Broken Hearts

By aashii_writess

49.7K 2.5K 260

"You have one month to prove yourself." That's what her new boss said before hiring her. New Boss and EX-BOYF... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Past)
Chapter 12 (Past)
Chapter 13 (Past)
Chapter 14 (Past)
Chapter 15 (Past)
Chapter 16 (Past)
Chapter 17 (Past)
Chapter 18 (Past)
Chapter 19 (Past)
Chapter 20 (Past)
Chapter 21 (Past)
Chapter 22 (Past)
Chapter 23 (Past)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Past)
Chapter 30 (Past)
Chapter 31 (Past)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Thank You!

Chapter 52

617 37 3
By aashii_writess

Sameera's P.O.V.

The moment my proximity with Aayansh Singhania decreased, I was reminded of the happenings of last night.

I need to do something! Maybe finding a good lawyer will be helpful. After Miss Kapoor, the lawyer I met to handle my divorce, gave up on my case, probably because Nikhil bribed her, I need someone whom I can trust. I know taking help from Dad would be the best option right now. He will handle everything and I won't have to stress at all. But I do not want that. Atleast not without trying my best. The only other name that pops up in my mind is Dhruv Sehgal. He promised to help me in my divorce case. Maybe he could help me.

I know the reason, I didn't want to involve him in my case is because he is because he is Kavya's boyfriend. But F*ck Kavya! I can't help if she has any problem! I need Dhruv's help and I am gonna take it. I called Dhruv and he gave me an appointment for next week. But, I insisted him and told him I am really worried after everything that happened yesterday and needed to talk to him urgently. So, he agreed and asked me to meet him at his office at 7 p.m.


I had a meeting with Jenny Sebastian. There's an award show and I had designed the dresses for it. They have been sent to her and she selected one. Now I have to go to see the fitting and there are few more designs that I have made for her future events. So, those needs to finalized.

I was kinda excited to meet her today. Last time she compared fashion designing to tailoring just because I was an intern. I do not belittle tailors. But, the fact that she made that statement only because I was an intern. So, I want to see how she reacts when I will break it to her that I have been promoted to be a designer and she apparently will be wearing my design.

"This is really beautiful! And it even looks so good on me!" She beamed.

I smiled listening her compliment. I made it keeping her in my mind and I am glad the dress suits her.

"But Chhavi should have personally come today! Wouldn't she want to make sure everything is fine considering I will be wearing her work."

"It's designed by me Jenny!" I told her.

"Why is an intern designing for me?" She said offended as if she will strip right now and throw the dress out of her changing room!

"I am not an intern, Jenny."

"I remember you came last time. And you introduced yourself as an intern. Didn't you?"

"I was then. Now I have been promoted!"

"So a new designer is designing for an important event like this? You are kidding me! How can Kavya do this to me! First, she didn't design for me herself and now she asked a newbie to make mine!"

"Well you liked the dress!" I pointed out.

"But still. I am Jenny Sebastian! I can't wear just any designer. What is even your name!"

"My name is Sameera Oberoi." I introduced myself.

"Sameera Oberoi? As in Samar Oberoi's daughter?" She asked in disbelief.

"You know him?" I asked surprised.

"Ofcourse who doesn't. So you are his daughter!"


"Oh my God! You are the Samar Oberoi's daughter! I can't believe I am going to wear you! And imagine I would be the first person to actually wear your designs. Oh my god."

Not technically. But whatever! And wasn't she pissed just a few seconds ago. But, guess what, now that she knows who my father, she is happy to be associated with me. Doesn't she changes her colour like a chameleon?

"Anyway Sweetheart, your work is amazing. You are going to make it big in the business." She said.

I smiled at her. Whatever it is, she is complimenting me! I should take it.

I was happy when we were done and I could finally leave. This woman gets on my nerves!

I was working in office when there was a knock.

"Come in!" I called.

The door opened and in entered Aayansh Singhania!

I blinked my eyes multiple times. Is he really here? He has never come to my office before.

What is he doing here? Is he here to again scream at me for making any mistake? I hope not! We were doing just so great in the morning. I don't want him to go back to being angry Aayansh!

He entered. His eyes roamed around my office before settling on me.

"I hope you do not mind your office being smaller than all other." He said.

"It's alright!" I said.

"Actually there was no other available."

"It's fine Ayan...I mean Aayansh Sir."

"You can call me Ayan." He said.

I looked at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Is this Aayansh Singhania in front of me?

"I mean Ayan sir would be fine."

I chuckled and he smiled at me.

"Sameera actually I wanted to apologise to you."

"For what?" I asked surprised. He doesn't have any reason to apologise. He hasn't done anything wrong.

