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Started: September 9th 2022 Finished: Morrigan Brooks had been called a witch many times in her life. Whether... Еще

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!smut warning y'all!
it's badly written but it's there

Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1749

Christmas time was something I associated with the viking traditions I participated in as a child.

When Rebekah never let go of the bonfire tradition, I was more than happy to oblige, though for some reason, my little brother despised the custom, though that never wavered my sisters spirit.

The first time Morrigan engaged in the tradition, she became entranced with it. So much so that she and Rebekah join forces every year to make sure it happens.

"Elijah, surely you can put an end to this madness?" Klaus asks, storming into the foyer where I was standing, watching the two create the 'madness' in question.

"Unfortunately not, Niklaus." I say but he just rolls his eyes. I vaguely register Morrigan running past us, up the stairs.

"Of course not. Who am I talking to?" He mutters, mostly to himself before walking off, back up the stairs and into his bedroom, presumably to paint.

"Elijah?" Mor asks from the top of the stairs, catching my attention. "Can you come up here quickly?"

"For god's sake, you two!" Rebekah says in a joking tone, but egging him on, Morrigan just gives her a coy smile and winks at her.

"Don't be jealous," she quips as she grips my hand and pulls me into our room.

"What is it, darling?" I ask as she closes the door.

She ignores my question and opens a draw from the dresser and hovers her hands over the top of it.

"Revelare occulta," she says before pulling out a box, the size of her hand.

"What magical object do you have there?" I ask, going to take a closer look, but she pulls it away.

"It's not magical, it's just that I had to hide it with magic because you're nosy." I just raise a brow.

"What is the object you had to hide with magic?" I ask with a small laugh and she gives me a cunning smile.

"Take a look," she says, before presenting it to me with both hands. I take it from her and untie the ribbon. I look up at her to see her biting her lip apprehensively and toying with a strand of her now waist length hair.

I open the small box to see a pocket watch. It was beautiful, though I didn't know why she bought it for me, seeing as I already had multiple.

"It's beautiful, my love." I say, kissing her temple but she just huffs a sigh.

"Open it, silly." She says and I follow her instruction, albeit confused, though when I took a look inside, I smiled.

It was a painting of us, not doing anything in particular, but just us, smiling. Looking happy.

"I got your brother to do it. I also spelled it, so if you click here," she says, pushing a button that would usually not be there. When she did push it, a clock face appeared over the painting. "You can still tell the time."

"I love it, darling." I say, smiling at the gift then at her. I tilt her chin up and place a kiss on her lips. She smiles into my lips and kisses me again, and then again before She threads her arms over my shoulders and I hold her waist.

"I love you," she says, making my cold, dead heart swell.

"I love you too, baby. You have no idea how much I love you."

End of flashback

When Morrigan said she was an 'honorary local', I didn't take it seriously. I didn't doubt she had friends here, as she kept reiterating that she came here often, but as we wandered the streets together, hand in hand to my delight, we encountered ten people in the first five minutes who either said hello in passing or stopped to talk to her.

"Now do you believe me?" She asks after the eleventh waved at her and I dipped my head in defeat.

"Yes, love. I believe you." I say with a sigh of mock defeat. "So, will you ever give up where you're taking me?" I ask but she only provides a coy shrug, a light skip in her step.

"You'll know when we get there," she says, glee laced in her expression and tone of voice. "Remind me, when we have nothing to do, for me to show you my villa here. I've had it since... the seventies? The eighties? I'm not sure, that whole era kind of blends together."

I just nod in agreement as we walk. She points out various landmarks with little comments regarding them, though I wasn't really listening, rather than I was looking at her fondly. She physically looked the same, except for her hair which definitely suited her features, but she had grown.

My understanding was that she would do almost anything to get her memories up. I could see how that could be infuriating and isolating.

She scrunched her nose as a piece of her hair falls in her face before pushing it out of the way, tucking the strand behind her ear.

"I promise, we're almost there," she says, tugging on my hand to go down an alleyway we came across, and in the back of my mind, I wonder whether she was just taking me on a walking tour of the back alleys of Europe.

That thought was quickly diminished as we happened apon a literal hole in the wall restaurant. It was well lit with an array of garden lights strung up around the opening. Red awning was covering the kitchen, as well as a few of the tables that were set up.

An older Italian woman was happily chatting to a patron as we approached, and when she saw Morrigan, she did what most of the others did.

"Amore mio!" She says, extending her hands past the brick. She clasps Morrigan's cheek as if she were family. "Ogni anno diventi più giovane," the woman says and I try not ot laugh at the irony.
[Translation: My love!; You look younger than the last time I saw you]

"Gianna, questo è Elijah," Mor says, gesturing to me, and I give the elderly woman a polite smile.
[Translation: Gianna, this is Elijah]

"Che bello che hai con te. Non hai mai portato nessuno qui con te tranne Elizabeth." Gianna questions. "Dov'è lei?"
[Translation: How nice it is you have him with you. You've never brought anyone but Elizabeth; Where is she?]

"London," Morrigan simply says. "Possiamo avere qualcosa da portare via?"
[Translation: Can we have something to take away?]

