[TAENYFic] Accidental Love (c...

By moonlight_kim

310K 7.5K 1.9K

Description Dr Hwang met the bike racer Kim Taeyeon. Love start from an accident? Will it be good start? Will... More

1> 1st Encounter
2> Whose fault?
3> First Day
4> 2nd Encounter
5> Lie
6> The Final Race
8> Teaser
9> Revelation
10> Wait for me
11> Lost
12> Friends
13> Goodbye
14> Girlfriend
15> Love
16> Trouble
17> Jealous
18> Just Another Normal Days
19> Someone
20> Bad Day
21> Save Me
22> Oppa
23> Revelation (END)
24> Emergency Love(Sequel)Accidental Love
25> We meet again
26> Jessica
27> Lips
28> Friends
29> You saved me
30> Even just one day
31> Lets just forget all this
32> I still love you
33> The carnival
34> Crash
35> Chance (END)

7> Alive

9K 264 77
By moonlight_kim



"How is she?"

"She is doing great. Her vital signs are stable."

"Ok, continue the antibiotic and extubate her."


It has been 5 days since the operation and Taeyon was admited to the ICU. She showed good sign of recovering.

"How is she doctor?" Yuri asked as she waitied patiently with rest of her friends. They were not allowed to see her in the ICU, so just waited patiently outside the ward.

"She is stable now. We will extubate her today and see how it goes. Once she is strong enough we will transfer her to the normal ward."

"Thank you doctor."

"You are welcome."

Since the incident, Yuri never stopped visiting her bestfriend everyday. She knew this will happen one day since what Taeyeon had been doing was too risky. If only she stopped Taeyeon from racing, this won't happen. Yoona was always by her side, never stop telling her that everything's will be alright. She well understood that Yuri treated Taeyeon like her sister. She also had think of Taeyeon as her own family as well. It was difficult to see the one you love was lying on the hospital bed, with all those wires and tube attached.

Sunny on the other hand has been busying herself. Since the accident, she asked an investigator to help her track down about what had happen that night. She was sure it was not an accident and that Junsu had something to do with this. Unfortunately she had no prove to bring this to the police. She wanted to revenge for her bestfriend and bring him to the court. She cannot just sit back while her friend was fighting for life in the hospital. She will find who is this Xiah Junsu no matter what it takes.


"Hey Taeyeon!!!!"

"Yuri'~, Yoona!!" Taeyeon called happily. Her voice was a little bit raspy. After 1 week in ICU she was transferred to a room in orthopedic ward and now she was able to accept visitors.

Taeyeon was doing great in recovering. The bruises on her body has healed. Her surgical scar was healing well too. She had a cast on her right forearm and a few metal rods sticking out from her left leg. There was iv drips connected to her hand as well. At the beginning, when she first regain conscious, she felt terribly bad because of the pain. But after she was explained by the doctor about how her condition previously, how badly her injury was, she felt grateful to still be alive and able to breathe again. Doctor told her, she was lucky to arrive at the hospital earlier or she would have been died due to massive bleeding.

Taeyeon looked at her friend's face who was looking back at her. They were smiling except one person who appeared to just finish crying and trying her best to form a smile.

"Yuri-ah..." she called softly and opened her one arm. "Don't you want to give me your hug?"

Yuri was unable to held her tears anymore and ran to hug Taeyeonm letting her tears out.

"There, there, stop crying. I'm fine now. Don't worry... I'm not that fragile." Taeyeon patted her back soothing the crying girl on her shoulder.

"I'm not crying~~" said Yuri between her sobs.

Yoona rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right. You have been crying from the first day for goodness sake. I wonder how you can still produce tears now."

"Hey, this is tears of joys. It's different!"

Taeyeon felt guilty. Her friends must have been so worried of her. She should have listen to her friend who was now were like a family to her. She never told them but she really love them so much.

"I'm sorry... for making you guys worry..."

"This this is not the first time anyway. We believe you can survive. We know you are strong Taeng." Sunny stated.

"Thank you for putting up with me."

"Ok, enough with all the gloomy atmosphere. Who is hungry? I brought a lot of food!" Hyoyeon lifted up two bag plastic with food from her restaurant. Taeyeon's recovering should be welcome with little celebration.

"Did someone say food??" Suddenly a staff nurse barged in.

All of them laughed looking at Sooyoung who never missed when someone said the word 'food'.

