By LunaticEclipsed

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all the old chapters of my old book A Demon's Legacy. Please go read the rewrite More

A Note Before Reading
1. The Oracion Seis
2. Into the Cave
3. Nirvana Unleashed
4. The Dark Side
5. Free Falling
6. You Scratch My Back, I Stab Yours
7. Begrudgingly Agreeing to Save the World
8. Free
9. What Friends Are For
10. Icecream and Rainbows
11. Cherry Blossoms
12. Gone
13. A Whole New World
14. Different
15. It's Britney B*tch
16. Mission Success
17. No Pressure
19. Shot Through the Heart
20. Checkmate
21. Le Petit Prince
22. The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyways
23. I Start A Forest Fire
24. I Put Out The Fire, Only To Light A Metaphoric One
25. You Can't Kiss It Better
26. The S-Class Trials
27. Those Who Extinguish Life
28. Hellfire, Dark Fire
29. Everyone Has A Vice, Mine Just So Happens To Be Murder
30. The Calm Before the Storm
31. Acnologia
32. Seven Years
33. Dancing Queen
34. Trouble In The Tub
35. As The Sun Sinks Down
36. Early Mornings
37. Late Nights
38. Game Plan
39. Up On The Mountaintop
40. Father Dearest
41. Three Months
42. The Blooming Capital
43. Sky Labyrinth
44. Hidden
45. Y/n v.s. Jura
46. Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
47. Chariots
48. Mira v.s. Jenny
49. Hatred At Nightfall
50. Pandemonium
51. Naval Battle
52. The Dragons of Days Past
53. The Dragons of Days Past- Uh... Present?
54. Why Did I Think Naming Chapters Was A Good Idea?
55. Let The Night Begin
56. Away
57. Tempest
58. I'm Running Late To Work, Chapter Title Later
59. Stormy Nights

18. Ice Boy and Demon Girl

43 3 0
By LunaticEclipsed

This was so much longer than expected. Especially considering my lack of ability when it comes to fight scenes. So I'm sorry.


Y/n stared up at the group of people standing before her. The leaders of Edolas' Magic Warfare Unit, Hughes and Sugarboy. The lives of her friends and the fate of both worlds rested on her, Natsu, Gray and Lucy. In short, both Edolas and Earthland were doomed.

"Will you be good animals and go back to your cages without a fight?" Sugarboy asked. He was a blonde man clad in pink armour asked. He was riding a merry-go-round for some reason y/n couldn't quite fathom. But she also didn't really care.

"You don't give a cow a choice, you just make 'em do what you want," Hughes, the black and white-haired knight from before, scoffed. He held up a baton and smirked coyly. "Besides if code ETD pans out as hoped that means that these eyesores become a waste of space... and if there's one thing we're good at it's taking out the trash,"

The ship he stood on shook before rising from the ground and flying towards the Earthland wizards. "Get ready to meet your maker!"

When the dust cleared the two Edolas mages gasped in shock. A shield of ice had appeared from seemingly nowhere, blocking the attack.

"So these Earthland wizards use magic like exceeds do?"

"I thought their item less magic was nothing more than a rumour..." Sugarboy mused. "It's truly breathtaking to behold,"

Natsu growled, fire roaring to life at his feet.

"Woah this dude's combusting!"

"And you will too!" Natsu shouted, throwing himself at Hughes with a growl, fist ablaze.

Y/n's attention was torn away from the fire dragon slayer as the ground beneath her feet gave.

Lucy let out a panicked scream and grabbed onto y/n's arm as they started to sink into the floor. "What are we standing in!?"

Gray grit his teeth and fixed the wizard before them with a stern glare. "I'm not sure we wanna know,"

Sugarboy smirked and hummed softly. He did that a lot.

"Natsu isn't doing so well," y/n stated, her eyes trained on the coaster in the sky. "Lucy you've got to get him out of there,"

"Me?" the blonde asked. "How am I supposed to do that?"

