screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.3K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
β€’Part vi.β€’

<fifty nine.>

144 0 0
By stories000007

ELLIE was sitting in the library when George Weasley walked in. O.W.L.S were in a couple of weeks and she was studying a bit for them.

"Hey stranger." George smiled and Ellie smiled back.

"Hey." Ellie greeted with a smile. She missed talking to him.

"So, I figured I should be the one to tell you this because Fred probably won't, but we're leaving." George stated.

"Yeah I'm aware. I know it's your last year at Hogwarts." Ellie spoke.

"No, you don't understand. After you take your O.W.L.S." George informed her.

Ellie didn't really know how to respond. She didn't even know how to feel. Yes, she would miss them. Yet, a small part of Ellie was a bit glad they we're leaving because things just weren't the same between them anymore.

Just then Fred walked in and looked around until he saw George.

"Georgie! What are you doing? Harry needs us in— Hi Elle." Fred greeted and Ellie gave him a sly smile.

"Hey." Ellie replied.

"I know Harry needs us but this was quick! I was just about to leave." George explained.

"Alright, you go I'll be out in a bit." Fred stated. George gave a look but Fred just motioned for him to go. Which he did.

Fred sat down and looked at Ellie.

"I'm guessing George told you about us leaving right?" Fred assumed and Ellie nodded. Fred sighed and reached out for her hand. Ellie hesitated but she let him take it anyway. "You're going to be the only thing I'm going to miss about this dumb school."

Ellie gave him a small smile.

"Fred Weasley, what are you saying?" Ellie asked.

Fred smiled and took out a box.

"I got you this. You know since the hummingbird necklace broke." Fred stated.

Ellie gave him a look but then she took the little box and she smiled as she opened it. It was beautiful.

"I can't take this." Ellie stated.

"Yes you can. I insist." Fred smiled.

Ellie just gave him a look.

"Thank you." Ellie spoke.

Fred just smiled.

"Do you need help putting it on?" Fred asked.

Ellie nodded. She didn't, but she knew he really wanted to do it. So she let him.

Fred smiled as she handed him the necklace and he quickly stood up and Ellie stood in front of him. 

After, she turned to face him and he gave her a smile again. She missed him more than she should.

Ellie looked over and saw George impatiently waiting by the door.

"You should probably go." Ellie stated and Fred looked over then turned back to her and started to whisper in her ear.

"Meet me in the astronomy tower at midnight." Fred

Ellie looked at him for a moment.

"Why so specific?" Ellie asked.

"Well Umbridge is usually passed out by ten thirty and most prefects well besides Malfoy get off of duty at eleven. Malfoy ends at eleven thirty. He's such a people pleasure." Fred explained and Ellie chuckled.

"Okay." Ellie spoke.

Fred smiled and then left as he walked over to George.

"Would you two get a room for Christ's sake." A voice shot.

Ellie turned around and saw Draco.

"How much of that did you hear?" Ellie asked.

"All of it. However, I don't really feel like dealing with you two tonight so I'm just going to ignore the two of you disgusting people." Malfoy shot:

"What." Ellie spoke.

"Well most people go to the astronomy tower to shag." Draco stated.

"Malfoy, I don't want to know what goes on in your mind." Ellie spoke.

"Thank you." Draco spoke.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Ellie asked.

Draco fake laughed.

"What? I'm not nice! I'm just saving myself from being traumatized." Draco explained.

"You're stupid if you think I believe that." Ellie stated.

Draco just rolled his eyes.

"I think you're delusional." Draco shot and Ellie smiled.

"Got it, thank you Malfoy." Ellie spoke.

There was a small blush on his cheeks and he scoffed.

"Don't thank me for anything Smith! That is ludicrous." Draco protested, "Now if you excuse me I have to go catch Harry Potter."

"What's he doing?" Ellie asked.

"I'm not sure, but anywhere is better than here."
Draco shot and started to leave.

Ellie didn't think she was delusional or ludicrous. She was just speaking her mind. Which could be hard to do with someone like Draco Malfoy.


"IS there a reason why I heard people talking about how you were comfortable with both Fred and Malfoy in the library today?" Chase asked.

Ellie gave him a look and Daphne's jaw dropped.

"Since when did you talk to Malfoy?" Daphne asked.

"I don't. I was just talking to Fred and Malfoy was being nosy like usual." Ellie explained.

"That's not what Hannah Abbot was telling Justin and Ernie." Chase spoke.

"What was she saying then?" Daphne asked.

Chase just sighed.

"She said guess what blokes Elenor Smith was seen with today. Justin was more intrigued in the conversation and Hannah said that she thought Ellie was rude for leading them on. Justin said Ellie seemed like some, I don't want to finish that sentence." Chase informed them.

"Leading them on? As if they're interested." Ellie stated.

"What about Ernie?" Daphne asked.

"What about Ernie?" Chase queried. It was almost like he was jealous.

"Well what did he say about Ellie?" Daphne questioned.

