Cold All the Way Through, But...

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... Daha Fazla

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

Uncle Will and Aunt Anna

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thecowgirlbookworm tarafından

Southampton was feeling more and more familiar as I walked through it with Will, hand in hand as we approached the train station. It was a massive building, taking in not only the boat train from London but sending off trains to Portsmouth, Cornwall, Kent, even a train that made a trek to Wales was available. After obtaining a time table and map from a conductor, Will concentrated on them for a minute, his brow furrowed. Finally, he spoke, his fingers tracing the various lines. "Well, first we'll get on the London and North Western, then switch over to the Caledonian in Carlisle, take that to Dumfries and then catch the local Glasgow and South Western to Dalbeattie."

I goggled at the amount of changes that would have to be made. "Good Lord Will, isn't there a ferry from Liverpool?" Reggie and Louise were going to travel a day or two ahead of us, to get the trunks to the inn in Dalbeattie that we had booked and arrange the rooms. Will had wanted to spend a few days in Southampton before we headed up, a chance to see some friends and introduce his new wife.

Will shrugged off my question. "Not often enough, maybe once every few weeks." He moved off, coming back with a packet of tickets before taking my arm and leading us out of the station and back into the city.

"Well, you'll be the one giving that schedule to Reggie and Louise for the trunks." I shook my head, thinking about those two. They'd been a massive help during the honeymoon so far, but this would be asking a lot of them. To keep track of all the trunks through all those changes and then to find their way to the inn. I certainly hoped they'd be alright during it. I glanced over to Will. "Are you sure you don't want to head up with them? We could spend a few days in Southampton at the end of the honeymoon too."

"Lights will have shipped out by then, and you know he and Sylvie want us to come over and meet their boys." Will smiled, "Aren't you looking forward to that?"

"Yes, of course." I nodded, "I just don't want to throw those two the wolves."

"There haven't been wolves around Dalbeattie in years." He laughed, "Come on, let's go tell them. And then get you back home." Will gave my waist a bit of squeeze at that, and we started to the hotel where Reggie and Louise had been put up. Given how small Will's house was, it wasn't as if they could stay there. And given all the various acts we'd been committing over it, I wouldn't have wanted to have them witness it. Will had been quite amorous as soon as we had reached his house, even carrying me over the threshold. I had laughed and asked him why he did it, and he smiled. "It's tradition, and it wasn't as if I could have lifted you in that gown of yours. Now, speaking of dresses, let's get you out of that one."

The hotel was actually the one I had stayed in when I had first come to visit Will, and following a brief discussion with the manager, we managed to arrange for porters and trucks to arrive in the morning to help get everything to the train station. We found both of them in the small sitting area, Reggie reading a paper while Louise worked on a bit of sewing. He sprang to his feet when he saw us, the paper forgotten on the ground. "Mr. Murdoch, ma'am. What do you need?"

Will put out a calming hand. "Nothing, but you two will be heading onto Scotland tomorrow. I've arranged tickets here, and this is the schedule and changes you'll need to make."

Reggie almost groaned as he saw the schedule. "Sir, this is quite dense."

"Yes, well," Will shrugged, "Unfortunately my family doesn't live in Glasgow or Inverness, and this is what it takes to get there. We'll have men here in the morning to help move the trunks, Ana and I will bring a valise with us when we follow you up."

Louise glanced to me. "Are you sure you have everything you need, ma'am?"

I pasted a smile on my face, thinking about the fact that one thing Will and I had definitely not been bothering with at his house was clothes. "I'll be fine, and we'll be up in a couple days. Just make sure to ask at the Dalbeattie station for the inn, and don't let anyone try and swindle you into something."

"Of course now, ma'am." She nodded, returning to her sewing. Will left Reggie with a bit of money to tip the conductors and porters during their trip, and he quickly hustled us back out.

"Need to get you back home, and out of those clothes." He muttered as he waved down a cab in front of the hotel.