She tensed when a pair of hands clasped around her arms. She turned to Gray whose eyes were zeroed in on the coaster track. "Wait, Gray, you're kidding- wait!"

Her other pleas died in her throat as she flew towards Natsu at breakneck speeds.

Y/n turned her attention back to the battle at hand, assessing the wizard through careful eyes.

"Hold onto me,"

She didn't hesitate to do as Gray said, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her grip tightened when he used two ice grappling hooks to throw them into the air. She let go when he began building his magic again, watching as he attacked Sugarboy with a scythe. The knight didn't even move.

Her eyes widened as the attack seemingly melted. But not into water. It was as if the ice had suddenly changed properties, becoming soft and malleable.

"So it's all ice?" Sugarboy chuckled, holding a sword out in front of him. "Yes, Earthland magic is quite versatile,"

"How did you warp the attack?" y/n demanded, standing next to Gray. She slid a foot back and raised her hands in a fighting stance but didn't summon any magic. First, she needed to know how Sugarboy's worked.

"All thanks to the power of my glorious magic weapon: the Rosa Espada!" he grinned, holding his sword out in front of him. "It doesn't matter what you throw at me- this magic will make it as soft as the fur on an exceeds back!"

"So let me get this straight," y/n said, a smirk tugging at her lips. "You can soften any attack huh?"

He nodded smugly and struck a dramatic pose. "That is correct!"

"Then what about attacks that aren't solid?"

Gray got a cocky glint in his eye when he realized where y/n was going. He nodded to her and took a step back, giving her room to work.

The knight's eyes widened and his face paled.

"If that's the case..." Y/n chuckled and cracked her shoulders. She turned on him with an intense stare, building up her magic until she felt it would burst. "Water Dragon Roar!"

Sugarboy was thrown back by the force of the attack. But the jet of water kept going. It decimated the surrounding area and even a building. He slammed into another a block away and fell to the ground with a dazed grunt.

Y/n turned to Gray with a confident smile. "We've got this,"

"Hell yeah, we do,"

The pair high-fived, clasping their hands together for a second before turning back to their opponent.

"He doesn't stand a chance,"


"Where the hell did this thing come from?" Y/n exclaimed at the sight of a giant octopus monster lying defeated on the ground.

"I don't know, and I don't care," Gray said, revving the motorcycle. His jaw was set in determination and his eyes followed Sugarboy's retreating form like a hawk.

The armour-clad mage flew up, over the defeated beast and disappeared from sight. "You'll never get me now, might as well just give up!"

"Oh no you don't," Gray growled. He took a hand off of the handlebars to point it at the ground. "Ice-Make: Ramp!"

Y/n couldn't help but shriek as they went weightless. She clutched onto Gray's coat and tried to calm her stomach. Just being on the motorcycle was bad enough but the jump? It was so, so much worse.

"Stop right there!" Gray shouted. "You hear me!?"

"I hear you!" Sugarboy called back with a smirk. "I just don't care,"

"You're only gonna make this worse!" y/n snarled at him. She turned her attention to Natsu and Lucy below. "There's no reason to worry about Mister Big Chin over here. He's ours!"

Gray nodded. "Everything else is up to you!"

Y/n clung to Gray with one arm as they sped down the halls. She raised the other and blinked heavily, trying to get rid of the motion sickness induced haze. She took a deep breath and focused, holding her hand up steadily.

"Poison Dragon Scales," With a flick of her wrist a volley of red magic burst forwards. The scale-shaped masses of poison flew at Sugarboy. Some hit their mark while others dissipated upon contact with the floor.

"How the hell are you even able to keep sliding across the floor like that?" Gray demanded.

"I just do it, man," Sugarboy replied with a wink.

"Okay..." Y/n muttered, opting to ignore his weirdness. "What's the key for?"

"It activates the Dragon Chain Cannon!"

"What's that?"