"Ernie was surprisingly annoyed. He said that they shouldn't be talking about Ellie that way or any girl for that matter. He said it was rude." Chase told her.

Daphne smiled.

"That's sweet." Daphne said.

"I suppose, he seemed really weird after." Chase advised.

Daphne looked at Ellie.

"Where'd you get the necklace?" Daphne asked.

Ellie touched the pendant and smiled.

"It's not important." Ellie spoke.

Just then Theo walked in and smiled as he saw Ellie.

"There's my favorite girl!" Theo exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Ellie asked.

"I saw you in the library, you got Draco Malfoy to blush. Pansy can't even do that. And Weasley and you seemed to be having a moment. You're a real heartbreaker. I've taught you well." Theo smirked as he plopped down onto the chair next to her.

"Malfoy didn't blush." Ellie said.

"He did when he left." Theo exclaimed.

"Does everyone just think that every single bloke falls in love with me?" Ellie asked.

"Basically." Chase spoke.

"You know I thought Rosie was supposed the player but dang Elenor you're probably even worse." Theo explained.

"How?" Ellie asked.

"Everyone thought you were innocent, now they think you aren't because you dated Weasley." Blaise Zabini spoke as he walked down the stairs.

Ellie smiled when she saw him.

"Hi Blaise." Ellie spoke.

"Hey." Blaise spoke and smiled.

She missed him. They were good friends before. But they never really had the time to

"You don't think?" Daphne asked.

"Of course I think that." Blaise replied.

"Think what?" Chase asked.

Everyone was quiet for a minute. Chase was the least experienced out of everyone. Theo was well Theo, Blaise used to fool around with some girl in Hufflepuff, Daphne had snogged a couple of guys and Ellie well she did some stuff. She did date Fred after all.

"Well I'll say it since you guys clearly don't want to traumatize him for some reason. He's going to know eventually. They want to shag her." Theo stated.

Chase just gave a look.

"Oh." Chase spoke. "Do they think she did it with Fred?"

"Of course she did it with Fred." Theo spoke. Ellie stayed quiet. "Wait, you guys never did it? That's ludicrous."

Ellie knew that he was mocking Malfoy.

"We didn't." Ellie told him.

Chase looked at everyone.

"I'm not that innocent." Chase spoke.

Theo laughed.

"Sweetheart it's okay to be innocent." Theo teased.

"Stop it." Ellie shot, then she looked at Daphne who looked a bit anxious.

"Daphne what's wrong?" Ellie asked.

"Um, let's go to my dorm." Daphne stated then stood up. She looked at the boys. "Don't kill Chase."

"Can't make any promises." Theo said sarcastically and Daphne smacked him.

Then Ellie followed Daphne up to her room and when she plopped down on Daphne's bed Daphne quickly closed the privacy curtains.

"What's up?" Ellie asked, but then Daphne caused a silencing spell.

"Please don't hate me for what I'm about to tell you." Daphne spoke.

"Why would I hate you?" Ellie queried but Daphne ran her hands through her hair.

"I shagged someone." Daphne said.

"Huh, you do look different." Ellie stated.

"I do?" Daphne asked.

"No, who was it anyways?" Ellie asked.

There was a muttered response.

"Pardon?" Ellie spoke.

"George Weasley!" Daphne shot.

Ellie's eyes widened.

"Oh. I didn't think you guys talked." Ellie admitted.

She didn't even see them together at all.

"I think it was a comfort thing. We haven't spoken since. I don't really mind." Daphne explained.

"Well, as long as you're okay. Do you regret it?" Ellie asked.

Daphne shook her head.

"No, I was fine." Daphne explained.

"How'd you know you were ready?" Ellie asked.

"I felt it." Daphne stated.

Ellie just nodded.

"Well we should head back down." Ellie exclaimed.

Daphne nodded.

Then the two girls went back down and Ellie looked at Chase. Who looked terrified.

"What happened?" Ellie asked.

"Pansy happened." Blaise stated.

"She terrified the poor thing." Theo said.

"Are you okay?" Daphne asked.

"They're being over dramatic. She just stressed me out." Chase shot.

"Over what?" Daphne queried.

Chase sighed.

"Homework." Chase advised.

Theo laughed.

"Man, this boy is hilarious." Theo stated.


ELLIE walked into the astronomy tower and then she saw Fred was already there. He had been waiting for her for a while.

"Hey." Fred greeted her.

"Hi." Ellie spoke, then sat next to him.

There was a small silence between them. Not really a good one. There was too much tension between them.

Fred broke the silence.

"So, did you ever do it with Milburn?" Fred asked.

"No." Ellie replied.

Fred looked at her.

"I heard you spent the night there once. So I just asked." Fred exclaimed.

He didn't believe her. It was obvious.

Then she took his hand, he looked down at her hand and then at her.

"Fred, I swear. I didn't do it with Milburn." Ellie told him.

Fred looked her in the eyes. She wasn't lying. She was telling the truth.

