The Stranger on the Train

By Just_writing_a_bit

734K 25.3K 7K

Y/n is on her way to New York to start a new life there. On the train she meets a blonde woman and her daught... More

Chapter 1: Dolphins
Chapter 2: Drawings
Chapter 3: Goodbye for now
Chapter 4: New York
Chapter 5: First day
Chapter 6: See you again
Chapter 7: Park
Chapter 8: Second job
Chapter 9: Walks and talks
Chapter 10: Gossip
Chapter 11: I'm famous
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Second job and apartment
Chapter 14: Moving day
Chapter 15: Emergency
Chapter 16: Little dolphin
Chapter 17: Good morning
Chapter 18: Casual Thursday
Chapter 19: Saturday night
Chapter 20: Movies and storm
Chapter 21: Another morning
Chapter 22: Important talk
Chaper 23: First date
Chapter 24: Fancy restaurant
Chapter 25: Marvel
Chapter 26: Little waitress
Chapter 27: Hot
Chapter 28: Lotion and water guns
Chapter 29: Movies
Chapter 30: Taking care
Chapter 31: Is it my fault?
Chapter 32: Second date
Chapter 33: Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter 34: Questions
Chapter 35: Gold digger
Chapter 36: Lizzie
Chapter 37: Girls night
Chapter 38: Boat date
Chapter 39: New opportunities and costumes
Chapter 40: Halloween
Chapter 41: Aquarium
Chapter 42: Tourist things
Chapter 43: First time*
Chapter 44: Florence
Chapter 45: Warm enough*
Chapter 46: Holiday plans
Chapter 47: Scarlett's birthday
Chapter 48: Cooking with Flo
Chapter 49: Thanksgiving and jealousy
Chapter 50: Spa Day
Chapter 51: Full relaxation
Chapter 52: Swimming lesson
Chapter 53: Cookies and skates
Chapter 54: Future plans
Chapter 55: Birthday
Chapter 56: Trust
Chapter 57: School problems
Chapter 58: Train and family meeting
Chapter 59: Christmas morning
Chapter 60: Grave
Chapter 61: Exes and Stars
Chapter 62: Back home
Chapter 63: New Year
Chapter 64: The new job
Chapter 65: Night out
Chapter 66: New apartment
Chapter 67: Snow
Chapter 68: Sick
Chapter 69: Cloud 9
Chapter 70: Pleasure
Chapter 71: Furniture shopping
Chapter 72: Goodbye
Chapter 73: Zoo
Chapter 74: Valentine's Day
Chapter 75: Snow day
Chapter 76: Winter break
Chapter 77: Just keep swimming
Chapter 78: Rumors
Chapter 79: Rose's birthday
Chapter 80: Surprise
Chapter 81: Poor baby
Chapter 82: You're not her mother!
Chapter 83: Black Widow and L.A.
Chapter 84: Anniversary
Chapter 85: Skinny dipping and more
Chapter 86: Horse back riding
Chapter 87: Beach Day
Chapter 88: Bachelorette and flower girl
Chapter 89: Venue and puzzle pieces
Chapter 90: Lizzie's wedding
Chapter 91: Red carpet
Chapter 92: Strawberries and loose teeth
Chapter 94: I will always protect you
Chapter 95: Welcome to the mile high club
Chapter 96: London
Chapter 97: Lost
Chapter 98: Camping
Chapter 99: Finally diving in the ocean
Chapter 100: One plus one equals love
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 93: Florida

4.5K 190 115
By Just_writing_a_bit

TW: injury, pain

Pov y/n

Rose's tooth fell out the night she discovered it was loose.
It happened shortly before dinner because she was worried that eating will be complicated and wiggled it a lot and a few minutes later, we heard her squeal in excitement, rushing to us to show us her tooth.

We put it into a tissue and I brought it upstairs with her.
She looked into the mirror and grinned, showing off her tooth gap.
Luckily, it didn't seem to hurt and she couldn't wait to show her mom.

So, we hurried downstairs and Rose ran into the kitchen, proudly showing off her new smile.
I could tell that Scarlett was kinda proud as well of our little girl.

All during dinner, Rose told us about what she could do with the dollar she'll get from the tooth fairy and started thinking about all the money she will make.

