π’˜π’π’“π’…π’” 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂�...

By bonnies__bitxh

138K 2.8K 589

Started: September 9th 2022 Finished: Morrigan Brooks had been called a witch many times in her life. Whether... More

authors note pls read !!


1.9K 58 8
By bonnies__bitxh

a/n: i know i said in the introduction that to keep witch powers and become a vamp is just super rare to live through and stuff but i decided to make it so her bloodline is the reason for that, and we'll dive into it later😽

anyways, love yall and thanks for all the support so far ❤️

Niklaus Mikaelson

Flashback to 1684

IT was Rebekah's birthday and for once, she actually had no idea what I was planning.

"Nik! This is wonderful!" She says, wrapping her arms around me.

The only reason I could get this set up so quickly was compulsion.

Not that I ever set up a party any other way.

Well, compulsion as well as Mor's magic, though, she pretty much just stood there and nitpicked everything, though (not that I'd ever admit it) but her nitpicking was the reason everything was perfect.

"Happy birthday little sister," I say. Morrigan was lining up for the birthday girl's attention and even Kol had made the journey after a bit of hounding.

"Happy birthday, Bex!" Morrigan says when she lets go of me.

"Is this why I couldn't find you this morning?" She asks and Mor nods, embracing my sister. Out of thin air, a box falls into Mor's hand.

"Is that-?" Rebekah asks and Mor nods.

"Open it." Rebekah obliges and when she does, I see a necklace, and for some reason, I remembered that necklace.

It was tiny. A thin chain with two gemstones on it. One was an amethyst, about as small as a few grains of sand. The other was an emerald. Why she picked those two gems, I didn't know.

"It's beautiful!" Rebekah says, though she looked like she didn't know why the choice of gems was the way they were, though Mor seemed to notice.

"The amethyst is your birthstone and the emerald is mine. This way, you'll always have a piece of me." She says with a nervous smile as if Rebekah would reject the objectively beautiful piece of jewellery.

"This is the best gift I have ever received!" Rebekah says, close to tears. She wraps her arms around Mor and the witch hugs her back.

"We'll, you're my best friend, Bex," Mor says.

"You're my best friend," Rebekah says, tearing up.

"Don't cry!" Mor says. "Turn around, I'll put it on." Rebekah does as she's told and Morrigan secures the clasp. "Now, hurry up and get your presents from your brothers, because after that, we are getting wine." Rebekah chuckles eagerly before turning to me.

"I didn't get you anything," I say with a smile and she just hits my arm. "I'm kidding, Rebekah!" I say, holding where she struck me. "It's in your rooms. You can see it after the party." She huffs a sigh but hugs me anyway.

"Thanks for the party, Nik." She whispers.

"Only for you, sister," I say. "Mor's in charge of Elijah's and Kol's," I say with a smile and Rebekah just rolls her eyes.

End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

I WOKE with a start, my head whipping in every direction to see where the threat was but there was seemingly nothing. Warily, I pulled the covers off of my body and went to open the curtains but they were already wide open. 4.27 am. That was probably why it was dark. 

There was an eery aura in the air, but I brushed it off as too many witches doing magic on my brain, even though that made little sense. 

I made my way downstairs after about half an hour of tossing and turning in search of a blood bag. If I couldn't sleep, I would watch trash TV. 

I opened my fridge and made a mental note to restock it since I took out my last one. 

Fully intending to turn on something along the lines of the Bachelorette or another one of those dating shows, my TV turned on my itself.

That's new. 

What was also new, was the news. I never watched anything like that just because I found it boring, but maybe it some how defaulted to that. 

My eyes dart around the room to find the remote, but as soon as I set eyes on it, it vanished into dust.

"Hello pearl," I hear from behind me. I moved my body so fast, faster than I ever had before to see the face I least wanted to, but before I could, everything melted away as if it were nothing. 

I SWEAR Damon needs help with the most menial tasks. This morning, he wanted me to help interrogate this poor doctor who Alaric liked, though she turned out to be kind of a bitch, since she vervained Damon and me to take our blood, not that the plant kept either of us down for long.

Other than my dream about... him, it was a relatively normal day.

Damon seemed like he trusted me less than he used to and I assumed that the originals had something to do with that.

And I didn't help much since as soon as Damon got a text from Bonnie, telling him to 'move the coffins' I beat him to it without him even knowing we were racing because I knew I could undagger Elijah since Klaus said I could.

Not that I would let that asshole boss me around, but his wrath is definitely a force to be reckoned with. 

