King of the hero's |My hero a...

By _kosu_

91.1K 1.5K 1.3K

In this timeline, Izuku Midoriya was born with the Gum Gum quirk, which allows him to stretch and blow up his... More

My rubbery quirk
The UA entrance exam
Class A's introduction
Gum Gum vs Santōryū
Class A's battles and leader
The USJ incident Part 1
The USJ incident Part 2
Sports festival preparations
The obstacle course
A kids game????
A Perfect Duo
A burning family
Uraraka's Will
Gum Gum vs Diable Jambe
An Immovable Object vs An Unstoppable Force
The sports festival's winner
A King's Meal
A deal with the devil
Class A's interships
Kodomo Yūsutasu and The Old Man
Deku's Bizarre Adventure
Three Girls One Rabbit And Guardian Dog
A Burning Friend
The calm before the storm
The Hero Killer Stain
A New Dawn
Class A's Reunion
The Final Exam
Class A's Resolve
A Fateful Encounter
The Summer Camp
His Hero
A lost friend
Tomura's Master
All Might vs All For One
Gifted blades
Akuyaku Gakkō
The hero licensing exam
Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo
The Big Three
David's Mistake
Chisaki's Deal
The Lagoon Squad
The Lagoon Squad vs The League of Villains
The Deku Agency's Will
Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki
Lemillion's Rage
Shigaraki's Message
Unexpected Reunions
Hidden Talent
A New Threat
A Gentle Man
A Bouncy Battle
The Number Two Hero: Endeavour
Tomura's Statement
Class 1-A's Tournament
Class A's Decisive battles
Class A's Decision
Distant Memories
Intermission Chapter [Explanation on all of my OC's]
Poking The Bear
Australia's Last Hope
The WhiteStache Agency
The Justice Association
Loose Ends

Training with All Might

7.1K 97 138
By _kosu_

"I'm here All Might!" I yelled as I ran closer to the beach.

"Oi, keep it down!" I had forgotten that no one knows about All Might's skinny form so, I immediately covered my mouth with my hands.

"Sorry." I apologised. After a few more strides, I was directly in front of All Might. "So why did you choose this beach? It's basically a dumpst-" Before I could complete my sentence All Might transformed, interrupting me.


"Give me 3." All Might laughed in response.


"And what is it?" I assumed it was going to be something bizarre but it wasn't at all.


"I wasn't planning on it anyway, if I did it would be done in minutes." My quirk was perfect for the task so I decided not to use it even before All Might told me not to.


"Yeah me too." I chuckled. "Now, where to start." Slowly, I made my way over to a fridge. "Mhm, this will do." After inspecting the fridge for a moment, I wrapped my arms around it, lifting it off of the floor. "Where should I put it?"

"IN THIS TRUCK HERE!" The truck All might pointed toward was quite big, it looked suitable enough to fit around a fraction of the trash there.

"Alright!" Once I prepared myself, I threw the fridge into the back of the truck. "Now what's next." I looked around and then spotted an oven. "And off you GO!"

"YOU'RE PRETTY STRONG KID." All Might said grabbing my bicep.

"Yeah I've been training practically my whole life, what's the point of having an amazing quirk like mine with no strength to back it up."

"AH, I SEE. ANYWAY, I'M GOING TO GET A COFFEE I'll be back." All Might waved while transforming back into his regular state.


A few hours passed and I decided to call it a day. That day was Saturday so I had the rest of the day to rest, study and subsequently get ready for training the next day.

Every day for the next three months I would wake up and then clean the beach as much as I could in 2 hours, sometimes I would even come back after school or just later in the day if I felt bored to clean up.

During one of the many days, I decided to come back for the second time and clean, I met someone who I later would come to regret yet cherish.


"Ow!" I yelped. "Ah my only weakness, sharp objects." Major weakness may I add, I'm still prone to regular punches, it's just that they don't work against me. "This cut us pretty bad, I should be more careful." The cut wasn't big but it was deep enough to have blood pouring out, I'm used to pain though so it didn't really affect me that much. "It's not going to stop, I should go get my first aid kit." Without wasting another moment, I rushed over to my bag only to see someone sitting next to it.