I laughed as he handed me up into a cab, the car starting off for home. "You know, it's not like we haven't misused every room in your house. We could double up on one of them, you know the bedroom is the traditional site for what we've been doing."

"Oh, I remember you in the kitchen. You hardly cared about tradition then." He grinned, "However, I have been wanting to get you into the bath." I was thankful that the driver was outside and could not hear him, especially when he started to whisper in my ear. "All that warm water, a little soap, oh it sounds divine, love."

"And here I thought older men were supposed to be less excitable." I snorted, "And yet you've hardly let me go a day without it."

"We went seven days without it, so I am quite recovered." He chuckled, "And forty is hardly old." Southampton was lovely in the summer, and I let my eyes wander out the windows as we made our way back home. Trees and flowers were in bloom, travelers from all over were enjoying the weather before boarding any one of the various ships tied up in the harbor. Will and I had made a small trip over there the first day we'd been in, going to the offices. We'd received the congratulations of the staff, and I'd called Mr. Welton up to my office to review any issues that needed to be addressed.

There had been one right at the forefront of his mind, and he had quickly voiced it as he stood in front of my desk. "Ma'am, will there be any change in the company?"

"Change?" I looked to Will, sat in a chair and perusing a pile of reports. "Why would there be a change?"

Mr. Welton had shifted uncomfortably, hemming and hawing. "Well, you're not a Dalian anymore. Or, well, not just a Dalian. Will Mr. Murdoch be joining the ownership, or will his name be replacing yours? Things of that nature."

Will had snorted, and I had barked out a laugh. Will had stood, leaving the pile of reports to look the manager in the eye. "I'd be useless dealing with contracts, and it seems a great fuss to have to change everything. Don't you think, love?"

"Indeed," I had smiled at him, "There is still a Dalian as an owner, Mr. Welton. I would hope you haven't forgotten my mother."

He had blanched. "Of course not, I would never-"

"Of course." I smiled, not wiling to torture him any further. It had simply been a thought, and one that would have affected the business. He had only been doing his job. "I know you have our best interests at heart Mr. Welton, but things will continue as they are as far as ownership and names are concerned. Now, have there been any problems since I last visited?"

There had been some ships that had been repaired, the price of paint had gone up and had to be factored into contracts, and he'd begun reaching out to some quartermasters in the Royal Navy to offer our services for transportation of needed supplies for the ever growing fleet. Father had first begun to cater to them, bringing over American supplies to fill in the gaps that were needed as more and more ships were built and the British industry tried to keep up. I had complimented Mr. Welton for his foresight in reaching out to continue those contracts, and then Will and I had left.

"Here you are sir, ma'am." The driver almost yelled from the front, the cab rattling to a stop outside the house.

I considered the front of it, and notably the empty side of the yard, as Will paid the fare. I gestured to it as he came over, "What would you think of getting an auto for here? That way we wouldn't have to keep taking cabs."

He cocked his head, considering it. "I'd want a garage if we got one, keep it safe."

"I'm sure we could build one, a nice brick one to match the house."

"You'd want to add in a few rooms next to it, tools and the like." He actually seemed interested, pacing out the length of what would be a driveway. "And you'd need to learn how to drive."

"You could teach me." I smiled, "If you know how to drive that is, do you?"

"Ah, no." He chuckled, coming back to take my hand. "We could learn together. Now, onto that bath." I was laughing as he practically herded me through the door, pressing my up against the wall with a devilish grin. I wrapped my hands around his shoulders, looking to pull him closer, but he quickly had them up above my head. I was practically writhing as he leaned in, kissing me ruthlessly. We both seemed to like him holding part of me back, for all I wanted was to pull him closer to me but I could hardly do that without my hands. Instead, I wrapped my legs around his waist, tugging him closer that way. Will pulled back slightly, "That's cheating."

"You aren't letting me do what I want." I panted, "Let me touch you."

