
By XxTiffanixX

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This is so confusing. Nicole is just an average teen who moved to California away from all she loved to have... More

Chapter 1: Teenage Hormones
Chapter 2: It's like he's stalking me!
Chapter 3: Tension
Chapter 4: Apologies
Chapter 5: The Party
Chapter 6: My Hero
Chapter 7: The Date
Chapter 8: Fake
Chapter 10: I messed up
Chapter 11: Secrets come out
Chapter 12: You should've told me the truth
Chapter 13: Talk it Out
Chapter 14: Ouch.
Chapter 15: No More Secrets

Chapter 9: Forced to Forgive

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By XxTiffanixX

Sorry guys i know I update weekly but i kinda forgot oops!

Anyways here ya go!

Chapter 9

I'm so sorry Nicole that I said what I did at the ice rink. Please talk to me, I feel like a whole piece of my life is missing.

-Tyler <3

I looked at the note and fought the urgency to look behind me and look at his face to see if it was a sincere apology, but I didn't. I just tucked the note in my sweatpants pocket and decided to stress over it later. Then of course a second note had to come on my desk except this time it wasn't from Tyler, it was from someone with unfamiliar handwriting. 

BJ behind school at 3:30? I hear the price is 50 cents, right?

As I read it I heard chuckles from around me and constant whispering. It took everything in me not to cry, instead I got up to throw the note away but Mr. Rogelio intervened. "What are you throwing away, Nicole?"  

"Garbage." I replied, trying not to be a snitch.

"Can I see the paper?" I reluctantly handed it over and he read over it in his mind and them read it out loud making everyone laugh harder, it was humiliating.

"Who wrote this?"  He asked with a furious tone. No one responded. "I'm going to ask the class once more, and if someone doesn't speak up, then I will give the whole class detention everyday after school until they do." He promised.

Right when he said that everyone pointed my harasser out. It was someone I barely saw, I think his name was like DJ, EJ, CJ, TJ. I don't know some letter with a J at the end. 

"Thanks guys!" He said standing up walking towards the teacher who hasn't yet even called him over.

"Curtis-Lee Jones!" So it's CJ, oohhhhh. "What is this?" He said holding out the note. 

"Um, a note?" 

"No. This isn't a note, when I think of note I think of a general conversation, or even a love note, but this, this is pure f*ckery." The whole class gasped hearing him curse for the first time. "Do you know this is sexual harassment and you can be prosecuted and sent to jail for this?"

CJ shook his head no. "And this goes for any of you who are involved because I know it's not just him." His voice went from it's lecture tone to its 'aha I got you now bitch' voice. "Curtis you have detention every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for forty minutes until the end of the school year, miss one and you’re forty minutes is doubled. You don't serve all of the detentions then you won't graduate."  Mr. Rogelio wrote a slip and gave it to CJ. CJ sighed and took a seat. I felt satisfied knowing CJ was going to have to end up missing detentions and have to serve them during the summer and he'd get his diploma later than everyone else. 

The bell rang and I started walking to my next class. Haiden ran up next to me and said, "I'm sorry." 

I kept walking. Pretending I didn’t hear him when actually I heard him all to well. I just felt like crap, and when I really wanted to blame this on Haiden, it was my fault. I didn’t listen to Tyler and decided to go to that stupid party.

“Nicole please don’t ignore me!”

I kept walking. “Nicole, please stop!” He grabbed my arm and I looked at him and felt tears and struggled to hold them back.

“Stop ignoring you? Like how you ignored me? Pretending I didn’t exist? Pretending like all this shit said about me is true?!” I said, my voice cracking.

“I never said it was true!”

“Saying nothing is just as bad!” He remained silent. I shook my head at him and continued walking, releasing the tears that I’ve been holding in. I just want to go home. Not this home. Florida home. With people who care about me, with people who have respect for their peers.

I walked to my next class, which I had with Tyler. He didn’t really bug me. I just constantly caught him looking at me and when I looked at him, he’d smile his beautiful smile and I’d look away. It was just awkward.

After our last class was dismissed I went back to my locker, which has a poorly drawn penis on it. Really mature. I sighed and put my books in my locker. I had no homework today so at least something good came out of my day.