Her ideas made Scarlett and me chuckle a bit, her innocence and excitement being adorable.

After dinner, we had a coloring party, meaning we had music playing, only Disney songs, and either had a coloring book in front of us or drew something ourselves.
Rose had a blast and drew a picture of the tooth fairy, the way she imagines her.

We spent the Sunday in the park, enjoying the weather and walking around before stopping at a playground and letting Rose play there.

Monday I have a meeting with my chef at OFI and he tells me and the other three pretty exciting news.
The rest of the day, I am almost buzzing to go home and tell Scarlett because it's really great.

She has a photoshoot today, so she will be home a little later and Rose will stay at a friend's house after school.
I go back to my apartment, getting some things done and taking a shower before heading to Scarlett's house, knowing she will be there by now.

Since I still have a key to her house, I chose not to ring the doorbell and just use my key. I get out of my shoes.

"Babe?" Scarlett calls from somewhere in the kitchen or living room.

"Yes, it's me." I reply, so she knows it's not someone who just broke into her home.
When I walk into the room, she's just standing up and rounding the couch to greet me.

"Why the huge smile?" She asks, already smiling herself at my excitement.
I can't hold it any longer and run to her, jumping into her arms.
She huffs a little and takes a few steps back but catches me, her hands resting under my bum to keep my up as my arms and legs wrap around her body.

"Guess what?" I say, bouncing a little in her hold and she chuckles.

"What?" She asks, playfully squeezing my butt a little.

"I'm going to Florida!" I squeak and excitement mixed with confusion washes over her face.

"I think I need a little more context." She chuckles and kisses my cheek. I'm still super excited and can't keep still.

"I had a meeting with my boss this morning and he told Brooke, Jordan, Brandon and me that we got a new project and that it requires us to go to Florida to collect some samples there. I get to dive again!" I squeal and let out a cheer.
Scarlett's eyes widen and she spins us around with a huge smile on her face.

"That's. So. Amazing. Angel." She says, kissing my face in between words, making my heart skip a beat.

I grin at her and she smiles before peppering my face in kisses. I giggle but couldn't imagine a better feeling.
She stops her kiss attack and walks us over to the couch, sitting down with me straddling her lap.

"When will you go?" She asks, her hands now resting on my hips.

"Next week. We'll take the plane very early on Monday, so we can sleep a little during the flight and then start working there. There won't be any diving sessions on Monday but the rest of the week will pretty much contain of the four of us diving in different areas and collect samples of sand, water and stuff. And on Friday evening, we will fly back. While being there, we'll stay in a hotel in Miami." I tell her, feeling the excitement pulsing through my body.

This is what I always wanted to do, go diving for a job and being able to combine my passion with work.

"Wow, that's really exciting, I am so happy for you, my love." Scarlett says and pulls me into a tight hug. I hug her back, nuzzling my face into her neck.

"But I will still miss you." I mumble and kiss her neck a few times, making her giggle a little at the feeling. She pulls away a little and brushes some hair behind my ear.

"I will miss you too. But it's just five days, we were apart longer than that. And besides, I think you will be way too happy and excited to miss me." She says and bops my nose, making me smile even wider.

The rest of the week went by fast and sooner than I thought, I sat in the plane to Miami. Rose made me promise to bring her a little something from my trip and of course I couldn't say no to that.

I said my goodbyes yesterday on Sunday and it was a little hard but it's only a few days and Scarlett is right, we had longer periods of time where we didn't see each other.

Monday is kinda exhausting though because after the flight, we headed straight to the hotel and brought our stuff there before being driven to a lab in Miami, which will be working with us on this.

We both have our own projects but the results will be put together.
We get to know a few of the people we will be working with and they show us around and give us some insight on where they are with their projects.

During a presentation, I honestly have trouble keeping my eyes open because I didn't sleep very well on the plane and let's be honest, traveling is exhausting. But I keep a smile on my face and do my best to listen.

Slowly but surely the day comes to an end and we head back to the hotel. Brooke asks me if I want to go to a bar with her and Brandon but I decline, way too tired for that and not needing a headache when we're diving tomorrow.

The bed is very comfortable and I almost fall asleep but I remember to call Scarlett and smile when her face pops up on my screen.

"Hey, traveler." She greets me and I smile.

