Mend My Heart

By deetronite

314K 24.5K 2.4K

One mistake at work lands Maya Knight paying off a debt in the hands of a troubled, wealthy, and undeniably a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
New Book Alert.

Chapter 28

5.7K 474 47
By deetronite

Maya’s P.O.V

It had been three days; I repeat, three days since Yolanda had shown up here at the infamous Ice Castle, yet nothing major had transpired. For starters, whenever I was around, she’d just act like I wasn’t there and focused on everyone else but me. I’m not sure if I was relieved or offended by this; she could at least give me some form of acknowledgement when I greeted her every other hour. 

I was very glad that I wasn’t the only one who had taken a disliking to her; it seemed the twins weren’t too fond of her either. Despite all her efforts to suck up to them, and even buying them stuff, they’d been giving her the cold shoulder. All that Yolanda could do was whine about it to Theodore, but as usual, he was flippant about it. Whenever his offspring were concerned, he turned a blind eye. And just this once, I was grateful for it.

Meredith was her personal minion during her stay, and along with Ms. Duke, the unholy trio spent almost every moment together whenever she was actually around. Apparently, she’d come here for a photo shoot for Rolls-Royce. It was highly expected as Yolanda’s basically a supermodel and I bet many top tier companies wanted her on their ads, billboards and the like.

The only time I felt sort of happy was when Theodore would return in the wee hours of the night, and we’d chatter whilst he had dinner and I’d sip on some coffee or tea. Increasingly, I was finding it very comfortable to be around him although he still pretty much kept his guard up most of the time. I, on the other hand, was like a rambling teenager, opening up to him about almost every detail of my life; subliminal or not. And when he’d send me off to bed with a goodnight kiss, I’d become so giddy I almost didn’t recognise myself.

“I hope she leaves soon because I don’t like the way she looks at daddy. It’s disgusting,” Brianna sniffed with her nose scrunched and I giggled at her bluntness. See what I mean by saying that they don’t like her?

Aiden continued to peruse the tv channels as he continued to search for something to watch. We were currently in the screening room late in the afternoon, just killing some time before supper was ready. It’s odd how I’ve been here for a little over a month and a half, and yet I was already starting to behave like a Brit. Even my diction had changed; hell, I didn’t even sound like an American anymore. It was odd to say the least. 

He scoffed, blowing out his cheeks in indignation. “Yeah, she’s so bothersome. And the way she tries to fit in with us? Unbelievable,” he breathed, his face mirroring his sister’s. I bet they both wanted to look completely serious but they just ended up looking so damn cute. I just wanted to pinch their cheeks.

“Well, she is your father’s friend and her being nice to you is only the right thing to do. Why don’t you give her chance,” I drawled half-heartedly? Who am I kidding, these kids are so right about her. The wise did always say that children, and dogs, were excellent judges of character. 

Both of the turned to me with a look of incredulity. “Are you mad?” the both shrieked simultaneously. It was both cool and creepy, not going to lie. 

I shrugged nonchalantly. “What? She likes you guys…or seems to pretend to do so,” I mumbled the last part to myself but they heard it anyways.

“She doesn’t like us; she’s pretending just like you said. She just wants to get close to daddy, and win him over and then he’ll forget about us…about mum and ruin our lives by sending us off to boarding school!” Aiden burst in rage, his chest heaving in and out. I really did not know how to react to that, because he all sounded so accurate. That was her mission, I presumed and as much as I’d like to play off, I just couldn’t. 

The twins still had hope that Theodore and their mother would get back together and one day, they’d be one big, happy family. They really had no clue that their father wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, from what I’ve observed and telling them that would only make them hate me. That, and the fact that you yourself are trying to worm your way into their father’s heart. I can only imagine how pissed they would be if they came to knew about our clandestine affair…oh the horror.

I cleared my throat in discomfort before redirecting my eyes to the large screen in front of us. “Aiden, you know that dad and mum are over,” Brianna trailed off sadly. “But that doesn’t mean we want Witchlanda to be our new mum!” she interjected and I couldn’t help but high five her for that ingenious nick name. I resonate so much with these children; it’s amazes me sometimes.

After that, we pretty much badmouthed Yolanda all the way until Ann came to call us for dinner. I could hear her cackling downstairs in her high pitched, nasally voice in the dining room. I helped Aiden and Brianna into their seats before proceeding to my seat, which was fortunately further away from hers or Meredith’s. 

I sat there in silence whilst she droned on and on about her mega rich family and all the parties they’d hosted this year alone. I felt no jealousy whatsoever as I’d grown up being surrounded by such big-headed elitists, I was even related to such people much to my never-ending repugnance. I briefly glanced at Brianna and she mouthed the word ‘Witchlanda’ with an eye roll, causing me to burst out into laughter. Ms Duke, Meredith and Witchlanda herself looked over at me like I’d magically sprouted a butt on my forehead but I quickly covered it with a fake cough. “Sorry, allergies. Must be the cheap perfume,” I muttered lowly, eliciting a snicker from the twins. 

Yolanda snarled at me, and her minion did the same before they continued their earlier conversation. The food was served shortly afterwards and we ate, for me it was in uncommunicativeness but I was secretly having eye dialogues with Aiden and Brianna. Yolanda would try to chat them both up, but they’d either ignore her or just give curt responses. At some point, Ms. Duke admonished them for their unhospitable behaviour but they simply shrugged it off. When we were done, we excused ourselves from the table and bounded for the stairs. I was very relieved that supper was over with and I’d get to see the wicked witch of the Hamptons tomorrow if I was lucky.