I drove home and put down my bag. I took my long red hair out of its messy bun and brushed it. I changed into a pink tank top and black skintight booty shorts and plopped on my bed. I didn’t even cry. I was too cried out. I just thought. I thought about how my life has changed since I’ve been here. Maybe I should talk to my mom about moving back to Florida. But if I did then I’d have to tell her the full story, then she’d get law enforcement involved and it’s just not that serious.

“Nicole!” I heard a distant voice yelling. “Nicole!” I sat up and looked out my window. No one. Then I looked out to my balcony, of course, Haiden. “Can I come over?” I closed my purple curtains and about ten minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. My mom was at work and I was forced to get up from my bed that seemed way too comfortable and answer it. I unlocked the door and opened it. Of course, I should’ve guessed, it was the stalker. I quickly closed the door once I saw it was him but he put his foot in the way.

“Haiden move your foot please.” But instead of moving is foot like I oh-so-politely asked, he began to push the door open. I attempted to push it back but it was no use, he’s fifty times stronger than I am. I just quit attempting pushing the door closed and he came in. How does he think he can just bust up in my house uninvited?! I turned around began to go upstairs and heard the front door shut behind me. “Nicole, please talk to me.”

I ran quicker up the stairs and quickly close my bedroom door.

“Nicole! Can you please open the door?”

“Get out of my house, Haiden!”

“I’m not leaving until we talk.”

“Didn’t we talk already?!”

“That wasn’t talking.”

I sighed and opened the door and sat down on my bed.

“Go ahead, talk.” I said, impatient.

“I am so sorry, Nicole. You won’t believe how sorry I am. I put you through so much in a day and no one should ever have to deal with that over shit that’s not even true. I just feel terrible about this whole thing, Nicole. I am just a horrible person. Please forgive me.”

“Good, you’re done talking. You can leave now.” I got up, holding open the door.

“I said could we talk not could I talk.”

“I did just talk, I just told you to leave.”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

I sighed and closed the door.

“Do you really want to know how I feel?”

He nodded.

“Like crap.” I took a deep breath and the tears started flowing. “I feel horrible. Having people bully you and treat you like a hooker is the worst feeling, and then you act like all the things people say are true, and don’t say you didn’t say that because it’s just as bad. I thought I could trust you and BOY as I wrong. I should’ve never gone to that party. I just want to go back to Florida, where I have people who care. I hate it here.” I put my face in my hands and started crying even harder. Haiden put his arms around me and pulled my face into his muscular chest. When I was finished, his shirt was wet covered with tears and I sat up.

“I’m sorry.” I said, giggling, attempting to wipe the wetness of his shirt off.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry, Nicole.”

“Haiden, why are you acting like this?”

“Like what?”

“You’re being so…nice. Not saying you shouldn’t be but you’re acting like you have actually have heart. Why? Why towards me?”

“I don’t know. You’re…interesting.” He smiled at me.


“Nah you ain’t all that.” He joked.

“Whatever.”  I just looked at him and he looked at me. I quickly glanced away and eventually looked back and he was still looking at me. “What are you looking at?”

“You’re beautiful.” He mumbled.

“What?” I said, making sure I wasn’t hearing things.

“Huh?” He said, snapping out this trans he was in.

“What did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything.” He responded quickly.

“Nope you definitely did say something.” I said, getting up to throw my sweatpants in the hamper when the note Tyler gave me fell out.

“What’s that?” Haiden asked, getting up to grab it.

“Nothing!” I ran and took it from his hands. Why am I being so protective over it? Its just Haiden. It’s not like we’re together. He’s with Meghan. He raised and eyebrow and I nervously giggled.

“If it’s nothing than you don’t mind if I read it.” He said ripping it from my grip and began read aloud. “I'm so sorry Nicole that I said what I did at the ice rink. Please talk to me, I feel like a whole piece of my life is missing. Signed Tyler…” He looked up at me and back at the note. “Do you want to talk about what happened at the rink?”

I ended up telling him everything. From seeing Lewis to me throwing the skates at him.

“Wow, how do you feel?”

“I’m fine, I just feel annoyed.”

“Do you plan on talking to him?”

“Nope.” I said, popping the p.

“Do you still have feelings for him?” Why is he asking so many questions?

“No. Why are you asking me so many questions?”

“Um, for you to get your feelings out.”

“I’m fine. Thanks for caring though.”

“Remember when I picked you up when you were walking home from the ice skating rink?”

“Yeah.” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“And I said not to get so used to me being nice?”

“Yeah?” Where is he going with this?

