The Stranger on the Train

By Just_writing_a_bit

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Y/n is on her way to New York to start a new life there. On the train she meets a blonde woman and her daught... More

Chapter 1: Dolphins
Chapter 2: Drawings
Chapter 3: Goodbye for now
Chapter 4: New York
Chapter 5: First day
Chapter 6: See you again
Chapter 7: Park
Chapter 8: Second job
Chapter 9: Walks and talks
Chapter 10: Gossip
Chapter 11: I'm famous
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Second job and apartment
Chapter 14: Moving day
Chapter 15: Emergency
Chapter 16: Little dolphin
Chapter 17: Good morning
Chapter 18: Casual Thursday
Chapter 19: Saturday night
Chapter 20: Movies and storm
Chapter 21: Another morning
Chapter 22: Important talk
Chaper 23: First date
Chapter 24: Fancy restaurant
Chapter 25: Marvel
Chapter 26: Little waitress
Chapter 27: Hot
Chapter 28: Lotion and water guns
Chapter 29: Movies
Chapter 30: Taking care
Chapter 31: Is it my fault?
Chapter 32: Second date
Chapter 33: Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter 34: Questions
Chapter 35: Gold digger
Chapter 36: Lizzie
Chapter 37: Girls night
Chapter 38: Boat date
Chapter 39: New opportunities and costumes
Chapter 40: Halloween
Chapter 41: Aquarium
Chapter 42: Tourist things
Chapter 43: First time*
Chapter 44: Florence
Chapter 45: Warm enough*
Chapter 46: Holiday plans
Chapter 47: Scarlett's birthday
Chapter 48: Cooking with Flo
Chapter 49: Thanksgiving and jealousy
Chapter 50: Spa Day
Chapter 51: Full relaxation
Chapter 52: Swimming lesson
Chapter 53: Cookies and skates
Chapter 54: Future plans
Chapter 55: Birthday
Chapter 56: Trust
Chapter 57: School problems
Chapter 58: Train and family meeting
Chapter 59: Christmas morning
Chapter 60: Grave
Chapter 61: Exes and Stars
Chapter 62: Back home
Chapter 63: New Year
Chapter 64: The new job
Chapter 65: Night out
Chapter 66: New apartment
Chapter 67: Snow
Chapter 68: Sick
Chapter 69: Cloud 9
Chapter 70: Pleasure
Chapter 71: Furniture shopping
Chapter 72: Goodbye
Chapter 73: Zoo
Chapter 74: Valentine's Day
Chapter 75: Snow day
Chapter 76: Winter break
Chapter 77: Just keep swimming
Chapter 78: Rumors
Chapter 79: Rose's birthday
Chapter 80: Surprise
Chapter 81: Poor baby
Chapter 82: You're not her mother!
Chapter 83: Black Widow and L.A.
Chapter 84: Anniversary
Chapter 85: Skinny dipping and more
Chapter 87: Beach Day
Chapter 88: Bachelorette and flower girl
Chapter 89: Venue and puzzle pieces
Chapter 90: Lizzie's wedding
Chapter 91: Red carpet
Chapter 92: Strawberries and loose teeth
Chapter 93: Florida
Chapter 94: I will always protect you
Chapter 95: Welcome to the mile high club
Chapter 96: London
Chapter 97: Lost
Chapter 98: Camping
Chapter 99: Finally diving in the ocean
Chapter 100: One plus one equals love
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 86: Horse back riding

5.4K 196 57
By Just_writing_a_bit

Pov y/n

Around noon on Sunday, Lizzie brings Rose back to us and we spend a calm day together, playing board games and just relaxing.

Tomorrow, Scarlett and Lizzie both have to work again, so Rose and I will spend some time alone.
Since she has a lot of energy, as children do, Scarlett and I decided on something active for the day, so Rose can spend some of that energy.

