✔After Transmigrating, the Bo...

By prince05026

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Author(s) Come Seven Months 月七兮 Year ; 2020 COMPLETED Shen Tingshuang is a ten thousand-year-old ginseng spir... More



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By prince05026

Shao Fengs mother

looked at Shao Feng,

and she again felt


Before their lives have

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Before, their lives have

improved a lot because

of Shen Tingshuang.

But knowing that her

son liked Shen

Tingshuang, Shao

Fengs mother couldnt

bear it. She felt anger

in her heart as if Shen

Tingshuang was a

goblin who seduced

her son.

Then, she slowly

discovered that Shen

Tingshuang didn't

even like her son, and

she became even

angrier. Whats wrong

with her son that Shen

Tingshuang didnt like?

Her son was excellent.

Later, because of those

gossips, Shen

Tingshuang and Shao

Feng did not keep in

contact anymore, and

Shao Feng was silent

every day, also her

husband often blamed

her, saying that if it

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was not because of her

Xin Yuan Shan would

still in a good

relationship with


At first, Shao Fengs

mother would still talk

back. But then, she

found that if she didnt

act like that back then,

Shao Feng and Shen

Tingshuang might be

together now and they

what they were right


But, there was no

medicine for regret.


There was also Xia Xia

who was also having a


She has a big problem.

The third recording of

the show has such

disaster. The thing was

that there was a

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problem with her

decision at that time.

Shen Tingshuang

asked the cameramen

turned off the camera,

but Xia Xia and the

others insisted to keep

them on.

Fortunately, there

were no casualties in

the end, but this made

her re-examine where

to go for the next

recording, wait no,

whether the guests

would still be willing to

participate in the next


Nowadays, many

netizens were

commenting on

Weibo, asking them to

reconsider security

issues. This was one

example of comment

with a good tone, the

others were almost

directly cursing. After

all, there were six

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guests in their

program group and

various fans.

After such thing

happened, many didnt

even agree for their

idol to still participate

on this show.


However, Xia Xia still

went to Ai Ming first.

This time, as the head

of the crew, she had to

come directly. First to

apologize for the

incident that

compromised the

safety of the guests.

Second, she would like

to ask whether the

artist was still willing

to participate in the

fourth recording.

Ai Ming had heard Qin

Yueze talk about these

things. Although it was

nerve-wracking, Qin

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Yueze came back

safely in the end.

There was just one

thing that Ai Ming

didnt expect. Qin

Yueze was really in

love with Shen

Tingshuang. On one

hand it was basically

impossible, as if Qin

Yueze was in love at

this time, fans will

definitely be sad and

might took off from

the fandom. And on

the other hand Ai Ming

always thought that

these two seemed to

be very detached with

the rest of the world.

After Qin Yueze said

that he had confessed,

he also said that Shen

Tingshuang did not

accept it. Ai Ming was

still dumbfounded and

thought Why? His

family Yueze is the

best actor!

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But after thinking

about it carefully, Shen

Tingshuang seemed to

be quite powerful. In

terms of appearance,

she was no worse than

Qin Yueze. In terms of

career, she farmed

until even Tu Yuan

recognized the

delicious fruits she

produced. Otherwise,

why would she look

down upon Qin Yueze,

the national husband?

As for Qin Yueze's

participation in the

fourth recording, Ai

Ming replied that it

depended on Qin

Yueze himself.

Since Xia Xia knew

now that Qin Yueze

was the head of Qin

Group, how could she

dare to face this god

directly? So she asked

Ai Ming for help.

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Before making a

decision, Qin Yueze

asked Shen


Shen Tingshuang said

that she would

definitely go to the

fourth recording, after

all, the contract was

signed for five


Soon, Qin Yueze's

reply came, he was

willing to participate in

the fourth recording,

Xia Xia finally let go of


While she went to

other guests to

apologize, she also

asked them for their

participation on the

next recording.