"No." He grinned, his other hand finding the buttons of my shirtwaist and beginning to open them. "I want to touch you, and you make me finish too fast. Let me have a moment." I had found out another reason Will preferred the brassieres, he could undo them much more quickly than a corset. Although that meant he did have to release my hands for a moment to shove my shirtwaist and brassiere off. I used the opportunity to throw my arms around him, peppering his face with kisses as his hands went to my bottom to hold me steady. He grunted into my neck, "That's hardly fair, I can't climb the stairs like this."

"And how were you planning to before? Simply throw me over your shoulder?" I chuckled, unwrapping my legs and standing before him. Will's eyes seemed to switch from my lips to my breasts, although when I grabbed his hand he quickly followed me upstairs. I somehow managed to lose my skirt on the way up, as well as my petticoat. On the other hand, Will lost his jacket, waistcoat and shirt so I considered myself the victor. I paused outside the bathroom, "Will, there is no way we can both fit in that tub."

"Oh, I'm sure we can." He grinned, striding through and turning on the water. I followed behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and letting my fingers find his fly. His trousers were shortly on the floor as I gently stroked him to readiness. He sighed, leaning back against me. "Ana, God, you have no idea how that feels."

"I think I might." I laughed. "You certainly made me feel something no doubt similar when you hoisted me onto the kitchen counter yesterday."

"You've no idea how you taste, sometimes I want to live under your skirt." He groaned, although he reached down and stilled my hand. "Come, let's try and make this work." I slipped my stockings off, both of us stepping into the tub. The water sloshed around us as we tried to settle ourselves into the tub, a good deal of it spilling over the edge. In the end, I was half draped over Will, he was contorted painfully to try and get me in his lap, and the water was rapidly cooling. He looked down, his face a bit flushed from our efforts. "It appears you're right, although I would like to try this sometime."

"So would I, perhaps we should order a larger tub for New York." I shook my head as I climbed off of him, grabbing for a towel so that the tiled floor didn't get even more slippery. I rubbed him down as well, which led to him throwing the towel from my hands and sweeping his tongue into my mouth. I groaned, feeling him press against my thigh. We stumbled our way to the bed, the kiss breaking for a moment. I looked up at him, "Well, what do you think?"

"I think it's a marvelous idea." He laughed, sitting on the bed next to me. "Although we may hardly leave our bathroom."

"I don't think we'll be expected to." I leaned against him, letting my hand fall to trace along his thigh. "I don't know how I'm going to live with you heading back out."

"You'll manage, as will I." He let himself fall back to lay across the bed as I took him into my hand. "I'll be doing this a lot more than I did before." His breathing was becoming quicker, his body shifting as he moved to lay his head on the pillow. "Never as good as you though, you're always the best."

"Will," I smiled down at his face, his eyes closed and his lips clenched as a moan tore through him. "It's going to be hard to be without you, but then when you come back, oh, it will be wonderful."

"Ana," His eyes opened briefly, "Ride me, please. Take me in you." I straddled him, one hand guiding me as I slid down onto him. We both groaned, Will's hands finding my hips and prodding me into movement after a moment. I started slow, watching as his eyes fought between drifting closed in pleasure or watching me grind myself against his hips. His eyes were slitted, his fingers kneading my waist as he groaned. "You look so beautiful riding my cock."

I was panting, moving faster. It felt so good, his hardness in me and stretching me around his width. I planted my hands on his chest, using the leverage to begin lifting myself and sliding back down. "God Will, yes!" I could barely think, chasing my pleasure with a single-mindedness that would have frightened me months before. "Only yours, only your cock."

"Tell me what you want Ana."

"I want you inside me," I panted, "All the time."

"But what is it you want me to do?" His hands left my hips, one coming to grasp a breast and the other to lightly press against the bottom of my throat. "Tell me Ana."

The feeling of his hand on my throat was like fuel to a flame, his calloused fingers rough and delicious. I pressed it tighter to me, "I want you to fuck me Will."

