Sedatephobia: Mikaelson's Sou...

By -Mrs-Mikaelson-

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Sedatephobia: The fear of silence. Mikaelsons x oc Finn x oc Elijah x oc Klaus x oc Kol x oc Rebekah x oc Hen... More

Did Someone Say Masquerade Ball?
Life in Captivity
Hey Daddy
At Least He is Hot
My Favourite Doppelgangers
Maybe Tombs Aren't My Thing
Stranger Danger
My Front Door
69 - 9 + 's = Decade Dance
Undaggered and Swaggered
Coffee Dates
Life in Captivity... Take 2
Can I Leave Yet?
Umm... Hi?
Quite the Rollercoaster
Longest. 2 Weeks. Ever.
Normal Porch Activities
Quite Alright Indeed
Guilty as Charged
Please Be Kidding
Scared... but not really
Two Favourite Golden Retrievers
Literal Children
Super Hot
Sexy Vampires
Christmas in July
Hole in One
Oh My God
Are We There Yet?
Fields of Food and Kisses
R- R- Rachel...
So Don't
Girls Night
This Works
Love Interests
Words, Angel
A Bad Feeling
Talented Fingers
Familiar, almost.
Come With Me
Family Bonding
So Then Do It
Mommy Issues
Plan B
Oui Oui
Don't be a Stranger
Agree to Disagree
It's Not All Bad
The Waiting Game
Alcohol Makes Everything Better
It's Going to be Okay

Questions and Answers

11.4K 455 38
By -Mrs-Mikaelson-

"I'll probably be home in the early afternoon tomorrow since Elena and I are going to and get lunch at the grill tomorrow." River reassured.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Elena recently." River's mother stated on the other end of the phone call.

"What is that supposed to mean?" River asked as she nervously ran the edge of her foot over the patch of grass in front of her.

"I don't know." River's mother started, "Maybe there's something that you're not telling me like if you and Elena had become more than friends and that's why you were spending so many nights at her place or if maybe you weren't seeing Elena at all and there was someone else who you were dating-"

"Mom." River warned. "It's fine." She continued, "I am a teenage girl spending my summer break with my best friend. There is no dating involved, trust me."

"Alright." River's mother mumbled. "But you'd tell me if there was, right?"

"Of course." River answered.


"Okay." River's mother said, "I'll let you go then but call me if anything changes, okay?"

"I will." River reassured before standing up off of the bench she had been sitting on, "I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too." River's mother replied before hanging up. River then slid her phone into her back pocket before walking back over to the doors which led to the Mikaelsons' kitchen. Once River was back inside, she walked back up to the kitchen island before she was quickly pulled back to sit on Finn's lap where she had been sitting before her mom had called her. 

"She thinks you're lying." Elijah observed.

"She knows I'm lying." River corrected as Elijah turned to face her, a plate of the waffles he had just made for her in hand. "One of you is going to need to play meet the family soon." River muttered, mainly to herself.

"Since it went so well with your grandparents, I am more than happy to be the honorary representative." Elijah offered playfully earning a loud but muffled whine from Finn as he currently had his face buried tightly in the crook of River's neck.

"Cute idea but considering that my grandma was very prepared to leave my grandfather for you after 53 years of marriage makes me not want you to meet my parents." River explained as she began to eat the waffles Elijah had made her for lunch at her own request.

"Worth a shot." Elijah mumbled. "Maybe when our relationship is more official." He thought aloud.

"I don't think having completed the bond influences what my parents will think of you." River countered before taking a sip of the coffee Elijah had also made her earlier.

"That wasn't what I meant." Elijah blurted out awkwardly, now realising that River had heard his previous statement.

"Well then what did you mean-" River started before cutting herself off. "Finn don't lick me." River scolded quickly as she recognised what Finn was doing. Her comment merely drew a soft growl from Finn before he nipped at the skin on her neck.


what the fuck?

did he just growl at me?

"Marriage." Elijah admitted, instantly drawing River's attention away from Finn's antics.

what in the actual fuck is happening right now?

"Marriage?" River repeated, trying to process what Elijah was saying. Elijah simply nodded slightly in confirmation, not appreciating how vulnerable he had just made himself and how overwhelmed River appeared to be by his words. After a moment of Elijah contemplating the meaning of his immortal life, River finally spoke. "Okay." She said simply before finishing off the final bit of waffle in front of her.

"Okay?" Elijah clarified.

Are we just repeating each other now?

"Yeah." River confirmed. "I mean I didn't realise marriage was all that important to the soulmate bond or immortals even, but I guess it makes sense since you're all gentlemanly and what not." River explained.

"You'd marry me?" Elijah exclaimed, his voice cracking.


You're really fucking hot.

"Yeah I mean I don't know what your other siblings think about the whole marriage thing but I'm open to it." River stated.

"Good." Elijah said, lowering his head to hide his childish smile. "That's really good."


"Okay I have to ask." River finally started after a moment, placing down her pencil to pause her drawing momentarily, "Can I get pregnant?"

"I'd assume so." Elijah said although it sounded more like a question than an answer.

"By one of you." River clarified.

"Want to find out?" Kol questioned from the doorway, startling River.

"How long have you been standing there?" River asked.

"Not long." Kol lied.

"He's been there for 45 minutes." Elijah deadpanned.

"It was 42." Kol clarified, irritated by Elijah's observation. "But doubling back to more important matters," Kol trailed off, referring to his previous idea.

"No." River answered before Kol could continue.

"But you haven't even heard my whole offer." Kol whined.

"Don't need to." River stated. "I'd rather just get a yes or no on the possibility of a miracle baby."

"Fine." Kol huffed. "But as soon as you get bored of Elijah's dull explanations come find me and we can test his answer for ourselves." Kol flirted before gently pecking River's lips and then retreating back to his room, his inner vampire still not having full adjusted to seeing his siblings being physically intimate with his mate, and seeing River sitting on Finn's lap had only motivated Kol to steal one of the daggers back from Nikki.

"So miracle baby or no?" River asked as she turned to Elijah once she heard Kol's bedroom door shut.

"No." Elijah admitted cautiously, not knowing which answer River would prefer.

"Thank God." River muttered to herself.

"You don't want kids?" Elijah clarified.

"Fuck no." River answered quickly causing relief to instantly flood Elijah's expression. "I love Delilah... honestly the most out of everything in existence, but that girl has served as the perfect baby repellent."

"How so?" Elijah asked.

"As you would have noticed, my parents are almost always out of town or at work or doing something which involves leaving Delilah in my care and it's been like that for the last six years and after that I have practically had the free trial motherhood and let's just say it's not for me." River explained as Finn reassuringly ran his nose along the side of River's neck, having heard this story before in greater detail.

"Right." Elijah confirmed, understanding where she was coming from after the last millennium of being a step-in father figure for Niklaus.

"Right." River repeated.

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