So that's where I was now. I was sitting on a table that was next to Elijah's coffin with the dagger in my hand, bored out of my mind.

What could he possibly have to do other than wake up?

I also had to be wary of Klaus coming back, but not because I think he would go back on what he said, but because he'd probably say something like 'give me some breathing room before waking them' or something in his usual manner.

The front door opened, but they weren't Klaus' footsteps. They were-

"What are you doing here?" Damon asks.

"I need an explanation," I say flatly. It wasn't a lie, though it wasn't the whole truth.

I didn't know why, but for some reason, I missed Elijah. It was weird. I knew the guy for what? A week? And I missed him.

"What are you doing here?" I rebut and Damon holds up a small piece of paper between his index and middle finger.

"I'm appealing to Elijah's hopefully vengeful tendencies."

He walks over to the original and tucks the paper into his jacket pocket.

"Hope you get your explanation." He says before walking away. It seemed sarcastic but knowing Damon, it was just his usual tone.

"Hope you get your vengeance," I say in response and he gives me a small smile before spending off, out of the house.

Just as I was thinking how I didn't want to wait here forever, Elijah's finger twitched slightly, signalling his restoration.

Finally, I think, but I hear the door open again, and this time I realised that I probably wouldn't be so lucky as it to be Damon again.

Pursing my lips, I jumped out the window like a teenage hookup that had to sneak out.

Let's just hope that they don't fight too much.

I SAT in my room, contemplating how long it would be before I got hungry enough to raid either the blood bank or the Salvatore's stash when there was a knock at my door.

When I opened it, I saw Elijah standing there, examining my doorframe.

"Hey," I say stupidly.

"Hello." He says.

"Uh... How are things?" I say, completely forgetting the fact that I'm supposed to be mad at him, though he didn't forget.

"Niklaus told me something about your 'grand revenge', so I thought I might save you the trouble of hunting me down."

"Oh, ha, yeah no, I'm over that. Hell, Klaus had his hand around my heart even more recently," I start and his eyes darken dangerously, though I try take no notice of it. "And he and I are cool, so why shouldn't I give you that same liberty?"

"You are ever so kind." He says, smiling a half smile.

"I've got to say, Elijah. I think this is the first time you've used the front door. Consider me proud." I say and he chuckles, still looking at the doorframe as if he had seen it before but he just couldn't place it. "Oh my god, d'you want to come in?" I say and he smiles, nodding.

"So, what happened since I've been... otherwise occupied?" He asks, and I suspect he has used the excuse 'otherwise occupied' a few too many times.

"Um well, I went with Klaus and Stefan looking for werewolves, got bitten, found more werewolves, watched them go crazy after Klaus tried to make them into hybrids- OH! I met your sister and she is an absolute sweetheart, though I'm not sure where she is right now, and I figured a few things out about my supernatural amnesia. I went to Salem for a week and a bit, then I came back here just to find that everything had gone to shit and... then I undaggered you." I say, summarising everything as best I could and handing him the glass of bourbon I just poured him.

"That... sounds as though you've had a productive few months." He says as though he was trying to pick his words wisely.

"Not really. I spent most of my time with Klaus and Stefan trying to make sure they didn't murder each other and keeping the conversation going. If it weren't for me it would be silent."

"I don't doubt that," Elijah says with a baritone laugh.

That laugh for some reason was like ambrosia, the food of the gods. It was thick and hearty and no matter how many times I heard it, I could never get enough of it.

"So, what do you plan on doing now? Any business to take care of? Any brothers to kill?" I say nervously. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want Klaus to die. It was kind of selfish and incredibly tactless, but I did actually consider him a friend.

"That depends." He says, eyeing me. "Out of curiosity, what would you want to happen?"

I hesitate before answering. "I think that what Stefan is doing is blaming Klaus for everything. Klaus did do quite a bit, but Stefan is escalating the situation by obsessing over him so much that the only reason he has people helping him is because he appealed to their mutual dislike of Klaus."

"That's not an answer," Elijah says and I dip my head.

"No, I don't want Klaus to die. I know it's slightly strange, but he's my friend."

Elijah nods a knowing nod, if that makes sense, before setting down his bourbon.

Instead of asking another question that required brain power, he just leaned back. "How was Salem, Mor?"

 Elijah Mikaelson

HOW on earth does she not remember anything but she acts exactly the same as before?

Instant friends with Rebekah: Check. Forgiving Niklaus too easily: Check.

She even has the same tell for when she's lying. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other constantly.

