By LunaticEclipsed

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all the old chapters of my old book A Demon's Legacy. Please go read the rewrite More

A Note Before Reading
1. The Oracion Seis
2. Into the Cave
3. Nirvana Unleashed
4. The Dark Side
5. Free Falling
6. You Scratch My Back, I Stab Yours
7. Begrudgingly Agreeing to Save the World
8. Free
9. What Friends Are For
10. Icecream and Rainbows
11. Cherry Blossoms
12. Gone
13. A Whole New World
14. Different
15. It's Britney B*tch
16. Mission Success
17. No Pressure
18. Ice Boy and Demon Girl
19. Shot Through the Heart
20. Checkmate
21. Le Petit Prince
22. The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyways
23. I Start A Forest Fire
24. I Put Out The Fire, Only To Light A Metaphoric One
25. You Can't Kiss It Better
26. The S-Class Trials
27. Those Who Extinguish Life
28. Hellfire, Dark Fire
29. Everyone Has A Vice, Mine Just So Happens To Be Murder
30. The Calm Before the Storm
31. Acnologia
32. Seven Years
33. Dancing Queen
34. Trouble In The Tub
35. As The Sun Sinks Down
36. Early Mornings
37. Late Nights
38. Game Plan
39. Up On The Mountaintop
40. Father Dearest
41. Three Months
42. The Blooming Capital
43. Sky Labyrinth
44. Hidden
45. Y/n v.s. Jura
47. Chariots
48. Mira v.s. Jenny
49. Hatred At Nightfall
50. Pandemonium
51. Naval Battle
52. The Dragons of Days Past
53. The Dragons of Days Past- Uh... Present?
54. Why Did I Think Naming Chapters Was A Good Idea?
55. Let The Night Begin
56. Away
57. Tempest
58. I'm Running Late To Work, Chapter Title Later
59. Stormy Nights

46. Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

68 2 0
By LunaticEclipsed

Sorry, this took so long but this chapter is a doozie so I hope that makes up for it. For those who don't know, I have officially returned to work and school starts up soon. So I don't know how often I'll be able to write. And since kissanime has been taken down I no longer have means of watching Fairy Tail. So right now I'm not even sure if I can write.

Do you guys prefer these longer chapters or should I stick to 1 to 3k words?

And heads up this chapter is a bit all over the place and it's not formatted the best. But alas, 'tis what it is.

CONTENT WARNING: Drinking, drunk shenanigans, allusions to substance abuse and alcoholism (though brief and via a flashback of sorts).


The first thing y/n realized when her senses returned to her was the pain.

It started off as a dull pulse but it grew stronger and stronger, flashing along well-defined lines down her neck all the way to her toes. The agonies were strongest at her side and ankle, which drummed with heat, beating periodically. It felt like she was burning from the inside out. As if streams of fire coursed through her veins, igniting her every limb, her every fibre with pain.

She blinked open her eyes with a low groan. Her vision cleared and she jumped in shock at the closeness of a pair of dark eyes that stared down at her expectantly.

"You're awake!" Natsu cheered as he leapt onto the bed. He wrapped his arms tight around her, smothering her in a hug.

Y/n winced, bringing an arm up to pat him gently on the back. "Hey,"

"Get off her, you cunt," Porlyusica snapped, knocking the fire dragon to the floor. "You could have reopened her stitches!"

"It's-" y/n took a deep breath as she propped herself up on her elbows. "It's fine. I'm fine,"

"Do you have forty years of experience in the medical field?" The old lady asked.


"Then I think I'll be the one to judge your condition, bitch,"

Y/n laughed, despite the sharp sting of pain the action brought with it. She loved Porlyusica. She thought the old woman was hilarious.

With her intense cynicism and sharp tongue, Porlyusica never failed to make y/n's day. She was done with everybody's shit and never tried to hide it. She had that I don't give I fuck if I hurt your feelings you insignificant motherfucker you are no more than a worm beneath my boot attitude that y/n had always aimed for.

Y/n sat up fully, leaning her head back against the wall. Her eyelids fluttered for a second as she yawned. The dark bags under her eyes were prominent as ever as she scanned the room.

It seemed as if the entirety of Teams A and B had piled into the infirmary. They let out a chorus of praise, Natsu lighting his fist on fire as he began to recreate his favourite parts of the match. Erza was quick to put an end to it, knocking him in the shoulder.

Y/n felt a warm feeling grow in her chest. She had been taught, from a young age that she was only needed as long as she was useful. She'd been conditioned into seeing loss as a weakness. And there was no room for weakness in the world.

She knew that it was foolish but emotions often overpower reason and y/n couldn't help but worry as to how the guild would handle her loss. Her anxiety had her convinced something bad was to come. But looking at the expressions upon their faces served to quell her nerves. The knot in her stomach slowly unravelled so that she could breathe fully.

"As much as I'd love for this sickening display of camaraderie to continue, I need to check with y/n now that she's awake," Porlyusica said, her voice cutting over those of the Fairy Tail members. She shouldered her way through the throng of people to stand at y/n's bedside. She set her jaw and fixed the wizards with a harsh glare. "That means get out!"

The infirmary cleared in the blink of an eye.


"Bye Porlyusica, and thank you!" Y/n called over her shoulder. The door fell shut behind her, muffling the old woman's contemptuous reply.

Y/n turned her attention to the opposite wall with an eyebrow raised. "Have you been waiting here this whole time?"

Gray shrugging dismissively. "We figured someone should be here to keep you company on the way back to the inn,"

"Well, that's very sweet of you two," she smiled. "But I could have walked myself, really,"

He shook his head. "I couldn't enjoy myself knowing you were out, alone, in the streets,"

"And I couldn't leave my beloved alone with a love rival," Juvia said, her arms crossed. She spared a glance in Gray's direction before returning her gaze to y/n. "Are you well?"