I should have known that luck wasn’t on my side. 

I’d already tucked the twins into bed a couple of hours ago before I went to my room to change into my pyjamas. They weren’t too sexy, but just the right amount of tempting. I exited my room once more and went to start up the oven because I knew Mr. Duke would be home in a couple of minutes. I just set up the oven when a voice echoing in the empty kitchen almost made my soul jump out of my body.

“Well, well, well…if it isn’t little miss clumsy in a flattering pair of nightwear. Meredith was right; you are a dirty slut,” Yolanda taunted me from the threshold where she stood, looking stunning in a flimsy Victoria’s Secret negligee. Right there and then, I wanted to bolt across the room and scratch her eyes out but decided against it. I chose to ignore her and take a seat by the island and use my cell phone instead. 

She laughed patronisingly before coming to stand before me, practically looking down on me both metaphorically and physically. “You’re an idiot to think that Theo would ever be interested in a social climbing nympho like yourself,” she sliced coldly and that made me tick. I placed my phone down before standing up to meet her full height. I had a few inches on her with no heels, an added advantage.

“I am not a slut or a nympho. Secondly, you say Theodore isn’t interested in someone like me but I can for sure he isn’t interested in somebody like you. I mean, haven’t you been chasing him for years and yet, he’s never looked at you twice. In fact, he friend zoned you ages ago. Must hurt a bunch,” I aired coolly with a smirk and her left eye twitched. 

The next second, she slapped me so hard I thought my head would spin right off. The sound resounded in the whole room and I clenched my jaw on impact. I slowly looked back at her, so desperately trying to maintain my cool, because heaven knows I was only seconds away from going ballistic on her injectable ass. “You know, I’ve put up with your shit personality for long enough. It is not my fault he finds you unattractive. He must have seen through all this artificial crap you’ve dipped yourself in. Face it, Yolanda, he’s the one thing that you so badly want but will never have,” I drawled matter-of-factly, my lips upturned in a sinister grin. 

I’d tried to maintain my cool for so damn long. Well screw that, somebody needed to put her in her place. “You’re one to talk, bitch. You think all this sneaking around you’ve been doing with him makes you any better than his casual flings? He’s using you but you are too blinded by infatuation to notice it. The man has commitment issues, but even if he didn’t, he wouldn’t settle for some college dropout. Hell, even your parents don’t want you. I suggest you-,” she didn’t get to finish off her sharp and biting words because somebody cut her off.

“That’s enough,” Theodore snapped from the archway, and then came to stand in between me and Yolanda. He faced her with the hardest glare I’ve ever seen. I was somewhat relieved that he’d come just in time before I buried this fake Barbie six feet under.

She was visibly surprised to see him and shook with fear of being caught. “Theo, babe. It’s not-,” he raised his hand to cut her off.

“Don’t even bloody lie because I heard and saw everything. I had a vague idea of how inconsiderate you could be but after what I’ve just witnessed, I can see that your pure evil. I’ve put up with you and your bullshit for too long. Get your stuff, you can no longer stay here,” he snarled, probably struggling to contain his anger and disgust.

Yolanda’s face turned. “What? You’re kicking me out? Just because of this dumbass? What the hell?” she yelled in his face, whilst I triumphantly smirked over his shoulder. 

He shoved her out of his personal space lightly, but just like the drama queen she is, she stumbled back in exaggeration. “You heard me. Get your arse moving, now,” he simmered lowly and she huffed defeatedly before whisking away to grab her stuff.

After she was gone, Theodore finally pivoted around to face me with a guilt stricken look on his handsome face. “I’m very sorry about that, Maya. Yolanda is irrational and I hadn’t realised just how lethal she is till now. Don’t even listen to a word she said,” he remarked desperately and I offered him a small smile. Yeah, her words were cold-blooded but for some reason, I wasn’t too affected by them.

He’s using you. Was it true? Is he really using me? Okay, maybe they had affected me to some extent.

“Don’t worry about that. I really don’t care about what Witchlanda thinks. She’s crazy like you said,” I replied unconcernedly and he visibly relaxed but his shoulders were still tensed. “Are you really kicking her out right now? It’s almost eleven o’clock. Where is she going to go?” I asked. I mean, I don’t like her and all but that doesn’t mean I want her to be stranded either. 

He laughed. “Witchlanda? Sounds like something four-year-old thought of.” Very accurate analysis, boss man. “I wouldn’t worry about that. Just leave it to me. I better change into something more comfortable. And you should go to bed,” he told me gently but he wasn’t quite making eye contact. He then left for his room.

Okay, everything should be fine now because the ticking time bomb had already detonated…

Then why the hell did I feel like Yolanda’s words were going to have some rippling effects?


Good day to you all. How was the weekend...and how are the holidays going?

I told you that there would be drama, and here it is 🤭

Thoughts on Yolanda and Maya's spat?

Was it right for Theo to kick Yolanda out?

What do you think will happen next?

Next update: Wednesday 21 December

Keep voting, commenting and sharing!

~Deetronite 🌟

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