Mend My Heart

By deetronite

314K 24.5K 2.4K

One mistake at work lands Maya Knight paying off a debt in the hands of a troubled, wealthy, and undeniably a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
New Book Alert.

Chapter 31

5.6K 500 62
By deetronite

Maya’s P.O.V

As I sat at the breakfast table with the Dukes, minus the father a.k.a bastard who stomped on my heart like it was a piece of cardboard, I felt like I was dying from the inside out. I kept on running my fork over the no doubt delectable food but I just couldn’t bring myself about to enjoying it, even though it was technically my last breakfast here at the ice castle. 

Ms. Duke and the twins were very much engaged in a seemingly interesting conversation about an outing they were planning to take and even tried to bring me on board but all I could do was smile weakly and nod half-heartedly. They had no idea about my departure later today, and I wanted to keep it up as long as possible. I don’t know how, but I’d grown attached to them and I was under the influence that they had to. 

“Is there something bothering you, dear?” Ms Duke inquired sagely, quirking her eyebrow at me as though daring me to lie to her.

I gulped down the lump that had formed in my throat at hummed in response. “Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess,” I lied pristinely but she only narrowed her eyes. I felt nervousness invade my senses. Please believe my lie. Please believe my lie!

She nodded. “If you say so child. It’s just that you’ve been awfully quiet and that is so unlike you. Ordinarily we can’t get you to shut up and during the past couple of days you’d become a little bit reserved. Was it because of Yolanda? As a matter of fact, where is she? I thought she’d be down for breakfast by now,” she trailed of with a frown and my heart tweaked.

I looked everywhere but at her. “She…umm, left the house last night,” I muttered, and those fine words elicited a high five from Brianna and Aiden.

“Yes! Witchlanda is gone!” they shrieked simultaneously in delight, earning a look of disapproval from their grandmother.

She returned her penetrative gaze towards me. “She left? What do you mean she left? What could have possibly caused that?” she exclaimed in undiluted concern and I mentally rolled my eyes.

It was the fact that she verbally and physically assaulted me last night, for starters. Plus, her presence in this house was very much unwelcome to begin with. Be happy that she didn’t leave the mansion in a coffin. However, instead of expressing my true sentiments, I just shrugged my shoulders innocently.

I diverted my attention to the twins. “Hey guys, do you want to go to the park? And maybe we can go for a swim in the pool?” I asked them and they both cheered gleefully. “Great, let’s go and get you guys ready.”

If these were my last few moments here, I would at least spend them in style and not pining or crying over something that should have never happened. And so, we left for the neighbourhood park on foot and we had a blast up until midday. We played tag, a bit of soccer and even incorporated other children to join us. By the time we got back, when were basically sore from all the falls and kicks we’d all taken. I had no idea tiny people could be both cute and deadly at the same time.

After lunch, we changed into swim gear and raced to the Olympic sized pool in the backyard. I was immensely grateful that it had been a hot summer day and no precipitation in London. We splashed about, competed in swimming laps across the pool in various strokes and had a breath holding contest. Much to my surprise, Brianna won. She is a rather gifted swimmer, for a four-year-old.

And so, by sunset we had long since returned indoors and I had begun to pack my belongings one by one after taking a shower. It was something that was very hard for me and I couldn’t help but cry as I did so. My heart was bleeding; completely wounded as I reflected on my earlier conversation with Theodore. Why had he done this to me…make me fall in love with him and then toss me aside like a used tissue. It wasn’t right. I’d never let anyone into my heart. In fact, I’d dated men who had much better characters than him and yet I’d still allowed him to get under my skin.

Once done, I looked around the room that had been mine for the last two months and quietly said my goodbyes before grabbing my suitcase and lugging it towards the foyer. I have always had a knack for bad timing, which explains why the twins and their grandmother had just descended the stairs when I entered.

“What’s with the suitcase?” Ms. Duke prodded, as she made the last step.

I sighed audibly. “I’m leaving tonight,” I whispered in a dull voice and everyone seemed to freeze at my words. Just then, the front door opened and Theodore walked up but I didn’t dare look in his direction. Tell me, was I supposed to take this like a man and face the music? Act as though I didn’t care about it all when this threatened my sanity?

Ms Duke marched up to him. “What is the meaning of this?” she all but barked darkly in his face, but he didn’t seem fazed by it at all.

Instead, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Maya’s going back to America, like we had agreed. This was all just a deal and now that it has expired, there is absolutely no reason-,”

“Oh, stop with that utter rubbish. You know very well that it started off like that but things changed over the course of the last eight weeks. She’s practically family now!” she countered in a voice supercharged with anger. For a nanosecond, I let myself be touched by her words but knowing how stubborn her son really is, they would have little to no effect. His mind was made and he would see that I returned home by tomorrow.

Aiden came and hugged my leg. “No daddy. Maya has to stay. S-she’s my friend and I don’t want her to go. She m-makes everything so much better,” he spoke in a trembling voice and just hearing it made my heart clench. At this rate, I’d be leaving this house with mere fragments of it.

“W-why daddy? First mum now Maya too?” Brianna questioned, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. 

Theodore remained quiet and shut his eyes tightly. “Don’t make this any harder for me than it already is,” he pleaded in a strained voice.

I crouched down and wound my arms around Aiden, who began to cry as soon as he was in my arms. And I couldn’t help but weep too. I really was going to miss this rude yet caring little man, and I would probably never forget him. Soon, Brianna rushed over and wrapped her arms around my back, as she sobbed gently. Of course, I was going to miss her too in spite of her rotten attitude and temper at first. I hugged her too and rubbed both their backs in the process.