"Porlyusica gave me the all-clear. And drugs. Lots of drugs," she said, gesturing absently with her crutch. "I just need to be careful and stay off my foot for a day or so,"

"That's good," Juvia replied, smiling softly.

Gray nodded in agreement. He draped his arm over y/n's shoulder he began to lead her down the hall. "Now come on. We don't want to miss all the fun,"


The trio made their way through the darkening streets, talking idly amongst themselves. The Honey Bone Inn was visible in the distance when y/n came to a sudden stop.

"Is something wrong?" Juvia asked, her brows knit together in concern.

The h/c girl shook her head as if clearing it of thoughts. She turned to her companions with a lopsided smile, biting her lip nervously. "Yeah, I just don't think I'm quite ready to go in yet... All those people, the noise..."

"That's fine," Gray said. "We can wait out here as long as you-"

"No, no," she waved him off. "You two go on ahead,"

Juvia frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," y/n nodded. She chuckled awkwardly, reaching a hand up and threading it through the hair at the nape of her neck. "Plus, I think some time alone might do me some good,"

They seemed apprehensive, not wanting to leave y/n alone in her injured state. But eventually, she was able to convince them with the promise to shout should any trouble arise. She watched their retreating forms, her arms dropping and smile melting away as they disappeared from sight.

Y/n turned to the darkened alleyway, taking in a deep breath through her nose, the familiar scent making it twitch. She recognized it but she couldn't remember where from. Let alone who it belonged to.

She slipped into the alley, surprisingly stealthy despite the crutches supporting her. Dagger in hand she kept her eyes trained on the corner where the shadows were deepest.

"I know you're there," she called out into the night. "Who are you?"

"Have you forgotten me already? I know it's been seven years for me but it's been less than one for you," y/n's eyes widened as Zeref stepped out of the shadows.

An inaudible gasp escaped her lips as she stared him up and down. She looked confused like she wasn't certain he was real. Zeref took a step closer and y/n moved, grabbing his arms and pulling him back into the darkness.

Zeref shuddered at the contact, unaccustomed to human touch. He stared at y/n with doe eyes, his lips pulled into a fond smile. His breath hitched in his throat as she grabbed a handful of his shirt, clenching the fabric in a tight fist and slammed him back against the bricks.

Her eyes blazed, a low growl rumbling from the base of her throat. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you," Zeref replied. His voice was cool and level but she could see a glimmer of surprise in her eyes. "Is that such a crime?"

"This city is crawling with people searching for you. People who want you dead. They think you or one of your devotees are involved in some nefarious ploy,"

He shook his head. "That's ridiculous,"

"Even so, what if someone saw us together? I've got enough problems already," y/n said. "I don't want to add suspected of being in cahoots with the Black Wizard to the list,"

"No one's going to see us," Zeref assured her. His voice softened as he added: "I missed you,"

Y/n stiffened for a moment as Zeref pulled her into a tight, almost suffocating embrace. She relaxed with a shaky breath, wrapping her arms around his neck. He nuzzled the top of her head as he pulled her closer still, relishing in the ability to touch again. Somehow the seven years after he met her felt longer than the centuries before he ever did.

"I missed you," Zeref repeated once again, speaking more to himself than y/n.

A loud shout echoed down the streets and the alley fell silent. A group of partygoers turned down the back street. They hooted and hollered, speaking excitedly about the day's games.

Y/n froze, eyes wide as they drew nearer. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked around frantically, trying to find someplace to hide or any means to get away unnoticed. For once she came up with nothing. There was no way they could escape without being seen.

Zeref's grip on her waist tightened and suddenly her whole world was turned upsidedown.

It was an odd feeling, like the world had collapsed, its broken pieces swirling wildly around her before reconstructing as something completely different. Y/n's stomach rolled, her knees giving out. If it weren't for Zeref holding her she surely would have fallen.

She blinked, trying to clear the black spots from her sight as she adjusted to the light. A silent gasp fell from her lips as she took in their surroundings.

They stood in a long palatial corridor, one wall lined with doors the other with tall windows overlooking the lands below. The floor, walls and ceiling were crafted of smooth stone. A long red rug that seemed to stretch forever, lay in the center of the cold floor leaving the stone shining on either side. The ceiling, which was adorned with intricate carvings, arched at least fifteen feet above them. Opulent chandeliers hung down, lit by a myriad of candles, orange flames flickering softly.

"Where the hell are we?" y/n asked, looking back to Zeref.

"I've brought us somewhere we won't be disturbed," He explained, chuckling at her awe-struck expression. "I have a bit of business to attend to, but once that's done, we'll talk,"

Y/n nodded but she wasn't listening. She kept looking around the hallway as if expecting to be attacked at any second. She was visibly uncomfortable, her fingers tugging anxiously at her sleeves. Her brows furrowed as she chewed at the inside of her cheek, lost in thought.

Zeref cursed himself, he should have known that she would find the change in setting jarring. He didn't want to overwhelm her but he hadn't the time to fill her in.

"You're Highness, you're needed,"

Y/n turned at the new voice, analyzing the bespectacled man carefully. He was a little taller than her, his light blue hair tied into a ponytail that hung over his shoulder. He held his hands behind his back, his blue eyes were cold and expression stoic. Y/n could sense his magic power, it reminded her in a way of Gray and Lyon's but it seemed stronger. Much stronger.