It's a surprise for Rose, so the next morning, we get into the car and Rose tries to guess where we're going but I put on a poker face and just shrug.
Even though Scarlett has a car here, she offered for us to use her driver because she has to use the car herself to drive to set.
I agreed, honestly a little relieved because I wasn't in the mood to drive around a city I don't know at all.

Rose looks out the window after several guesses and suddenly her eyes grow big and she squirms a little in her seat. I smile at the sight.

"We're gonna pet horses?" She asks excited and looks from the window to me. I nod and grin a little.

"Yes and we will even ride them if you want to." I tell her and her eyes grow even bigger and she claps her hands.

"Yes! I want to!" She cheers and looks back outside, her little body not able to stay still in excitement.

We arrive and get out of the car. Rose jumps up and down in excitement and I can tell she wants to run around, so I reach out my hand for her and she takes it. I really don't need to lose her anywhere.
A woman approaches us with a wide smile.

"Hello and welcome. I'm Susan and this is my farm." She introduces herself and Rose beams up at her.

"Hello Susan, I am Rose." She says and holds out her hand. Susan smiles softly and shakes Rose's hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm y/n." I introduce myself and shake her hand as well.

"You're here today for some horseback riding?" She asks and I nod in confirmation and Rose cheers.

"Can we also pet the horses?" Rose asks with a happy smile and Susan chuckles a bit.
"Of course you can." She says and Rose tugs on my hand in excitement. I smile down at her and ruffle her hair a little bit.

"Let me show you the horses then." Susan says and gestures behind her towards a big farmhouse.

We follow her as she leads us around the house and to a meadow with a few horses on it but they are too far away to get a closer look.
But just seeing them is enough for Rose to point to them, making sure I see them as well.

"I think we should start with one horse." Susan says and I nod. "Maybe later we can get you both one and ride a little around the forest nearby."

"Can I go first? Please?" Rose asks and looks from Susan to me. I nod and smile.
"Of course, sweetie, whatever you want." I agree and Susan nods and walks through a little gate onto the meadow to get a horse.

We watch her and I feel a bit of nervousness rising up inside me.
I never took riding lessons and have basically no clue.
The last time I sat on a horse, I was five or so and it was going slowly in a circle, so nothing really big.
I am not just a bit nervous for me but also for Rose. I won't show or express it towards her but I am worried something will happen and she will get hurt.
I don't know, fall off the horse or get kicked by it or it runs off with her.

Okay, deep breaths, I'm getting a bit irrational here. We are not alone, we have Susan with us and she will take care of Rose as well and she knows what she's doing.
Scarlett actually suggested this farm because she learned here how to ride a horse herself when she was a kid, probably by a relative of Susan's then.

She booked us this 'session', so I am pretty sure Susan knows that Rose is Scarlett's daughter. That's probably not the only reason why she's nice to us, at least that's what I hope.

Rose tugs on my hand when Susan comes back, bringing a horse with her. She opens the door and leads the horse onto the paddock, tying it to a wooden bar there. Rose follows her closely and admires the horse. It's brown and it's head is a little higher than mine but it doesn't seem too high for Rose.

"This is Charly, he's very calm and a perfect horse for beginners." She explains and pets his side.
Rose looks up at the horse, looking at me. I know what's going on in her head, so I pick her up and she carefully reaches out to pet Charly.

Her movements get more sure, once she sees he doesn't seem to have a problem with her petting him.
"He's so soft." She says and her eyes sparkle, making my heart fill with happiness. Susan nods.

"I cleaned him this morning, so we only need to brush him one more time before getting him ready for you to sit on." She explains and Rose nods, watching as Susan grabs a horse brush and brushes it over his fur.
Rose gently continues to pet him and smiles contently. I step back to make room for Susan when she rounds the horse.

Luckily, Scarlett seems to had this little trip planned for a little longer, so she already had the right pants for Rose and I just took hers since we're basically the same height.

Rose looks pretty adorable in hers and according to Scarlett, my ass looks 'smoking hot' in hers. It made me blush and I was glad Rose wasn't with us in that moment.