"Sì, naturalmente," Gianna says.
[Translation: Yes, of course]

"What would you like?" Mor asks, turning to me. "I swear, they have the best stuff here." She claims and I give her a nonchalant shrug.

"Dealers choice," I say and she has a contemplative smile on her face before deciding.

"Anna, possiamo avere la pasta ai gamberi?" Mor asks, nicknaming the woman and I smile at her choice.
[Translation: Anna, can we have the shrimp pasta?]

"In arrivo." Gianna says, turning away from us, either to go cook or to inform someone else to cook.
[Translation: Coming up]

"Where did you find this place? It's incredible," I marvel, gazing at the restaurant once again.

"Only the locals know about it," she says smugly and I roll my eyes playfully.

We sit at one of the empty tables while we wait for our food.

"Gianna is a witch. Part of a pretty powerful coven that lives in the area. That's how I know this place." Morrigan explains and I nod, noticing and recognising a few herbs growing I knew because of Morrigan.

"You practice, almost every day, right?" I ask curiously and she nods. "How does it work? Your power? Does it grow with time?"

She shrugs but nods afterwards. "Yeah, it's... It's really complicated since I'm not supposed to, you know, actually be here, but yeah, it very slowly grows."

I nod and continue to make appropriate conversation, though my mind was elsewhere.

If we were to find the right spell or the right object, could she remotely break the carrier of her memories and get them back?

I wasn't about to ask her that, though, since i was having fun on this date and didn't want to spoil the mood by talking business.

Morrigan Brooks

Elijah was the full package. He was funny, obviously smart, and could make a conversation seem effortless.

I mean, this was a first date. Sure we were friendly before... well- we were close before. I think.

Another thing about Elijah is that he was quite hard to read, but if I was as good as I suspected, I think we were close.

Either way, this was the best first date I have ever had.

"Wait- how long?" I ask, spluttering a laugh.

"Thirty-six hours, it took. Niklaus is relentless, but that was brutal." He says, with mock solemnity. 

"So he compelled a circus troupe in Copenhagen to what... follow you around?" I say, trying and failing to stop laughing.

"Yes. They even watched me sleep. Or... try to at least." He chimed and I laugh, shovelling another bite of the pasta in my mouth.

We were sitting on the side of a fountain, our surroundings were mellow. There were people around, but no one either of us payed any notice to.

What would we do when something eventually came up and interrupted our bliss, because personally, I was quite happy with the way things were.

"Well, talking about April fools pranks, my worst one was in '68. It's no where as bad as compelling a circus troupe to follow me, but Damon put my
mattress, with me on it, in the middle of Sydney Harbour."

"As much as I hate to say it, that's impressive. That he didn't wake you up at least." Elijah says with hints of amusement in his voice.

"Yeah, he still won't tell me how he did it." I laugh.

Elijah and I had this perfect harmony that I couldn't explain. I had never had anything like this with anyone else and we weren't even together.

I couldn't describe the feeling, but it was almost like falling, except I knew it would be him to catch me, every time, no matter what.

It was... exhilarating.

"Do you want dessert?" I ask and he grins, making the takeaway dish compact and shoving it in a bin as we walked past.

"If it's anywhere as good as that pasta, then definitely yes," he says and I grin, holding out my hand for him to take and he does, allowing me to pull him in the direction of a small bar that served amazing sorbet.

"What would you like?" I ask and he raises a brow.

"Dealers choice." He says, repeating himself from before. I smirk a bit, but go inside and order the most basic ones. Lemon for me and raspberry for him.

I pay the sum and make my way back out to Elijah, passing it to him and he thanks me.

"Good taste," he says and I scoff.

"Please, as if anyone could dislike raspberry sorbet." I eat some of my sorbet before continuing. "So, two options." I say. "We could either go back to the hotel, watch Roman Holiday or whatever other movie. What do you like? Inception?" I ask, mostly sarcastically but he smirks.

"I have never watched Inception," he says and my face drops.

"Ok, we will have to fix that really soon, but your other option is to walk through the park."

"I don't see why we can't do both." He says and a smile creeps onto my face.

"I like your thinking, Mikaelson."

THATS how we ended up sitting on a park bench, looking out at a river, listening to the ducks and talking about nothing and everything.

"When I get my memories back, I'm going to be a pain in everyone's asses. Twenty four seven, all you'll hear is 'oh, when I was a hundred and thirty, such and such happened'. I'm going to be so insufferable."

"When?" Elijah says softly, and I beam, nodding.

"I have newfound confidence. A lot of it is thanks to your family. First you offer your help while you barely knew me, and then Klaus tries to help me with other witches." I say with a shrug. "Though- he did threaten to and almost kill me, but that's water under the bridge."

"That's very... forgiving of you?" He says it like a question, making me laugh.

"I'm a very forgiving person." I look at my watch and wonder how time flew by.

"Is it time to go back?" He asks and I nod, showing him my watch that displayed 3.27 am.

"Time flies when you're having fun," I say softly and he hums in agreement.

To my delight, he offers me his hand which I take and slide around my shoulders, subtly breathing in his musk.

We walk home in comfortable silence, just taking in the Sicilian landscape.

