6. You Scratch My Back, I Stab Yours

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I love Cobra so much, he's probably one of my favourite dragon slayers. Would any of you want to have him as a love interest?

Natsu glared at Cobra who looked back at him with a cocky smirk. He knew that these people were supposed to be good but honestly, this was getting ridiculous. He'd only managed to land one hit on the dark mage during their entire fight and his patience was beginning to wear thin.

"Psst, hey Natsu," Happy whispered into his ear. "I've got an idea on how we can beat this guy,"

"Really buddy?" Natsu grinned. "That's awesome!"

Happy leaned in close and Natsu snickered at the cat's words, his grin turning to a sinister smirk.

"You do realize that if he can hear your thoughts he can hear you whispering right?"

Natsu started at the new voice, eyes widening in surprise. He craned his head around to see y/n standing atop of one of the city's many towers, arms crossed. "How long have you been here for?"

Y/n groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. He had to be the most oblivious person she'd ever met. "I've been here for about fifteen minutes now,"

"And you didn't think to help out?" he exclaimed. "That's just mean!"

"I gave you advice just now didn't I? That's helping,"

"Why not join the fight?" Natsu demanded.

She merely shrugged in response.

"I know why she's hanging back," Happy stated with a coy smirk.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, fixing the cat with a skeptic look. "Really? And why is that?"

"Her magic is too weak and she knows that she'd be useless in this fight,"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Bitch I'd knock you on your ass in a second flat,"

Natsu blinked. "Wait, y/n, what magic do you use?"

"Who knows?" she shrugged. "The stories are never able to agree. Guess it depends on which you'd like to believe; shadows, summoning, guns..."

Natsu threw his arms up in the air. "Why can't you ever just answer a question?"

"You're in the middle of a fight or did you forget?" Cobra asked, looking at the pink-haired mage incredulously. "Not to worry though, this'll be sure to remind you,"

Natsu and Happy turned back in time to see Cobra rear back, letting out a loud cry he sent a flood of poison in their direction. "Poison Dragon's Roar!"

Y/n reacted before either of them had a chance. She threw herself into the air, grabbing them both and pulling them behind her.

"Y/n!" Natsu screamed, his eyes wide as he watched her take the blunt force of the attack head-on.

Cobra let out an amused huff and crossed his arms. "Damn, I didn't think she had the guts to pull that off... It's a shame it had to end this way, she was pretty cute,"

Natsu glared at the poison dragon, his hands clenched into fists. He gasped as the cloud of poison left over from the attack slowly began to dissipate, revealing a figure standing on a building between them.

"Poison dragon huh?" y/n asked, sucking in the last of the deadly fog. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand and turned to Cobra with a smirk. "Haven't heard of that one before,"

Cobra stared at her with wide eyes. "But how?"

That attack was strong enough to wipe her off the face of the earth. Yet there she stood with hardly a scratch on her.

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