Mend My Heart

By deetronite

346K 25.8K 2.5K

One mistake at work lands Maya Knight paying off a debt in the hands of a troubled, wealthy, and undeniably a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
New Book Alert.

Chapter 22

7.2K 582 79
By deetronite

Maya’s P.O.V

Keep your composure, it’s not a big deal. It’s just him trying to screw you over so don’t let him or anyone see that that little encounter you had has turned you into a huge mess.

I kept reciting this line in my head as I went to wake the twins up and help them get ready for the day. But I should have known that these kids were so observant and intelligent; they could basically see through my calm façade and were giving quizzical looks like I’d sprouted a huge horn right at the centre of my head.

“You’re okay, American?” Brianna requested as I brushed her soft, dusky hair so that I could place it into a low ponytail.

I nodded wordlessly but she didn’t seem to buy it. Aiden blew his tongue out as he continued to tie his shoelaces. “We’re not buying that. The moment you walked in here, you looked like you’d come out of a volcano.” Well, that’s one way to put it. That was because I’d just walked out of the devil’s lair and I’d inadvertently allowed myself to be steamed mercilessly. I’d never understood what being hot and bothered was like but dammit, I hated it! Why do female protagonists make it seem like ecstasy when it could literally drive someone insane?

“I just…had a weird start to my morning I guess,” I mumbled, unenthused by my certain predicament. I knew damn well that I had to see his face soon and I wasn’t at all pleased. Could the ground just open up and swallow me whole?

I wish I could have just stayed upstairs for longer but I had to face the music eventually. Finishing up their preparations, of which they both looked entirely too cute in these matching outfits I found in their closet, I opened the door and checked if the coast was clear. We all scurried out of the room, more like I was dragging them along with me so that I could make it in time to the kitchen before you know who saw me. But no such luck; as soon as we landed on the first step, his door flew wide open and my great escape was ruined.

“Daddy, is that you?” Brianna hollered enthusiastically and raced over to him, and he caught her effortlessly in his big strong arms. Big strong arms? Really Maya?

Mr. Duke smiled done at her affectionately, whilst I just stood there like a gawking idiot and my heart doing somersaults because of what he was wearing. I’d become accustomed to seeing him in his designer suits but him in casual clothing was a threat to my ovaries.  Black jeans, a black Oxford shirt, white sneakers and a black leather jacket. Okay, I can’t be the only one who just finds guys wearing black so freaking attractive, am I?

Aiden snarled at his father and crossed his arms defiantly. Mr Duke, having taken cognisance of this, perched Brianna on his hip and came up to his son. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” he asked hopefully but Aiden rolled his eyes and turned his face away in derision.

“Why would I? You do this all the time. You’re never here a-and…and,” he stuttered with puffed cheeks. Clearly the boy was missing his father like crazy. And I knew just how he felt because I remember missing my parents madly when I was younger but they always were caught in work and disregarded me completely

A look of immense guilt washed over his father’s face and he looked like he genuinely didn’t know what to say to him. That’s when I stepped in and crouched beside the little man and held his shoulders in my hands. “Aiden, your daddy is a very hardworking and busy man. He has many things he does so you can live in this cool house and have all this cool stuff. Don’t be mad at him. He knows you miss him and he misses you too, okay?” I told him softly and he briefly glanced at his father before nodding understandingly at me. “Now, go and hug him,” I urged him and he did as I said with no qualms. At this point, I was a bona fide child whisperer. I guess that troll Meredith was right about them warming up to me eventually.

I rose from my couching position, only for my eyes to lock with his intense, penetrative ones. I had no idea why his gaze held so many emotions but only one I could differentiate. Gratitude. I smiled at him, and to my astonishment he returned the sentiment. “I’m going to spend the day with you guys. How does that sound?” They both shrieked in glee and I couldn’t help but laugh at their child-like thrills. 

“Can we go to an amusement park?” they both requested simultaneously, and Mr. Duke nodded. No sooner than he had given the green light did they leap out of his arms and race downstairs yelling at the top of their lungs, “We’re going to the amusement park with dad!” I’m pretty sure the entire neighbourhood must have heard them.

I kept standing there, not even realising that he had stepped closer to me and my back was almost pressed into his front. That treacherous sentiment I’d felt earlier came rushing back and I pinched my eyes shut when I felt him move my hair to the other side of my neck. “You’re an angel, you know that? And it’s rather unfortunate that a devil like myself can’t help but feel drawn to you,” he murmured enticingly in my ear and placed a kiss beneath it. Mouth, don’t you dare make a sound!

“Am I interrupting something?” And as usual, I can never get to fully experience nice things in this infernal house! Both of us looked up at Meredith who had her hands clasped in front of her and a glacial smile playing at her poisonous lips. Caught with somebody’s hand in the cookie jar, well in this case Mr. Duke with his hands gently gripping my shoulders. I wanted to say that I wasn’t at all affected by this but in my mind, I was screaming at my streak of bad luck.

