Change of Heart (A Weasley Fa...

Per WeaselB3e

43.7K 1.5K 263

The name is Kayley, sometimes I get called Kay for short. I was taken hostage by death eaters during the Batt... Més

Like None Other
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
The Alternate Ending

Chapter 6

1K 37 3
Per WeaselB3e

It's been two months since George kissed me and things were almost normal between us, although I've noticed him looking at me more often. Fred doesn't know a thing about the kiss, I wish I knew what to do...because in the two months since the kiss I came to one conclusion: I fancied both Fred and George. Immensely, and there was no way to decide between them.

"I wish I weren't a girl," I mumbled miserably.

Draco raised an eyebrow as he looked over my History of Magic notes, "something...bothering you?"

"The twins," I sighed.

"And I'm done," Draco commented, shaking his head vigorously and pushing away from the table.

"Come on!" I groaned as I thumped the table with my fists.

"You know I can't do girl talk, I'll take away all your house points for this conversation," Draco looked beyond disgusted.

"We're supposed to be friends....friends have talks like these!" 

"Technically we're not supposed to be friends, especially since your crowd are so insufferable," Draco wagged a finger at me. 

I glared at him, "I'll be taking my notes back then!" 

"I don't know what to tell you!"

"But you're Draco Malfoy, you bloody rule Slytherin with your dashing good looks!" Complementing his ego was the only way to get anything from him.

"I'm sorry but that isn't going to work on me this time," Draco snorted.

"I just need you to tell me what I should do," I said with a sigh.


"You're no help!"

"Because I don't want to help!"

"What good are you then?!"


I jumped in my seat as Madame Prince appeared, I looked at Draco who was trying not to laugh.

"Who do you enjoy spending more time with?" Draco whispered bitterly.

I chewed on my bottom lip, I loved to spend time with both of them. But when I'm with George we could sit in silence and I would think it was perfect just being able to be with him, Fred...I loved talking to him constantly and we never had a dull moment. Well, I never had a dull moment with either of them actually. But I did spend more time with Fred in the end...but...George...he was so sweet when we were alone. My mind was batting back and forth.

"I can't answer that..." I whispered back.

Draco rolled his eyes, "alright...when you sit with them...who do you sit closer to?"

"George...I think," I nodded.

"There, George is your answer then!"

"It's not that easy!"

"Yes it is, you're just a girl and are over thinking this!"

"You're useless."

"You're hopeless."

I glared at him, "suppose you don't need my history notes for the rest of term then. Good luck!"

"Oi, you know what I meant."

"I really do have to get going though," I sighed.

"Hot date?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

I scrunched up my nose, "wouldn't you like to know?"

Draco smirked, "I'm patrolling were warned."

I groaned, Umbridge loved the Slytherins and together they formed the inquisitorial squad which was annoying since Draco was a part of it. At least he warned me when he had to patrol, I packed my bag, it was almost time for dinner. "I'll be seeing you, Draco."

"If it helps," he sighed, "I think neither of them deserve you."

I gave him a side hug, "you know, if you weren't such an arrogant arse I'd respect you more." I walked off toward the Gryffindor table as Draco walked over to Slytherin, I noticed Blaise meet my gaze and give me a slight nod. I smiled, Blaise wasn't so bad....he just had an appetite for food along with other things.

"Hello," I smiled at the trio as I took a seat beside Ron, the twins weren't in sight. For now.

"Kayley, do you think you could-"

"What did Hermione say?" I looked at Hermione who was smirking into her food.

"I just need you to read over my essay," Ron shot back.

"With the introduction I wrote!" Hermione stated.

"Was that the paper you were working on last night?" I asked Hermione, Hermione nodded and I laughed.

"Don't worry, Ron, I'll look at it," I snickered.


I looked around the hall, everyone was either eating or finding spots at their tables, that's when I noticed Zacharias Smith walking towards me with determination plastered on his face. I raised an eyebrow, I was friendly to Smith, we never had arguments or fights but we also never had much to say unless we were paired together in a class. His cold demeanor towards Harry made me dislike him, but out of the few conversations we've shared he was alright to me. Especially since he hasn't ratted out our secret organization, which I still had my bet that he would.

"Hey, Zachary, what can I do for you?" I smiled as he towered above me.

He flashed me a dazzling smile, really? Have I just been that blind that I never noticed he was...good looking? Almost hot, actually. "Hey, Kayley I was wondering, with Valentine's Day coming up if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me..." He was bold, bolder than any other person I knew at the moment.