When we made eye contact, I gave her a little smile but her eyes were focused somewhere else. They were focused on my finger, the place where I had received my cut just moments before.

"If you're worried about my finger you don't need to be, it's only a light scratch," I stated, worried that she was afraid of the cut I had received on my finger.

A few seconds had passed and she didn't move an inch nor utter a word, it was bizarre. Even though I was a little concerned, I still reached for my bag. The wound wasn't going to seal itself.

Once my bag was in my hands I began to open it but was shortly stopped by the girl. "Whoa, what are you doing?" I questioned as she grabbed my hand.

"I need it." She uttered. "I need it." She repeated. "I feel like I'm going insane, I need it." She pleaded before sticking my finger in her mouth and sucking it.

"Hey, don't suck too hard it tickles." I joked. Many seconds later, she let go of my finger flustered due to her previous actions.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I... I can't control myself sometimes an-" Midway through her panic, I stopped her by placing my hand on her head.

"Don't worry about it, whatever your reasoning is must be serious. If it's a quirk thing you definitely don't have to apologise, shishishi!" Unknowingly, I had just done something wrong but right at the same time.

"T-Thank you." She answered.

"No worries. Anyway, what's your name? I feel like I should know it after you sucked my finger, shishishi." The girl blonde-haired girl sighed.

"Himiko Toga." She uttered in a depressing tone. "What's yours?"

(Credit to Gladys for the amazing Art.)

"Izuku Midoriya, the future number-one hero!" I announced proudly. In response Toga smiled slightly, taking out a plaster from her pocket, and sealing my wound shut.

"Here you go future number one hero." Behind her smile, I could tell there was a lot of pain being shut down. "Midoriya, what type of hero would you be?" Suddenly, her whole demeanour changed as she questioned my ideals.

"The type that isn't bounded by anything and that is free. I want everyone to look up to me and feel free, I want everyone to be themselves." The younger me stated in a serious tone.

"Really? Is that what you really want?" Toga questioned.

"Of course. I know everyone has their reasons for becoming a hero but that's mine. Money, wealth, fame. I don't care about that. What I care about is everyone being happy and free." Even to this day, I stand by these words. That's just how I am. Anyway, Toga's reaction to this was... I think it would be better for me to show not tell.

"Hahahahahahaha. Hahahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAAHA. You're funny you know that Midoriya. People like you only exist in comics and manga, no one is as pure as you!" She expressed. "Okay but seriously though, what are you going to do when society doesn't change their perspective on things? What are you going to do when people are still getting abused for being different? What are you going to do when people can't be free like you? Tell me!" Once Toga was done with her outburst, I sighed and then sat down next to her.

"What will I do..." For a moment I wasn't sure but then, something came to me. "I'll alley myself with the people they shone. If they can't listen to me, they'll have to go against me." Looking back on it, I sounded like a tyrant but when you understand where I'm coming from I'm not.

"That... was better than I expected." Toga's whole demeanour had changed again. This time, she was more upbeat. "I'm impressed Izuku. Maybe there is hope in this doomed society." Himiko declared whilst holding my hand.

"Don't lose hope just yet. Oh yeah, what are your aspirations?" I asked.

"I don't have any. At this point, my life is pretty much doomed." Himiko shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Once again, Himiko sighed.

"Don't worry about that Izuku." Looking back, I really did wish I forced her to tell me about her situation. Unfortunately, I didn't which caused her to descend into darkness. "Anyway, I should be going now." Standing up while dusting her bottom off, Himiko began to walk away.

"Wait!" Before she could disappear, I used my quirk to grab her hand.

"What is it?"

"Don't give up on yourself! Find something that makes you feel free and be true to yourself!" I yelled. In response, Himiko gave me a warm smile.