I knew having no excuse for seeking her out was foolish of me, but I just had to see her. 

She talked about Salem with bright animation, though I could tell there was disappointment behind her eyes. As if the results she got were just not enough.

I was still confused about why Niklaus' hand was around her heart. What sort of disagreement eliminated a bond like theirs, even if m she didn't remember it, he definitely did.

Flashback to 1735

I COULD not find anyone for the life of me. Even with my supernatural hearing, the compound was eerily silent and I half expected to hear a gunshot or something along those lines.

Putting my worries to the back of my mind in favour of reading, I made my way up to Morrigan's and my shared room to find the door locked.

"Hold on!" I hear my girlfriend's voice shout. There was a loud crash followed by a smaller one before the door flung open, revealing Morrigan with messy hair and soot smudged across her cheek, and behind her was Niklaus covered in what appeared to be blood but on further inspection I realised was his red paint.

"Do I want to know?" I ask, looking between the two, but Niklaus just gives me a cunning grin and Mor starts to vaguely explain.

"Experimentation on how to make paint flammable." She says quickly and for a moment, I thought I had misheard her, but over the years these two had done some interesting things.

I don't say anything, but instead, I just get my book and walk out, not bothering to question it, since I know from experience, that there is no method to their madness.

End of flashback

I WANTED to fight Niklaus for the freedom of our siblings more, but I understood his motives. I also wanted to invite Morrigan to the dinner tonight, just so I could spend more time with her but I knew it would be a bad idea. 

According to Damon, Stefan had his humanity off and Nikalus and Stefan were at odds, so it would be a tense night, to say the least.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?" Morrigan asks, sitting next to me after putting our glasses away.

"I am going to have dinner with my brother and the Salvatores," I say, and as I do, I realise how badly this will inevitably turn out. 

"And that's not a recipe for disaster," Morrigan scoffs. 

"Yes, well I am just going to hope for the best. I just wanted to... I'm honestly not sure what I wanted to do." I sat stupidly. 

She just chuckles, her smile lighting up the room. "Well, I'm glad I made the list for you to visit." She says. As if she wouldn't. "When is this dinner?" She asks. 

"Seven tonight," I say, dreading the simple concept of it. "I will stop dreading the passive, or lack thereof, aggressiveness when it's over."

"Grumpy Stefan and shit-stirrer Klaus? What could go wrong?" She says and I chuckle at the candour of the statement. 

I stand up, not knowing how I am going to be able to talk to her for an extended amount of time without completely losing it and telling her everything about her past as well as our past together.

"I'll see you after tonight, Mor. Whether or not I will be sane is a different question, but I'll see you after tonight." I leave her house and exhale, wondering how much longer I would have to keep up this facade, before getting into my car and swiftly driving away. 

Morrigan Brooks

I HAD nothing to do for the rest of the day. No one to save, no one to kill, and no drama, so I was sitting on the couch watching the Bachelorette. Not that I was particularly paying attention. I had my blood bag and my phone, so I was pretty content.

Content- at least until I saw what I most dreaded at this current moment. 

From Damon: Can you come to Klaus' house, I'm pretty sure you're the only one he won't kill 

To Damon: What did you do?

From Damon: I just need you to jump in front of me if he reaches for my heart

Oh my fucking god. Can't I have one bloody day to myself?

I didn't feel like compelling a pair of gravediggers though, so I pulled my shoes on and sped over to the abode of the original vampires. 

I knock on the door lazily and it opens ominously. 

"Klaus? Damon?" I say, looking around though not seeing anyone. When I turn back to the doorway, there was a woman there. "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong house," I say. I knew I didn't have the wrong house, but who on earth was this woman.? 

"Nonsense, you are looking for my son?" The woman says and I turn to see Elijah.

"Elijah, sorry, I didn't mean to crash your party, but Damon texted me some weird SOS," I say, creeped out at the new vibe of this place. There was something different about it. Something ancient.

Probably just the brothers.

"It's alright, Morrigan." Elijah says in a defeated tone. "if anything it's nice to see you."

"You too," I say, still wondering about this strange woman, so I turn to her. "Um... I'm Morrigan. Morrigan Brooks." I extend my hand to her and she clasps it between both of hers. 

"Of course. I briefly knew an ancestor of yours." The woman says. Was this the ancient presence I felt? "I'm Esther." She says with a weirdly calming but jarring at the same time smile.

"Nice to meet you, Esther," I say, wondering if I should know her.

"You don't know me, but I am Elijah's, along with his siblings, mother."