Mr. Duke slid his hands ever so slowly down my arms, making my skin ripple with yearning until they left my body altogether. What was he trying to prove? “Not at all, my friend. Miss Knight and I were just…conversing about something minor,” he reposted coolly before moving past me and making his way downstairs. What a sleek SOB. I wish I could just slide my way out of situations by being suave too but I just know this witch won’t keep quiet about this.

After about a minute of me staring at my shoes and her staring holes into my forehead, I made my way towards the staircase, only for her to catch me firmly by the arm. “Care to explain what that was?” she seethed through gritted teeth and I immediately shrugged her off.

“That, as you so graciously put it, was your boss and dearest friend invading my personal space and thought process. I mean, are you really that unfamiliar with how a man pursues a woman he is apparently interested in? Get with the programme, Merry,” I retorted cleverly with a syrupy smile. Her chocolate eyes darkened ominously and I found myself mentally pumping my fist in the air.

“Stay away from him or else,” she barked lowly at me, and I laughed out loud in her witch face.

I took a step closer and tilted my head contemptuously. “Or else what? You’re going to make me scrub the toilets or something? Your threats mean nothing to me. Allow me to reiterate the fact that you’re…not…my…employer! And for the record, you should be telling him to stay away from me,” I added saucily, flipped my hair over my shoulder and bumped her shoulder on my way down.

I seriously don’t comprehend what relationship exists between Mr. Duke and Meredith. The way she’s so possessive and protective of him makes me think that something big must have gone down between the two. I wish I cared what it was, then maybe I’d work on finding it out but as of right now, I don’t give two flying farts in space what it is. It cannot be a romantic connection because there wasn’t such a vibe between them. Meredith is an entitled broad who needs somebody to adjust her attitude problem. Good thing attitude adjustment is the one qualification I was born with.

Once in the kitchen again, I asked Matt to re-heat Mr. Duke’s food whilst I handled the kid’s breakfast. I’d made pancakes for them yesterday, and they had instantly become fans. I quickly whipped up the batter, poured it onto the girdle and made them. These ones were blueberry flavoured with strawberry syrup. Whilst I was busy, Meredith appeared in the kitchen and pretty much lingered there whilst I chatted animatedly with Matt. Once I was done, I placed them into the plates and put all the three plates, along with bacon and strawberries for the twins, into the tray, winked at the old bitter girl (who scowled at me in return) and shimmied over to the dining room.

“We have to try the scariest ride there!” Aiden beamed happily, and his sister nodded vehemently in response. I placed their plates and glasses of orange juice before them, to which they thanked me happily. I smiled at them but the expression fell when it was time to serve the head of the table. As expected, his intense blue eyes were following my every move, the ghost of a smirk playing at his lips. You can do this, Maya. Just give him his food and split!

Plate done first. Check. Good, now give him his cup. I lifted it off the tray and stationed it in his reach, and then his hand shot out to meet me halfway. I gasped when his fingertips lightly brushed the dorsum of hand, an unfamiliar sensation pulsated in my entire system. “Thank you, Maya,” he pronounced seductively in his aristocratic British accent and I nodded before turning to leave.

“What do you guys have there?” he asked the twins.

“Pancakes!” they replied simultaneously whilst scarfing down the meal at an alarming rate.

He hummed. All the while, I was slowly walking towards the archway leading to the kitchen. “Oh, and who made them?”

“Maya did. And they are amazing!” Brianna appraised, making a warm fuzzy feeling settle in my chest. Given how much of a spoiled and self-absorbed girl she was, getting a compliment out of her was equivalent to winning a Nobel Peace Prize.

Aiden hummed. “Yeah, dad. You should try them!” he agreed, taking a greedy forkful into his tiny mouth. So close to getting to the door. Any second now.

“Maya, love?” Mr. Duke spoke, making me pivot on my heels a little too eagerly. What the hell is going on with my anatomy? Wasn’t I walking sluggishly away just a second ago?

I cleared my throat, holding the tray up to my chest. “Yes sir?” I squeaked, like a mouse seconds away from being preyed upon by a cat.

“I think I’d rather try these glorious pancakes of yours rather than this bland breakfast,” he requested, giving his plate the stank eye. Finally, he has come to realise how disgustingly meagre his breakfasts are. It’s the most important meal of the day and should be treated as such.

I moved my knee around nervously. Why was I nervous all of a sudden? Maybe because this hard to please man just asked you to cook for him perhaps…Is there an off switch for that irksome voice in your head? “Are you sure about that?” I inquired; wariness evident in my voice.

He nodded. “I’m an impulsive man. If I see something I like, I immediately go after it.”

Now that’s what you call words with a double meaning.


How has the week been guys?

Another long awaited chapter with the never ending sassiness on Maya's part, and the sleek Theodore and his double entendres...

The attraction is there and more alive than ever...but will it last long before something gets in the way?

Keep reading to find out!

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~Deetronite 🌠

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