"You're so cute." She whispered. At the time I didn't hear those words, but the words she spoke after, I heard clearly. "I'll try Izuku, I'll try." Once she spoke those words, I let go of her hand allowing her to leave and for me to get back to my clean-up duties.


"And DONE!" A few weeks later, I had fully cleaned the beach. As predicted, I cleaned the beach in 3 months. When I was finally finished, I texted All Might notifying him I had cleaned the beach. In response, he told me to get some and to meet him tomorrow at a café near my home. "Mhm, I wonder what he has in store for me next."


"For the next seven months, you'll have to fight me."

"WHAT?!" I shouted standing up.

"Keep it down, you don't wanna disturb everyone else in here." Realising the mistake I had just made, I sat back down and sucked in my lips. "You don't have to extra about it." Smiling, released my lips.

"So when do I start?" After hearing my question, All Might stood up.

"Now." He stated with a smile on his face.

"So do you want me to-"

"No, you idiot, follow me to my car. We're going to my training facility." Walking over to the door, All Might signalled me to follow him which I did. Once we were outside, we walked over to his car and then made our way to his training facility.

On the way there we were silent, but there was something on my mind that forced me to break that silence. "What about your hero work? You said you only have 6 hours a day to use your quirk, so wouldn't it be dumb to waste it on me?" All Might shook his head.

"Nope, I can train you for 3 hours and then patrol the city for the remaining 3."

"That makes sense," I replied looking outside of the window.

"I forgot to ask you about this before, but how well are you getting along with your studies?"

"They're going perfectly. I'm not the smartest academically, but I would say I'm above average." What's funny is that Kacchan is more of a nerd than me when it comes down to our studies, yet you would never know.

"Well, try aiming for the top. Back in my day, I was at the top of my class in both, academics and on the field."

"I see. I guess I could try a little harder." All Might chuckled and then patted my back.

"That's the spirit!"

"Right! So All Might, what's your personal life like? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Stop calling me All Might when I'm in this pathetic state, call me by my name, Toshinori."

"Isn't that your first name though?" Toshinori smacked my head.

"Who cares?! Just say Toshinori."

"Okay, Toshi."

"Finally, you're getting it kid!" He said while pulling over and parking. "Right we're here." When I looked out the window, I was met with a house.

"Isn't this just a house?"

"It's not just a house, it's my home and where I train." After a few seconds of thought, everything started to click.

"Now that I think about it... yeah, it makes sense. Why would you go make a facility to train in when you could build one in your home."

"THAT'S RIGHT!" In response to Toshi suddenly transforming into All Might, surprising me.

"So, where is your training 'facility'?" I asked, opening the door to get out.


"Alright." Once we were both out of the car, we made our way into Toshi/All Might's home and then headed to an elevator. "You have an elevator in your home, that's so cool!"


"So it's underground? Ah, that makes sense... Now that I think about it, you're like Bat-"

"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU, GET INTO THE ELEVATOR." Without hesitation, I stepped into the elevator with All Might. Once we were both in the elevator, All Might pressed his thumb up against the elevator wall. A few seconds later, the elevator began to descend into All Might's personal Bat-cave.

Half a minute had passed and we finally arrived in the hallway which lead to All Might's training grounds, at first I wasn't impressed until I saw a collection of his old suits and gadgets on the wall. "Whoa! This place is so cool." The further down we walked, the more impressed I was.

"ALRIGHT, WE'RE HERE." In front of us were two steel doors just a bit taller than All Might. "BEFORE WE ENTER, I'M GOING TO NEED YOU TO PUT THIS ON." As I turned my head, All Might threw a costume at my face.

"Hey, why did you do that for?"

"STOP COMPLAINING AND PUT IT ON!" Like the obedient dog I was I complied, slipping into the spandex costume.

"Why am I in this again?" All Might sighed.


"Ah, that makes sense."

"ALRIGHT NOW THAT THE EXPLANATIONS ARE OUT OF THE WAY, LET US GET INTO THE TRAINING!" All Might stated while heading into the training room.