"Yes, Soo. I brought a lot of food. Come join us!"

"Of course! I'll text Doc Seo to come as well!"

Seohyun was walking with Tiffany beside her."Taeyeon-unnie was transferred to normal ward today."

"I know. It's good that she healed so fast." Tiffany commented while drinking her coffee.

"Yup. Latest x-rays showed her fractures is healing well. Orthopedics commented she might be able to recover faster than expected."

"She was really lucky. To be honest, when I saw her that night, I thought she won't make it."

"Yeah, but you saved her, unnie."

"Nah, I'm not. It's her own strength wanting to be alive."

"But still, you were part of the process. I still couldn't believe how you two had first met. It was funny when I think it back. Er... do you like her unnie?"

"What???" Tiffany turned to look at the other doctor with wide eyes.

"Don't think I didn't know you visited her in ICU," claimed Seohyun. During 1 week Taeyeon in ICU, Tiffany who was one of the doctor in charge had filled in Yuri and her friends about Taeyeon's condition.

"She was my patient, of course I need to update about her condition."

"Yes, but you visited her quite frequently I heard." Seohyun chuckled looking at Tiffany's face who looked surprised. "But, alright, if that's what you said."

Seohyun stopped walking and now standing in front of Taeyeon's room. "Em, do you wanna come and see her, unnie? Hyo unnie said they are having little celebration. They invited you to come."

'Room 309'. Tiffany didn't notice she had walked with Seohyun from the emergency to here.

"Ah, I still have works to do. And I have no longer in charge of her anyway."

"Unnie, you can still visit her. You are also our friend now."

"Yeah, thank you for the invite, but not today. Works you know. I go first. Enjoy."

Hyoyeon served variety of food on the table one by one. "I brought your favorite food. You must eat all these. You had lost weight."

Taeyeon looked so please of what she seen, "Oh, chicken!! And Ice creaaamm~~~ Thanks Hyo."

"You are welcome. You need all the food to heal faster."

While everyone was busy digging in, Taeyeon heard a voice outside of her room.

"Unnie, you can still visit her. You are also our friend now."

"Yeah, thank you for the invite, but not today. Works you know. I go first. Enjoy."

She cocked her eyebrows at the familiar voice. She was wondering who it was. She waited patiently for the door to open to see who was coming in but frowned when she saw it was only Seohyun.

'That's not Seohyun's voice,' she thought.

"What's with that frown unnie? You don't like to see me?" Seohyun asked pouted.

"Ah, no Seohyun-ah. It just that there is something on my mind."

Taeyeon words made all eyes on her now. They all looked at her worriedly.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Seohyun as she took a clipboard on the table at the end of the bed.

"Nothing. I'm just... not sure what to eat. There are to many to choose," Taeyeon lied.

Yuri smiled, "Oh. Let me feed you with this delicious spaghetti. Say ahhhh..."


Rays of sunlight from the window blind directly shone on her face. Taeyeon opened her eyes slowly. At the beginning, everything around her was so blurry. The first thing she saw was a figure of beautiful lady with white coat looking at her worriedly.

"Oh... an angel? Where... am I? Is this... heaven?" she quietly muttered.

An adorable blush was forming on the doctor's cheeks, "Don't say something ridiculous. You are in the hospital," said the woman coldly.

Taeyeon gradually regained her focus. And now she clearly saw the person standing before her was no other than Tiffany Hwang.

"Huh?? It's you!!?" Taeyeon asked confused.

"Yes, it's me. Don't move too much. You haven't fully recovered yet." Tiffany was checking Taeyeon's pulses while watching the monitor on the bedside table. Then she jotted down something on a clipboard. Taeyeon just looking at what she was doing.

"Staff nurse, can you prepare me the drug, please." Tiffany ordered. The nurse handed the doctor the prepared drug in the syringe.

Tiffany then took the syringe with the needle sheath and check for the air bubbles as usual. And of course Taeyeon was really aware of what was going to happen after that.

"Waitt! What- what is that f-for?" asked Taeyeon nervously.

"It's you medication of course." Tiffany took an alcohol swab, gently cleaned Taeyeon's left shoulder.

"Oh! Please no!" Taeyeon pleaded.

"It's ok. It won't hurt," Tiffany was ready to inject the drug. She was holding Taeyeon who was struggling on the bed. But even with all her might, Taeyeon couldn't move her body and she could do was only scream at the top of her lungs. Most probably the whole building heard her shouts.


