"Come on, we're going over to Stefan," Damon said, dragging me over to the pair. "We need a plan." He told them, looking to Stefan for ideas.

"We should just stick to pairs and keep an eye out. He's just trying to freak us out, Klaus is probably not even here." Stefan answered. Grabbing Elena's hand he said. "Come on, lets dance."

"Stefan I-" Elena stopped talking and laughed, dancing with Stefan.

"Bonnie, stick with Jeremy, I'll go and tell Caroline whats happening." Damon said, walking toward her. Bonnie nodded at me and grabbed Jeremy, dragging him onto the dance floor.

"I'll go hang with...Ric." I muttered. Side stepping couples that were dancing I stood beside Alaric. "That was very original of you back there." I said, pretending to look through the crowd.

"With the girl you mean."

"Yeah, your always one for the dramatics aren't you?" I mused.

"Is that so?" Alaric rolled his eyes, "and here I was, thinking you were the dramatic one of the family." He smirked.

"Got it from you brother, I got it from you."

"Probably." He shrugged.

"What are you planning Niklaus?" I asked, looking at him for the first time.

He glanced at me, smirking, "you'll see."

I shrugged, whatever he has planned, he'll probably want the Witch out the way, a.k.a Bonnie Bennett. From there, I'm guessing he'll get his Werewolf and Vampire, then finally taking his Doppelganger. That being said, I think he'll try and kill Bonnie. Tonight. Even with the massive hole of emptiness in my chest, I surprised myself by actually having an accurate guess on what he was going to do.

"Alaric, Aria." Damon said, walking over towards us. I half waved and Ric nodded.

"Have you seen anyone out of place here?" he asked.

"Besides me? No." I mused. Alaric rolled his eyes.

"Where did Elena and Bonnie go?" Stefan said walking over to us quickly. "They disappeared, one minute they're talking, the next, I can't see them anywhere!"

"I'll go outside and check. Stefan, Damon, go into the hallway, I saw Jeremy go there a minute ago." Ric told us. They nodded and hurried away.

I turned to him, "anything you want me to do, Alaric." I said mockingly.

"Nope. Just stay here and look out for Klaus," he winked, matching my tone. He turned around and disappeared outside.

Becoming bored, I went the way Stefan and Damon had gone a few minutes ago, hearing voices, I turn the corner and saw Stefan picking up weapons that were used against Vampires from off the ground. There were three boys laying unconscious on the floor as well.

"Stefan," I grinned, "I never thought you had a soft spot for males. I mean I'm completely fine with it but poor Elena!" I pretened to be shocked. He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes, "alright grumpy, what happened?"

"Klaus, happened." he sighed, picking up the last stake. "They were compelled to kill or badly injure, Jeremy. Damon just ran off to find Elena and Bonnie."

"Oh." I said, didn't expect it to be this soon.

"Stefan!" We turned around as we saw Elena running down the hallway towards us, I could hear her heart beating wildly.

"Were's Damon?" I frowned.

"With Bonnie, we have a problem." She said quickly.

"What happened?" Stefan asked, grabbing her shoulder.

"Klaus is in Alaric's body. He lured me and Bonnie out and tried to attack us. He's here for her Stefan, to kill her. Bonnie can't kill him, because he'll just possess another body next time. If she kills Klaus, she'll kill Ric as well." Elena said with a pained expression on her face. Poor human, the thought of someone constantly dieing around her is like rabbits not having carrots ever again. Heart breaking.

"Wow, didn't see that one coming." I said, playing along with the fact I didn't know my brother was in my friends body. What? My memory is hazy revolving my family, but what I do remember is that Nik is a pain in the ass if something doesn't go his way.

My ears picked up on Alaric's voice. When I heard Bonnie's as well I knew what was going to happen next. "Elena, Stefan. We need to go, now." I said, "Bonnie's facing Klaus." Oh, its so weird saying Klaus instead of Nik, but they would probably look at me weird if I said Nik so...

We all ran down the corridors at the painful pace of human running. What feels like years, we finally reached the cafeteria where my brother stood, facing Bonnie. We missed a lot of their conversation so it sounded a little vague, hearing the last part.