Xia Xia went to Shen

Tingshuang's place.

She felt that among all

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the guests, she was

most sorry for Shen

Tingshuang. At that

time Xia Xia did not

agree to turn off the

cameras, but she did

not expect that Shen

Tingshuang asked for

it because of the flood.

Fortunately, Shen

Tingshuang didn't care

about these things and

all six guests were

willing to participate

on the next recording.

Netizens paid much

attention to the dam

incident in X City.

The relief materials

and funds were very

transparent. This was

also known as the

fastest settlement in

the history of China.

Just when everyone

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was happy, Shen

Tingshuang put

300,000 copies of

watermelon seedlings

on the shelves.

This was

unprecedented, and all

netizens went crazy

for a while.

[I really saw the

watermelon seedlings

on the shelf, but in a

second, it became a

commodity off the


[Do you believe me?I

went to the payment

interface, but it told

me that there was an

error in the system. I

refreshed it again and

it was gone.]


After the seedlings

were put on the

shelves twice in

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succession, Shen

Tingshuang's spiritual

veins had recovered to

92%. As long as the

seedlings were sold 8

more times, Shen

Tingshuang's spiritual

veins could be

completely restored.

There was no need to

record programs these

days, so Shen

Tingshuang would

water the seedlings,

and they can be put on

the shelves once a day.

For the remaining

eight seedlings, Shen

Tingshuang planned to

sell apples, pears,

peaches and other

fruit seedlings that

were more common

and easy to grow.


On the third day,

netizens were

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surprised to find that

at 7 am, Shen

Tingshuang put up

seedlings again, this

time it was 30,000

apple seedlings.

Following this,

netizens set an alarm

clock at 6:55 every

morning, just to grab

the seedlings.

On the fourth day,

Shen Tingshuang put

something on the

shelves again, but

unfortunately, even

though many netizens

set alarm clock, many

people still didn't

manage to grab even

one of the 300,000

seedlings up for sale.

For eight days in a row,

Shen Tingshuang has

put seedlings on the

shelves, which made

netizens think that

Shen Tingshuang

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would be doing this

every day from now


As a result, when it

was the ninth day,

Shen Tingshuang's

certain treasure shop

no longer stocked new


[Why? Did Ah Shuang

forget today?]

[I think it is very likely

that Ah Shuang is no

longer selling


[So sad, I didn't get

even one of these nine

batches of seedlings.]


Contrary to the

feelings of netizens,

Shen Tingshuang

happily received the

system prompt:

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"Congratulations to

the host, the spiritual

pulse is restored to

100%, and the dying

and healing skills are


The mechanical sound

of the system just fell,

and the originally

windy and sunny

weather above

Yuanshan changed,

purple qi gathered

together, and then

formed purple clouds.

Shen Tingshuang's

spiritual veins fully

recovered, and purple

auspicious clouds

appeared in the sky.

Everyone in Yao

Village was attracted

by this vision. They

stood at the gate of

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their own house.

Perhaps they couldn't

see it from other

places, but they could

clearly see that the

location of this

auspicious cloud was

just above Xin Yuan


Yingying noticed the

abnormality and came

to Shen Tingshuang.

Watching Shen

Tingshuangs spiritual

veins slowly

recovered, he stayed

calmly by her

side. Until the

afternoon, when the

auspicious clouds

slowly dissipated,

Yingying stretched

out, and flew back to

the back mountain.

Shen Tingshuang's

whole person was

reborn, complete

recovery of spiritual

veins and 99%

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recovery of spiritual

veins could be

described as a night

and day different. For

flying, before Shen

Tingshuang had to rely

on something as a step

on, but now, it was



Her spiritual energy

was also more

abundant than before,

let alone watering the

entire Xin Yuan Shan,

watering the entire

Yao Village was no

problem now. If there

were ordinary humans

staying near Shen

Tingshuang, they

would feel


Xin Yuan Shan, as it

witnessed the full

recovery Shen

Tingshuangs spiritual

veins today, the

surrounding energy

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also increased sharply.