"Mmm," He moved upward, pressing himself to me and capturing a nipple in his mouth.

"I want you to fuck me all the time," I gasped, feeling his tongue circling my nipple. "The other day, I wanted you to throw me across the desk in my office and fuck me hard until I screamed." I gave a slight cry as he let his teeth graze over my nipple.

He brought his lips up to my ear, "God Ana, you're really quite naughty aren't you?" His hand drifted down to where we were joined, finding the spot of my pleasure and mercilessly teasing it. I lost all ability to speak then, only crying out and increasing the pace of my writhing. I was so close, I could feel the pleasure coming, my toes curling and the muscles constricting in my belly. I felt Will smile against my neck, one hand coming to my hair and pulling my head back. His eyes, the pupils wide with lust, caught mine. "I want to watch you." I lost it then, the only thought the pleasure that I could feel coming. He watched as I cried out, calling his name as I fell apart. I saw him twitch though as I tightened around him, a hoarse curse coming from him. "Fuck, Ana." He flipped me down onto the bed, his hips setting a blistering pace that had me shivering in the aftershocks as I felt him finish, warm spurts of his seed inside me.

We were sweaty and still intertwined when I brought my hand up to clasp his shoulders. "Will, God. That was, God."

"Ana," He slowly slid off of me, rolling to the side. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Knowing that we were leaving in the morning almost made me regret agreeing to join the Lightollers for dinner. Almost, though, for as soon as Charles opened the door I was smiling as he ushered us inside. I couldn't help it, his energy was infectious. He pulled Will into a hug, and then turned to me. I could barely hear him with his arms wrapped around me, "Ah, Anastasia. What a lovely little wife you make."

"I'm hardly little, Charles." I chuckled, returning his embrace. "Although I am enjoying being a wife."

Sylvie's voice called out from the next room, "Don't say that, he'll be intolerable all night." Whatever she was going to say next was drowned out by two very loud cries as Will was taken out at the knees by a couple of hurtling figures that raced from the parlor.

He was flat on his back in the foyer, although he was laughing as he tried to struggle to his feet. "Roger, Trevor, let me up!"

"Uncle Will," The larger boy, clutching Will's left leg, looked up. "You've been gone for so long, we're not letting you leave again!"

"He's got to leave sometime boys," Charles reached down, untangling his eldest, Frederich Roger Lightoller. "It's not like we can kidnap him."

The younger boy finally seemed to notice that there was someone else there. "Who's that?"

"That's your new aunt, Anastasia." Charles grinned, setting Roger down and giving him a slight shove out of the room. "Now, go help your mother with the table."

Instead the younger boy latched onto my knees, fortunately allowing me to keep my feet although I did waver for a minute. "No, I want my new Aunt." I looked to Will, smiling as I patted the boy's head. He was a cute little fellow, all brown hair and chubby cheeks. He looked up at me, "Did you bring presents?"

"Oh," I glanced to Will. "I left them at the house, but I'll make sure to bring them by before we head back to New York." Which meant that I'd have to find something two boys would like, wooden toy boats, or maybe some adventure books?

Charles looked over at me, shrugging. "Trevor, Aunt Anastasia is going to be at dinner. There'll be plenty of time with her." He knelt down, pulling him off finger by finger. "But your mother is going to be very displeased if you don't help her set the table." Richard, who I was assuming was named Richard Trevor Lightoller, grumbled, but headed off, although he kept looking back over. Charles held out a hand to Will, "Sorry about that, but you know those two."

Will took it, letting him help him to his feet. "And it has been quite some time since I've seen them. They're getting strong!"

"Proper little terrors they are." Charles chuckled, "You'll have your own soon enough, and then I'll be the one laughing." He led us through a lovely parlor and into a dining room, the table set for six. Roger was putting out plates while Trevor followed him with silverware. Charles gave them a nod, then stepped through the door to the kitchen.