"Of course Invel, I'll be right with you," Zeref said nodding politely. He turned to y/n with an apologetic smile. "Wait here, I'll be back as soon as I can,"

She could only nod in response, to overwhelmed by new information to formulate any sentences. Intelligent ones at least. She watched the two walk down the hall with narrowed eyes. She turned her gaze out the window trying to find some sort of hint as to her location from the landscapes below. She came up with nothing.

"What are you doing here?"

Y/n jumped at the sudden voice, spinning around so fast she almost got whiplash. The blade she didn't even know she was holding was wrenched free of her hand and she was pushed back against the windowsill.

She blinked up at the man caging her in. "What?"

He growled lowly. "Don't play dumb with me, what are you doing here?"

Y/n could only stare. Her mouth opened and closed but no sound came out.

"Are you an assassin?" He demanded. His grip on her wrists tightening as he glared, lips curled into an angry snarl. "You've come to kill Emperor Spriggan haven't you?"

"Emperor who now?" y/n asked, finally breaking her silence. She met his gaze evenly as she talked, trying to find a way out of his hold. "Zeref brought me here, ask him okay? Cause right now I don't even know where the fuck I am,"

"Zeref brought you?" he repeated, black eyes widening. When she nodded he released her, taking a step back. He looked her up and down, regarding her cautiously. "Why?"

"Well, shit, if I knew that I'd tell you," y/n said, pushing herself up to sit on the windowsill. She shrugged, leaning her head back against the cool glass. Her gaze drifted out to the horizon where the last hints of the day were disappearing in a blend of pink and orange light. "He left with some blue-haired man, Invel, and told me he'd be back. That was maybe five minutes ago,"

She turned her stare to the man, eyeing him with guarded precision. He was well built, with wild brown hair that stuck out in every direction. He bore a crest y/n didn't recognize on his right shoulder, the black standing out against his dark skin. His magic power, much like Invel's, was immense. Y/n was glad that he had seemingly decided she wasn't a threat. If things had come to a fight it would not have ended well.

He noticed her staring and smirked, cocking a brow. "Like what you see?"

Y/n scoffed. "Hardly,"

"I'm Ajeel," he introduced, joining her on the windowsill. He grinned at her confusion, eyes shining. "What? I can't leave you alone, for all I know you're lying to me,"

"Fine," y/n sighed, pulling her knees up to her chest to make space for him. She sighed again at his expectant expression and held her hand out for him to shake. "Y/n,"

Ajeel's grin grew as he clasped her hand in hers. "You a wizard y/n?"


"Is that how you got injured?" He pressed, gesturing to her bandaged form and the crutches that leaned against the wall next to her. "On a job?"

Y/n hesitated for a moment before replying. "I'm representing my guild in the Grand Magic Games. I had to fight Jura today,"


"Jura Neekis of the Ten Wizard Saints?" she asked, brows drawn in confusion. "One of the strongest wizards in the country?"

"Not in this country," Ajeel stated with a knowing laugh.

"What do you mean not in this country? Where the hell are we?"

"Welcome to the Alvarez Empire sweetheart," he said, spreading his arms out to the side.

"The Alvarez Empire?" she muttered under her breath. "Alright, I've been here before,"

"Really?" Ajeel raised a questioning brow. "What for?"

Her eyes darkened. "Work,"

"So, this fight," He said, leaning in close. His eyes were wide, glowing with excitement, lips pulled into a crooked smile. "Did you win?"

Y/n snorted, shaking her head. "I wish,"

The hall fell silent after that neither of them continuing the conversation. Y/n turned her gaze out the window, staring down at the kingdom that lay below. Ajeel watched her his interest piqued. Something about her, about her magic, seemed very familiar.

"Are you a dragon slayer?"

"Yes," y/n replied, eyeing him hesitantly. "How did you know?"

"You remind me of God Serena," Ajeel said. "He's-"

"The first Wizard Saint," she said, cutting him off with a single nod. She quirked a brow in question. "He's a dragon slayer too?"

Ajeel nodded. "He also goes by Eight Dragon God Serena due to his use of eight different lacrimas. What element do you use?"


He blinked. "What?"

"I use nine," y/n replied, a small smile spreading across her face as she added: "Does that mean I can go by Nine Dragon God y/n?"

Ajeel probably would have laughed at her joke but he had been thrown off by her revelation. He was quiet for a moment as the gears in his mind processed the information. Eventually, he snickered, a wide grin pulling at his lips. "Nine different elements? How did you manage that?"

"I fail to see how that's any of your business," She said, eyes narrowing. Y/n leaned in, propping her elbow on her knee and resting her chin on her open palm. "All this talking about me, why not tell me something about yourself, hmm? What type of magic do you use Ajeel?"

"Y/n," the pair turned to see Zeref standing a few feet away. "Walk with me,"

"Alright," she muttered, hopping down from the windowsill. She grabbed her dagger from where Ajeel had thrown it, putting it back in its sheath. She glanced back at the brown-haired man, offering him a small wave.

"Bye doll," He said with a gentle chuckle. "Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again soon,"

"Maybe," y/n replied before turning and following Zeref down the winding halls.

It was silent for a few moments, their muffled footsteps and the sounds of y/n's crutches echoing through the stone corridors.

"He didn't do anything did he?" Zeref asked, finally breaking the silence that weighed down on their shoulders.

"Ajeel? No, he's fine," she said. "He thought I was here to kill the emperor or something. But when I told him you brought me here he backed off,"

"That's good,"

Y/n sighed, nervously pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. "Why are we here? And why the hell did Invel call you 'your Highness'?"

"I wanted to show you around before I made my offer," he replied. "And Invel addresses me in such a way because I'm the Emperor,"

Y/n chocked on her spit. "You're the what?"