“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m really going to miss you two,” I smiled even though there were two rivers meandering down my cheeks. “But I guess this was supposed to happen eventually. You’ll just fine without me,” I tried to console them but then only held onto me tighter.

Ms Duke tsked in disappointment. “Of all the decisions you’ve ever made, this is by far the worst. You know very well that she means a lot more to you than you want us all to believe but you’re too much of a coward to admit it. But no worries,” she said in a calm voice and came over to where the twins and I now stood. “You’ll be back before you know it. Come along kids, it’s supper time,” she grabbed their hands. She came over to me and cupped my cheek with her hand and smiled. And it wasn’t a sarcastic or bitter smile, but an actual smile. “Take care of yourself Maya. And I hope you can forgive my son for his short-sightedness,” and with that she walked away with the twins who still had streams of tears rolling down their cheeks. 

Theodore grabbed my suitcase and motioned for me to follow him. If it were up to me, I would have preferred to have gone to the airport with a taxi rather than sitting with him in one of his many fancy cars. The car ride was intense, and it was like we were both too scared to break the silence. I had so much to say to him, but I couldn’t bring myself about to doing it. Under normal circumstances I’d have aired my views, but like I said I wasn’t the woman I used to be before I met him.

When we got to Heathrow, we made a turn towards the secluded area where the private planes were. I thought he was just going to dump me there and have me fly commercial back to California. That would have been a much better option because going back in his jet would make me feel like he still cared for me…of which he didn’t. He parked the car and stepped out, and I did too. Wordlessly, he opened the trunk and got my suitcase out and began for what assumed was his plane. It was already dark out and I couldn’t quite remember what his jet looked like. 

“Are you really not going to say anything to me?” I dared to ask him but he kept walking, not even looking back at me.

He handed the luggage to one of the flight attendants, and he went up the airstair. I sighed and had some to terms with the fact that this was really happening and that he wasn’t going to say a word to me so I fastened my bag around my shoulder and began to walk towards the aircraft, only for him to grab me by the elbow and pull me flush against his chest. A second later, his lips unexpectedly captured mine, and like the fool I am I responded straightaway. I don’t know why, but it was the most powerful, passion-filled kiss we had ever shared. It felt like he was trying to memorise every inch of me. I didn’t want him to stop; I wanted him to take my breath away. 

He pulled away some time later. “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met,” he whispered against my lips, as his stormy eyes met mine. He brushed my hair out of my face and caressed my cheek. “Thank you for giving me a reason,” he then said and I frowned at this.

“What do you-,” but he shushed me with his finger before I could finish the sentence. He opened his suit jacket and pulled out a white envelope from it, which he placed in my hand.

I looked down at it in confusion. “Don’t open this until you get to Malibu,” he said and then stepped back from me. “Go on now. The pilot is waiting for you.” I nodded and then walked away from him, my steps feeling lighter due to that mind-blowing kiss we just shared. I bit my lip and finally began to ascend the stairs. I willed myself not to look back, but as I made it to the last stair, I did and found him still standing there with a small smile on his face. 

When I stepped over the threshold, the door began to slowly close and he slowly started to fade from my sight. A hostess directed me over to an empty seat, which I gladly threw myself on to. Just then, I remembered that I had forgotten to say goodbye to Ann and Matt…even Meredith. Knowing them, they’d probably yell bloody treason after finding out. Shit, that was very uncool and I felt like such a douche for not thinking this through. Hopefully they’ll forgive me someday?

Yeah, that’s probably not happening. And I probably should change numbers too because I wouldn’t want them to blast my cell. I was long overdue for another cell and sim card, so this was the perfect opportunity. After this trip, I want to totally forget about everything that had happened. Which is easier said than done. And how can I forget the people who made me feel so at home in a strange place?

Don’t get me wrong, ghosting everyone is a dick move but I really had no choice here. I needed to erase the Dukes from my live with immediate effect, otherwise I’d be miserable for the rest of my life. I’m in love with Theodore, and I really like his family…but I have to erase them from my memory. I spent nearly half of the journey reminiscing about all the little moments we’d shared, and about the soft mattress I’d just left behind. When I got back to Malibu, I had no idea where I’d begin. I had no home, no job and no hope. This would be a lot harder than I’d anticipated.

Groaning in frustration, I took a sip of the wine one of the attendants had given me, when my eyes landed on the white envelope Theodore had given me. I know he had told me to open it once I’d landed but I decided against and opened it anyway.

I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing.

A cheque for £200 000 was neatly tucked in it, and attached to it was a note that read: Thank you for your services. Thank you for your services? What the hell was he thinking? The whole reason why I’d even agreed to come here was so that I could pay off the debt since I couldn’t afford to do so financially. But what did he go on and do? He gives me a freaking cheque and defeats the whole purpose of this arrangement!

“Screw you Theodore Duke,” I grumbled in a vicious voice, crushing the empty envelope in my fisted hand. I totally wasted my time going to his house!

Now more than ever, I was determined to obliterate every trace of him from my mind, body and soul. 

Even if it’s the last thing I do.


And this concludes the story...

Of her trip to London of course.

How are you guys doing? How was your Christmas? Hopefully it was good? 🤗

Do you think Theo is making a mistake?

Will this the last time they see each other? 😅

What could possibly come next? 💀

Keep tuned to find out!

Vote, comment and share ⤵️⤵️⤵️

~Deetronite ❤️

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