When Susan is done, she asks us to come with her, to grab the saddle and everything.
We follow her and she points to a wall with helmets in different sizes. I understand and help Rose to find the right one before looking for one myself. Rose watches as Susan carries everything she needs back out and when I am done, she quickly catches up to Susan.

I follow her and when I am there, I pull out my phone and ask Rose to smile into the camera.
She turns around and beams at me and I snap a few pictures that are really adorable, especially since she is already wearing her helmet.

Susan gets Charly ready and explains Rose in the process what she's doing. When she is done, she unties Charly from the wooden bar and asks me to lift Rose up onto the horse.
If Rose was a little older and had more experience, she would have been allowed to get on there by herself but she doesn't have any experience, so I set her into the saddle.

Susan explains to her where to put her feet and hand. Rose seems excited but also a tiny bit worried, so I stay next to here and smile reassuringly at her when she glances at me.
When Susan announces she will move with Charly now, the courage seems to fade and Rose looks at me a little worried.

So, I place one hand on her back, giving her the feeling of safety and she relaxes a bit. Susan smiles and starts to move, Charly following her.
Rose seems a bit skeptical for a few moments but then she smiles happily, enjoying herself.

We walk a few rounds, so Rose can adjust to the feeling and gain some confidence. When she seems to feel safe, I ask if I can take my hand away and she allows it, as long as I stay close. I do so and she still seems to be okay with it, which makes me happy.

After another two rounds, I slow down and take a few more pictures of Rose on the horse, concentrating to not do anything wrong.
I send Scarlett a picture before putting my phone away and watching Rose.
Susan watches Rose as well and asks if she wants to try something new.

Rose nods and Susan tells her to carefully let go with one hand and raise it over her head. Slowly but surely, Rose does so and nothing happens, she stays securely on top.
When she also lifts her other arm up and stays on top, she smiles proudly and looks for me, to show me what she can do.

"Wow, that's so great, sweetie! Well done." I praise and her eyes shine brightly at my words.

Susan tells her some other things, like trying to hug Charly, practically laying on the horse then. And when Rose does that greatly as well, she asks if Rose can touch one of her calves.
For a second I see Rose falling off but she doesn't, she moves slow and pays attention to Charly's movements. It all goes well and I smile again, feeling my heartbeat slowing down again. I lean against the fence of the paddock, watching Rose.

All I need to know is that she is happy, for me to be happy as well.
They come to a stop and I approach them again, hearing Susan talk to Rose about letting Charly get a little faster. But for that, she will hold him on a longer leash, so Rose would have to hold the reins herself. I can tell that she is thinking about it by the way she purses her lips.

She looks at me and I smile, rubbing her back a little, telling her it's up to her and that it doesn't matter if she wants to or not because we will go with whatever decision she makes.

After a bit of thinking, she decides she wants to try it and I smile but feel a little worry again.
I have trust in Rose but if the horse bucks or anything, she could get hurt. Maybe I am just overly worried but I really don't want for Rose to get hurt. Not at all and especially not with Lizzie's wedding on Saturday. But I won't project my fears onto her, I will handle them myself.

Susan explains Rose what she has to do and what to look out for before she clips the longer leash to Charly's harness. I take a few steps back, so I won't get run over by Charly and hop onto the fence, watching what's happening.
Rose shuffles a little before nodding for Susan to start and she gives a thumbs up.
Charly starts to walk before he falls into trot and I bite the inside of my cheek, watching Rose but everything seems to be fine, she's doing a pretty good job.

Her face is scrunched up in concentration a little and her body is slightly tense but the more rounds she rides, the more she relaxes and soon she's smiling widely.
I take a video of her and suddenly feel very proud about how she does it so well.
I see that Scarlett texted me and smile. Before I answer, I look to Rose to make sure she is okay before I look back at my phone.