“I take it back. Come to me whenever you need to talk.” Oh, that’s where he’s going.

I nodded my head. “Thanks.” I smiled at him.

“Well my mom is probably coming home soon, you should go.”

“It was nice talking, Nicole.”

“You too.”

We walked downstairs and I opened the front door and hugged him. He walked out and I closed the door resting against it like the girls in those movies who obsess over some super hot boy. Then, I just realized I am that girl. Am I obsessing over Haiden? Do I like him or something? If I did, wouldn’t I know?


I woke up smiling, probably had a nice dream. I did my usual morning routine and decided to actually brush my hair today instead of going to school looking like crap like I did yesterday. I left my hair out and it hung around my shoulders on each side. It was supposedly going to be in the 90’s today so I put on a gray tank with a giant pink heart on it, black denim shorts, and black flip flops. I had a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast and headed to school after kissing my mom goodbye.

                       I got in my car and put on my sunglasses. I felt like I was a movie star. Driving in my convertible red Ferrari, hair blowing in the wind and sunglasses, the only think that sucked it was I was going to school. The whole entire morning I discarded the fact that I was probably the most hated girl in school. That just slapped the silly smile right off my face. I pulled into the student parking lot and everyone just ignored me, I’d rather that then have them laughing and pointing like they did yesterday.

                       I went to my locker and the words and poorly drawn penises were all gone. A freshly painted locker was in place of my crusty other one and it actually looked better than everyone else’s whose locker looked old and like crap. I opened my locker and blue liquid, most likely paint, spewed all over my face and shirt. I wiped my eyes and looked everyone just looked and laughed. Meghan just came up to me and laughed in my face. I took some of the my squeezable brown paint that I use for art class and squeezed it right on top of her head. All she did was scream and I took some of the paint that was on my face and smeared it on hers. Everyone in the background was just like “ohhhhh” and some were still laughing.

                       Haiden came just and time and was just walking to his locker like any other day then looked at me then at Meghan, then back at me. “What the hell happened?”

                       I just looked at him and tears started forming to my eyes and I just ran to the girls bathroom where I found my savior, Hazelle, doing her makeup. “What the hell happened Nicole?!”

“Meghan.” I stated.

“She’s gone to far this time. Where is she so I can break her face?”

“It’s okay I got her.”

“What did you do?”

“Squirted my brown paint from art class on the top of her head.”

“Ms. Belcher is going to kill you!”

“Whatever. Just help me get cleaned up.”

                       About ten minutes later my hair and face was cleaned up but my shirt was permanently ruined. I went to my locker with my hair dripping wet and everything in it was ruined. All my textbooks and notebooks were just ruined. I sighed and closed my locker to see Haiden standing next to me.

                       “I have an extra shirt in my locker if you want to use it.” Haiden said, opening his locker.

                       “Sure, thanks.” I said smiling. He handed me a gray shirt he grabbed out of his locker. “Thanks, again.”

“No problem and again, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

I went to the bathroom and put on his shirt, which was gigantic on me. It was longer than my shorts! I tied it around my waist with my rubber band and tied up my wet hair so I wouldn’t soak his shirt too much.

I went to my first class and because I didn’t have any books, I was forced to share with this kid named Andrew or something like that.

I managed to go through the first half of my day without being picked on by anyone. By lunch, my hair was dry but tangled, a bit frizzy, and my straightened hair has turned into waves.

Before I went into the cafeteria I went to my locker and got my brush and brushed my ponytail, which made my hair look worse. It frizzed up even more so I just went to the bathroom and wet it again. Once I went back to the cafeteria tons of people came up to me apologizing, not saying what for, but just “Sorry,” and then walking away. I just said, “um, it’s okay” confused as to why people were just randomly apologizing.

I sat in my usual seat next to Hazelle. “Why are people apologizing?”

“You weren’t here?!”

“Here for what?”

“Go talk to Haiden.”


“Just go!” She pushed me from my seat and I just looked around for Haiden. What the heck is going on?! What did Haiden say to everyone? Maybe he said something about his party.

I looked around the cafeteria and I didn’t see him so I walked out the cafeteria and bumped into a tall male who was talking to someone, who I couldn’t see. “Oh my gosh, I’m so, sorry! But hey, have you seen Hai-” he turned around and I couldn’t even finish my sentence. “Oh my god! Lewis?!” 

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