"The rest is classified,"

Y/n bit back a growl. She was tired of this. By the name, she figured that it probably had something to do with the Dragon Slaying magic they'd stolen from her, Natsu, and Wendy. She grit her teeth, if the kingdom was planning on hitting Extalia with the lacrima they would need something big to move it. Could that be the purpose of the cannon?

She leaned closer to Gray, pushing herself up against his back so that she could whisper in his ear. He tensed for a split second, momentarily caught off guard. He suppressed a shudder at the feeling of her warm breath on his neck as her soft lips ghosted his ear. He smirked and met her gaze from the corner of his eye. With a simple nod, they confirmed their plan, turning their attention back to the road.

"All you need to know is that I can't let you have it," Sugarboy declared. "It belongs to the kingdom!"

"So what you're saying is we can't let you get away with it either," Gray leaned the bike so that he could brush his fingers on the ground. "Ice-Make: Floor!"

"Is an icy floor truly the best you can come up with?" Sugarboy chuckled. He pressed the blade of his sword to the floor.

His eyes widened as he skidded out of control, slamming into a wall.

"Soften it as much as you want buddy, it's still too slippery for you to control yourself," Gray grinned.

Y/n leapt off the bike, hanging in the air as she watched Gray do the same. The motorcycle skidded towards Sugarboy who merely scoffed, holding out his sword. The bike turned to liquified mush as expected, flowing around Sugarboy who stood, eyes closed as he smirked. He gasped as Gray grabbed a hold of the key still clasped in his other hand. Encasing both of their hands in ice.

"I'll admit, this is cold," Sugarboy said. "Nice try Ice Boy,"

"Ooh, he hates it when people call him that," y/n shook her head. She stood behind Sugarboy both of her hands raised in case he tried to attack. Water and poison swirled around each of her fists respectively, rippling gently as if moved by an unseen current.

"Why isn't this thing cracking?" Gray growled. He glared harshly at the key.

"This isn't just some flimsy piece of junk you know," Sugarboy rolled his eyes. "Now, I'm not particularly fond of holding hands with other men, so would you mind letting go?"

"Hey, if you don't like the handholding, by all means, be our guest," y/n gestured to the key. "And speaking of hands, don't you realize we have the upper one?"

He let out a questioning hum. "What's the babe going on about Ice Boy!"

"Would you stop calling me that already!?" Gray snapped, the ice growing larger with his words.

"The way I see it, you people need the key, we and our guildmates don't," y/n said with a nonchalant shrug. The water from her hand slithered up her arm so that she could look at her nails "If we can't break it we'll just make it unusable,"

"It may in fact freeze but my Rosa Espada can soften anything it touches!" Sugarboy chuckled.

"Don't be so sure of yourself," y/n smirked as the ice glowed with magic. "One wrong move and you'll turn your precious little key into mush,"

"Well, then I'll simply have to cut him away,"

Sugarboy and Gray went back and forth. The pink knight landing a number of vicious blows on the ice only for it to grow right back. A snap echoed through the hall and suddenly all went still.

Sugarboy paled. "What!? No way! You cracked the key?!"

"Yeah, you bet," Gray smirked, pushing forward. "Now watch it crack into pieces!"

"Wait you don't understand what you're doing!" he cried desperately. "You and your men need it! Let's call a truce for now!"

"Oh?" y/n cocked her head to the side. "And why would we do that?"

"You need it to! It's the only way you'll be able to get your friends back to normal!"

"Is that so?" she asked, standing behind Gray with her arms crossed. "You're full of crap,"

"It's true! The Dragon Chain Cannon fires condensed dragon slayer magic!" Sugarboy said. His eyes were wide with despair. "If you knew what kind of magic that could do in our world you'd see why we needed that key! Blast the lacrima with it and turn all your friends back the way they were,"

Gray gasped silently, his dark eyes widening. Y/n realized what he was thinking of, Gajeel. The iron dragon was the reason for his being there. With one attack Gajeel had split the lacrima and both Gray and Erza had been freed.