I was glad that this hotel didn't lock its doors at a certain time at night, since I had lived that and just had to go on a pub crawl until dawn because I wasn't bothered to pick the lock.

Could I have used magic? Maybe. Don't question my choices.

Or the fact I forgot about my magic.

"Morning," I say to the disinterested receptionist who, to her credit, tried to appear more alert than she was.

We made our way to the elevator, which took us up to our floor.

"I had an amazing night, Mor. I'm impressed, and as much as I don't want to admit it, whoever said you were an honorary local was right."

I pump both fists in the air while cheering a bit.

"I knew I would wear you down." I say in a song song voice as I take my heels off.

I needed to wear these all the bloody time, because even with them, Elijah was slightly taller than me, but without them, I had no chance whatsoever.

He walks over to me, as if to rub it in my face, but instead, he cups my cheek, his calloused hands feel like the softest thing to have ever touched my body, let alone my face.

"I..." I start, but trail off, not knowing what I was going to say.

"You look really beautiful." He murmured and my face flushed pink, which in my opinion is better than melting from the compliment.

"We'll, you know I would say the same thing about you, expect that I would just be copying you." I say, suddenly being reduced to a fifteen year old girl with her crush.

At least he thought it was funny, since he laughed. My eyes darted to his lips, that just looked way too inviting to be real and when I look up at him, I saw he was doing the same.

I go up on my tiptoes, giving him the option to close the kiss, which he does and his lips were just as I remembered, though just as, maybe more exciting than before.

I open my mouth invitingly and his tongue slipped into mine, intertwining with mine.

I walk backwards, pulling him by his jacket and he smiles against my lips, a baritone groan coming from his lips, vibrating against mine as I push his jacket off his shoulders.

I kick my heels out of my way so I don't trip on them and before I could say or do anything, Elijah grips my hips, speeding us so he was sitting on the edge of the bed and I was straddling his lap, his lips never once leaving mine.

"I cannot stop thinking about you," Elijah mutters against my lips and I grin, happy that I had that effect on the original.

"Just kiss me, please ," I reply, threading my fingers through his hair and he chuckles.

"So polite," he murmurs, his voice almost... hoarse. His hands were still ironclad on my hips but I remove mine from his shoulders and start to unbutton his shirt. "And eager apparently."

"I'm sorry, would you like to do it yourself?" I question, though my voice was soft and he just chuckles.

"I never said that."

When his shirt was off, I tried not to bask in the glory that was shirtless Elijah Mikaelson because he started to work on my clothes.

I was wearing a simple black set. A skirt with a matching low cut crop top and he started with my skirt as I went for his belt.

The whole undressing process was a bit of a blur, but I knew his lips rarely left my skin, whether that skin was my lips or my neck or the upper part of my chest, they rarely left it.

I was on my back, Elijah hovering above me, looking me up and down like I was his prize.

"Beautiful," he hums before once again latching his lips onto mine.

I cup both sides of his face, forcing the kiss to be harder, and it was until he pulls away to kiss his way down my body, paying special attention to my nipples before getting all the way down.

He looks up at me under hooded eyes that were glazed over with desire before latching his lips around my clit, his tongue inside me, making me moan, though I tried to be quiet.

"Speak up, love. You can be as loud as you want. These are thick walls." He says, the vibrations from his voice going straight to my core. "You're dripping."

His middle finger made its way inside me, making me whine at the newfound contact as I could feel my orgasm building.

"You coming, darling?" Elijah asked. Well, it was disguised as a question, though I could tell it was a statement.

I nodded, the anticipation was almost too much to bear, but within seconds, my orgasm came crashing through me, making me see stars.

Elijah came back up to where I was and kissed my face, and while I attempted to return the favour, he held me back.

"Please, baby, just want to be inside you," he rasps and as unconvinced as I was, I couldn't argue with a this man when he looked this good.

"No complaints here," I say, my voice also coming out as wheezy.

His tip was at my entrance and I crunch up slightly to kiss him as he slides into he, making me moan at the sheer size of him.

"Oh my god, Elijah," I say breathily and he smirks against my lips as he starts to move.

Hitting every spot over and over, it was pure heaven.

I could feel him start to twitch inside me, and my own orgasm was building for the second time that night.

We both came and he pulled out of me, almost as if he didn't want to, and rolled off me.

"Oh my god, yeah, you're not going anywhere." I giggle, and he just puts an arm around my shoulders and pulls me against him, my head on his chest, both of us just drifting off to sleep, but before we do, I remembered something.

"Not to be bold or anything," I start but he chuckles.

"That could never happen." He says but I choose to ignore it.

"Are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend or are we just going to keep going overseas together with blurred lines?" I could feel the smile forming.

"Morrigan Brooks, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" He says, slightly sarcastically, but I could tell there was sincerity in his voice.

"Hmm, I'm going to have to sleep on it," I say, and promptly lie back down on his chest, falling into the warm embrace of sleep.

y'all i'm so sorry this ch took so long, idk why i just couldn't finish it

also this is the first smut i've ever written, so i'm just gonna live laugh love and hopefully forget about digital footprints xx

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