30. The Calm Before the Storm

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Sorry, this took so long y'all. Schools a freaking mess.


"Are you sure your okay?"

Wendy had been hovering anxiously by y/n's side since the end of the battle with Hades. She'd been understandably shaken after witnessing the man's head explode. Even more so when y/n had collapsed to her knees and thrown up mouthfuls of blood before promptly passing out for the hundredth time. She'd awoken to Wendy smothering her and hadn't had a moment's peace since. Y/n was fairly certain the girl had yet to fully register what she had done to the man, that or she was simply ignoring it.

"I'm fine Wendy, really, why don't you go get some rest?" Y/n smiled softly and reached out to ruffle the girl's hair. Wendy flinched and she dropped her hand. The blue-haired girl looked uncertain, but nodded, stepping away to join the others.

It was Wendy's jumpiness and inability to make eye contact that convinced y/n of the fact that while Wendy had yet to ask about or even mention what happened to Hades, it scared her. Y/n wasn't shocked by the girl's behaviour. Even the older onlookers had been unnerved by Hades' death. It was violent and gory, traumatic in a surreal way. Wendy was actually handling it quite well considering her age. Y/n just hoped she'd actually talk about it or find some healthy way to recuperate rather than suppress it and allow her questions and concerns bubble up inside.

Y/n sighed, her eyes fluttering shut as she leaned back against a tree at camp. She heard the grass rustle softly as another person sat beside her. She breathed in to be met with a familiar earthy scent.

"Hey Gajeel," she breathed as she opened her eyes. Y/n watched her guildmates mingle below, celebrating their victory over Grimoire Heart with a soft smile.

"Hey," he greeted, scanning her form carefully. He still couldn't shake the memory of her blood-soaked form being rushed into camp. It was a sight he hoped he'd never see again but knew he'd always remember. "You good pipsqueak?"

She looked up to him and smiled tiredly. "I'm alive, so I guess I've got that going for me... What about you?"

Gajeel slung an arm around her shoulder and rested his head back against the trunk of the tree. He breathed deeply before answering, trying to force back the rose blush that dusted his cheeks.

"I am now,"

They sat in silence, neither of them saying a word as they simply enjoyed the others' company. Y/n leaned into Gajeel, resting her head on his shoulder as she drifted in and out of sleep. Physically, emotionally and magically drained. His gaze was uncharacteristically soft as he watched her, playing with her h/c hair an enamoured smile pulling at his lips. But their moment of tranquillity didn't last long until they were interrupted.

"Would you mind giving us some space young man?" Makarov asked, not taking his eyes off y/n. "We have a lot to discuss,"

"Yeah whatever," Gajeel grumbled, stalking off to join Pantherlily and Levy at the other end of the camp.

Makarov sat before y/n, a serious expression on his face. "I wish to talk to you about what happened with Hades,"

Y/n groaned. She knew this was coming. It was only natural they'd have questions.

"It is not our place to kill," he stated.

"Listen, I made a split-second decision alright? Hades would have kept getting up and the only way to ensure our victory was to ensure he could never get up again," she met his gaze steadily, her eyes cold. "Was it a good decision? Probably not. Do I regret it? No. I'd do it again because it had to be done,"

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