"Hey, bug." I reply.

"Is that Mama?" I hear Rose's voice from the background and smile.

"It is. You wanna say hello?" Scarlett asks and moves the phone, so Rose can see me.
She grins widely and waves at me. I automatically smile wider when I see her and wave back.

"Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?" I ask and she starts to bounce a little in excitement. Scarlett leads her to the couch, so they can sit down.

"A second tooth started to become loose." She tells me excitedly.

"What? That's crazy, baby. Careful or soon you won't be able to bite anymore and then we have to puree all your food." I say with a smile and Rose giggles.

"You're silly, Mama. There will be new teeth soon. Look." She comes closer to the camera and opens her mouth. Her breath fogs the camera and I can't see anything.

"There is already a new one coming." She tells me and pulls back.

"Puh, lucky." I grin and see Scarlett's sleeve cleaning the camera.

Rose nods before telling me about her friend from school who had a new lunchbox with her today and I agree that a dino lunchbox is pretty cool.

Scarlett softly reminds Rose that it's late and Rose says goodnight to me before going upstairs to brush her teeth. Scarlett looks after her for a few seconds before looking back at me.

"She's such a big girl." She sighs, slightly pouting about her baby growing up.

"She is." I agree. "And she is doing so great and is so full of light and happiness."

Scarlett smiles a little, the pout gone.
"She definitely is and I love my little sunshine." She sighs.

The next twenty minutes, she puts the phone down and I can only see the ceiling because she's putting Rose to bed.
I use that time to brush my own teeth and get into my pajamas. When I hear some noises coming from my phone, I grab it again and smile when I see Scarlett again.

"Rose said to tell you, she loves you." She says and my heart melts. This little nugget really know how to make me go soft within seconds.

"I love her too." I sigh and Scarlett smiles as happy as if she was the one getting told Rose loves her.

"How was your day, baby?" She asks and makes herself comfortable on the couch.

"Exhausting. The flight was good but I didn't get as much sleep as I hoped and after that we pretty much hustled around the rest of the day, going from one spot to the other.
I haven't seen a lot of Miami so far but the few things I saw were really beautiful. I've never been here but it's totally worth it." I ramble a little and Scarlett just listens, love in her eyes and not seeming to get bored of it.

"Were you ever in Miami?"

"I was actually. It was for a movie we shot there and I can only agree, it's beautiful. But I think I couldn't live there, too many dangerous animals." She says and chuckles a bit. I smile softly and nod, agreeing with her words.

"Are you gonna go diving tomorrow?" She asks and rests her chin on her free hand that's leaning against the back of the couch.

"Yes, and I am really excited. Brooke and I will start off at the south of Miami beach. We got our diving suits today, look." I answer and turn the camera, showing off the wetsuit hanging on my bathroom door before switching back to filming myself.

"Short sleeves? Isn't that a little cool?" Scarlett asks, a little worried but I shake my head.

"It's 28°C here, so it would be pretty warm if we had long sleeves." I explain and she hums and nods.

"I bet you look great in that suit." She grins and I blush slightly at the compliment because even though we're together for over half a year now, she's still Scarlett Johansson and who wouldn't blush at that kind of compliment from her?

"I just know that if I was with you, you'd definitely squeeze my ass." I laugh a little and she snickers.

"Oh, for sure." She agrees, making me laugh even more.

"What is it with you and your obsession with my butt?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I can't help it, it's just attractive and sexy. And as if you're not obsessed with anything of my body." She points out and I grin a little.

"Maybe but I don't go around squeezing your boobs all the time." I hold against her and she smirks a bit but surprise shows in her eyes.

"You're obsessed with my boobs?" She asks, this seeming to be new information to her. I grin and nod.

"Yes. They are so hot and beautiful." I explain and now it's her turn to blush.

"Well, thank you and I keep that in mind." She replies, winking at me. I let my head drop back into the pillow and she laughs.

We talk a little further about our days and plans for tomorrow before we end the call and fall asleep.

"Ready?" Brooke asks and I nod. We pull our goggles over our heads and slowly walk into the water. 

It's only a little chilly but a nice contrast to the warm sun that's shining down on us.
We both wear our diving gear and little bags in which we can store the samples we will collect.