Will took a seat, and I quickly took the one beside him, and then turned to the boys. "You two have gotten big, it wasn't so long ago that I was rocking you to sleep Rich."

He blushed. "I'm too big for that now."

"Yes, you are." I smiled at him. "Your father is very proud of you, you know." Both boys blushed, and after glancing at each other, hustled through the door after their father. I looked to Will. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Boys generally don't like being told that someone is proud of them." Will chuckled, "You should tell them about your ships, they'll like that."

"So I should just treat them like Ezekiel?" I smiled, looking up as the door opened again. Roger and Trevor were leading the way, followed by their mother who was finally beginning to show with their soon to arrive sibling, and their father, carrying a large tray bearing two roasted racks of lamb. We all applauded as Charles began to cut the racks, placing lamb chops on everyone's plates. I turned to Sylvie, "It smells wonderful."

"Thank you, Anastasia." She replied, one hand on her swollen stomach. "It took almost all day to cook, but I think it turned out just right." Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Freddy raising his fork, but his mother didn't even have to look before she spoke. "Frederich, you know your father has to say grace. Put it down."

The fork was slowly lowered, even as Roger screwed his mouth up. "Yes, Mother."

"Darling?" Sylvie looked to Charles, "If you would?"

"Of course, love." Charles nodded, bowing his head. We all mirrored him, Will clasping his fingers together. "Bless, O Father, Thy gifts to our use and us to Thy service. We thank you for friends here with us, and for the life that will soon be joining our family, for Christ's sake. Amen."


"Papa, peas?" Trevor immediately asked, looking to his father. "With butter?" Charles rolled his eyes, but served his son a scoop of new peas, topped with a pat of butter. The boy grinned. "Thank you, Papa."

"The lamb is delicious Sylvie." Will said, patting his lips with his napkin. "Thank you for inviting us."

She smiled, "I just had to see how Anastasia was doing after the wedding, she looked so tired by the end of it."

"Hopefully Will's been letting her get the occasional full night of sleep." Charles grinned, looking to me. "Well, Mrs. Murdoch?"

I prayed I wasn't blushing. "Oh, I am well rested, I assure you. It's been rather pleasant to simply travel and not have to worry about anything."

"Did you take one of your ships?" Roger asked, his eyes bright. "Father says you have loads of them."

"Roger," Charles cautioned, looking over to his son. "Don't bother her about that."

"It's quite alright Charles," I chuckled. "No Roger, I'm afraid we haven't taken one of our ships. Although we're taking a very big one back to America at the end of the month."

"Bigger than Titanic?" Trevor had no idea why his comment had most of the adults silent. "Is it?"

Will recovered first. "No, but it's still very big. Ana's ships aren't as big either, but I'm sure if you ask her nicely she might let you go on one."

Both boys gasped, then turned to me with wide eyes. Roger was the one who spoke first. "Aunt Anna? Please?"

"Please, what, Roger?" Charles raised a brow. "Speak properly now."

"Please may we go on a ship, Aunt Ana?" Roger nodded, then looked over with a trembling bottom lip. "Please? We'll behave, we promise."

"I don't see the harm in it." I looked over to Charles. "Just ask for Mr. Welton at our offices and tell him to let you take a tour, say that I am allowing it."

Sylvie smirked. "What if he doesn't believe that we know you?"

"If he doubts you, simply tell him that Mr. Murdoch still refuses to rename the company to Murdoch Shipping." Will laughed, spearing another piece of lamb. "He should shut up right quick." The promise of a tour had the boys on their best behavior as they diligently finished all of their food, asked for permission to be excused, and then even collected the plates and silverware to take to the kitchen. Will looked over at Charles, fetching down a decanter of sherry for the adults. "You've trained them well."

"That's all her." Charles leaned down, pressing a kiss to Sylvie's head. "And they're good boys when they want something, almost too good." He poured a glass for the three of us, fetching a bottle of lemonade for Sylvie before he sat back down. "So, where are you two off to next on your grand tour?"