Today, every fruit here

was better than


Not only the taste,

with the spiritual

energy contained in it,

by eating two kinds of

fruit it could even cure

all diseases.

The healing skills were

the most useful skills

of Shen Tingshuang. As

a ginseng spirit,

especially someone

tens of thousands of

years old, a single root

hair could pull people

back from the dead.

If Shen Tingshuang

saving people

previously needed

spiritual energy as

assistance, nowadays,

a single strand of her

hair could save lives,

let alone Shen

Tingshuang's blood.

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After the seedlings

were put on the

shelves for 9

consecutive days, Shen

Tingshuang never put

any produce for sale

again, whether it was

in her certain treasure

shop, under the Xin

Yuan Shan, or via

Meow Meow

Takeaways. She only

provided fruits as per

agreement with Super

Mall every day.

When Lu Minghui saw

the fruits recently, he

clearly felt that Shen

Tingshuang's fruits

were better than



Pei Wenshu received

the fruits brought by

Lu Minghui, and

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immediately felt that

their aroma was more

intense. To be honest,

he ate Shen

Tingshuangs fruits

every day, and Pei

Wenshu thought that

he would be tired of

eating after a while,

but to this day, not

only did he not get

tired of eating it, but

he even felt that the

fragrance smelled


When Lu Minghui had

just walked away, Pei

Wenshu opened the

bag full of fruits. He

thought that the

bananas were pretty

good before, but now

the bananas were

bigger and the yellow

color of the bananas

was also looks more

beautiful. He never

thought that Shen

Tingshuang's fruit

could be better.

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Pei Wenshu couldn't

wait to peel, and then

he took a bite. Soon

after he was surprised

to find that this fruit

was really more

delicious than before,

and he wondered if it

his illusion, but after

eating this fruit, he felt

very powerful all over.

To be honest, Elder Pei

said that he had eaten

two kinds of fruits

every day, and his

health has improved a

lot. He said many

minor illnesses of his

have disappeared. At

first, Pei Wenshu

thought that this was

the old mans self

suggestion, it might

only be psychological

factor. But after seeing

the test report given

by the Market

Supervision Bureau

and also Tu Yuans

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reaction, Pei Wenshu

thought that what

Elder Pei said was

likely to be true.

Pei Wenshu looked at

the bag of fruit, and he

was more grateful for

the cooperation with

Shen Tingshuang.

Because he also knew

that now Shen

Tingshuangs treasure

shop, Meow Meow

Takeaways and even

the foot of Xinyuan

Mountain, have no

fruit to sell.


In addition to Pei

Wenshu, other loyal

customers of Shen

Tingshuang in Super

Mall have also

discovered that the

quality of Shen

Tingshuang's fruits has

improved again.

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No need for netizens

to say this time, the

Market Supervision

Bureau followed

directly to Super Mall

to take samples for

testing. Super Mall

was very distressed

when they needed to

give the fruit, this

made the staff feel

that they seemed to

have done some

unkind things, as

sending food for

testing was more often

done in bad situation.

Soon, the test results

came out. This time

they checked that the

nutrients in these

fruits were ten times

higher than the last

time! What is this


Experience and

common sense tell

them it was impossible

for Shen Tingshuang

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to be able to grow such

fruits. But in reality,

the test results were

like this. What's more,

they have done three

tests and the results

were the same.

Tu Yuan previously

bought strawberry

seedlings from Xin

Yuan Shan and they

finally produced the

first crop.

Tu Yuan has its own

laboratory, so he

immediately picked

some of the fruit and

tested it personally. He

found that the

nutrients in it were

much higher than what

they planted using

regular seedlings. Half

of the strawberry was

kept for consumption

and the other half was

tested by Tu Yuan.

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After eating it, he

found that the

nutrients were high

and the taste was

delicious. On the same

day, the Tu Yuan

Laboratory also

announced their test


The people who

bought Shen

Tingshuangs seedlings

were excited.