The beach isn't too full luckily because it's noon in the middle of the week and all the children are at school. There are some families with smaller children, who play in the sand or in the water with their parents.

Brooke and I walk further into the water until we have to swim, which takes a bit more energy because of the diving gear that's quite heavy but just the feeling of it makes me excited.
This is my very first time diving in the ocean, even if it's not very deep.

We swim a little while until we reach the spot from where we're supposed to get the samples.
Both of us adjust our mask and test if we can breath with it and we can.
I nod to Brooke and we slowly dive down.

It instantly feels as if I'm in a completely new world, all the sounds from above the water are gone.
I feel very light and for a moment I forget that I have work to do.
We dive further down to reach the sand. When a few fish swim past us, I look after them, fascinated by them as if I've never seen fish.

But I catch myself again and grab a little bottle out of my bag.
I move a little further down and wave my hand through the sand, making sure I won't accidentally trap a living creature.
Then I open the bottle, holding it downwards, so as less water as possible can get in before I pull it through the sand. I put the lit back on and stuff it into my bag after checking that I chose the bottle with the right sign.

Since we're going to different spots, we labeled the bottles before because we can't really do that underwater.

Brooke signs to me that she is ready as well and we slowly dive further away from the beach.
More and more fish swim past us and also one or two stingrays.

Once we arrive at the second spot, I dive to the ground again, which is a bit darker now since it's deeper and a little less light shines through the water.
I get another little bottle out and collect some more sand.

Later on we will compare the water and sand quality in different spots and depending on the results, suggest for certain rules to be introduced to visitors.

I put the bottle back into the bag while swimming a little up again, to look to Brooke.

Suddenly I feel a sharp stinging in my arm and hiss into my mask.
I look at my arm to see that I got in contact with a jellyfish.
Shit, it's a portuguese man o' war.

There are also usual jellyfish swimming around and I wonder a little how they got here this fast.
The sting hurts more and more and I bite my lip, trying to concentrate on something else.

I maneuver around more tentacles to get up and almost cry out when another sting burns on my arm.
A normal jellyfish touched me that was barely visible from underneath.

I grind my teeth, trying to ignore the burning sensation on my arm and swim further up where I can see Brooke. She is already over the surface, waiting for me. I swim up, hoping she has something to get these tentacles off me because it gets worse with every second.

Since I'm not allergic, the stings won't kill me or anything but it hurts like hell and removing them with my hand would just be dumb because then my hand would also get stung.

I reach the surface and Brooke looks at me and her brows furrow a little at my expression and when I lift my arm, her eyes go wide and she searches for something on her wet suit.
Trying to control my breathing to ease the pain doesn't really work and tears prick in my eyes because it hurts really bad.

Luckily Brooke seems to have found something and pulls out tweezers. She looks around us before looking at me and I know what she's thinking.
We are quite a bit away from the beach and staying in one spot is more exhausting than moving.
It's obvious that we won't continue this diving trip because I need to clean the stings.

We have to move further to the beach sooner or later. But right now I am honestly not sure if I can bare the pain any longer because the longer those tentacles are on my skin, the worse the pain and sting gets.

Moving would only pull the jellyfish with us and I really don't need to risk anything right now.
I shake my head and Brooke understands and comes closer.
While she reaches out with the tweezers, I hold my breath and watch as she carefully removes the usual jellyfish because it's only one tentacle.

The portuguese man o' war kinda tangled around my arm with two or three tentacles.
Brooke looks me in the eye and I nod, giving her the go, even though there is the possibility of the tentacles touching other parts of my arm.

I really need it to be off because I'm not sure if I can take more pain, tears already dripping down my eyes.

Being a marine biologist comes with it's risks and I'm not afraid of it but right now it feels really bad and I just want to get to the beach to take care of the stings.
Brooke carefully unwraps the tentacles from my arm and I can already see my skin turning red.
The tentacle does touch a few spots that were unharmed before and I breath out sharply at the pain but eventually the tentacles are all removed from my arm and Brooke gives the jellyfish a gentle push with her foot to get it away from us.

On the way back, we are very careful not to meet any other jellyfish and I have my lips pressed together the whole time, trying to ignore the burning in my arm.
Luckily, we are both quick swimmers and it doesn't take too long to arrive at the beach. I pull off my mask and goggles and so does Brooke.

