28. Hellfire, Dark Fire

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"I got him," Natsu cheered victoriously. He watched as the spot where Zancrow had stood was engulfed by flames. His grin fell quickly, however, making way for slack-jawed shock as he stared at the god-slayer with wide eyes.

The dark mage was eating his spell, sucking in the fire just like Natsu would. Zancrow grinned manically and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, belching as he did so.

"He has no manners," Carla said, shaking her head in disgust.

Wendy whimpered softly as she gawked at the god slayer, trembling with fear. "He ate all of Natsu's flames, did you see that Carla?"

"That's some tasty fire you got there!" Zancrow exclaimed. "There's nothing I like more than the flavour of violent, never-ending flames!"

Natsu took a step back as the shock began to wear off, allowing fear to bubble up inside him. He shook his head and forced it down. He needed to protect Wendy and the exceeds. He didn't have time to be afraid.

"Even though you have enough power to slay a dragon you could never slay a god!" Zancrow's eyes were crazed as he talked, turning from red to white as he prepared his next spell. "Prepare to witness the power of Grimoire Hearts magic: Flame God's Bellow!"

Natsu gasped and leaned back as the attack came barrelling towards him. He shut his eyes, waiting for an impact that never came. He cracked open an eye, sighing in relief when he saw y/n before him. She had her arms held out to the side, a wall of purple mist blocking the attack from sticking him and the others.

"God slayer huh?" y/n asked with a smirk as she dropped the shield. "Don't think I've ever heard of that before,"

"Y/n no! " Natsu's eyes widened as he realized what she was planning. "You can't eat his flames,"

Y/n considered the fire dragon's words. She didn't know if she could eat Zancrows magic. She'd never encountered a god slayer before. Frankly, she didn't even know they were a thing. She set her jaw and tilted her head to the side, analyzing her opponent. She was unimpressed.

A malicious smirk tugged at her lips as she spared a glance in her guildmate's direction. "You wanna bet Natsu?"

"What?" Zancrow spat. "Another dragon hunter? It's like an infestation,"

"The only pest I see here is you," WIth that, she lunged for him her fist enveloped by the poisonous mist.

The two swapped a number of fast-paced physical attacks, neither one stronger than the other. Y/n leapt forwards, twisting through the air to slam the heel of her foot into Zancrow's face. She dropped gracefully to her feet, watching the god slayer stagger back.

He cackled, staring her down through narrowed eyes. "So you're the bitch who stole Cobra's magic,"

"In the flesh," she grinned, dipping down into a flourished bow. E/c eyes shone mysteriously as she stared up at him, righting herself with an embellished flip, holding her arms out as if to say ta-da. "So you've heard of me?"

"It doesn't matter," he stated. "I'm going to crush you all like bugs!"

"I have been told I'm a roach," y/n provided helpfully, ducking out of the way of yet another attack. "But how on earth do you expect to crush me if you can't land a solid hit?"

"We'll see about that, " Zancrow growled and adjusted his stance. Arms and legs spread, a ball of black fire building up between his hands. "Flame God's Kagutsuchi!"

He grinned wickedly as a pillar of magic shot from his hands, barrelling towards the Fairy Tail wizard. Yet she made no move to dodge. Nor did she attempt to launch a counter-attack. She just stood there, hands at her side staring at the attack unimpressed.

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