11. Cherry Blossoms

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"Heed my words, dear friends,"

The guild quieted down as the master spoke. Even Natsu and Gray stopped their wrestling to listen to the man who stood on the bar, arms crossed before his chest.

It was odd to hear the Fairy Tail guild hall quiet but if there were ever a reason for it, it would always be to hear the old man's wise words. Or his drunken ones.

"While many of your days will be sunny, many others will be clouded in hardship. Peace and prosperity tempered by tragedy and heartbreak. However, I have faith we can fight through even the darkest of words as long as we have each other,"

Did he eat a motivational quote book or something for breakfast? Y/n asked herself, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as she listened to the master speak.

"You are surrounded not by coworkers but by an enduring and loving family. Together we are one! That's what being a Fairy Tail wizard is about!" He shot his hand up in a sign y/n was now very familiar with. A sign that made her heart swell and a smile tug at her lips.

The Fairy Tail sign.

She thought back to when Natsu had first explained it to her.

Even if I can't see you. No matter how far away you may be. I will always be watching over you. I'll always be with you. Forever.

She smiled fondly at the memory and lifted her own hand. The entire guild cheered, throwing their hands up as well.

"I couldn't be more proud of what you kids have accomplished this past year," Makarov grinned. "So to commemorate your hard work and diligence tomorrow we will be holding the highly anticipated flower-viewing party!"

The guild erupted into cheers once again and Makarov raised a mug of beer into the air. "That makes today the pre-celebration so drink to your heart's content!"

"Bunch of morons," Gajeel growled, leaning against the wall chewing on a piece of scrap metal.

"That may be so," said y/n from beside him as her eyes scanned over the request board. "But they're endearing,"

Gajeel's red eyes widened as y/n took the iron from his grasp and bit into it, tearing a chunk away. She handed it back to him as if it were a normal occurrence. He glanced between the iron in his hand and the girl standing beside him. He let out an aggravated huff, his shoulders slumping slightly as he finished it off.

"You people make no sense at all!" He grumbled. "What's so important about some sissy flowers anyways? They got magic powers or something?"

"It's a pretty big deal around here," said Nab, not taking his eyes from the board. "I mean, even our clients know,"

Gajeel scoffed, crossing his arms. "Whaddya mean?"

"The board gets kind of scarce this time of year because people know that we don't want to work during the celebration,"

"Ridiculous," Gajeel said. "Speaking of which, do you ever work?"

"Lighten up, Gajeel," y/n smiled, "Who knows this could be fun,"

"I doubt that," he turned his attention to Juvia, giving her a once over. "You're bluer than usual,"

"It's my dear Gray," the water mage cried. "He must have forgotten about the party and left on a job,"

Gajeel and y/n exchanged glances.

"If my beloved isn't here then I won't have anyone to cuddle and look at the flowers with!"

"I'm sorry," said Nab. "But a wizard has to earn his daily keep somehow!"

"That's rich coming from you," y/n replied, deadpan. She held up a hand for a high five which Gajeel returned with a snicker. She turned back to Juvia. "And hey, if you need someone to cuddle and look at the flowers with, I'll be there,"

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