HEART OF GOLD. | vento aureo

By linhsdumb

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"I understand the motive, but why?" ᴠᴇɴᴛᴏ ᴀᴜʀᴇᴏ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ -- 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘... More

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- T H I R T Y -
- T H I R T Y O N E -
- T H I R T Y T W O -
- T H I R T Y T H R E E -
- T H I R T Y F O U R -
- T H I R T Y F I V E -
- T H I R T Y S I X -
- T H I R T Y S E V E N -
- V A L E N T I N E S O N E -
- V A L E N T I N E S T W O -

- T W E N T Y S I X -

901 55 21
By linhsdumb




sorry for being a bit late today lol. it's 10:30pm for me soo

I spent too long on drawing and playing games

anyway enjoy babes


"If I lose him now, it won't matter that I have Gold Experience! If he pursues me with that ability my life will be in constant danger from then on...!" Giorno gritted his teeth. He had to get to Bucciarati somehow! Breaking the window of the train Giorno jumped out, rolling on the ground before getting up and chasing after the older man. He needs to defeat him now, or he'll be killed...

Giorno couldn't let Bruno get to his fellow gang members. As he followed him up a long stairway, adrenaline coursed through his veins. He couldn't lose control like this, before his dream even started... He had to put a stop to this at this moment! Chasing him into an alleyway, the blonde seemed to corner the ebony-haired man before the latter fell into a group of four people, seeming to disappear.

"O-Ow!" A man fell forward, almost faceplanting into the ground.

"Watch where you're going!" Another screamed. Shit... he lost him. Giorno was panicking hard now, running out into the open as he tried to search for Bucciarati. Where did he go... wait, could he travel through people using his zipper ability? That could be the only option... It also would explain how he could put the fingers inside his mouth and the eyeball in his fist.

Like a costume, Bruno hid himself in one of those civilians. The four stopped bickering, deciding to leave it alone. "Better get my broom..." This was yet another dilemma - all four people were walking in different directions! The zipper seemed to disappear, leaving almost no way to tell who he hid inside.

A fly buzzed through the air and landed on a young teenager. He continuously swatted it away, yet no matter how much he tried it wouldn't seem to leave him alone. Finally fed up, he raised a hand to slap it. "What's with you, you stupid fly!?"

As his hand made contact with the bug, he chuckled, only for his body to seize up, his bones breaking. The teen fell to the ground, a zipper appearing on his back as Bucciarati flew out of his body. Yelling out in pain, he watched as the fly turned back into... a tooth?


[Later that day]

[Y/N] finally made it back to the hideout after a fun day with La Squadra. "Fucking stupid big ass heels.. shit, where did my wallet go?" Almost getting a hard attack, [Y/N] checked her skirt for any sign of her money before remembering that she put it in the inside of her jacket. "Dumbass jacket..." Stepping inside of the building once more, she kicked off her uncomfortably big shoes and slid off the ugly bright puffer coat. Deciding to change out of the bodysuit later, [Y/N] grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry and ran off to her room to snack on them. Opening her door, she was surprised to see Narancia sleeping against one of the walls to her room.

The ravenette snored softly, head leaned up against a giant bear squishmallow she bought while on a shopping spree. Deciding to let the poor dude sleep, she grabbed a blanket and draped it over his figure.

Grabbing the new manga she bought from the bookstore last week, she laid down on her bed and flipped through the pages. It was a romance manga about a girl who could see the future and a guy who could look into the past. Interesting concept, but [Y/N] only got it because the art style was cute. Around twenty minutes later she heard a knock on the door followed by Mista's voice.

"Come in..." She replied quietly, trying her best not to wake the sleeping dumbass five feet away from her.

"Hey-" He was quickly stopped by [Y/N] hurriedly shushing him and pointing to Narancia. The gunslinger noticed the boy sleeping and lowered his voice. "Hey, is Bucciarati back yet? I need to ask him something.

The front door opened before she could answer, and the two eighteen-year-olds followed toward the source of the noise. Bruno stood there with his hand over his mouth, some blood stained on his cheek.

"Bucciarati? What the fuck happened?" Mista questioned, heckling the already injured man. Pushing him aside quite roughly, [Y/N] rushed over to him, cupping his face in her hands as she examined him.

"You're bleeding. Let me take care of you, Bucciarati." Leading Bruno over to the main bathroom she wiped off all of the blood before using her stand to revert him back a few hours.

"[Y/N]." Bruno's serious tone didn't sit well with her, the [H/C] haired girl avoiding his gaze.

"Yes, Bucciarati?"

"How do you know Giorno? Were you involved with him?" He questioned. Slightly confused but having a small idea of what he might be talking about she wondered why he asked.

"Involved with what? He's just a friend, Bucciarati. I met him a while ago, and we messed with a pickpocketer and some random rich guy. Why do you ask?"

"It's nothing..." He chose not to dig in further. "...But he might be joining the gang."

"What?" Her stand ran out of energy. It seemed its capacity for healing living things was lower ever since it evolved. "Damn it. I'll have to bandage the rest of your injuries, but it got rid of any internal damage you might have. Can I see your arm?"

He slid off his coat slightly so she could disinfect and wrap up the wound, securing it tightly so it could heal without issue. His lace top was frayed a bit, perhaps from falling somewhere.

"I have one more question, [Y/N]." He zipped up his coat, brushing it off in an attempt to unwrinkle it.

"What is it?"

"Did you call me Bruno back there, on the train?" He wasn't necessarily mad at it, but it was just a weird thing for her to say, since she usually called him by his last name.

"Mm? Yeah, I just didn't know if you wanted him to know you as Bucciarati, since other gang members tend to call you that. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable."

Throwing away the bloody tissues and packing up all the medical supplies [Y/N] tapped her foot idly.

"No, no, it didn't. I was just curious." Now it was his turn to be nervous. Shuffling to the door he opened it slowly, but not before adding on to his previous statement. "You should call me Bruno more oftn... [Y/N]."

"I.." She was a bit stunned at his request. "I will, Bruno."


Walking back to her room she noticed that Narancia was still asleep. Continuing to read her manga she could hear him stir a bit before stretching. The teen opened his eyes groggily before realizing that he was still in [Y/N]'s room.

Jumping as he made eye contact with her he mumbled something she couldn't quite hear.

"How'd you sleep, Narancia?"

"H...Huh? I was in here to get scissors, I swear!" He quickly got back onto his feet before realizing what your question was. "I don't know why I went to sleep..."

Chuckling slightly she grabbed a box of chocolates that sat inside her drawer.

"Want one?"

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