I took a sip. "We'll be heading to Scotland, to visit Will's family."

"Ah, such a dutiful son our William is. And what else shall you be doing in Scotland?" Charles drew out a cigarette, offering one to Will.

Will accepted, lighting it with a match. "We're hoping to take some hikes around the country, or perhaps a drive if I can get Sam to show me how to drive that car of his."

"That sounds lovely, I certainly hope you brought some sturdy boots, Will." Sylvie sighed, sipping her lemonade.

"I'll be taking a few things from the house here up."

"Including clothing?" Charles sounded intrigued at this.

"Yes." Will blew out a breath of smoke, his brow raised.

Charles nodded. "Perhaps a national costume? For your homeland, of course." He looked to me. "You do know what they wear underneath those skirts right?"

Will rolled his eyes, blowing smoke up to the ceiling. "It's called a kilt you bloody git and you know that."

"I was talking to the lovely Mrs. Murdoch here, not you. Tell me Anastasia, do you know?"

I glanced to Will. "I would assume some kind of undergarment."

"You'd be wrong, nothing at all between them and the breeze." Charles was laughing loudly at that, even more when he noticed how I had begun to blush.

"Christ Lights, how does Sylvie ever let you out of the house?" Will fairly growled at him, looking over to the lady in question.

She shrugged, "He can be quite persuasive sometimes, you know that." Charles leaned over and kissed her cheek, making her smile happily. She looked back to Will, "Although I doubt he has to do that to you."

Charles laughed at that. "Hardly, I believe that's Anastasia's job now."

"Of course it is," I smiled over at him. "We're very happy, you know, even for all the teasing you give us."

"Perhaps in spite of." Will grumbled, tapping out his cigarette. "So what have you been telling the boys about Ana?"

"That's she's rich, and has a lot of ships." Charles shrugged. "And that she had invited their parents over to New York, because she was going to marry Uncle Will and spoil him and us silly."

Will blew out a breath, his head going to his hands. "Anything else?"

"That she wasn't bringing Rigel with her when she visited," Sylvie had her lips pursed to hide her laugh. "Because she and Uncle Will wanted to spend a lot of time together, but that they would bring him next time."

"Next time?" I chuckled. "You might want to tell your husband to behave if there's going to be a next time."

Charles rolled his eyes. "Of course there will be a next time, I have no doubt they'll have a little cousin to meet soon."

"Well, perhaps not too soon." I muttered.

Sylvie reached over and patted my hand. "It takes time, and then they'll come in a rush. Two years between Freddy and Rich, and then this little one." She patted her stomach, "I dearly hope it's a girl. What would you prefer for your first?"

"Oh, I don't know." I demurred. "I'd be happy with either, Will?"

He considered it for a moment. "I feel the same."

"Oh come on now, Will." Charles snorted. "Girl or boy?"


"Pick one or I'm picking for you."

Will glanced to me. "A boy, but I'll want girls too."

"I would have thought you'd want a girl," Charles laughed, "A little girl who looks just like her mother, wouldn't that be nice?"

"It would be." I smiled, catching Sylvie's eye. "And hopefully you'll be having one of your own soon."

"Tell me what you think, Anastasia." She reached over and gently grasped my hand, pressing it to her stomach. It felt firm, but not so swollen that her skin might break. I marveled at the feeling for a moment, trying to see if I could discern anything. Sylvie looked down, "Well?"

"It's rather hard to tell," I cast my eyes up as if I was focusing very hard. "But I think it's a girl, with her father's blue eyes and her mother's dark curls."

"If she's correct you could set up a fortune telling business." Charles muttered, but he was smiling as he said it. His face fell a moment later though, "I'm sorry about Trevor earlier, the boys in school won't stop bothering his brother about it and he asked us. We thought it would be best to tell the both of them about what happened, just the bare bones."

Will shrugged. "It's alright, it's not like we'll ever be able to avoid it."