I could only assume that my eyes were as wide as saucers at that point. While I wasn't present for the affair, Klaus and Damon both told me about the run-in with the Mikaelson's father and I hoped the mother wouldn't have the same murderous tendencies as her husband. 

"Oh, that is... definitely not what I expected, but that's pretty cool," I say, stupidly, not knowing how to react to that.

"It can't be..." I hear. "You seemingly look well, M-" I look up to see a man, an original I assumed, staring at me with wide eyes with Elijah's hand across his mouth, preventing him from speaking.

"Um... I might just leave you all to, um, catch up, and... It was nice meeting you." I say to Esther and try speed walk out of there as I had obviously caught them at a really bad time, but the guy Elijah had pinned against the wall previously sped in my path, preventing me from leaving. 

"Please, stay. Don't break my heart and tell me you've forgotten me." He says and I chuckle.

"There is a great chance I have. I'm Morrigan." He gives me a funny look but extends his hand to lead me out of the foyer and into the living room.

"It is quite lovely to meet you, Morrigan. I'm Kol. The handsome Mikaelson." He says and I chuckle.

"I can see that, Kol," I say. "I don't want to overstay my welcome though, so you can get back to your family," I say, backing away towards the door.

"You aren't, I promise. So what's this about there is a great chance you have forgotten me?" Kol says, leading me to sit down.

"She can explain to you another time," Elijah says, stepping up with a dangerous glint in his eye. 

"If Morrigan wants to leave, she is free to do so." Kol says, sizing his brother up. Either this was something about Elijah's dead fianceé or there are some unresolved feelings and issues here. 

"I was wondering when I'd see you again," Rebekah says, sliding next to me. My mood immediately brightens when I see the blonde.

"Hey, you're back!" I say, attempting to ignore the brothers feud. 

"I never left. The doppelganger shoved a dagger in my back." She says bitterly and I just stare at her.

"Oh my god, I had no idea," I say but as soon as I do, a hand lightly grips my upper arm.

"Come with me. Please?" Elijah says in an almost pleading voice and I give Rebekah a little wave before following Elijah out of the house.

"Are you ok?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, of course. Your whole family seems lovely." He just scoffs. "I'm sorry for crashing the family reunion, I promise, I never would have come if I suspected anything of the sort was happening," I say hurriedly and Elijah nods reassuringly.

"I know, love," my heart skips a beat or two at the nickname and I hoped it was too dark for him to see my blush. "But everyone in there is..."

"Complicated?" I supply and he just simply nods.

"Yes. Complicated and I didn't want you getting roped into Kol's games or my mother's schemes."

"Is your mother a vampire too?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

'No. She is a witch. I don't know how she isn't a pile of bones after the millennia it has been since I've seen her, but somehow she is flesh and bone."

That must have been the aura I felt.

"Would you like a ride home?" He asks and I adamantly shake my head. 

"No, I didn't want to tear you away from your family when you've only just gotten them back," I say. "You know where I live, so you know it's a quick walk."

"I also know it's an even quicker drive." He says and I realise he wasn't going to take no for an answer, so I sigh before nodding.

"Can I ask you something, Elijah? And you can totally shut me down if this is overstepping." I ask, assign the last bit quickly after about a minute of comfortable silence. He looks over at me  cautiously but nods. "Why are you so good to me? When we met you mistook me for an old love and I kind of just insulted you."

"I'm good to you, Morrigan, because you're good. You're kind and funny and yes, you hold a resemblance to a girl I love- loved." He adds the past tense quickly. "But even after I betrayed you and snapped your neck, you're still kind to me."

"Well it wasn't really me you betrayed. I was only helping out because Damonand Stefan asked me to." I say with a shrug, trying not to blush at the originals words for the second time in ten minutes. 

We arrive back at my place and I get out of the car and cross my arms when Elijah does too.

"You can't avoid your family forever," I say, with a smirk.

"Watch me." He says with a mischievous gleam in his eye but I hold up my hand as he walks towards me.

"You can come in when you've talked to your... conniving, no. How did you put it? Scheming mother and caught her up on what o m g means and whatnot." I say with a laughing smile and he dips his head.

"I will make sure to teach her all of the new slang." He says, getting back into his car. The car, I realised, was the one that Klaus stole. I give him a wave as he drives away and I turn around to walk into my house.

I only realised after that I couldn't stop smiling until I fell asleep, and I had a sneaking suspicion that if I had cameras that monitored my sleep, I would still be smiling all throughout my slumber. 

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