"I founded this country around a century ago," he explained, coming to a stop before a grand window that overlooked the city. He stared out at the horizon, black hair shining in the silver moonlight that streamed in through the window. "I prefer not to be involved in politics, I have people to that for me while I wander the world. But regardless, Alvarez is my home base of sorts and I hope you'll consider making it yours as well,"

"How so?" y/n asked, looking up at him her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"I wish to invite you to join us, if not forever then at least a short visit. I believe it could be a good chance for you to grow your abilities," Zeref said, meeting her gaze evenly. "Our wizards are stronger than those in Ishgar. You and I could work together to better understand the curse we're burdened with,"

"I can't just up and leave. Fairy Tail is my home,"

"Of course," he bowed his head. "But perhaps you could visit in blocks a week-long, under the guise of solo jobs,"

She raked a hand through her hair. "That could work but then I'd be coming back with nothing to show of my work,"

"I would give you a couple of jobs during your stay," Zeref said. "Though they'd be more akin to those you once took when you were with Serpent's Shadow,"

"How do you know about that?" y/n asked, taking a step away from him as her eyes narrowed into a glare.

"I know a lot about you. I did quite a bit of digging after we first met. I took a while but I was able to connect the dots," he said with a nonchalant shrug. His black eyes bore into hers as he continued his pitch. "Ishgar has become concerned with how silent the Black Death has been over the past seven years. They have begun looking into guild wizards who joined guilds about the time you did. The head captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit already suspects you,"

"Lahar? Yes, I'm aware," y/n muttered, anxiously picking at a bandage on her wrist. "But how exactly would starting up again help?"

"We could lead them to believe that the Black Death has relocated to Alvarez. They couldn't accuse you because, officially, you'd be in Ishgar,"

"Okay," she mused, nodding slowly. "But couldn't they just check with whatever whoever sent out the job? The very fake job that I'd never have gone on?"

"I have people located throughout Ishgar. Maintaining your cover would be simple, you needn't worry," Zeref said dismissively. "I wouldn't have you kill, I know you're attempting to stop. But I'd have you acquire certain things for me. Artifacts, information..."

Y/n narrowed her eyes as he trailed off, waving his hand as if to say etcetera. "You want me to torture and steal,"

"I suppose that would be the better way to word it, yes," he nodded. He paused for a moment and a heavy silence hanging between them. "So what say you?"

"I'll think about it," y/n replied not meeting his gaze. It was clear she was going over everything he'd told her, contemplating the pros and cons of his offer.

"Of course, I'll send you back now," he hesitated a moment before pulling her into another hug. His dark eyes fell shut as he tried to memorize the feeling of her. The way her warmth slowly seeped into his skin and the softness of her hair between his fingers.

"Goodbye Zeref," she murmured as he pulled back. Zeref nodded somberly, holding her hand a moment longer before he slipped his fingers free of hers.

Y/n braced herself as the world seemed to flip once more, tripping over a garbage can when she reappeared alone in the alleyway. She rolled her shoulders with a tired sigh, looking up at the stars in the night sky.

"What do I do?" And if the heavens could give her answer, they offered her none. She shook her head. "I need to get to the inn, they'll be wondering what became of me,"


"Way to fuck it up out there losers!" Cana jeered, slamming her now empty bottle down on the table. "Seriously, how can the members of the great Fairy Tail guild be so pathetic? It's embarrassing!"

"Well maybe you should have been there cheering us on instead of hitting every pub in walking distance," Elfman said.

"I was cheering for you guys! All the pubs have lacrima vision!" she retorted. "Plus, the booze is a hell of a lot cheaper,"

Y/n laughed quietly as she walked past their table, offering them a wave and a small smile in greeting.

"You made it!"

She started at the sudden voice, turning to see Bickslow standing behind her with a wide grin. He wrapped her arms around her in an amicable hug, a startled grunt escaped her lips as he lifted her off the ground in his excitement. "You did such a good job out there!"

"Good job! Good job!" His dolls echoed, floating around animatedly.

"Thanks," she wheezed, patting his arm thrice as if to say 'mercy'.

"Release her at once! Can't you see you're hurting her?!" Freed said. He pulled y/n free of Bickslows grip, hitting the taller man upside the head. "He didn't hurt you too bad did he? Should I go get Porlyusica?"

"No it's fine," y/n said, letting Freed guide her to sit at a table with the Thunder Legion.

"I'm glad," he smiled kindly, pulling her chair out for her. "Bickslow is right, your battle was truly a sight to behold,"

Her voice was soft as she thanked him, her cheeks warming with a faint blush.

"If only you hadn't taken so many hits to that pretty little face," Evergreen said, pale fingers grazing the bruises that decorated y/n's cheeks and neck. "None the matter! It's nothing a little makeup can't fix,"

"No, you can't cover them up!" Bickslow whined from across the table. "They make you look so badass. You're hot all the time but right now you're even more smokin' than usual,"

"Smokin'! Smokin'!"

"Could you at least try to act respectfully?" Freed hissed, muttering something about a foul-mouthed cretin under his breath.

"It's fine. I don't mind,"

"See Freed? Y/n says she doesn't mind," Bickslow said, sticking his tongue out.

"Sweetie, when are you going to go on a job with us?" Evergreen asked. "You said you would on Tenrou but haven't said a word of it since,"

Y/n blinked, the question catching her off guard. "That offers still on the table?"

"Of course!" Ever said. She smiled, shaking her head slightly as if she couldn't believe y/n would ask such a thing.

"Hell yeah!" Bickslow cheered, slamming his hands down on the table for emphasis. "You could join us full time if you wanted,"

"Indeed," Freed nodded. "We'd love to have you,"

Y/n turned, feeling a pair of eyes on her. When she met Laxus' stormy gaze he nodded once. A wide grin spread across her lips as she shrugged. "Sure, sounds fun,"

"Wonderful!" Evergreen beamed. "Oh, I just can't wait! We're going to have the best of times!"