"Do you get it now? That's why neither of us can let this key break," Sugarboy said. "You may need it more than I do,"

"You don't know anything! We have four dragon slayers in our guild!" Gray spat. "Why would we need to use a stupid cannon when we've got the real thing!?

"By the time they'd shattered the lacrima it'd be too late," he replied with a smug smirk. "As early as tomorrow it will start transforming into pure magic power. Our plan was to drive it into Extalia before that happened,"

Y/n narrowed her eyes as Sugarboy continued to gloat. Her hands clenched into fists at her side. He was right. She hated to admit it, but he was right. Even with four of them, they could only save so many people. Countless of their guildmates, their friends, even innocent citizens, would die. Her e/c gaze turned steely.

"Gray," he nodded at her and the ice shell grew bigger. The temperature in the room dropped and the crack in the key grew. She looked up at Sugarboy with a smirk. "You just told us all we need to know,"

The knight's eyes widened as the ice began to glow. Then it, and the key exploded, sending shards in every direction. "You- you broke the key!"

He scrambled, grabbing at all the pieces he could reach in a blind panic. "I wasn't bluffing you know,"

The two Fairy Tail wizards didn't bother to respond. They turned their backs on him and started walking back the way they'd came.

"You realize you just doomed your friends to be destroyed?" He shouted, charging at them. He swung his sword at Gray, impaling his jacket.

"You're wrong, we're taking them all back with us!" The ice mage ducked, shedding the extra cloth with a chuckle. "We're going back to our world!"

Gray dropped down into a low crouch. Keeping his head low as y/n spun around to face Sugarboy. Her magic power rolled off her in waves. The knight's eyes widened as he tried to scramble back but it was too late.

"Water Dragon's Roar!"

He flew back and rolled to a stop.

"You've made a horrible mistake Ice Boy, Demon Girl," Sugarboy wheezed as he pushed himself to his feet. He leaned heavily against the wall as he fixed them with a harsh glare. "One that you'll retreat forever... That was the only thing that could have saved your friends. And like fools you destroyed it..."

"Oh yeah?" y/n tilted her head to the side. She leaned against Gray with a wicked smirk.

"You know why I don't like to be called Ice Boy?" Gray asked, gathering his magic in his hands. Sugarboy's eyes widened when a replica of the key appeared in a flash of blue light. "Because I'm an ice-make wizard,"

Sugarboy let out an unintelligible shout as y/n turned to Gray.

"Ready to take this guy out?" She held out her hand to him.

He grasped it and grinned. "Hell yeah,"

The two raised their intertwined hands in the air before bringing it down before them. Sugarboy's eyes widened as he stared his doom in the face.

Their magic power became visible around them. Gray's a bright blue and y/n's a redish-purple. They melded together with a flash of white light. The hall began to shake from the power. A strong wind picked up out of seemingly nowhere, blowing their hair wildly. A large magic circle appeared at their feet.

"Unison Raid," they cried out in sync. "Poisoned Ice Dragon's Stinging Blizzard!"

A fog of poison set in before a barrage of red-tinted ice and snow flew towards the pink knight. Sugarboy's eyes widened as he was thrown to the end of the hall. A pained cry tore itself free of his lips as a hurt unlike one he had ever known tore through his body. He lay on the ground, a twitching heap.

"We make a great team," Gray grinned, holding a hand up for a high five.

"Hell yeah we do," y/n gladly returned it. "The kingdom best watch out, Ice Boy and Demon Girl are here!'

"Shut up," he laughed, elbowing her in the side.

She laughed and pushed him back playfully. "Come on, let's get back to the others,"


2,683 words

Woof, I'm sorry.

But hey, here we are. And we got some time with Gray and y/n!

I keep meaning to move away from Natsu for a time, but it's difficult considering most of the action takes place around him. Edolas will be wrapping up soon so then I'll have a bit of time for fillers- that way y/n can bond with some other people. If you have any ideas for who or what, please let me know!

Votes and comments increase motivation and are greatly appreciated. And as always:

Thanks for reading!

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