"Yesterday at my office, I misbehaved. Whatever the reason maybe, anything doesn't justify my behaviour. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I was just angry and I couldn't control my actions." He said and I smiled. He realised he was wrong. That's all I need from Ayan!

"Then apologize!" I told him.

He looked at me as if saying 'do I have to really say it?'

Well Aayansh Singhania you will have to! I have never heard that 5-letter word from your mouth!

I remember the bet from five years ago which he won and I had to say sorry and even after we met it's always been me who's apologising for every damn thing.

"I am...I am...I am really very sorry!" He finally said it.

"Ahhh!! The satisfaction of hearing this word from Mr. Aayansh Singhania's mouth. I finally got to listen this precious 5 letter word from your mouth." I repeated his words from years ago. How can I forget that. It was a bruise on my ego.

"You have been waiting to say this. Haven't you?" He asked.

"Of course I have! You have never apologised for your mistakes.

"Because I never make one!"

"Oh you do! You never apologised for breaking my phone which had so many pictures of Nikhil which I..."

I stopped midway when realisation dawned on me. How can I talk about Nikhil after all this. I looked at Ayan and after what I said, the hapiness that he had on his face with our banter was gone.

"I should leave." He said and left.

I am such a fool. I was such a fool. How could I like someone like Nikhil. How could I fall in love with him. I remembered everything he did and my heart crushed thinking about that. How easy was it for him to break my heart.

When will I get over my heartbreak? When will my broken heart heal!

Aayansh's P.O.V.

"Bhaiii..." Kavya squealed in excitement.

"What Kavya? What made you so excited now?" I asked her not looking away from my laptop screen.

"The fact that our fifth anniversary is coming." She said.

I smiled. Yepp. Fifth anniversary! It's been five years since we started Singhania Studios. And these five years have been a roller coaster ride for us!

"So, what's the plan?" I asked her.

"A grand celebration is on the way. Yay!"

"No, I am not in the mood for anything grand! We will just held a small ceremony." I told her.

"No. No. No. We are having a big event. And it will be held in the hotel that is inaugurating this Friday. The one whose interiors Singhania Studios designed." She said excited.

"Yuvraaj Maheshwari's?" I asked.

The hotel. It has been one of the biggest project of ours. The team has been working on the interiors since ages. And now the hotel is finally ready for its grand opening.

"Okay. Whatever you decide!"

"Yayy!! And you know what, I am going to design clothes for all the employees of Singhania Studios for the event!"

"You will design? For all the employees?" I asked surprised.

"Not myself. Someone else will design. But everyone is going to wear our label."

"But all the employees?"

"Yes. I said grand!" She replied.

"Isn't it too grand!"

"Please Bhai don't be a spoilt sport."

"Okay fine. Do as you wish." I said.

"Yayy!" She squealed.

"And Bhai? Today we are going to Dhruv's place." She said.


"It's his father's birthday!" I told you before as well.

"I am so sorry! I forgot!" I said.

"Uff bhaii. Anyway can you please pick Dhruv from his office."

"Why? Doesn't he have his own car?"

"He has. But his car is gone for servicing. So, I decided you could pick him up since his office is on your way. Also, you both will get a little bonding time." She said.

"Okay." I agreed. Did I even have any other option?

"Don't be late!" She said reprimanding me.

"I am never late." I defended myself.

"Oh yeah right! You just never think you need to be available for any party. So, you intentionally be late. Sometimes avoid it all together!"


"So it's settled you are picking Dhruv from his office at 7 p.m."

"At seven? Are you crazy it's too early."

"Bhai." She gave me an disapproving look.

"Okay fine!"

Great now I have to leave early today. I was already late to office today because of Sameera.


The conversation we had in her office is still so fresh in my mind and keeps bugging me.

I don't know why I expected something different.

Nikhil is her husband. She has been married to him for more than five years.

Though he has broken her heart but she has loved him for so long. Maybe she still loves him.

How can I forget she broke my heart to be with him! And she is not the one to mend my Broken Heart.


Hi guyss!

I hope you like this chapter. I am really sorry for updating so late. I started reading this book by Lauren Asher, The Fine Print yesterday and couldn't keep it down.

I have so many books in my TBR at this point. The last one year, I have been busy with my studies, and didn't have much time. And now, that I am finally free, I feel like reading them all.

So, I hope you can understand why I am so late. My sincere apologies.

Also, it's good that I specified in my last update when I will update next, because trust me if not, I definitely would have procrastinated writing this chapter.

Any guesses who Yuvraaj Maheshwari is?

Thank you for reading!

Next update: Friday.

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