Y/n sat with the Thunder Legion for a while longer. They spoke casually, swapping stories and jokes of missions past. As well as laughing at their guildmates wild antics.

Y/n turned her gaze away from Laxus and Bickslow, scanning the room as she listened to their wild tale. She caught sight of Lucy sitting despondently at the bar. The amused sparkle slowly faded from her e/c eyes as her smile dropped into a worried frown.

The blonde was as far away from the chaos of the guild as the pub would allow. Her head hung low and her shoulders hunched close together. A Strawberry Daquiri sat untouched on the counter next to her.

Y/n rose from the table with an apologetic smile. "Excuse me,"

She made her way across the crowded floor, stopping beside Lucy. The blonde didn't even look up, her thousand-yard stare strong enough to burn a hole through solid steel.

"What's got you so down in the dumps, Lu?" she asked, leaning against the bar, her arms crossed over her chest.

Lucy jumped, startled by y/n's sudden appearance. Her mouth dropped open but no words came out.

"If it's about the games, don't beat yourself up. I thought you did marvellously," y/n said, placing a hand on top of Lucy's. Her voice was gentle and inviting, like a warm bath at the end of a long day.

"But I lost," She lamented, pulling her hand away.

"So?" y/n said. "I lost too,"

"But you were up against a wizard saint,"

"And you were up against Raven Tail," y/n challenged. "We all know you would have won if they didn't play dirty,"

"Really?" Lucy asked, meeting y/n's gaze. Her e/c eyes were mesmerizing, drawing Lucy in like a moth to the flame.

She nodded with a delicate smile and Lucy found herself compelled to share everything. So she did. Y/n listened attentively, only speaking to offer small words of encouragement, to ask for clarifications or to offer her own opinions when Lucy asked for it.

"Sometimes, I feel like I'm the weak link of the team," Lucy admitted, eyes clouded with a flurry of emotions. "Wendy can do more than me and she's just a little girl!"

"What are you talking about?" y/n asked. "Do you have any idea how many times you and your spirits have helped us out of tight spots? We're all idiots, if it weren't for your quick thinking we'd be dead long ago,"

"Do you think so?"

Y/n nodded, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to the blonde's forehead. "Stop doubting yourself, you're amazing,"

"Y/n! Come drink with me!" Canna slurred, grabbing the girl around the hips and dragging her away. Lucy stared after them a moment, her cheeks stained pink.

Cana laughed, practically throwing y/n into a seat and forcing a shot into her hand.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't-"

"You owe me for ditching Mira and I last night!"

Y/n sighed staring down at the shot in her hand. She shook her head. "No. I- I can't,"

She turned to Cana only to instantly look away. She sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth, her gaze trained on the wall. "Don't look at me like that,"

Cana pouted harder, latching onto y/n like a koala. She stared up at the h/c girl, brown eyes shining with sorrow.

"Please?" she pleaded. "What could possibly go wrong?"

At the brunette's words, a flurry of hazy memories flashed before y/n's eyes. Packed bars. Late nights. The sting of the alcohol. The smell of the drugs. The relief she felt when she forgot, even for one night. The hangovers. The gaps in her memory she would never get back.

"You need to loosen up," Cana knocked their shoulders together, pulling y/n back to the present. "This is a celebration!"

"Of coming dead last?" y/n asked.

Cana blinked. She frowned, looking bewildered for a second before a crazed grin pulled at her lips. "Yeah!"

Y/n sighed, eyeing the liquor in her hand. "I suppose a couple of drinks couldn't hurt... Right?"

"That's the spirit!" Cana said, throwing an arm up excitedly.

They clinked their glasses together with a small cheer. Y/n hardly flinched at the familiar burn as the whiskey slid down her throat. But it dropped in her stomach, settling heavy and foreboding like lead.

Y/n bit her lip as she picked up her next shot. She held it up to her lips, whispering against the glass. "What's the worst that could happen?"


When Bacchus showed up y/n knew she was fucked. The man had challenged them to a drinking contest and Cana had instantly accepted, dragging y/n along with her. Her plan of three drinks went out of the window in favour of twenty. Or was it more? She'd long since lost count.

Y/n lay on the floor, Cana sprawled over her. The brunette's breath was warm against y/n's neck. Most of what she said was incoherent nonsense but y/n could make out a couple of words. Caboose. Flamingo. Cobb Salad.

Bacchus hiccuped, looking down at the two with a drunken smile. "Man, you two are wild,"

He hiccupped again as he reached down, tearing off Cana's bra and lumbering away.

Y/n growled, trying to stand only to fall right back down. A pained groan left her lips and she decided to stay lying on the cold floor. At least until the world stopped spinning.

When she finally did get up, y/n peeled off her own shirt and helped Cana put it on. The process took much longer than it should have. What with their impaired motor skills and random fits of giggles. Eventually, y/n stood triumphant, her f/c bra on full display as she blinked heavily, clearing the black spots from her eyes.

She left Cana lying face down on the floor in favour of staggering over to an unsuspecting Natsu and Gray.

The two were rolling around the bar floor, fighting as always. Then as soon as the fight began it stopped as they were forcibly pulled apart. They looked to the culprit, expecting to face Erza's wrath. At the sight of y/n, shirtless, hair dishevelled and face flushed, they both stalled, mouths dropping open comically.

Natsu opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unable to form a cohesive sentence. He could only mutter unintelligibly and stare with wide eyes. Gray was no better off. He gawked at y/n, cheeks burning a deep cherry red. But unlike Natsu, he had managed to retain the ability of speech.