"Still, I'll have to talk to him later." Charles didn't look pleased at the thought. "The boy needs to learn when it's appropriate to bring it up."

"Oh, he was fine." I shook my head, "Really Charles, he's a child. That will come with age." I caught his eye. "Although, what exactly did you tell him?"

"Well, he'd seen her when she was in the harbor." He sighed, bringing a hand up to rub his temples. "We told him that his father was working on a big ship and-"

His voice faltered, but Sylvie picked it up quickly. "And that the ship sank, and a lot of people died. And he was very lucky that Papa and Uncle Will made it off, and that Uncle Will met Aunt Anna onboard."

"Aunt Anna?" Will raised an eyebrow.

Charles got a bit of his old grin back. "You try getting a four year old to say Anastasia."

"He did try." Sylvie reached over and squeezed his hand. "At least we got him to stop saying Anas, that took an age." I couldn't help the snort at that, and the tension broke into a round of laughter. Another round of sherry was poured, and Sylvie had to excuse herself briefly to go put the boys to bed. By the time she came back a pack of cards had been unearthed and, to my chagrin, a round of poker had begun. She was smiling when she sat back down. "Oh, lovely."

"For them perhaps," I shook my head, already dreading my hand. "They're a couple of card sharks."

Sylvie gratefully accepted her hand from Charles. "Who do you think taught my husband?"

"Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to get fleeced?" I muttered, putting my cards down. "I'll call." My horrible luck at poker, I refused to think of it as a lack of skill, continued to make itself known to the amusement of everyone else.

"Charles, if we're going to be doing this, perhaps you should get the whiskey." Sylvie said after a couple of rounds. "I think Mrs. Murdoch here might need it after she loes another hand."

Will was grinning, "I'll take some too, nothing like whiskey when you're on a streak." The whiskey was quickly brought, glasses filled, and cards dealt again and again. By the end it was those two playing against each other, although I had to admit that Sylvie was a better player than my husband, and not just because she was sober.

After losing a hand though, she looked to me. "Anastasia, why won't you fill your husband's glass? It's been empty for awhile." I had drank enough that the suggestion made me smile, and I got up to get the bottle. It was only when I bent over to reach Will's glass that I felt him move. A hand was suddenly around my waist, and the bottle almost spilled as he pulled me into his lap. Sylvie was all smiles, "Oh my, is this distracting you William?"

Will was far too focused on mauling my neck to reply.

"My love, you are diabolical." Charles chuckled, "Although he does have the next move. Hey," Charles smacked the table, making Will jerk his head up for a second. "Call?"

"Yes, yes." He panted, "Now shut up." I squealed as he did his best to worm a hand down my dress, even as I batted at him. He looked at me with a screwed up face, frustration evident. "Ana, we're married. It's allowed."

"I know love," I replied, trying to wiggle out of his lap but only succeeded in making him harden against my thigh. "But I think Sylvie engineered this to beat you at poker."

Charles had been laughing for a solid five minutes, although he recovered briefly. "Anastasia, surely you aren't accusing my wife of acting underhanded?"

"And surely you haven't told your wife about how my husband gets when he's drunk?" I barely managed to get that out before Will decided to twist his hand in my hair, turn my head, and kiss me like his life depended on it. At that point, I was giving as good as I got, and one of Will's hands was quickly stealing underneath my skirt.

Charles, still laughing, spoke from behind me. "I think you win this game, my love."

"Yes, it will be interesting to play him when I can drink." Sylvie laughed, "Although perhaps we should get the two of them back home before they conceive their first child on my dining room table?"

Will seemed to agree with that, standing with me still wrapped around him. "Bugger the game, I'm going home to treat my wife as she deserves."

"At least let her alone in the cab." Charles started chivvying us towards the door. "I know to expect this, but Lord above Will, have some patience." At that point patience was something that I desperately needed as well, although we managed to at least keep our hands off each other in the cab.

We didn't even make it upstairs at home.

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