Kingdom Fall : Aegon II Targa...

By Sweetophelia1

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It's Strange What Desire Will Make Foolish People Do. He catches a droplet of wine running from her lips to... More

Clementines And Dragon.
Creatures With Very Long Legs.
Broken Rules.
Love Can't Protect You Now.
Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Love and Duty.
Tempestuous Young Girls.
Arguements, Arrangements and Agreements
Prayer and Pomp.
Dinner and Diatribes
In Hot Water.
Indescent Relations.
Sacraficial Lamb.
Run Baby Run.
Just An Appendage.
Kicking and Screaming.
Thicker Than Water.
Promises Are Not To Be Broken.
Roughhousing and Revelations
If I Tell You You're Mine.
Whatever She Wants.
Baths and Burdern's.
A Family Affair.
Would That Be A Bad Thing?
Nothing Like You.
History Is Like Gravity
Aesthetics 2//Anouncement
What's In A Name.
A Royal Crowning.
Mother Knows Best.
The One Who Gave You Life.
Inherited Injuries.
The Next Best Thing.
Girls Night.
Gently Does It.
Trials and Tribulations.
I Can Only Apologise
Pride Goeth Before Destruction
Authors Note - Please Read Though
Night Terrors.
A Gilded Cage.
Authors Note


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By Sweetophelia1

It had been a year since her Aunt Laena's funeral, a year since her father had died and her mother had married Daemon and a year since her Grandfather had decided she would wed Aegon. Whilst Annerys knew that she would have had to marry one day she had hoped for a little more time and perhaps someone that wouldn't openly call her and her brothers bastards in front of a room full of people. Not to mention the fact that the older Annerys gets the surer she is that the greens are her family's enemy. Yet here she was preparing to leave her beloved home of four years to return to the snake pit otherwise known as the Red Keep to be handed over to them like a pized mare. Whilst she had taken Daemon's words to heart and had made her choice regarding carrying out her duty to her family there was a part of her that continued to burn with rage at the prospect of being sold off.

Zella has begun to plait her hair when Annerys hears a knock at the door so she calls out "Come in." Her Mother opens the door and as she enters Rhaenyra asks Zella to leave them. Anne refuses to stand or at least turn her head to look at her mother as she stares at her reflection intently in her ornate looking glass. She sees her mothers reflection move closer to her until she's behind her Rhaenyra picks up her brush and combs her hair before she continues braiding her hair in Zella's absence. Annerys closes her eyes as she remembers her childhood and how her mother would comb and plait her hair before bed every evening. "Annerys, I can't possibly tell you how much I love you, my Dõna Riña (sweet girl), my only girl." She says wistfully.

Annerys has spent a year fuming at her mother for not stopping her betrothal to Aegon, not when she has spent so much of that time warning Annerys to protect herself because the greens are not to be trusted whilst having the seamstress prepare her wedding gown . So she solemnly says "You threw yourself in front of a dagger so that you might protect Luke and yet you will do nothing to help me."

"I would have done the same for you don't ever think differently but Anne the King publicly announced it, there was nothing that could be done. You must understand this."

"I understand." Annerys says emotionlessly.

"You seemed fond enough of him when he was something you could not have." Rhaenyra says to her daughter as she wraps the half of hair she has braided around Anne's head like a crown.

"I...that's not fair. It's not the same thing at all. I wanted a moment, just one." Annerys argues.

"To do what Anne?" Her mother says and it's a question but from the way her mother says it, it sounds more like a statement. Anne isn't even sure how her Mother manages to do that, simultaneously asking a question and giving an answer. Nevertheless even if it was a question Annery's isn't so sure she has a real answer and most certainly not one she would like to give her mother. So she just shrugs, "Marriage is for life, mother, it cannot be undone and you would have me promise my unwavering loyalty and fidelity to them."

"The day will most likely come where you have to make a choice Anne and I will love you no matter your choice." Rhaenyra tells her daughter solemnly.

Annerys turns around and faces her mother "I would never betray you Mother." Annerys says seriously.