"Give it your best shot, Bonnie Bennett." He laughed, "I'll just jump into another bod-" Nik cut himself off in a cry out of pain, as Bonnie continued her magic, killing him. I knew she wasn't really going to but I had to make it look realistic, so, I did what anyone in my position would do.

I started acting.

Another cry in pain from Nik. Bonnie did what I had told her to do before we came here, with a flick of her wrist, she shut the doors, bounding it with magic only I could go through. It was to stop everyone else coming in and ineveitably ruining the plan. Plus, it would buy her time to say the spell that would kill her.

When I said acting, I meant it. I pretended to look distressed, watching Stefan, Damon and Elena banging on the door. I wasn't doing it because there wasn't enough room for another to push on it. Caroline ran up behind us.

"Find another way in." I yelled over the noise. Whilst Bonnie was doing her stuff, it was affecting everything around her, winds blew paper in all directions and the lights flickered before blowing up. It was very dramatic, the blood coming from her noise showed that.

"Move... Move." I growled, it was almost time so I pushed the human out of my way.

"What can you do Aria, it's blocked with magic, you cant get in." Damon said, agitated. Probably because Bonnie was their only weapon against Klaus and it looked as if she was about to die. Like planned.

"I'm special," I murmured and kicked open the door just as Bonnie fell to the floor. I moved as a blur and caught her before she hit the ground. I looked over to the others and sighed, they still couldn't cross the door line. I looked over to Alaric and saw him get up and disappear.

I lifted up Bonnie's limp body and brought her over to her friends, who were sobbing, calling her to wake up. "Bonnie?" Elena whimpered, "Bonnie! wake up - I... Wake up!" she cried shaking her arm.

"I'll take her," I murmured, they looked up from Bonnie and stared at me, "Don't argue," I said more angrily and disappeared toward where she said her house was. Bonnie had informed me that her grandmothers name was Sheila, and the only way to convince her was to mention one of their ancestors, preferably Emily.

I knocked on the door to see her Gran open, one look at her granddaughter and she started to cry, when she looked at me Sheila had a firey look in her eyes. Not a look you want to get from a Witch. I realised just how good I have it, being a thousand year old Original Vampire Witch. About the only good thing that came from mother was her gifts I suppose.

"What did you do," she yelled. All of a sudden I felt a tiny prick at the back of my head. I blinked a couple of times, surprised she'd try and give me an aneurysm... Stay calm, I thought, she's just angry and disorientated at the moment no need to rip her head off for it.

"I didn't do anything, she did a spell that'd make her die but she would come back to life within an hours time. Don't try your voo doo crap on me I'm old. I mean really old." I explained, "can I, you know, come in so I can put her on the couch?"

"Can I trust you?" She said warily, probably realising if I became a threat, she couldn't take me down.

"Yes, I give you my word, you ancestor Emily Bennett asked me to watch over her descendants, keep them safe, I'm trying to do that now so... Scouts honour." I said as calmly as I could, adding Emily's name like Bonnie suggested. Yes I know, lieing to Sheila isn't going to get her trust, but I don't need it, I just want to put Bonnie down and get on with life.

"Come in."


"Thank you Sheila," I smiled, walking inside. After showing me where the lounge room is I put Bonnie on the couch and grabbed a blanket that was sitting at her feet, gently laying it on her.

I then turned to her grandmother and said softly, "when Bonnie wakes up she'll feel cold, usually a hot coffee will do the trick and some small amount of food, nothing big for 3 hours, not until her body calms down and warms up, tell her whens she's ready ring me, don't let her out the house, it's important that Ni - Klaus does not know she's alive, or she will really die and this time, she won't be revived." I stumbled on Nik's name, I keep forgetting that no one besides those who really truly know him, know him by Nik instead of Klaus.


"Just let her explain I need to go, remember to tell her to ring me." I looked at the clock beside me, "she should be awake in about half an hour. Bye now." I grinned, shutting the door behind me.


About half an hour later, Bonnie had rang me and the both of us soon arrived at the Boarding house, where I assumed everyone that likes Bonnie would be. I opened the door and we walked toward the entrance, I could hear mostly everyone in the living room mourning, more importantly, crying. Ew... I motioned for Bonnie to stay at the door. I think she knew what I was about to do. I walked in making my presence known.