Although they were

restricted, they could

buy these precious

seedlings and planted

them have became a

very fortunate thing.

Even for the scalpers

that offered high

prices, no one actually

willing to sell. This

thing was high in

nutrients, there was

no harm, so naturally

wanted to keep them

for themselves and

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their family to eat.


People in Yao Village,

also knew these two

test results. Whether

it as the test by the

Market Supervision

Bureau or the test by

Tu Yuan, it showed one

thing, that was, the

two seedlings were

very precious.

The villagers didnt pay

for these seedlings at

the beginning, but now

they knew the

seedlings rarity, so

without instructions,

the villagers

spontaneously cleaned

the weeds around Xin

Yuan Shan as payment.

Some villagers even

proposed to build a

statue for Shen

Tingshuang. But when

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Yao Dazhu came to

Shen Tingshuang to

ask for her opinion, he

was directly rejected



Tu Yuan sent his

experiment report to

Shen Tingshuang and

thanked her. Her

seedlings have greatly

helped their

laboratory to develop

some things in the


Shen Tingshuang then

sent some other

seedlings to Tu Yuan.

Tu Yuan treated them

as a precious gift, and

did not allow his

apprentices and

subordinates to touch.

Not only that, Tu Yuan

also thanked Shen

Tingshuang on Weibo

and said that she has

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made great

contributions to the

progress of mankind.

In addition to Weibo, if

Tu Yuan received an

interview, Tu Yuan

would also mention

Shen Tingshuang to

thank her.

Tu Yuan originally had

a deep root in the

hearts of Chinese

people. If he said this,

no one would dare to

oppose it. For a time,

Shen Tingshuangs

status also rose up.


The time for the fourth

recording of

Together> was finally


The place for this

episode, Xia Xia chose

a prairie, after all,

there were no big

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rivers there, and there

would never be any

disaster again.

The recording

schedule this time was

still Friday morning to

Sunday afternoon.

Early in the morning,

the cameraman came,

and Shen Tingshuang

was already carrying

her luggage and

waiting at the foot of

the mountain.

The cameraman didnt

know if it was his

illusion, as he hasnt

seen Shen Tingshuang

for a while, and he felt

that she was even

more beautiful

now. There seemed to

be a fairy aura on her

body, although the

clothes on her body

were still the same

cotton loose shirt and


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"Morning." Shen

Tingshuang said hello.

"Morning, long time no

see." This issue was

still the same as the

previous two issues, it

was also in the form of

live broadcast.

After Shen Tingshuang

appeared, netizens

comments also csme.

[I never get up early.

But because of Ah

Shuang now I do.]

[Seeing Ah Shuang

today, I feel that Ah

Shuang is developing

more and more like a

little fairy.]

[Ahhh, seeing Ah

Shuang, it feels like it

will be another

exciting day.]


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In this issue the crews

announced the

recording location in


The cameraman:"Do

you have anything you

want to do in the


Shen Tingshuang:

"Riding a horse?" To

tell the truth, the

speed of riding a horse

was not as fast as she

could fly. She just said

this to cater to the

topic that the


deliberately looked


Netizens seemed to

see it too.

[I feel that Ah Shuang

is not really interested

in riding horses.]

[Hahaha, Ah Shuang is

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about to talk the topic

to death again.]

Cameraman:"In this

issue, Director Xia said

that there will be no

excessive tasks."

Shen Tingshuang:"The

previous ones were

fine actually."It's not

difficult for her



This time, Shen

Tingshuang was the

last to arrive. The

other guests came


Geng Chengyun even

drove the airport by

himself. When his

cameraman was about

to pick him up, he was

told that Geng

Chengyun was already

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at the airport, so the

cameraman was

immediately forced to

rush out to catch Geng


Liu Jing also met the

show crew halfway.