Rhaenyra carrases Anne's cheek and says "Never is a very long time Dõna Riña and if it comes to it you will have to betray someone and one day you may decide it would be more grievous to you to betray your husband than your mother. I understand that and if I am to do this to you I must come to terms with it." Her mother continues stroking her cheek a little mournfully before she forces herself to smile "Just promise me you will never wear green, it's never suited your complexion." she jokes weakly.

"No!" Anne says with conviction "I would never betray you or my brothers, you are my blood and the blood of the dragon runs thick." Annerys tells her mother. Anne can remember Daemon telling this to her, Jace, Luke the night of the Driftmark ordeal. She remembers how her mother had scolded them for their stupidity before she had left to find the Maester to see to Luke's nose and her wound.Then whilst they were waiting for their mothers return Daemon had showed up in their mothers chambers; she remembers how he had crouched down to Luke's level and told him he was brave and a true Targaryen then thanked him for protecting his girls. He then stood and told them all that you fight for your kin with Fire and Blood because we all share blood and that the blood of the dragon runs thick. Anne can remember thinking him a little intense at the time but as she finds herself being led into the Lion's Den she understands why her stepfather had encouraged them to defend their own with such intensity.

Annerys had decided to walk the halls of Dragonstone one last time as she was sure she wouldn't be allowed to return to her family's ancestral home for a long time following her wedding or perhaps because she just wanted to prolong her voyage for as long as she could. 

She hears Lucerys calling out "Annie. Annie. Wait for me." So she stops, turns slightly and holds out her hand for him to take.  It takes no time for him to run down the hall towards her and take her hand once he reaches her.

They haven't walked very far before Luke says "I wish you didn't have to go." he tells her solemnly. 

"Me too." She tells him sadly.

He looks up at her with guilt in his eyes  and asks "Are you mad at me?"

She looks at him shocked and shakes her head before she stops and holds him still by his upper arm before she says "No of course not, why would I be mad at you?"

"You have to marry Aegon because of what I did to Aemond don't you."

He's no longer so short that she needs to crouch to her knees so that she might look him in the eyes but he'ss not yet tall enough to be at eye level with her so she bends down slightly so that she's at eye level with him and says "No, do not concern yourself with this."

"I heard you say it to mother."  He says quietly.

"You heard me complain to mother that it is all Lucerys. You know how I love to complain." She says playfully and he smiles unsurely back at her.

"They're all looking for you." He tells her quietly. She had been gone for a while and she had known she was pushing her luck when she had begun her walk as she hadn't much time before they all had to leave, perhaps they thought she had made good on her promise to run off.

"Ah. I suppose they sent you to bring me without fuss." Annerys says and she knows if her hunch is correct it will have been a good plan as Rhaena is too kind to forcefully tell her to hurry, Joffrey too young and Jace and herself are always more likely to bicker than get anything done. But who can say no to Lukes sweet face?

"Will you?" He asks hopefully always eager to please their mother.

"Not just yet. Sit with me?" She asks him as she lowers herself to the cold stone floor. He sits down next to her and they both lean their backs against the wall where they sit in comfortable silence before Luke lowers his head onto his elder sister's shoulder and asks "Are you afraid."

"Not afraid no. But marriage is can be a great burden for a woman. More than it is for a man. Aegon in a way will own me." She gently explains.

"But mother..." He begins to argue.

"Will have no say, it is the law. My life will be entirely in the hands of Aegon and well Aegon is Aegon." She interrupts. "Have you ever heard Daemon use the phrase 'he couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery'?"

Luke giggles and it reminds Annerys how young her brother still is at two and ten and it pains her to think that she will not be able to watch him grow into a man as she will now have to remain in King's Landing. Through his giggles Lucerys says "Yes, but he told me not to tell mother."

Anne snorts. Lucerys reaches over and grabs her hand in his and says "Aegon will treat you well i'm sure of it. When we lived in Kings Landing he was the funniest person I knew."

Anne smiles at her younger brother and thinks how sweet it is of him to still think fondly of Aegon even after all this time had passed and how innocent he is to think that funny id enough for a happy marriage. She stands and says "Well then perhaps you can escort me to the courtyard for the last time."

Luke stands very seriously and says "I would be honoured." As he presents his arm for Anne to link her's through.

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