36. Early Mornings

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Today I learned that having a mental breakdown and shirking your responsibilities for a week works wonders when it comes to new readers. Last I remember this book was at 9k reads. Now it's over 12 thousand. That's literally the definition of insanity. I'm so grateful that so many people would like this story. I never expected this but it's certainly welcome.

I know that I'm not the best writer so it means a lot that people read my work. Every time I get notified that someone has added my story to their reading list, or voted or commented, my heart flutters. I may not reply to every comment (because I'm awkward and socially-anxious) but I read them all. They never fail to bring a smile to my face.

I don't know how to thank y'all enough.

Either way, it's taken me longer than it should have to write this. This chapter is technically only half of what it was supposed to be. But I've decided to cut it in half to get you guys something faster.

I'm a little rusty with writing right now so apologies if this seems jagged or out of place with the last chapter.


Y/n looked up from the book in her lap with a start. Her focus broken by a loud rap at her door. She frowned. She wasn't expecting any company. Natsu was the only person y/n could think of who'd show up at such an hour. But the fire dragon slayer would never use the door. Sure it could be someone from the guild, Lucy or Erza maybe. But it was far early. So early, in fact, that the sky in the east had just begun to brighten with the soft light of day.

Y/n stood slowly. Her movements were hesitant as she grabbed the dagger from under her pillow, her eyes never leaving the door. She slunk over to it without a sound. Her hand hesitated on the knob for only a moment before she threw it wide open. She grabbed the person on the other side and forcibly pulled them into her apartment, slamming them to the ground, her blade to their neck.

"I gotta say, sweetheart, this is not the welcome I was expecting,"

"Gajeel?" y/n asked incredulously.

The iron dragon grinned up at her, his red eyes gleaming mischievously. "You greet everyone like this, or are you just excited to see me?"

"What are you doing here?" she demanded. The hand holding the dagger relaxed but the blade didn't move from below his jaw.

Gajeel winced, a low grunt resounding from the back of his throat. "I'd love to answer, doll, but it's kinda hard to focus on talking when you've got a knife to my neck,"

"Sorry," y/n murmured as she withdrew her hand. She went to stand but a hand on her waist stopped her, pulling her back down.

"I didn't say anything about where you were sitting,"

She shot him a blank look. "Seriously?'

Gajeel grinned wolfishly in response.

"Can I at least get up to shut the door?" y/n muttered, her gaze flickering out into the hall. She jumped as it slammed shut, turning to glare at Gajeel. His arm reverted back to its normal state as he met her e/c gaze. "You're fixing that,"

"Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes. "And I'm here because I wanted to ask you something,"

"I can't read your mind," Y/n stared down at him, her brow raised in what appeared to be exasperation. "Spit it out,"

"Patience is a virtue," He chastised, shaking his head teasingly.

"You should know by now that I don't have any of those," she said, the smallest of smiles adorning her face. "Now what was so important that it couldn't wait until we got to the guild?"

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