Everyone greeted

Shen Tingshuang


Geng Chengyun:"I

made the right

decision to come.

Recording this show is

my happiest job." Even

though after what

happened last time, he

would still feel a little

scared when he

thought of it, but Geng

Chengyun felt happy

to spend so many days

with these people.

Bai Hao also said,"Me


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When Xia Xia asked

him before, she

offered an apology and

asked him whether he

would participate in

the next recording, he

felt a little bit

inexplicable. After all,

Xia Xia didn't know

that the dam was

about to burst. This

matter can only be

said to be a natural

disaster and not a

man-made disaster.

Xia Xia wouldnt be

able to do anything to

prevent this, not to

mention, in the end Xia

Xia also asked the

driver to pick them up.

As for the next

recording, how could

he not participate?

Gu Yuan came back for

inspiration and wrote

a song because of her

last experience. Her

agent was originally

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opposed to her

continuing to

participate in this

variety show, as Gu

Yuan was not short of

money, let alone fame,

and did not need to

participate in these

things, but Gu Yuan

insisted on it, and said

that participating in

the show made her

inspired, so the agent

could only followed

whatever she wanted.

Liu Jings mentality has

changed the fastest. At

first, she felt that she

was the best female

guest in this

Together>. Later, Gu

Yuans appearance

took the fame and

popularity top

position, and Shen


performance was

different from the

others, it couldnt even

be measured. As for

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herself, she was the

most lucky to be able

to participate in the


Qin Yueze was sitting

directly next to Shen

Tingshuang this time,

with Gu Yuan on his

left, and Shen

Tingshuang on his

right. In front of them

were Liu Jing, Bai Hao

and Geng Chengyun.

After breakfast at the

airport, everyone set

off for the prairie. The

flight takes four hours,

and there was no

recording during the

flights, so the six

people happily chatted

about what happened

to them recently on

the plane.

Geng Chengyun:"Do

you think I have gained

a lot of weight?I just

joined a film crew a

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few days ago and my

agent checked my

weight every day." Last

time because of the

incident, Geng

Chengyun thought his

agent would not say

anything, but within a

few days, his agent

began to nag him


Bai Hao:"My agent

just kept asking me

when I could buy some

more fruits from

Tingshuang." After the

second recording, Bai

Hao also took some

fruits back. After going

back last time, his

agent asked about

Shen Tingshuangs

fruit right after

confirming that Bai

Hao was okay. His

agent didn't have time

to buy at Super Mall,

and he couldn't buy it

in other ways, so he

could only rely on Bai

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Hao's relationship.

Liu Jing:"You are not

as crazy as my agent.

My agent is guarding a

certain treasure every

day at 7 o'clock in the

morning, waiting for

Shen Tingshuangs

seedlings to be


"Have you managed to

grabbed some?" Gu

Yuan also tried to grab

it several times, but


"How could it be

possible to grab it?" Liu

Jing had confirmed

that the seedlings

were still in stock, but

as soon as she added

them to the shopping

cart, it became sold

out. If it weren't for

the monthly sales

volume showing

300,000 items have

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been sold, Liu Jing

would think it was a

false listing.

Qin Yueze, who did not

speak, actually

managed to grab some.

However it was not

just himself, but all the

members of the Qin

Groups IT

department. Although

each ID only allowed

to purchase three

copies, an entire

department added up

to a lot. At least he

now could open up a

small garden at home.

Shen Tingshuang:"If

you need seedlings, I

will send directly to

you. Just tell me what

fruits you need."

Everyone was

surprised:"Don't send

it, we will get it."

"Yes, when you are

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free, tell us, we will

come to Xin Yuan


Shen Tingshuang's

fruit was really hard to

buy now, especially

because only Super

Mal has it. What Bai

Hao didn't say is that

except for his agent,

the artists in his

company also gently

asked him to help buy

fruit every day. For a

while, Bai Hao became

the most popular

person in the company.


