43. Sky Labyrinth

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I've read and reread this chapter so many times but it seems it'll never be right. So here you go, a lot earlier than anyone (myself included) expected it.

I'm already a couple of hundred words into chapter 44 but it may take a while. I'm not quite sure how to get it done.


"You're late," Laxus said the moment y/n's feet touched down on the balcony.

"Actually, it's eleven-fifty-nine," she told him, wings folding into her back. "I have a minute to spare,"

Just as the words left her mouth, the clock struck midnight. The bell rang a deep, bothersome sound that echoed throughout the city streets. The rest of Team B flooded out to the balcony, waiting for whatever was to come next.

"Attention all contestants participating in this year's Grand Magic Games: good morning!" A shrill voice exclaimed. A large hologram displaying a man dressed as a pumpkin appeared in the sky above Crocus. "To narrow down the one hundred and thirteen guilds in this year's games to a more manageable eight, let's begin the preliminary round!"

"A hundred thirteen?" Juvia asked. "I wasn't aware there were so many guilds in Fiore,"

"A lot can change in seven years," Jellal responded with a shrug.

The blue-haired mage was originally supposed to compete in the games under the guise of Mystogan. But had ceded his position on the roster to Juvia after realizing he could do more as a bystander than a participant. He would have full access to the coliseum, free to observe the matches. Free to roam about without needing to worry about making it back in time to participate in a match.

"Although the number of guilds increases each year, 'the games have gotten boring' is all I ever hear!" The pumpkin said, doing a little jig in the air. "'Let's dwindle them down,' I say to you, 'and give just eight a cheer!"

Y/n rolled her eyes, biting back a growl. "This is going to get annoying fast,"

"The rules for the preliminary round are simple," the mascot continued.

Y/n felt her stomach flip as the inn shook, slouching against the railing as the building began to rise. There was a low rumble throughout the city as the other inns did the same. She took a deep breath and stood straight, her eyes widening at the sight of the construct just behind the hologram. It was spherical and seemed to be made up of various paths. A maze of sorts.

"You will all be participating in a race. The finish line is at the Domus Flau coliseum. Only the first eight teams will move on to the Grand Magic Games!"

"What the hell?" Gajeel said as a path of stones rose up before them, stretching out towards the maze.

"You are free to use magic in any way you see fit, there are no restrictions," the pumpkin lifted a finger. "But remember, only the first eight teams to reach the finish line will qualify,"

"Only eight teams," Mira echoed. "That gives us a seven percent chance of success,"

"Oh! And one more thing, we are not responsible for any loss of life that may occur in the labyrinth,"

Y/n raised a brow, her arms crossed. "Well, that's comforting,"

Gajeel leaned against the railing, casting a casual glance at the girl from over his shoulder. "Nervous?"

She scoffed a smirk cocky enough to rival Sting's staining her lips. "Not a chance,"

"So without further ado, let the Grand Magic Games preliminary round Sky Labyrinth begin!"

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