Scarlett: My little girl on a horse, she looks so tall : (

Y/n: She is and she is doing such a great job!

Scarlett: Urgh, I wish I could be there and see for myself.

[Y/n sent a video]

Scarlett: She is already riding like this? That's amazing, I'm so proud of her.

Y/n: Me too, she's really doing great.

Scarlett: My little girl isn't so little anymore :'(

Y/n: She's growing up, that's for sure.

Scarlett: Make me a new one, pleaseee

I laugh at her message and feel butterflies in my stomach, just at the thought of Scarlett and I having another child together.
The thought is really nice and I have to admit, I really would love to have a second little one running around.
But right now is not the right time nor the right place to discuss this.

Y/n: Sure, we'll can see what I can do with my fingers or tongue ;)

Scarlett: You little tease! Ugh, stupid filming, I wish I was with you two right now

Y/n: I'm taking pictures, you can look at them later <3

And with that I put my phone away again, my attention completely back on Rose again. She seems to really enjoy herself and I hear her giggle a bit, which warms my heart.

Eventually, Susan stops Charly and suggests a break for Rose, to drink something and maybe have a snack if she's hungry. Rose agrees and I lift her off the horse. Susan asks if I want to ride now and Rose nods for me before I can answer and I laugh a little.

"Seems like I do." I say and place my hands on Rose's shoulders.
She tilts her head to look up at me and grins. I tap her helmet and she giggles.

While Susan takes care of the horse situation, I open Rose's helmet for her and go to my backpack, where I have water and snacks.
Rose drinks some of the water while deciding on a granola bar and some grapes. I hand out both and she sits on the ground, eating her snacks while I steal a few grapes as well.

"That was so much fun, Mama!" She tells me and I gently remind her not to speak when her mouth is full.

"Charly was so calm and it was so cool to be so tall and I felt so free." She rambles after she swallowed and I brush over her slightly sweaty hair, smiling at her.

"That really sounds like fun." I agree and she smiles cheekily before biting into her bar again.
The snacks are quickly gone and she drinks some more water before she jumps up and dusts off her butt, waiting for me to go back to the paddock, where Susan is done with getting another horse ready.

"Can I take pictures for Mommy?" Rose asks and I agree, handing her my phone and explaining her what to do.
She nods and clicks onto the phone, taking a picture of me standing in front of her.

I'm not exactly doing a bad job at riding but I also feel like I look less graceful than Rose. It is fun but it's not something I need to do regularly.
Rose has fun taking pictures of me and almost every time I pass by, she says "Smile, Mama."

I try my best to smile into the camera every time and after a while it seems like Rose figured out how to make a video because she follows me with the camera and doesn't tell me to smile anymore.

After a while, Susan stops the horse again and I get off, again not very gracefully but Rose doesn't mind and takes what feels like a thousand pictures of me getting off the horse.
Susan offers us a ride through the nearby forest and when Rose is excited about it, I agree as well.

But I decline the offer to ride myself and choose to guide Rose's horse. Susan still accompanies us because I don't know the way.
Rose seems to have a blast riding through the woods and tells us all about how cool it is to be on a horse and that she is so much taller now. I smile at her words and knowing she has a good time is all I need to be happy.

We make our way back to the farm, where Rose is allowed to ride a few more rounds in the paddock, the horse in trot again. I watch her and smile when she cheers happily.

After a while, she comes to a halt and I help her down again and take her helmet off while Susan takes care of the horse.
Rose excitedly tells me all about riding fast and I smile softly at her, letting her tell me everything even though I saw it all.

We help Susan bring the saddle back into its chamber and hand our helmets back up. Rose thanks Susan for teaching her how to sit on a horse and for the fun she had. Susan smiles at her and tells her it was her honor to share her love for horse and riding.
I thank her as well and she wishes us a good rest of the day and tells us that we can come back whenever we want.