Everyone chatted very

well, time flies quickly,

and the plane landed

in L City at noon. The

guests then needed to

take the program

groups bus from L City

to the prairie.

Because it was already

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noon, the program

group prepared some

simple meals. The

guests ate casually in

the bus. Three hours

later, the bus finally

arrived at the prairie.

At the end of April, the

green grass has grown

lushly on the prairie.

The breeze blew and

the grass sways. It

seemed to be quite


"Where do we live at

night?" Liu Jing asked


Xia Xia pointed not far

away and said:"The

guests are staying in

the yurt at night."

Traditional Yurt here

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This yurt looked like a

white tent, it just much

larger than ordinary

tents. After entering,

the guests found that

the temperature inside

the yurt was quite

comfortable, the

furniture was quite

complete, the bed here

was also quite big. In

the yurt there were

three beds, female

guests stayed in one

yurt, male guests

stayed in the next one.

The program staff lives

in another yurt.

Since the last

recording, this time,

the director team did

not dare to be too far

away from the guests,

What if there was an



Everyone turned in

their mobile phones as

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usual, put their

luggages and walked

out of the yurt.

"What are we going to

do next?" As soon as

Bai Hao asked this

question, the guests

saw local residents

coming with a large

group of horses.

The leader said:


Qin Yueze and others


The visitor introduced

himself. He was a local

villager. The twenty

horses he was holding

could be rode by the

guests later.

"Riding?" Liu Jing

became interested,

her equestrian skills

were pretty good.

The villager smiled and

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said:"Of course, but

this horse riding is not

a simple horse riding,

but a competition."

"Competition?" Bai

Hao discovered that

the program group

would not let them

have a very easy life.

"Yes, we will also

select six local

residents to compete

with everyone. If the

guests can beat one of

us, then there will be

rewards at dinner


Geng Chengyun was

interested in the

reward for dinner:

"What reward?"

"There will be roasted

whole lamb with our

local characteristics."

"Wow!" The

exclamation of Gu

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Yuan and others came

out. The lamb raised

on the prairie was

different from one

raised in City B. It has

no smell and has a

good warming effect

after eating. The most

important thing was

that it tasted very

good. If it was roasted

whole lamb, the taste

should be better.

"Only one person

needs to win and we

get the reward?" Qin

Yueze asked.

The villagers nodded

and began to

introduce the rules:

"Yes, here will be the

starting point, ride to

the foot of the

opposite mountain,

pick a flag from the

ground, and then

return here. As long as

one of the guests can

surpass our villager

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and return to the

starting point first, you

can enjoy the reward

of roasted whole lamb

for dinner."

"Wow!" Hearing this,

Liu Jing couldnt wait

to compete. She

thought that the

program group should

have some tricks

behind. They would

definitely let the local

residents chose people

who were very good at

equestrianism, so that

this roasted whole

lamb would be the

crews dinner in the


"Guests, please choose

the horses." They

brought a total of 20

horses and let the

guests choose first. To

some extent, it was

already a concession.

For the guests, based

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on the attitude of

ladies first, Liu Jing

chose first. She chose a

red horse. In fact, she

wanted to choose that

white horse, but Liu

Jing only needed to

take a glance to know

that this white horse

has a very strong

temperament. If she

chose it, she would

definitely not be able

to control it.

Although Gu Yuan

knows how to ride a

horse, but he had

average skills, so he

chose a slightly smaller


The last one to choose

was Shen Tingshuang.

She had fallen in love

with the white horse

long ago. As soon as it

was her turn to

choose, she went

straight over.

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The head of the

villagers changed his

expressions and

immediately stopped

her:"This horse is a bit

tempramental." What

he said was the fact.

This horse was fastest

in their local

community, but it was

not easily touched. If

Shen Tingshuang

chose it, this white

horse would definitely

not let her ride.

Other villagers were

also persuading her,

their intention was to

tell Shen Tingshuang

not to pick this horse.

However, soon

everyone was shocked

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