"Shit!" Is the first thing she says.

I nod, suppressing any sounds and holding my arm.
When you get stung by a jellyfish, you are supposed to remove the tentacles quickly and clean the spot with vinegar directly, which we both weren't able to do.

My skin is bright red and you can clearly see where the portuguese man o' war had its tentacles because the skin looks as if I was whipped there and it feels like it as well.
Okay, I never felt the hit of a whip but I imagine it to feel this way.

The spot where the normal jellyfish stung me is just bright red and pretty much my whole arm is swollen and hurts like a bitch.

"We should get you to a doctor." Brooke says, quickly walking onto the sand. Luckily, we are not wearing fins, which makes walking a lot easier.

"Vinegar and a hot towel should be fine." I press out between grinded teeth and for a moment Brooke looks at me as if she wants to shove me right back into the water.

"We both know that's bullshit. Of course, those help but just look at your arm. There most definitely should look a doctor over. We will clean it on the way with vinegar but you won't get around seeing a doctor, y/n." Shesays almost sternly and I nod, giving by.

I know she is right but I don't want to make a big fuss about it, even though it is really not nice.
We hurry to the car we took to drive here and Brooke only throws a towel over our seats before hopping in.

She only makes a quick stop at a small store to buy some vinegar while I wait in the car, getting off my belt with the bag.
Our air tanks and stuff are in the backseat.
When Brooke comes back, I open the car door and position my arm above the ground.

Carefully, Brooke pours the vinegar over my arm and it instantly feels a little better.
It still burns but not as badly anymore. And I know what most of you probably think and no, pee doesn't work as good as vinegar.
I've seen the episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S as well but I know vinegar helps more. Pee may also help if there's nothing else there but vinegar is definitely more helpful and less disgusting.

After the short break, we drive further and I now see where Brooke is driving me, to the building we visited yesterday. They are our partners in this and also have a medicine level in their building, which will be cheaper than going to an actual doctor, even with insurance. And from there we can also inform our chef about the outcome.

Brooke leads me through the building, apparently knowing exactly where to go.
When we reach the medical bay, I am positively surprised that they agree to treat me instantly.

I am led into a room which has a certain resembles with a nurse's room in a school.
A middle-aged man enters and introduces himself shortly while putting on medical gloves.
He takes my arm into his hand, careful not to touch it.

The burning isn't very bad anymore and the normal jellyfish sting actually is worse than the one form the Portuguese man o' war. But the other sting still looks worse and it really looks as if someone whipped me. My arm is also still swollen.

The man takes a closer look and asks what we already did to help and how long those tentacles were on my skin while pouring warm water over a little towel and gently putting it over the stings.
I let out a little breath of relief, it feels really good.

He looks around a few cupboards, collecting some things together.
After taking the towel away, he carefully cleans my arm, which hurts a little more but I know it's necessary to remove even the last bits that might still stick to my skin.
Then he shows me a little tube of lotion that will calm my skin down and help the healing process.

I take a picture of the tube after he advices me to put in on regularly, about once a day or at least every second day. He then gets out a bandage and carefully wraps it around my arm. Before saying goodbye, he gives me a few hints on what to do and what not to do and as he walks out, I look after him, feeling a wave of sadness and frustration wash over me.

I walk out of the room as well and meet Brooke who was waiting for me. She eyes my arm and asks me if everything is okay. I breathe out.

"He said I'm not supposed to go into water the next few days, so my skin could calm down. The contact with the jellyfish was quite long and it'll take longer to recover." I tell her and see realization on her face, her expression dropping.

"Does that mean..." She asks and I nod, not needing her to finish that sentence.

"I can't continue the work here." I huff a little, I was really looking forward to the next couple of days but I also understand that I am not supposed to go into the water and my health is my first priority.
Brooke offers to call our boss for me but I decline the offer and dial his number myself.

About fifteen minutes later, we hang up again and I go back to Brooke to tell her the news.
Looks like I won't spend much more time in Miami.
My boss understood the situation and since there is nothing here for me to do, he said I could fly back home, of course the organization would pay for the flight.

