HEART OF GOLD. | vento aureo

By linhsdumb

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"I understand the motive, but why?" ᴠᴇɴᴛᴏ ᴀᴜʀᴇᴏ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ -- 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘... More

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- T W E N T Y -
- A P H R O D I T E -
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- T W E N T Y F O U R -
- T W E N T Y F I V E -
- T W E N T Y S I X -
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- T W E N T Y E I G H T -
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- T H I R T Y -
- T H I R T Y O N E -
- T H I R T Y T W O -
- T H I R T Y T H R E E -
- T H I R T Y F O U R -
- T H I R T Y F I V E -
- T H I R T Y S I X -
- T H I R T Y S E V E N -
- V A L E N T I N E S O N E -
- V A L E N T I N E S T W O -

- T W E N T Y T W O -

1.1K 65 35
By linhsdumb




The next day [Y/N] woke up to find herself healed and patched up quite nicely, thanks to her stand. For some reason though, the light pink entity would just not answer any questions when it came to her abilities and disappeared when the [H/C] haired girl asked if what she said the day before about reverting things was true. Of course, it could all have been a lie, but she felt like it had to do something with replacing or reverting the object. That, and the pink shimmery liquid. It was so unfair, the fact that her own soul manifestation was betraying her like this. Is this what Mista had to deal with on a daily basis? All in all, she'd probably figure it out eventually... hopefully.

After washing up in the bathroom and dealing with her shitty situation that was her hair, [Y/N] went over to her leader's office and gently knocked on the door instead of her usual disruptive barge-in. A muffled 'come in' could be heard on the other side, which was her cue to go in.


"Morning, [Y/N]. Do you need anything?" Bucciarati was quite surprised to see her so calm and contained at this hour, but alas he wouldn't complain. It was better than her yelling, at least.

"Something... Fuck I don't know how to say this... Something happened yesterday with my stand. When I was fighting the enemy, it happened."

"What happened? I don't understand what's going on." His brows furrowed as he tried to visualize what happened.

Opting for a demonstration instead, the [H/C] haired girl decided to just pull out her stand. Surprisingly, it complied, coming out of her with a graceful pose. The ravenette's eyes almost bulged out of his head in surprise. That thing wasn't there before. Quickly putting his leftover paperwork in a random folder he found himself at a loss for words.

"Well uh... that's different." He mumbled dryly, tapping his fingers against his desk.



"Yeah, no shit."

Bucciarati stood up suddenly, walking over to the floating stand that was checking out a random novel on his bookshelf. Unlike the previous version of [Y/N]'s stand, this one was an actual humanoid.

"It may have evolved due to a trigger of some sort. At least, that's why I believe. Do you know of its abilities?" He questioned, seeing if it would react to his own stand. Although his wasn't as sentient, it did sometimes move without him telling it to do so. [Y/N]'s stand turned around quickly and went up to the taller, much bluer stand. It played with its giant neck zipper for a moment before losing interest and going off to explore the rest of the office. At least he could tell it was long distance.

"I don't know what she can do yet... Just yesterday when I first got her she said sumn' about reverting things? But when I asked her about it today she wouldn't answer and disappeared back into me, and now she won't talk at all." She explained as best as she could.

"Hm. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess. Do you have a new name for her?"

"DC doesn't seem to suit her that much anymore. She kinda resembles more of a Goddess or an... ethereal being." She mused. Bucciarati could only agree with that statement. It was her stand after all, and she was incomparable to a Goddess in his eyes.

"I think I'll name her Aphrodite."

"Like.. after the Greek Goddess of love? That's very fitting, for a healing-type stand, although I'm not sure if that's its current power. But didn't it heal Narancia yesterday?" Bruno's rambling came to a stop when [Y/N] shook her head.

"No, I just wanted to name her that 'cause it sounds cool. What do you think?"

"I think it sounds wonderful."


10:34 am. Ten thirty-four am.