"Hey y/n?" He cleared his throat, looking away when she met his gaze. "You're, uh, you're not wearing a shirt,"

"Yeah? Well, neither are you so shut the fuck up,"

Gray sputtered at her retort but found he couldn't argue. He was in fact, not wearing a shirt. Or pants.

"Natsu, babes," y/n slurred, draping herself over the fire dragon's shoulders. "I love you but you've really got to learn to stop and think sometimes. Your impulsive behaviours gonna get you killed,"

Natsu blushed and averted his gaze. He managed to spit out a confused 'sorry'. Y/n nodded, pleased by his answer. She grabbed hold of his scarf, pulling him down and pressing a sloppy kiss to the underside of his jaw.

"And Gray!" she snapped as soon as she pulled away. She turned to him with a finger raised, poking him in the chest. "You need to curb that damn stripping habit!"

"I- what?" he asked, catching her hand at the wrist before she could jab him for the umpteenth time. "How drunk are you?"

"You need to curb that stripping habit of yours!" Y/n repeated as if he hadn't spoken. She threw her arms up with a scoff. "Like, we get it, you're attractive, okay? But public indecency is a crime! I'm honestly amazed you haven't been arrested yet,"

Gray nodded despite his confusion. His blush deepened as she pressed her lips to his cheek and sauntered off.

Natsu and Gray exchanged stunned looks and for once things between them were still. But nothing lasts forever and soon they were at each other's throats once more.

"Juvia!" said mage jumped at the sound of her name. She turned in her seat, a questioning brow raised. Her pale cheeks burned red as she watched y/n make her way towards her.

"Juvia, that the gods you're here," y/n said. She dropped down into the water-mages lap and cupped her face between her hands. She stared intently into Juvia's navy eyes, pulling her closer with a grave expression. "You need to woman up. Make a move on this mystery lady, so what if they don't like girls? You never stopped to figure out if Gray liked girls! Plus you're so pretty I'm sure they'd make an exception,"

Juvia's face heated up so much she feared she may pass out. "I... Thank you?"

"And if they hurt your feelings," she paused, her eyes turning deadly. "I'll kill them,"

"Oh, no. That's not necessary," Juvia said, gesturing wildly.

"Of course it is!" Y/n said, shaking her by the shoulders. "I love you and you deserve nothing but the best,"

She pressed a soft kiss to the tip of Juvia's nose and giggled at her flustered expression. Then she stumbled off in search of her next victim.

She made her way back to the Thunder Legion. When she went to sit in the vacant chair, she missed toppling to the ground.

"Just tell Elfman you love him," y/n said, ignoring their concerned stares.

Evergreen blinked. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused," y/n said, picking herself up off the floor. "You're completely infatuated with the guy and he with you. Everyone can see it. It's stupid how oblivious you are,"

"That's ironic," Evergreen mumbled, rolling her eyes.

Y/n frowned, her head cocked to the side. "I don't know what you mean and I don't care... Either way, you two just need to bone,"

"Are you intoxicated?" Freed asked, pressing a hand against the girl's forehead. The noise of the bar and Bickslows crazed laughter fading into the background. His concern for y/n's after taking precedence over all else.

She stared up at him, confused. "No... I'm y/n. What kind of name is 'Intoxicated?'"

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "That's not what I-"

Y/n gasped, her eyes widening at the sight of Cana, Lucy, Mira and Erza all sitting together, chatting at the bar. She grinned, making her way across the floor muttering under her breath.

"She didn't have a shirt on right? You guys all say that? Or is this another one of my dreams?" Bickslow asked, turning to the others with a brow raised. He hummed thoughtfully, stroking his chin. "I don't think it's a dream. If it were we'd already be-"

"Finish that sentence," Laxus growled through grit teeth. "I dare you,"


"Hey y/n," Mira greeted with a small smile. "How're you?"

"Lucy! Stop sulking, you're amazing and we're proud of you!" y/n demanded, disregarding Mira's question. She spun around to Cana, a fire burning in her eyes. "Cana! Talk to Guildarts, most of us would kill to have a stable relationship with our parents. Or just see them again! You could at least try to speak with the man,"

"Cana," Erza sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Cana hiccuped. She took a swig of her beer, her indignant expression melting away to confusion. "I think,"

"Lighten up Erza, she's not doing any harm," Mira said with a sweet smile. "Besides, when was the last time you saw her this happy?"

"Mira!" y/n gasped as if she had just registered the white-haired girl's presence. She clasped Mira's hands in her own, grinning wildly. "You're probably one of the nicest, most patient, badass and beautifulest people I've ever met. Don't ever change,"

"Aw, thank you,"

Erza placed a hand on y/n's shoulder. "Maybe we should get you some water,"

"You need to live more freely. Have fun, smile, laugh, love," y/n said, shaking her head at the redhead's words. "I get that being stoic is a part of your 'aesthetic' but it's important to not let that prevent you from enjoying life. It's the only one you've got,"

Erza listened to her rant, a brow raised. She stumbled slightly as y/n took her by the hands and pulled her from the barstool. The h/c girl, intertwined their fingers, twirling in circles. When she stopped her spinning and her giggles subsided she stepped closer to Erza.

"Boop," y/n said, poking the requip mage on the nose. She leaned in, her eyes boring into Erzas, her voice a breathy whisper. "Live,"

Then, she was off once more.

"Should we go after her?" Lucy asked, glancing at the others uncertainly.

"Nah," Cana said. "She'll be fine,"


Gajeel jumped at the sudden weight on his back. He turned, his red eyes widening at the head of h/c hair pressed into his neck. Y/n hooked her arms under his, her hands holding his shoulders. Her legs wrapped around his waist and Gajeel found himself tracing the soft skin with absent-minded hands.