Back in New York I can start working on the first few samples we collected today, if I have enough energy for that. Brooke gives her best to comfort me, telling me there will be other projects where we will get to dive in the ocean soon enough. She knows how excited I was for this.

We drive back to the hotel, where we wait for Brandon and Jordan to arrive for lunch because they have to work out a bit of a different working schedule because no one is allowed to go diving alone.

I apologize for making it more stressful but both boys wave it off and tell me it's more important that I am healing.

Around an hour after lunch, I get another call from my boss and he tells me that they managed to get a flight for me today. I am pretty surprised by that but I understand that it is cheaper to send me home than to pay for my hotel room three more nights.

So, I start to pack my little suitcase again and wait for the uber to bring me to the airport. The other's are out again, so I send them messages and wish them a good rest stay.

The uber brings me to the airport and I sigh a little, taking a last look at everything before stepping in and checking in, having the ticket on my phone.
My flight will take off pretty soon and I am very surprised that they found a free seat for me this quickly.

Pretty much the whole flight back, I am lost in thoughts, thinking about how I could be diving around the ocean with Brooke right now or enjoy the sun.
But all of this doesn't bring me anywhere and I sigh, leaning back in my seat and closing my eyes, maybe sleeping will help.

It does, except for when I dream about being in the ocean surrounded by jellyfish who come closer, not allowing me to escape them.
I stir awake again before they reach me and a few minutes later the flight attended tells us that we'll be landing soon.

Since I am not in the window seat, I can't really look outside and decide to just stare at the seat in front of me.
Once I am out of the airplane and wait for my suitcase, I call an uber.
A quick glance at the clock tells me, that it's 7 pm and I decide to go to Scarlett's. With my frustration and everything, I don't want to be alone right now and just cuddle into her, letting her calm me down.

I pick up my suitcase and go to the uber, giving him the address.
He drives me there and I look out of the window, feeling a little wrong here in the city after expecting to be at a beach for the week.
I pay after we arrive and this time I decide to ring the doorbell because Scarlett doesn't expect me to be home already and I don't want to startle her.

"Who's there?" She asks through the intercom.

"It's me, y/n." I reply and for a few seconds there isn't any reaction but then the gate buzzes open and I step towards the house.
Scarlett's standing in the door, already wearing her pajamas and looking more than confused.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Miami?" She asks and steps aside to let me in. I put my suitcase aside and get out of my shoes and jacket.

"I am but something happened. Don't worry, it's nothing bad." I quickly add when I see her worried face.
She closes the door and leads me into the living room. I look around for the little nugget but she isn't here.

"Rose is upstairs in her room reading." Scarlett tells me and we sit down on the couch.
"Now, please tell me what happened." She requests softly and I press my lips a little together, knowing she'll be worried anyways.

I pull my sleeve back and expose my left arm that's wrapped in the bandage. Scarlett gasps and gently takes my left hand, her eyes darting from my arm to my eyes.

"Y/n, what happened? Are you okay?" She asks very concerned and cups my face with her free hand.

"I got stung my two jellyfish and the doctor said I'm not supposed to get the bandage wet, so no diving anymore this week." I say, trying to play it off a little to ease Scar's nerves but she still looks very worried.

"By two?" She asks and her eyes look at the bandage as if she was able to look through the fabric. I nod.
"There was kind of a swarm."

"Is any of them dangerous?" She asks further, her fingertips gently moving over my palm. I shake my head.

"No, not if you're not allergic to them and I am not, so it's all good." I say and get a short glance, Scar clearly disagreeing with my definition of 'all good'.

"What did the doctor say?" She asks, her voice a little softer as she moves a bit closer to me.

"He said to put a special lotion onto it once a day or every second day and bandage it new and soon it should be healed." I say and now she seems to relax a little.

"What kind of lotion?" She asks and I can tell she is mentally going through her medical cupboard upstairs.

"A special one. I don't know the name but I took a picture. I also looked it up but I don't need it. It's way overpriced." I tell her and Scar scrunches her eyebrows together.

"The doctor said you should apply it, so I think it's needed." She disagrees. I sigh and pull in my bottom lip.

"Maybe but it's really expensive for a bit of lotion and I know I could afford it but it's still so much and I was saving money to finally buy a TV." I explain and her eyes soften a little at the explanation.