That was the time that Leaky-eye Luca was killed by his own shovel. Not long after, Bucciarati got a call from a frantic-sounding Polpo, demanding that whoever killed Leaky-eye Luca be assassinated. Why didn't he hire the assassination team for this job? The answer was simple. Polpo just didn't like them. No hard feelings.

Bucciarati bid his team goodbye and left on a mission to find the murderer. The one who killed the respected mafioso. Where was he going exactly? Well, Polpo mentioned that he was killed somewhere near the airport, but Bucciarati had to go somewhere else first. His first stop was by a sketchy bar, where Luca's body was being kept...

In the freezer.

Before arriving he had asked one of the men who worked at the bar to give him an eye. Luca's eye. He also requested that they chop off his fingers for him, just in case it wasn't enough. The person who had done Luca in was about to be in for a treat.


[Ring] [Ring]

[Ring] [Ring]

"...Hello? Yes?" An unknown man picked up the phone, having just departed his plane. Italy was a lively place, wasn't it? Why not explore the place while he assisted his friend? It might give him some new... material. He adjusted his headband as the person on the other end of the call was panicking. Something about his suitcase getting stolen. Something about a brat named Hanako Shinohara. He probably heard it wrong. He wasn't paying close enough attention. Hanako wasn't even a guy's name. A paper or two flew out of his backpack as he ran over to the taxi station.

"I'll send you the address so you can pick me up. Hello? Are you listening?" A high-pitched voice inquired on the other end. The unknown man continued to pick up his loose papers.

"Hello?" The voice complained once again.

"Mmm. I'm here. I'll be waiting in the taxi line for a bit. Just hang tight." The phone sat a few meters away from the man, not picking up what he said. He slowly made his way over to the phone that sat on the concrete floor, which was still filled with the noisy complaints of his dear friend.

"Answer me! Is your speaker not working? I told you, my suitcase got stolen by Ha-ru-no Shio-ba-na!"


"Hello? Can you hear me?!"


"Rohan...? Are you there...?"


Bucciarati questioned the clueless security guards who were on duty when the whole situation happened. Supposedly the ones who almost witnessed the ordeal. He was sure to get at least one witness' name by questioning them, right? He almost had to use force to get it out of them, luckily he didn't, even if they did try to ask him for money in exchange for talking. After questioning them, he was satisfied with finding a lead. Now he just had to find him. A fifteen-year-old boy,

...Named Giorno Giovanna.


[Y/N] decided that today was a wonderful day to go clothes shopping with her favorite fashionista Prosciutto. I mean, look at him - doesn't he look flamboyant and well-dressed? Walking out of the changing room in nothing but a black bodysuit, a green puffy jacket, and an ugly bright-teal miniskirt, the [H/C] haired girl did a dumb little twirl for the ham man himself.

"Whaddya think? Don't I look fabulicious?" She struck a silly pose, the heels that were one size too big for her almost resulting in a fall and a trip to the hospital.

"No, you look hideous." He huffed, taking another whiff of his cigar.

"I know, that's the point. Stop acting like an unseasoned chicken and get a sense of humor, you old man." Outside a loud screech could be heard, along with a crash. Some idiot crashed their car, apparently. The two both looked at the source of the noise in unison. A bright yellow semi-truck that seemed to be filled to the brim with butter was crashed into the side of an abandoned building. Cop cars swarmed the vehicle with their guns drawn.

"What the fuck just happened?"

"I dunno, let's get the fuck out of here, though" And with that, the two ran away, [Y/N] still in her stupid outfit that she didn't pay for. They set off the price alarms, which in turn alerted the police. Now the two were running away from the butter truck with three armed police officers chasing them. Unluckily, [Y/N]'s absolute sin of an outfit made her impossible to lose in a crowd, so the blonde had to drag her through the alleyways and up the fire escapes of various apartments.

"[Y/N] you stupid dumbass!"

"You didn't give me time to change, you doinkhead! Don't blame it on me!"


a/n: something happened

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