I glanced around, noticing how my two favorite red heads were still vacant, Ron prodded me in the back as I stammered. "Sure, I'd like that," I flashed my own smile-one that I knew made any guy take a second look at me.

"Brilliant! Can we set up a time later?"

"Of course," Smith walked away with a pronounced strut. Probably to show off that he was the first boy to ever be lucky enough to talk to me without the twins beating him up for asking me out.

"When the twins find out, they'll murder him," Harry stated.

"If they find out," I corrected.

"You don't think Smith isn't going to go bragging about how he got a date with the one and only Kayley Sorrin?" Ron snorted.

I sighed as I looked around, Smith was indeed talking to a few of his Hufflepuff friends and I noticed Draco was watching me. When I looked at him he dragged his finger across his neck and pointed to Smith as he mouthed 'he's dead' I stuck my tongue out at Draco before eating my dinner. I just had to dodge the twins..


"Happy Valentine's Day!"

I laughed as Hermione and Ginny tossed Chocolates at me, "happy valentine's day."

"Are you ready for your..." Hermione quickly looked around the Great Hall for Fred and George, both I knew were sound asleep.

"I'm having a small breakfast and getting dressed and then going," I smiled.

Ginny looked at us like we were insane until she put the pieces together, "you have a date!"

I giggled as the morning post began to fill the hall, in the blink of an eye, five owls sat in front of me, looking expectant. " to lend a hand guys?" I tore the small packages from the owls just in time for three more owls to drop packages. Really?!

I picked up all the packages, they were all chocolates from different people. "May want to hide all these before other girls see or even the twins," Ginny commented.

But I could already see some girls eyeing us as I quickly picked up all the packages, it wasn't my fault that people wanted to send me things...on Valentine's Day, which just happened to be the most romantic day of the year.

"I'll see you guys later," I smiled.

"I want to hear all about your day!" Hermione winked as I rushed off with my chocolates.

I smiled as I dressed for Yes, it was a date. I sighed, I was nervous, not because it was with Zachary Smith but because what if the twins saw us? They weren't exactly ones to let this go, especially not after I kissed George, or rather he kissed me, but what would he think if he saw me?! What if they saw us and they hated me from then on?

I dressed in a grey sweater that was fitted around my torso and a pair of dark skinny jeans before grabbing my black button down coat and red scarf. I made my hair wavier than usual and applied just a bit of eyeliner-high lighting the gold in my eyes. I found Smith standing by the staircase in front of the Great Hall, he was wearing a grey jacket and dark jeans with his Hufflepuff colored scarf.

"Great minds think a like, eh?" I joked as I approached him.

"You look much better than I do," Zachary chuckled. I blushed slightly, "are you ready to go?"

Ready as I'll ever be, I gave a giant smile as he held out his arm for me to take.

"So how did you get away from your body guards?" Zachary asked as we made our way into town.

"I bribed someone to distract them for me," I smirked.

"Well, I'm glad you're here," flattering, he reached into his pocket and handed me a small yellow carnation, I couldn't help but laugh. "Happy Valentine's Day," I blushed slightly.

"Yellow for Hufflepuff?" I joked.

"Yellow for friendship....but good catch," he winked.

"It's beautiful."

"As are you," Zachary flashed me a grin.

I sniffed the flower before fixing it in my hair, I smiled as we entered the three broomsticks and sat towards the back.

"Two butterbeers for us."

"So where to?" I asked, slightly excited. I've always wanted to go on a date, but the twins always kept guys away. Always. Which I was somewhat thankful for a majority of my time.

"I was thinking here first, then Zonko's, the shrieking shack, and Honeydukes?" Zachary offered.

"I'm fine with anything," I smiled as the warmth of the drink filled my every being. "But Zonko's, we need to stay away from there."

"The twins won't murder me will they?" He looked worried.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," I winked.

Zachary chuckled, "I saw you got a lot of parcels this morning."

"Oh...yeah," I smiled.

"Did you get mine yet?"

"Oh, um...I don't think I did," I tried to remember the names on the packages.

Zachary let out a laugh, "I haven't gotten you any....yet," he winked.

I wrinkled my nose as I took a sip of my drink, from our spot you could see the entire pub even the front door where...oh no. "Um...Zachary, excuse me for a moment," I said hurriedly as I slid under the table.

"But, Kayley!"

"shhhh!" I shushed him as I looked over the table at the door, Fred and George were gone now...or maybe somewhere else. I sat back up, fixing my hair and positioning the flower back in my hair, "sorry about that."

"No, I understand why you did it. Are you ready to go then?" He wasn't smiling, he actually looked calculating, "how about I take you somewhere they won't think to ever go?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and chewed on my lip, "is there such a place?"