Rose and I head back to the car and because we're both hungry, we get some food at a drive through and I allow Rose to eat during the car ride.
It feels really good to eat something because I realize now how exhausting the horseback riding was. Slowly but surely I can tell that Rose gets a little tired as well, which I totally understand since she was on the horse for a longer time.

We arrive back home and after getting out of our shoes, we slump onto the couch in the living room.
It's afternoon by now and it shouldn't be too long until Scar comes home. It's her last week of filming and she already did the biggest scenes, so her days aren't too long anymore.

"Can we cuddle, Mama?" Rose asks and rubs her eyes a little and I smile softly and open my arms for her.

"Of course, sweetheart, always." I answer and she crawls over to me and lays next to me.

I pull the blanket over us to make it more comfortable and wrap my arm around her. She turns to the side and snuggles her back more into me. I also turn to my side and hold her close, kissing the back of her head before closing my eyes.
My hand on her stomach tells me her breathing evens out and soon enough she is asleep and I follow her.

I wake up to kisses being placed all over my face. My nose scrunches up a little and I smile before opening my eyes, expecting to see Rose but it's Scarlett who kisses my face.
I look around for Rose a little confused, noticing Scarlett sitting next to me, her arm resting against the backrest.

"Rose woke up a few minutes ago and went to play with some of her toys." She explains and tugs some hair behind my ear. I smile and yawn.

"Still tired, sleeping beauty?" She asks softly and I hum.

"Just in a sleepy daze." I mumble and she nods. I sit up a little and stretch my arms, her eyes never leaving me.

"You and Rose looked really adorable, all cuddled up on the couch." Scarlett says and her eyes are full of love. I smile at the memory, my body filling with warmth and love.

"It was a very sweet moment." I agree and sit up completely, turning to lean against the backrest and Scarlett settles down by my side, her fingers playing with my hair.

"How was the horseback riding?" She asks and I turn to look at her.

"It was a lot of fun, thank you for organizing it." I say and kiss her lips softly. She returns the kiss and smiles.

"You're welcome. Even though, I would have loved to be there with you." She sighs a little.

"Don't worry, I took pictures and videos." I say and grab my phone from the little sideboard.
After unlocking it, I search the pictures of Rose and hand Scarlett my phone. She takes it and swipes through the photos. I lean against her shoulder, looking at the screen as well and smiling at the memory from earlier today.

"She really does look big on these pictures." Scarlett sighs again and I kiss her cheek.

When she swipes further, she comes to the pictures Rose took and laughs at the first very blurry picture of the dirt on the ground. She swipes to the next one and I chuckle a bit at the picture, it's literally just my crotch.
Scarlett raises an eyebrow at me, a tiny smirk on her lips.

"What's the meaning behind this picture?" She asks and I shake my head with a little laugh.

"Rose tried out the camera." I explain and she chuckles.
"Well, I can't deny that it's a nice picture, kinda sexy." Scarlett smirks and I swat her legs lightly.

"Our daughter took that one." I remind her and she snickers, her eyes lighting up a bit.

"I would love to take one myself but without all that annoying clothing in the way." She whispers into my ear and I get goosebumps and feel my cheeks warming up.
Scarlett smirks a little at my reaction and kisses my cheek before swiping further through the pictures.

She laughs at one where I try to get off the horse.
"Very gracefully, babe." She laughs and I cross my arms in pretended offense.

"I did my best." I defend myself and she laughs and nods, pecking my lips a few times.
"I know, baby, I know. I'm just kidding."
She looks further through the pictures until she reaches the end.

"Well, I have to admit though that you look good, riding a horse." She compliments and I smile at her, kissing her shoulder. "Thank you."

"You know what else you would look good riding?" She asks and I shake my head before I see the smirk on her lips and know what she's about to say.
Her eyes quickly look around the room, making sure Rose isn't around, before husking into my ear.

"You'd look so beautiful riding a strap on or my thigh." Her voice a little raspier than usual and I subconsciously clench my legs a little together, suppressing any kind of noise that may escape my lips.