"Hey guys," I grinned, why not have some fun, its too depressing in here. Its like that time I tried to marry a Llama, aparently its not legal in Australia, which was where I was at the time.

"How can you smile at a time like this?" Caroline frowned.

"Yeah, Bonnie died," Elena said and sniffled, wiping her eyes.

"God, lack of faith in her much? Nah I can't blame you, she needed you not to know, to make it all believable I suppose," I said casually and grabbed a glass filled with alcohol. To all but myself and Bonnie, that would not have made the slightest sense.

"What are you talking about?" Caroline narrowed her eyes at me.

See what I mean?

Going back to my previous position, I lent on the wall of the entrance way. "There was a reason as to why I was the only one who could enter that cafeteria. Why I took her instead of any of you, who have known her years before I did. Come on, think." I said, sipping my drink. Yeah ok, maybe I have bad people skills, I get it from Nik I swear...

Jeremy seemed to be the first to realise, or the first to voice it. "You knew that this would happen!"

"Ah yep," I smirked.

Caroline growled and launched herself at me, she grabbed my throat and pinned me to the wall I was previously leaning on. I just looked at her and took another sip which was a little weird considering what was happening. Caroline knocked it out of my gasp with her other hand. I look at her a angrily, oh no she didn't.

"You selfish bitch," she hissed, her fangs enlongating.

I glared hard at her, but not in a way that I would be using compulsion. "If you don't remove your hand, your head will roll on this very floor Caroline." I warned.

When she didn't, I sighed irritably and shoved my hand into her chest, she gasped, the veins around her eyes disappearing. I swapped positions and took my hand out and walked to the over side of the entrance way, leaning on it. I looked at my bloodied hand with distaste.

"God Care whats wrong with you, its not like Bonnie's dead," I snarled angry that some child Vampire made me resort to shoving my hand in their chest.

"Yes she is," she stated, recovering from the wound.

"Nope." I said flatly. When is Bonnie going to walk in here?

"Yes she is!" She growled, "are you sick or something? Bonnie died and your insulting her!"

I sighed, "Bonnie come in here before Caroline dies," I called boredly. After a moment, Bonnie walked in and stood next to me, I threw my clean hand over her shoulder.

"Hey guys," she smiled, I grinned at their expressions, "we should leave, they obviously don't want us here," she whispered to me, I laughed at that, I knew she was only pulling their leg and it worked perfectly.

"No! We want you here," Elena said quickly, as she launched herself into a hug, I laughed again and quickly removed my hand.

I guess my secret agent mission is done for tonight.


I look around the room I was currently residing in. I knew I wasn't going to be here long, considering I was planning on moving somewhere else, that being the whole reason I never unpacked my things, but I had to admit, it was nice.

Dark wooden floors with matching furniture, the black bed cover and the lilac washed walls, it was an older style yes, but it fitted in with this house perfectly. The open bathroom was a little more up to date, with the glass walls encasing the shower, and the marble bench, but again, it seemed to work well.

It was nice, not preferably my immediate taste, but it would do until I found somewhere else.

After having a shower and washing my hair which now smelt of strawberries. I again, had to resist the urge to continuously sniff my hair as I got dressed into what I wear for bed, which consisted of and oversized jumper with leggings.

Because of my age, I didn't need an overly big amount of blood to survive, maybe a couple through a week. Instead of using my own stash, I drank one of Damons blood bags from the basement, the little thief steals them from the Hospital if I'm not mistaken.

I layed down on the bed, just looking out the open window to my right, I could hear Caroline walking toward my room so I wasn't the least bit surprise when she opened it and came in. I looked at her briefly before looking back at the window, next thing I know she was laying next to me, though, she looked up at the ceiling.

"I just want to apologise," Caroline said, glancing at me, "I should have known better then to think you were doing us over. So I'm sorry, my reaction was bad and I hope you don't hate me."

I rolled my eyes and looked at her, "yeah yeah, apology excepted Blondie, I was never angry at you. Now shooe, this Original needs her sleep. Your cramping my style." I mused.

She grinned at me and got up, "night Aria." She called before shutting the door.

"Oh thank heavens thats over," I groaned, "sleeping, here I come."



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