It was crazy how good he was at reading her. The only thing Fred was ever sure of in his life was Ellie. But now, he couldn't anymore because they were over. Because he messed it up.

Fred just nodded. That was all Ellie needed to believe him.

"Do you even miss us?" Fred asked, he still hadn't let go of her hand. He didn't want to.

"Of course I do, Fred." Ellie stated.

"I'm sorry." Fred apologized.

"For what?" Ellie asked.

"For not knowing how to communicate. I guess I was just scared." Fred admitted.

"Scared of what?" Ellie asked.

"How good everything was going with us. I got scared so I messed it up." Fred explained.

Ellie just sighed.

"It's okay." Ellie replied.

Fred just looked down at her. He wanted to kiss her. No. He needed to kiss her. He couldn't.

"No it's not. Elle I was a prick. You didn't deserve it. I'm sorry. And don't accept it." Fred spoke.

Ellie just looked at him. Fred was being sincere and vulnerable. And her heart was beating fast. Too fast.

Then Fred started to lean in. Then he kissed her. But he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Fred stated.

But Ellie stayed quiet.

"Fred, just kiss me." Ellie stated.

And he did. He kissed her like his life depended on it. Like he needed her. He did. And she needed him just as much.

Her hands started to run through his hair and his heart was beating the fastest it was in his entire life. Ellie moved so that she could lay down and Fred moved his lips down to her neck.

There were a million thoughts going through both of their heads. Fred stopped to look at her.

"Elle." Fred spoke softly. He didn't even have to say what he was thinking.

"I'm sure." Ellie told him. And she felt it.

And then he kissed her again. They were both desperate. And it was because deep down they both needed and wanted it. But they also knew that this was probably the only time this would ever happen. They both needed each other, but they also needed space.


"HOW do you feel?" Fred asked, as he held her in his arms.

Ellie looked at him.

"Good, but different." Ellie admitted.

Fred quickly moved a piece of hair out of her face.

"Elle, you know I'm always going to love you no matter what right? There's no one else. Just you." Fred assured her.

"Fred." Ellie spoke softly. "We both know this isn't going to happen again."

Fred nodded.

"I just needed you to know." Fred exclaimed.

Ellie just looked at him and then she kissed him. Just to kiss him, and she pulled away.

"Um, I have to go." Ellie stated, and started to look around to grab her stuff.

"Relax Elle. You'll be fine. You've stayed out later than this before." Fred smiled.

Ellie rolled her eyes at him and quickly got dressed. Then she tossed him his clothes.

"Thanks." Fred spoke.

Ellie felt her heart race. She wasn't shocked who it was with. But she was just shocked that she even did it. Yet, she didn't regret it.

"Hey." Fred spoke. "You okay?"

Ellie turned around; she didn't know how long she must have been out of it because Fred had gotten dressed too.

"Yeah, just thinking." Ellie stated.

Fred just placed a hand on his arm and she felt a small shiver run down her spine.

"Want me to walk you to your dorm?" Fred asked.

"No, I think I'm good." Ellie advised.

Fred just nodded and Ellie left. It was some form of closure for her. She loved Fred, she was always going to love him but for her own well she needed it to be over.

Ellie walked into the common room and saw Brandon sitting on the couch ruffling his fingers through his hair. Then he saw Ellie.

"Ellie?" Brandon asked.

"Hi." Ellie spoke.

"Ellie, what are you doing out so late? You could've gotten caught! And what were you even doing?" Brandon shot.

He looked tense. Brandon didn't seem like himself.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked.

Brandon looked at her and his face fell.

"You look different." Brandon spoke.

Ellie felt her heart beating fast. Brandon definitely knew.

"Who." Brandon said, it wasn't even a question.

Ellie stayed quiet.

"Elenor." Brandon repeated.

"Brandon, what's wrong?" Ellie asked.

"Nothing!" Brandon shot, Ellie started to walk a bit closer near the couch. "Ellie, who were you with?"

"Why does it matter?" Ellie asked.

"Ellie. Do not test me right now. Who were you with?" Brandon asked.

Ellie looked down. She didn't want to tell Brandon. She knew he would be upset.

"Fred." Ellie mumbled softly.

Brandon stopped.

"What the hell were you thinking fucking Weasley?" Brandon asked.

Ellie felt tears start to build up.

"Why are you so mad?" Ellie asked.

"Ellie just stop it! You know what I can't deal
with you right now." Brandon spoke.

Her heart fell.

She had upset the person who's opinion always mattered most to her.

Ellie quickly walked up the stairs but didn't go to her dorm. She went to Rosie's.

She knew Rosie would still be up. She opened Rosie's curtain.

"What's going on with Brandon?" Ellie asked.

Rosie just gave her a look.

"Ellie, not right now. It's late." Rosie stated then closed her curtain.

Then Ellie went to her dorm and she did the best thing to do for herself. She took off the necklace and put it into one of her drawers.

For the rest of the night she just laid in her bed. She felt helpless and stupid.

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