HEART OF GOLD. | vento aureo

By linhsdumb

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"I understand the motive, but why?" ᴠᴇɴᴛᴏ ᴀᴜʀᴇᴏ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ -- 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘... More

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- P R O L O G U E -
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- E I G H T -
- N I N E -
- E L E V E N -
- T W E L V E -
- T H I R T E E N -
- F O U R T E E N -
- F I F T E E N -
- S I X T E E N -
- S E V E N T E E N -
- E I G H T E E N -
- N I N E T E E N -
- T W E N T Y -
- A P H R O D I T E -
- T W E N T Y T W O -
- T W E N T Y T H R E E -
- T W E N T Y F O U R -
- T W E N T Y F I V E -
- T W E N T Y S I X -
- T W E N T Y S E V E N -
- T W E N T Y E I G H T -
- T W E N T Y N I N E -
- T H I R T Y -
- T H I R T Y O N E -
- T H I R T Y T W O -
- T H I R T Y T H R E E -
- T H I R T Y F O U R -
- T H I R T Y F I V E -
- T H I R T Y S I X -
- T H I R T Y S E V E N -
- V A L E N T I N E S O N E -
- V A L E N T I N E S T W O -

- T W E N T Y O N E -

1.1K 59 9
By linhsdumb




A/N: here's to not procrastinating beeeches. Sorry for disappearing for literal months, but I finally got my entire life in order, dont feel like wasting my life on absolutely nothing, and I have good grades now unlike last year but we dont talk about that. Anyway ily guys for supporting my book even though my only activity has been replying to comments occasionally. Hope u enjoy this chapter thanks

Also might be updating this shit on ao3 as well cause ao3 is far better (im sorry wattpad but there are literal 8 year olds here)


[Y/N] could hear her angry friend throwing a temper tantrum in the distance. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she scanned the warehouse one last time for any approaching enemies, yet there were still none.

"What the hell is causing that?"

"I dunno. Is it a stand ability?" Narancia spoke, a slight tremor in his words.

She could somewhat hear him but his voice seemed to be slowly getting furthur and furthur away. "Narancia...? I think.. I think it's a stand ability.. You're fading away." It sounded like she was underwater and the sounds made were outside of the ocean she seemed to be trapped in. Suddenly her mind was catapulted and her vision started to blur. When it all cleared, the area seemed different from before.

To the raven-haired teen, it seemed like she started collapsing out of nowhere, a cloudy mist covering the once bright [E/C] eyes. "[Y/N]? [Y/N]?! What's wrong... answer me!"

She was too far from reality now, and her mind was currently reading her past memories to herself.

"Maybe Fugo just had the same thing happen to him.. Yeah.. I'll go talk to him right now" Narancia tried to reassure himself, but a little voice inside was still panicking.


[Y/N] woke up in a familiar bedroom, yet this one she hadn't visited for years. Gasping loudly, she grabbed at her face. Yup, everything was where it was supposed to be.. Right? Everything felt real, yet something seemed off. When she opened her eyes once again, she found that she was unable to move once more. "Hello? Anyone there?" Nobody seemed to hear her pleas. At least the stand's ability didn't appear to harm her yet. Her body seemed to move from the bed by itself, followed by grumbling. That.. that didn't sound like her. Well, it did but... it sounded higher pitched. Was she in the past? Were these her memories that she tried her hardest to shut out?

Minutes passed by, and she slowly watched her past self get ready, make an (admittedly shitty) breakfast, yet her parents weren't in sight. Well, of course they weren't. Probably in a ditch somewhere, she hoped. She stepped out of the kitchen only to hear someone banging on the walls and loud screaming. It sounded familiar though... sounded as if it came from her mother. Yes, this is how it happened, how her life slowly spiraled down into who she was now.

She cursed to herself when her body started moving toward the source of the noise, yet nothing couldn't seem to stop it. She was only concious in this body, she couldn't do anything to change this. As the door slowly opened her vision blurred and a high pitched ringing filled her ears. She couldn't see it clearly, but she sure as fuck remembered what happened. At this point her body was panicking as gunshots rang across the bedroom. She ran outside the door with only the clothes on her body and a terrified soul, shutting it as soon as the screams began again.


[Y/N] watched as the body she was in slowly opened her eyes, in another location a few months later. The screams still haunted her, the sound echoing off inside her skull until she felt like her ears were going to melt off. As her body got up from the bed she instantly recognised the area she was in. It was her Ex-Boyfriend's bedroom. The one that messed up her life more than she did.. The one that vowed to take everything that she had until she was nothing but a husk of her former self. The one that she left for a better life. The one she originally met and stayed with in hopes that she could ascend from the darkest pits of the city.

[Y/N] could only wonder if he was still alive now. As her body walked out of the bedroom her vision started blurring once again while the ringing in her ears became almost deafening. Her boyfriend stood in front of her, yelling inaudible insults and remarks while she cowered in the familiar horrors of her past. Terrified wails filled her ears as she collapsed onto her knees. A familiar pink aura surrounded her, as clear as the day it first appeared. This was the day she first got her stand.

Before she could remember anything else though, her mind fogged up and everything went black. (how annoying haha especially when one of ur future lovers i mean besties is like trying to resurrect u)


[Y/N]'s eyes opened once more, all of her senses overwhelming the fuck out of her at once. Loud sirens could be heard, and yelling in the distance as well. A concerned Narancia and Fugo hovered over her body while the former was trying to administer CPR in the most impractical and dangerous way possible. Although her vision wasn't completely there yet, she most definitely could hear the voices.

"Stop touching her tits you're doing it wrong!" An exasperated Fugo whisper-yelled at his colleague.

"I'm not touching her tits! I'm trying to wake her up.."

"If those aren't her tits then what are those? ALSO, you don't use CPR to fucking wake someone up!"

The constant bickering annoyed her enough to actually talk for once. "Please shut the fuck up." Managing to sit up, she still struggled doing so. The ravenette, overjoyed that she finally woke up, decided to (gently) hug her. How very out of character. "Just... give me a second. I feel like shit and I'm tired."


After a few minutes a concerned Bucciarati found the three of them just talking. [Y/N] finally managed to regain enough of her energy. He quickly and awkwardly half-jogged over to them like a middle aged suburban dad would, and checked them for injuries. Luckily [Y/N] is the greatest medic and human being of all time, and she healed them, although it literally made her braindead and dumb from exhaustion

"[Y/N]! I'm so sorry for letting them take you away like that... Are you okay? Are you hurt do you need me to-!" His royal blue eyes trailed over her form, seeing if she was injured in any way.

"Bucciarati, I'm fine. Please don't worry about me. I took care of them alright? I have something to tell you later, but we should probably get the fuck out of here. Did you get what you came here for?"

"Yeah.. Let's get going." His sudden silence did not go unnoticed by the [H/C] haired girl, but she chose not to say anything at the moment. After they exited the goddamn cursed place, the usually chatty atmosphere resumed once more. Something didn't sit right with [Y/N] though, and she found herself staring blankly outside of the car window.


I love you guys and my motivation came back

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