"Wait!" Unfortunately, I had one question.


"Erm, are we gonna be sparring straight up or-" Tired of my questions, All Might grabbed me, flinging me into the room.

"AND TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, YES!" He yelled as I flew into the room.

"Ouch, that hurt." I winced as I got up. "This room is... bland."

"WHAT ELSE WOULD IT BE? IT'S A TRAINING ROOM! NOW ATTACK ME!" All Might smiled while flexing his bicep.

"Alright old man, let's GO!" Without wasting another moment, I ran at All Might throwing a barrage of punches. "GUMO GUMO NO GATLING GUN!"

"TOO SLOW KID." All Might began to dodge all of the punches, it was like he saw them in slow motion and was dodging them correctly. Once my barrage was done, he stood in front of me menacingly.

"Okay, I see," I stated while smiling.

"LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN HANDLE THIS." Suddenly, the air became heavy as All Might's glare intensified. "MHM, THAT'S A STRONG WILL YOU HAVE THERE KID." At the time I had no idea what he meant but later I would come to figure out what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about? Why has the air become kinda thick, is this one of your secret tricks?" All Might chuckled in response to my naive question.

"DON'T WORRY KID. COME ATTACK ME AGAIN!" He challenged. Accepting his challenge, I dash off toward him again only to be met with a fist that I narrowly dodged. Realising that he was attacking back now, I switched up my game plan. "YOU'VE GOT SOME REFLEXES ON YOU KID!"

"Whatever." I knew he wasn't complimenting me, the punch he threw wasn't anything too special. After a second of gathering my thoughts after that last exchange, I stretched out my foot and then used it as a whip, forcing him to jump in the air. Once he was in the air I dashed near him and then jumped into the air. Now we were directly in front of each other and were staring at each other, while in mid-air. Instantly, I threw a punch and blocked it throwing a punch back at me, which I ate to the face.

Using the force of the punch, I stretched my head and then launched it forward crashing into his guard. This was a dumb move since it only affected me and it affected me in one of the worst ways possible at that moment. "HEY KID GE-" Yup, I had knocked myself out.


Minutes later I woke up in the arms of All Might. "What happened?" I weakly asked.

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT KID, I THINK WE SHOULD CONTINUE THIS TOMORROW." I was going to refuse but I had a sharp pain in my head.


"DON'T WORRY KID, TAKE THIS AND YOU'LL BE BETTER." All Might handed me a pill which I swallowed with the water he also gave me. After a few seconds, my pains went away but I felt tired. "NOW I'M GOING TO DROP YOU HOME, TOMORROW WE GO AGAIN!" In response, I nodded. I didn't have the energy to open my mouth and talk.


Once I arrived back home, I went straight to bed skipping dinner. Luckily, my mum put my serving of dinner in the fridge, which I ate at midnight.

For the rest of the 7 months, I trained with All Might almost every day. During that period I had gotten a lot faster, stronger and just better at using my quirk. My durability and endurance went up a lot too. In the seven months I trained with All Might, I had taken 337 regular punches, 20 smashes (at 30-50%), dodged 50 regular punches, dodged 1 smash and landed 15 clean hits.

Although it may seem unimpressive on paper, in reality, it's the opposite. To be honest, I was extremely impressed with myself. By the end, I could definitely say that my endurance and durability had gone up by a lot, even though I was quite durable before.

Anyway, less about that, the end of the ten months had arrived and the UA exams had arrived. How I did do in them? Well, you'll have to see it in the next chapter or page. If my diary gets turned into a book, then it would be a chapter but if it were to stay a diary then it would be the next page.

Eh, whatever.

Oh, I just realised, I don't write 'dear diary'... eh who cares.

(And that's another chapter done. How did you guys like it? Personally, I can see myself getting really invested in this book. The only thing that may stop me is my busy schedule, but don't worry I'll try and make some time for this book.)



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