13. A Whole New World

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Y/n did not have a way to get to Edolas. She just said that so Natsu and the others wouldn't waste precious time. She paced under the Anima, squinting up at it with a heavy frown ... Could she really?

"No, it'd never work..." she muttered, continuing to walk once more. "Or could it?"

Y/n raked a hand through her hair and sighed despondently. She didn't have a choice, did she?

She glanced up at the Anima once more analyzing it thoroughly. If this didn't work, she would die. Y/n sighed, rolling her shoulders and clapping her hands together before her. She liked those odds.

Y/n leapt up as high as she could, gathering all the magic she could muster, holding it back until it felt like an animal tearing at her insides desperate for release.

"Sky dragon's roar!" She shouted, an enormous column of wind shooting from her mouth and onto the ground below her. Y/n felt herself get thrown back and go weightless but she didn't stop. Instead, she channelled even more power into the attack.

She didn't look to see how high she was, nor how much further she had to go. If there was one thing she was glad she could take away from her time as the Black Death it would be her ability to suppress her feelings. Because if y/n hadn't become so good at it, she would be terrified.

Then all of a sudden, y/n's world changed. Instead of a black and grey wasteland, y/n found herself falling through a brightly coloured world. It looked like something straight out of a kid's cartoon.

But she didn't have much time for sightseeing, y/n was plummeting through the air at an alarming rate. She tried to use her magic but was unable to do so, cursing her luck she looked around for something, anything that could be of use. The wind howled in her ears like a demon as she braced herself for impact on one of Edolas' many floating islands.

"Fuck!" She cried out, a searing pain rushing through her arm as she crashed to the ground.

Y/n growled, gritting her teeth in an attempt to block out the pain. She lay there for a while, on the forest floor, cursing herself and this new, strange world.

"Y/n!" She jumped at the sound of her name being called in the distance. Y/n zeroed in on the origin of the voice with ease and staggered to her feet, walking towards its source.

"Natsu?" She called out, forcing her way through the thick underbrush. She stumbled out the other side and slammed into the pink-haired mage, sending the two of them toppling over and onto the ground.

"Y/n, Natsu are you okay?!" Wendy asked, rushing over to the pair.

"'M fine Wendy," Natsu grumbled, rubbing his head. He cracked open his eyes to see y/n's face just inches above his. The two lay there for a moment, staring deep into each other's eyes. A pink blush dusted Natu's cheeks.

Y/n pushed herself up onto her feet and offered him a hand which he gladly took.

"I'm good," she replied, pulling Natsu to his feet.

"Are you sure?" Happy asked. "You took a pretty big fall,"

"Nothing I can't handle," y/n said, her tone coming off harsher than intended. "Besides, we have more pressing matters at hand, like where to find our friends,"

Natsu nodded, determination painted all over his face. "Let's go!"

And with that he bolted, y/n and the others scrambling to catch up.


"What are we even disguised at?" Happy asked, tugging at his leafy outfit as they made their way through the woods.

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