"Can you show me the lotion?" She asks and I fight a little with myself before getting out my phone and showing the picture to her. She nods and it looks like she's taking a mental note.

"I can buy it for you." She offers and I am glad that she isn't offering to buy me the TV, even though she probably could easily.

We never talked about how much she earns or owns but I assume it's a lot.
I wince a little at her offer and she brushes her thumb over my cheek.

"I know, baby, you don't like when I spend so much money on you but please let me do this. It's not something you're not gonna use or so, it's something to help you heal." She says softly and I feel a little better, knowing she still respects my view on money, even though I don't have such a big problem with her paying for things anymore.

"Do you really think it's important?" I ask and she nods, drawing a heart onto my palm.

"Okay, you can buy it." I say and she smiles and gives me a little kiss.
"I'll go to the drugstore tomorrow and buy it. Do you have to work tomorrow?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I can take a few days off this week, well actually all that are left, to recover. If I feel like I have enough energy, I can also go back to work." I explain and Scarlett nods, gently pulling me closer to her and I lean my head against her shoulder, her arm wrapping around me.

"Did the doctor say anything about you not being allowed to work or did he gave you a letter?" She asks and I snuggle a little more into her, starting to feel my body calm down.

"No, I don't think he's allowed to do it. It wasn't a real doctor, it was someone from the medical field from the partner company we are working with at the moment." I explain and for a few seconds Scar stops to draw onto my hand.

I don't need to look at her to know that she is a little surprised and maybe unhappy about the answer.
"Why didn't you go to a real doctor, babe?" She asks, her voice soft again, not accusing at all, knowing I probably had my reasons and I did.

"A real doctor would have been pretty expensive and my health insurance would have barely covered it, if they would have paid anything at all. I'm not sure if they are still active." I say, taking her hand into mine and playing with her fingers.
I can feel her breathing next to me before her other hand gently waves through my hair.

"So, you were worried you couldn't afford to go to the doctor?" She asks and I can hear in her voice that it hurts her that I have to worry about this and rather risk my health than to go broke or close to broke.
I nod against her and she kisses the top of my head.

"I know you don't really like when I pay bigger amounts of bills for you but if it would have been too much for you to cover, I would have paid the rest, if not all of it.
Baby, I will always have your back and I know you don't want to seem like a gold digger or count on my money but be sure that I will always take care of bills when it's about your health." She says softly and I press my lips together a little, not sure what I am supposed to answer.

She is right, I would feel like a gold digger if I just assumed she would pay those bills for me without talking to her first.
But even now that she said it, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that health bills can be very expensive and I don't want to burden her with that.
She seems to sense my struggle and her hold on me tightens a little.

"I love you and I want to know you are safe and healthy. And I want you to be able to go to a doctor if something isn't right because you being healthy is so important to me and I know that insurances can be really bad, so please talk to me when you think about not going to a doctor because it's too expensive. I, and I don't mean that as a brag, have really a lot of money and it wouldn't effect me or Rose or anything if I paid for your health bills." She explains softly and I wonder how I deserved someone who is still so patient with me even though we had the topic money so many times before.

But her words don't seem too bad. I can talk to her when I think about seeing a doctor and maybe we can decide together on whether I should go or no.

"Okay, I will talk to you then." I agree and look up to her. Relief shows on her face and she kisses my forehead.

"Thank you, baby." She says and I smile a little.

We continue to cuddle for a while and at some point Rose comes down to ask to be tugged into bed and when she sees me, her eyes light up and she comes to cuddle with us.
She doesn't wonder why I am already back but I do inform her about being careful because my arm is a little hurt.

She promises to be careful and when Scarlett says she shouldn't kiss the exact spot better for now, she kisses my palm instead and my heart almost soars out of my chest at her adorableness.

After a while of cuddling, we bring her upstairs and tug her in, reading her a book. Not long and she is asleep.

A/n: Quite a long chapter but I am happy that I got to post it on an uneven day XD

Funfact: I watched multiple videos and short documentaries about jellyfish and especially the one named, just to be informed enough for this.
I also watched videos about stingray stings but decided to go with the jellyfish.

Also random and maybe weird question but: Is someone in the mood to watch a Christmas movie with me over groupwatch or so later today? Bc I've been lacking some social interaction.

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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