Tiffany wanted to inject the drug but then she stopped, "Oh my..." she chuckled when Taeyeon had already passed out even before she inject the needle.

"You shouldn't do that unnie." Seohyun entered the room.

"I just want to find out about what you told me before. It's true that she is really afraid of needle," she chuckled again, somewhat find it's really funny but cute knowing one of the girl's weakness.

"You know, she will be mad when she find out later."

"I don't care. She owe me anyway."

"Owe you what?"

"Oh... something." Tiffany only smile. "By the way, I never seen her family? Have you contacted them?"

"Em... actually... I don't know about her family. Even Yuri unnie didn't know about it. Taeyeon-unnie never told anything about them. She always looks sad when we asked about it. Maybe they had passes away. So, we didn't want to make her uncomfortable and just let her told us when she is ready."



"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Taeyeon suddenly woke up and yelled.

"What's wrong Tae?" asked Sunny as she hurriedly came to Taeyeon.

"Sunny! You gotta help me! She wants to kill me! She will skin me alive. I need to run away now!" Taeyeon's shaking Sunny's armd repeatedly.

"Taeyeon, calm the fuck down. What are you talking about? You can't even walk. How can you run?"

"Then kill me! Bury me somewhere. Fast. She will be here soon!"

"Who is this 'she'?"

"The woman that I had accident with before!"


"Yes, it's her. She must have known about everything, about my lies. I'm dead Sunny, I'm dead. I lied to her. She will kill me!" Taeyeon exclaimed panicky.

"Taeng, I'm about to think that you are really Yuri's long lost sister. Stop being a drama queen will you. She won't do something like that."

"Oh, she will you didn't know her!"

Suddenly the door opened. Taeyeon gasped when Tiffany entered. "She's here!!!!"

"Yes, I'm here." Tiffany smiled looking at the two danshin in the room.

"Oh, Tiffany-ssi, come in. I was about to leave anyway."

"Sunny don't leave... She will kill me. I believe she has scap- scal-"

"You mean this?" Tiffany took out a scalpel from her pocket. Taeyeon's eyes widened.

"See! She wanted to kill me! Don't leave!!!!!"

"Well, I never skin people alive, I mean when they are conscious." said Tiffany who was still smilling as if nothing happen.

Sunny only laughed, "You should learn about sense of humor Taeng. I will come again later. Take care." Sunny bowed to Tiffany before leaving the room.

Taeyeon only looked at Tiffany who looked back at her with a grin. "Don't come near me!"

Tiffany didn't listen and sit on Sunny's chair previously.

"What do you want???" asked Taeyeon.

"I just came to see you."

"To see me? For what? You are not my doctor," Taeyeon sad coldly.

"Yes, I'm not your doctor. But I know your secret. You afraid of needle right?"

Taeyeon snapped her head to the doctor, looking at her with horror. "No I'm not!"

"Yeah, like Sooyoung don't like food. You should see the way you passed out this morning. It is so funny," Tiffany giggled.

"You tricked me??? How dare you? Are you even a doctor? You know what? I will sue you for trying to hurt me! So, they will take back your license. You shouldn't treat a patient as you please, Doctor Hwang!"

Hearing Taeyeon's words, Tiffany smiled disappeared, "Sue me? Really? Then suit yourself." She left abruptly not even noticed Seohyun who was on her way.

"What happen Taeyeon-unnie? Why Tiffany unnie look upset?"

"Let her be. I don't want to see her again. She know my fear of needle. Did you tell her Seohyun-ah?"

"Yes, I told her. Well, who didn't know? Even the staff nurse knows about it."

"She make fun of me. She thinks it is really funny to joke about it. I will sue her later once I come out from here."

"Unnie what are you talking about? She had saved your life unnie. She was one of the doctors who do emergency operation on you. How could you say something like that to her?"

Taeyeon couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"When you were in ICU, she was the doctor in charge. She volunteered herself to do it even though she had other works in the emergency. She was the one who update us about your condition every day. She was confident that you will be fine and she never tired answering all unnies question about you, unnie."

Taeyeon just looked down reflecting what she had said to the other woman just now. She felt guilty.

"I'm disappointed with you unnie," Seohyun was about to leave when Taeyeon called her.

"Wait, Seohyun-ah... I'm sorry. I didn't know..."

The young doctor shook her head, "I'm not the one who you should apologies to unnie."

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