"We don't even own a strap." I mumble and her fingertips graze over my collarbones, making me shiver a little.

"That's true, maybe we should think about getting one." She hums and I look up at her, unsure if she is serious.

"Like...for real?" I ask and she smiles a little before kissing me shortly.

"I don't know, I am honestly pretty happy with the way things are. I am open to trying new things as well, so I'd say we'll see if we want to try one in the future." She answers and I nod, that sounds like a smart idea.

"I like it the way it is as well. But am also open to trying new things." I say and move a little to sit sidewards on Scarlett's lap, leaning against her as her arms wrap around me, holding me in place.
For a few seconds we fall silent, both in thought.

"Thank you for taking Rose there today. I know I planned it and everything but I wouldn't have had the time." Scarlett says and smiles a little sadly. I kiss her nose, making it scrunch up adorably.

"Of course, I love spending time with her and I am sure you will get to go with her as well at some point." I try to cheer her up a little. She nods.

"True but then she will be even bigger and not my little sunshine anymore." She sighs and I hum.

"Well, she will stay 'little' for a little while longer but yeah, eventually she will grow up." I agree and Scarlett huffs a little.

"Why can't she stay this small?" She almost whines and I chuckle, kissing her forehead.
"Because children grow up." I explain and Scar nods defeated.

"Were you serious earlier?" I ask and Scarlett looks at me, trying to remember what she said.

"About me giving you a second child?" I help her and she purses her lips a little in thought.

"I mean, kinda yeah. I would love to have a second child and with you it just feels right. I know it's not easy for two women to get pregnant but I would like to try it at some point if you are also up for it and ready. I don't care if I carry the child or if you do." She answers and I take her answer in, processing her words. Her hands gently run over my back in a comforting manner.

"I would like that too but I am not sure if I am quite there yet. I would want to be working in my job for a little longer and maybe also seeing where our relationship leads. I believe in us and that we will stay together for a long time, if not forever but we are together for six months now, it's just...maybe a little early. And on top is the whole adoption thing with Rose..." I try to voice out my thought and Scarlett nods in understanding.

"Of course, I also didn't mean we have to start right away. It was more like a general thought. I totally understand that you want to see where your career leads you and how our relationship develops. We don't have to rush into anything, nothing forces us there, we have all the time in the world." She assures me and I nod a little relieved because the thought of one of us getting pregnant right now, is a little overwhelming.

"Okay, good. I do would love to have a child with you eventually though." I say and Scarlett's smile widens and her eyes shine brightly.

"Me too. We will just see when it fits and when we both feel ready." She says and I nod in agreement, leaning against her.

"Although..." She traces her fingers over my thigh, shooting little tingles through my body.
"I wouldn't mind to start practicing the process of making a baby the way it's usually conceived."

I shake my head a little at her but grin a bit, kissing her and sucking lightly at her bottom lip.
"Why are you so horny today?" I ask with a little laugh and she lets out a playful whine.

"Because I have a hot girlfriend and we had a really nice anniversary night." She explains and leans her head against my temple.

"That we did." I agree and cup her face to kiss her lips.
"But we also do have a daughter and I don't want to traumatize her with walking in on us doing the devil's tango."
Scarlett giggles a little at my expression but nods.

"True. We just have to wait until she's with Aunty Lizzie again or visiting someone else before we can have some adult fun." She agrees and now I am the one giggling.

"Alright then." I say and kiss her again but before it can get anywhere near heated, I hear footsteps and slowly pull away.

"Mama, can we play horse?" Rose asks and Scarlett grins at me, apparently knowing what it means.

I agree and a few minutes later I understand why Scarlett grinned as I walk around the house on all fours with Rose on my back. But at least she is having fun, so I won't complain.

A/n: A little fluffy chapter. I have no clue of horses and riding so if something is wrong, please tell me, so I can correct it. :)

Also, the idea of them going horseback riding came from one of you readers, I just forgot from who. 😬

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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