"Levy," y/n called, not addressing Gajeel in the slightest. "You're so cool,"

The blue-haired girl blushed, shaking her head no."Thank you, but-"

"No! No, really!" she interrupted. Y/n lifted her face free from the crook of Gajeel's neck to stare Levy in the eyes. "You're really smart, pretty too. And you're always willing to help, I really admire that about you,"

Levy lowered her head bashfully, staring down at her clasped hands. "Thank you,"

Y/n grinned and nodded before nuzzling back against Gajeel. He could smell the alcohol rolling off of her and was quick to deduce that it was the cause of her out of character behaviour. He decided he liked the change.

"Your hair's so soft," y/n murmured against his neck as she dragged her fingers down his scalp. She lit up suddenly, twisting over his shoulder to look him in the eyes. "Can I braid your hair?"


"Great!" She beamed up at him and Gajeel found himself unable to say no.

Not that he would have. The feeling of her fingers running through his hair was heavenly. His red eyes fluttered in a calm content as pleased tingles flowed through him. Every now and then her fingers would snag on a knot and pull at his scalp. And Gajeel would find himself leaning into her touch as he bit back the soft sighs and moans that threatened to slip past his lips.

The trio stayed like that for a while, sitting in their own little bubble, oblivious to the chaos transpiring around them. Levy explained the plot of her latest read. Her eyes glowed with passion and excitement as she delved into character backstories and conspiracies surrounding various convoluted schemes to kill the sovereign.

Gajeel was fighting to stay awake as he listened, y/n's touch lulling him into a calm bliss. She was creating small braids in his hair, her e/c eyes more serious than he'd ever seen.

When her hand found it's way behind his left ear, her nails scraped ever so gently over the skin. Gajeel's eyes widened slightly before rolling back into his head as he shuddered. He went limp for a moment a dopey smile on his lips.

He blinked a few times, trying ground himself. When Gajeel finally came back down to earth, y/n was sitting next to him, an arm around his back keeping him up.

Levy stared at him in concern. "Are you okay? What was that?"

"It was nothing," Gajeel said, jaw locked. He brought a hand up to cup his ear, glaring down at the wooden table. "Forget about it,"

"It's a dragon slayer thing," y/n explained. "Kind of like how cats like to be pet behind their ears or dogs like belly rubs,"

"Oh," Levy nodded, her voice laced with keen interest. "So you all have that reaction when you get scratched behind the ear?"

Y/n shook her head no and stifled a hiccup."The spot varies depending on the slayer. Reactions to the touch can vary as well, depending on our current state of mind and who the other person is,"

"Fascinating," Levy said. "Where's yours?"

Y/n snorted, rolling her eyes. "Not happening,"

Levy shrugged, dropping the subject and they continued to talk. But Gajeel found himself unable to focus on their words. He shuffled closer to y/n and grabbed her hand, pulling it up to his head with a displeased grunt. She trailed her fingers through it absently as she played with his dark locks, unravelling any of the small braids she stumbled across.

Y/n's other hand began to wander as she listened to Levy talk. She ran her fingers up Gajeel's arm, tracing each iron stud.

"You're beautiful," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"No 'm not," he muttered. "You on the other hand..."

Y/n stared into his eyes, her fingers sliding down his bicep to intertwine with his own. "There's nothing wrong with being beautiful y'know,"

"For you maybe," he said. "But it's not very masculine,"

"Who gives a shit? You can be masculine and beautiful at the same time," she said. "You don't need to try so hard to be cool. You can let the tough guy act fall every now and again,"

"It's not an act!" he retorted.

"Please, you're a softie and we all know it," Y/n snorted, raking her nails harder against his scalp. Levy nodded in agreement, an amused smile toying at her lips.

Gajeel really couldn't argue with her. Not with his arms around his waist, chin resting on her shoulder. He grumbled lowly as he leaned back, putting some distance between them.

Y/n turned to look at him, but her eyes caught sight of another figure across the room. She stood with a gasp and stumbled away, leaving a confused Levy and an annoyed Gajeel in her wake.


Laxus raised a brow as y/n latched onto his arm. She didn't say anything, only stared up at him with wide eyes.

"Get off," he grumbled, knocking her back with a gentle nudge.

Y/n, still drunk, tripped over her own feet and landed on her ass in a tangle of her own limbs. She untangled herself with a huff looking up at Laxus once more. She pouted, her eyes glossing over and Laxus felt panic rise in his chest. Was she going to cry?

"Why do you hate me?" Y/n asked. Her voice quivered as she met his gaze.

"I don't hate you," Laxus replied. Of all the things he was expecting, that most certainly was not it.

"Yes you do," she said, nodding so fast her head seemed to blur. "I see you talk to everyone else in the guild. Not often but you still speak to them. You didn't so much as look my way until Makarov asked us to join Team B. What'd I do?"

"You didn't do anything," he said. "And I don't hate you,"

"Really?" She gasped, blinking owlishly.

He nodded. "Really,"

Y/n smiled up at him and Laxus fought back one of his own. He watched her clamour to her feet with a small smirk. His gray eyes widened ever so slightly when she dropped into the seat next to him, one leg strewn over his.

She didn't do anything else and Laxus soon shifted his attention away from the girl next to him. A couple of tugs at his coat and a gentle pressure on his chest pulled his attention away from Natsu and Gray running, screaming, from an enraged Erza.

Laxus stared down at y/n, nestled against his side, unsure of how to react.

"You're warm," she murmured tiredly, her eyes drooping. She pulled the jacket further around her with a content hum. Her hand balled at the fabric of his shirt loosened when her eyes fell shut and her breathing slowed.

"Holy cow, Laxus, are you blushing?"