"Madame Puddyfoot's."

I shook my head, "yuck! I don't want to go anywhere near there!"

Zachary grinned, "my kind of girl, come on. Let's go look around."

I felt my face flush as we began walking through the crowded streets, I noticed a few boys turn over their shoulders as we approached. A few looked shocked to see Kayley Sorrin and Zachary Smith walking around Hogsmeade together, having a great day.

"Can we go to the book shop?" I pleaded.

Zachary shrugged as we turned inside, I searched through all the shelves until I found the section on astronomy, "you like the stars?"

"Yeah," I nodded looking through the book and revealing a picture of the evening sky during winter. "I've always been fascinated with it, but you see here? This is the sky tonight if there aren't any clouds."

"Looks lovely."

"Have you ever seen it like this? Especially out here! It's like the stars are so close you can touch them!" Zachary chuckled at my excitement, I blushed as I closed the book and placed it on the shelf, coughing slightly, "sorry....I just really think the universe is beautiful." 

"You'll just have to show me how you view the world."

I beamed, "maybe if you're nice."

Zachary grinned but grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me down the aisle and towards the back of the shop. "Watch it!" I hiss.

"What exactly did you tell the Weasleys about today?" Zachary whispered.

"I told them I was walking around with Hermione and I made sure to pay Lee Jordan to watch them," I commented.

"They're following us," he muttered.

Honestly? I frowned before taking Zachary's hand, "they can't stand book stores, they'll be gone any minute." Zachary nodded as we sat against the shelving in silence.

"favorite quidditch team?"

"internationally the Irish, but locally the Harpies, obviously," I smiled.

"But the Romania team is so much better!" Zachary objected.

"So is the Australian team, but the Irish will always be my favorite."

Zachary nodded, "a girl who is witty, attractive, and knows about quidditch. I like that."

My face flushed slightly, honestly, was this guy always like this? How didn't I notice that? "Sorry about the twins though."

Zachary shrugged, "I'm having a blast. Now off to Honeydukes?"

I nodded before we rushed out of the store and headed down the street, no sight of red anywhere, I breathed in the lovely scent of sugar as we entered the packed candy store. I bought droobles, enough chocolate frogs for both Harry, Ron and myself, peppermint frogs, and exploding bonbons.

"Sweet tooth?" Zachary laughed as I appeared with my arms filled with candy.

I smirked, "Oh! can you pass me some of those taffies? Need to get them for Lee," I pointed over his shoulder. He handed them over before disappearing.

He reappeared with a big box filled with peanut butter chocolates, "for you, gorgeous," he winked.

I beamed, "peanut butter filled chocolates?! Those are my absolute favorites!"

Zachary beamed, "I know how to pick them," he commented.

"Thank you, Zachary!" I squealed in excitement.

After paying for all my candy, we decided to walk around just a little bit more before walking back to the castle.

"I'm having a fun day," I smiled as we stood in front of the Shrieking Shack.

"Me too," Zachary smiled back. His hand grabbed mine and our fingers intertwined, I prayed that my palm wasn't sweaty. My mind instantly jumped to the twins as guilt rose within me, what would they think if they knew about this? Zachary must have noticed my stance as he dropped my hand, "worried about the twins, eh?"

"Yeah...sorry," I mumbled.

He shrugged, "let's get going," we began walking back, conversing about different things, quidditch was the focus but we ended on the topic of our secret DA meetings until we were by the double oak doors.

"Today was interesting," I beamed.

"My thoughts exactly," Zachary smirked.

"See you later?" I was bouncing from ball to heel, nerves kicking in, how did you end a date?

Zachary nodded before closing any space between us and pressing his lips to mine, it was a short kiss but his lips were soft against mine. I couldn't help but smile, "see you later," Zachary grinned before kissing my cheek.

I stood confused, what just happened? "Don't worry, Kayley, this was just a date. But, if you ever care to go on another you know where you can find me," he winked before walking off.

"Happy Valentine's Day, by the way, Kayley Sorrin!" He shouted over his shoulder.

My mind was swirling with emotions and thoughts as I entered the Gryffindor common room, Hermione and Ginny ran to my side but I brushed them off. Too dazed to talk about my date. It was a rather simple date, it was the best time I'd ever had. But I still felt guilty as I laid in bed, my fingers brushing the spot where Zachary's lips had been. Did he really kiss me? And did I really enjoy it? I tore open the small box of chocolates as I tried to mull over what happened.

But the only thought that ran through my mind was that I really enjoyed George's kiss over Smith's....Really enjoyed.

Continua llegint

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