"Shut up!" he snapped, fixing Bickslow with a fierce glare. Laxus turned his head away, hiding the pink tips of his ears in his coats fur collar. He rose from his seat, y/n held secure in his arms. "I'm taking her to her bed. She needs to sleep this off,"

"No funny business!" Bickslow grinned, ducking away from Freed's attempt to strike him.

Y/n barely reacted as Laxus carried her off. A couple inaudible mumbled slipped past her lips as she nuzzled further into the coat's fur lining. She stirred for a moment, nose twitching with a short sneeze. Then she stilled once more.

Laxus tried not to stare at the girl in his arms as he carried her up to Team B's shared room. Y/n looked so different when she slept. Calm. Innocent. Almost angelic. He began to notice little things about her he hadn't before.

She had a few faint freckles splashed over her nose and cheeks. She had a small scar over her upper lip and another over the bridge of her nose. Laxus could see the dark circles under her eyes and he found himself wondering how much sleep y/n got. Even then she seemed restless, long lashes fluttering as she mouthed something Laxus couldn't decipher.

He set y/n down on her bed, pulling the blanket up to her chin. Laxus brushed a few stray wisps of her h/c free of her face. Her eyes blinked open at the contact.

"Laxus?" she asked, her voice muddled with sleep as she stared up at him through narrowed eyes.

He stepped closer to the bed. "Yes?"

"Tell me a story,"

"What?" Laxus said, blinking incredulously.

"I wanna hear a story," y/n explained. Her e/c eyes shone in a way that reminded Laxus of a child's. Innocent and hopeful. "I'm sure you know one,"

Laxus shook his head. "I'm not telling you a story,"

She huffed and flipped around in bed, her back to him. She pulled the sheets up over her head and curled up into a tight ball.

Laxus sighed, raking a hand through his hair. He reached out towards the lump on the bead, silently cursing himself. "Y/n, I-"

A hand snaked around his wrist and pulled him onto the bed with surprising ease. Laxus grunted as he crashed down unceremoniously on the bed next to her.

"What the hell,"

"If you're not gonna tell me a story the least you can do is cuddle with me," she muttered. "At least until I fall asleep,"

Laxus tried to remove himself from her but y/n's grip was strong. He stopped when he noticed the look in her eyes. They were hollow and desperate, shockingly sober despite her behaviour but a few minuted before.

"Please," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I can't be alone. Not tonight,"

Laxus' face softened. "Alright,"

The room fell silent and when y/n's breathing slowed about a half-hour later Laxus figured she'd fallen asleep.

"Since you vetoed a story I guess a song is off the table too, huh?" He jumped, startled by the sound of her voice. Y/n rolled over, looking at him inquisitively.

Laxus chewed at his bottom lip, weighing his options. "Fine. But you can't tell anyone,"

She nodded solemnly. "I won't,"

He sighed heavily, steeling himself as he began to sing.

"Oh, turn your lamps down low. Keep the light so dim that you can't see what's outthereahead of you,"

Y/n was surprised by the contrast of Laxus' normal voice and that he used when he sang.

"Mydear, there are secrets here. I willcarry them home, carry them home,"

His tone tended to come across as standoffish and blunt when he spoke. But Laxus sang in a voice, soft and delicate. The notes floated through the room like a spring breeze, warm and inviting.

"If only I could break the chain of disappointments weighing me down. Shake off the ghosts that whisper warnings whenever you're not around,"

Y/n muffled a yawn with the back of her hand, her eyes feeling heavier by the moment. She pressed her forehead to his shoulder, snuggling further into his side.

"I won't be afraid of all the things I've wanted. It's the fear, and not the ghost, that leaves me haunted, haunted,"

Laxus began to trace small symbols on the skin of y/n's arm. A star. A circle. Some shape he'd learned about in math but never cared to remember the name of. She relaxed further, a content sigh falling from her lips.

"See what a life you lead: you're an anchor for all the heaviest regrets inside of you. Escape; we collect mistakes, I will carry them home, carry them home,"

He continued to sing even when he was certain y/n was asleep. Her eyes still and breath steady as her grip loosened. He brought a hand up to trace the scar on her lip, wondering about the story behind it.

"If only I could break the chain of disappointments weighing me down. Shake off the ghosts that whisper warnings whenever you're not around. I won't be afraid of all the things I've wanted. It's the fear and not the ghost that leaves me haunted,"

Laxus finished the song, staring down at the girl, sleeping peacefully beside him. He smiled kindly as he pulled his limbs from hers and adjusted the blankets once more. He stood above the bed, hesitating for a moment before leaning down and pressing the ghost of a kiss to y/n's forehead.

"Sleep well. We've got a big day ahead of us," Then he slipped out of the room, leaving y/n to enjoy the first peaceful night's sleep she'd had in months.


8,414 words

Did I write the bit with Gajeel solely to incorporate my self-indulgent headcannon that dragon slayers have a specific spot that when scratched is like a momentary reset button like the dragons in HTTYD? Yes. Do I regret it? No. Will that become a recurring thing in this story? Maybe.

When I asked who between Laxus, Mira and Juvia you'd all like to see a moment with most, Laxus was the popular vote. Which is the reason that last bit exists. Follow me for updates on my writing process and the chance to help make decisions on the events of the book. Who knows, maybe I'll ask another question soon. Like: should y/n accept Zeref's offer or not?

Also: I know God Serena defected sometime after Tartaros. In this we'll say that he spent some time in Alvarez before doing so. That's how Ajeel knows of him. Gotta admit, I don't love my characterization of Ajeel but I can patch that out later.

Anyways thank you guys for your immense patience (and also 34k reads? Like holy heck man).

Until next time.

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