Harry Styles Fluff One Shots

By babyharolddd

724K 6.8K 7K

hiii I'm back in business!! give me cute requests, preferably younger Harry atm but may do some older Harry i... More

boo's house
gemma's boyfriend
embarassing dads
christmas time
falling again
mother's day
grumpy styles
potty training
stage fright
day at the lake
little boys
feeling icky
missing zaynie
a step back
little ones
sore tummy
mumma's boy
beach day turns into a bit of a disaster
lack of responsibility
struggle to go down
food poisoning
growing up
holiday with friends
daddy harry
babysitting one direction
holidaying with friends 2!
weekend with gem gem
my bubba
boat trip disaster
checkup time
a little brother?
anniversary blues
personal hygiene
shy in front of daddies
night troubles
baby boys
a messy turn of events
sick twins
bad attitude or a bad tummy?
new momma
birthday blues
valentines day
'i can't swim'
little bit naughty
just a little bit of help
sad bubba
girly problems
grown up juice
don't want to be any trouble
getting comfortable
not the only baby anymore
bad days
vaccine after effects
cammy day
start of tour struggles
no improvement
glenne and h day
christmas shopping
family christmas party
the pool
home with mumma
birthday boy!!
man flu
break away with the azoffs
sick baby
'grown up'
wardrobe malfunction
acting up
fathers day
i'm a big boy too!!


4.4K 39 83
By babyharolddd

*his little outfit minus the sunglasses and the coat and imagine him wearing some converse lmao*

harry- age 28

"Can you grab GiGi your shoes baby boy?"Glenne says as she grabs Harry's bag of essentials for school which is mainly spare diapers and a fresh outfit because you never know with Harry.

Yes some questions were said when Harry walked into his school with a 'girls' bag but Glenne and Jeff love the boy to be who he wants to be and if that means his favourite colour being pink so be it.

"Yup!! With the straps Gi?"Harry says crouching down to grab his shoes and handing them to Glenne.

"That's right bubby! Nice and easy incase you need to take them off"Glenne says grabbing his Converse and putting them onto Harry's feet, she would give Harry the chance to try but they're running a bit short for time and LA traffic can be a nightmare in the morning.

"No forget my lunch!"Harry grabs his Barbie lunchbox from by the door and grabs Glenne's hand with his other hand, in a seemingly good mood this morning.

"Good job baby boy! Now get into your seat like a big lad and we can get going to daycare"Glenne says as she unlocks her car, Harry climbing into his special seat and waiting for Glenne to strap him in.

"You said daycare 'gain Glenney....s'my school"Harry pouts twirling a strand of his hair around his finger, he gets a bit frustrated when someone calls his school daycare because he's not a child!! Even if he does act like one.

"My apologies babes...GiGi will try and stop saying that okay?"Glenne says kissing Harry's forehead as she buckles him into his chair.

"Can we pwease go Starby's?"Harry asks adorably as Glenne starts to short drive to his daycare, Harry knowing all too well there's a Starbucks on the way.

"We're a little bit pushed for time baby, how about if you're a good boy today I can ask Foof to take you afterwards??"Glenne says looking at the curly haired boy through the rear view mirror.

"M'kay you tell Foofy I wan'juicy an'cake pop!"Harry says his words a little muffled as he stuffs a thumb in his mouth.

"I'll be sure to tell him peach...thumb out though okay? You've got such pretty nails to be ruining them!"Glenne says, Harry is way too fond of putting his thumb or fingers in his mouth so Glenne took the pair of them for a manicure to try and curb the habit.

Harry thankfully spends the rest of the car ride in a good mood, him and Glenne both singing along to the radio, Harry blushing from all the praise when Glenne tells him how good his voice is sounding.

"Hand please bubby"Glenne says as she unbuckles Harry from his seat, he has a bad habit of running off when he's excited or distracted so Glenne always likes to make sure she has some hold of him.

"B-but what if my frwiends see! M'not a baby GiGi"Harry whines making Glenne roll her eyes but take Harry's hand anyway, he always gets like this, she is completely sure Harry's friends are around a similar mental capacity and hardly care about the boy holding someone's hand.

"I'm not holding your hand to baby you, I'm doing it for your safety...lots of cars around see"Glenne points to several cars parked up as Harry pouts but nods following Glenne into the all familiar building.

"Good morning Harry!! How are you this morning??"Harry's teacher Miss Daisy asks sweetly, Harry's face lighting up as he sees the woman.

"Hiii Ms'Daisy...m'super duper good!"Harry squeals loudly dropping Glenne's hand and rushing over to his teacher to hug her, basically smothering her as the two women laugh.

"Harry remember the chat we had about personal space yeah....next time maybe ask Miss Daisy if she would like a hug?"Glenne reminds Harry who removes his arms from Daisy with a pout.

"Sowwy GiGi, jus'missed being here"Harry apologises with a blush, Harry had the past week off due to some sickness and was very upset that he wasn't gonna be going to school.

"I don't mind a hug now and again thank you for that Harry!! We're all so glad you're feeling better now!"Daisy says giving Harry a high give as the boys attention soon goes to around the room, his eyes scanning it until he spots his friends.

"Glenney!! I see Dylan and Penny...I go??"Harry says excitedly his voice at a high volume again.

"Go ahead baby boy, I'll call you over when I'm going okay?"Glenne says as Harry waddles off to find his friends, Glenne finding that waddle all too familiar.

"Anything I need to be knowing? Is his tummy doing better?"Daisy asks Glenne, it's not secret Harry is probably the student who requires the highest level of care but she has no problem with it since he's an absolute cutie-pie.

"Much better...he is having a little problem with going number two since having such an upset tummy distressed him a little but you know all the signs, just a little more prompting than usual might be needed"Glenne says blushing a little at the chat she's currently having.

"I understand, how's he going with managing to get to the toilet? I imagine it was a bit of a struggle while he was sick"Daisy asks, something she discussed with Jeff and Glenne when Harry first started was getting a potty training plan in place with not much success so far.

"Not the best...he has done a bit better these past two days with not feeling sick anymore but I do think we have to watch for the signs a lot more as he isn't really noticing when he needs to wee"Glenne explains as Daisy nods, her and Glenne chatting for a few more minutes before Glenne is handing Harry's bags over and getting ready to say goodbye to her boy.

"Harry!! Glenne is gonna get going so it's time to say goodbyes!"Daisy calls gently as Harry quickly looks up from where he's playing dress up, rushing over to Glenne with a tiara his friend pushed messily in his curls.

"Bye bye GiGi!! I love'you!"Harry says as Glenne wraps him in a cuddle, rocking the boy in her arms for a moment.

"I love you too baby-boo! You be a good boy okay and Glenney will see you at home later"Glenne says puckering her lips as Harry gets the memo and quickly gives them a peck, seemingly not embarrassed about his friends seeing him kiss his Glenney.

"Harry you look like a princess!! You gotta wear the dress though!"Penelope or Penny to Harry since he can't pronounce her name says excitedly as Harry returns to his friends.

"M'kay I just gotta take twousers off"Harry says starting to wiggle his trousers down, in his mind if he's wearing other clothes he has to get undressed, not realising he could just wear the dress over his other clothes. In his defence when he's dressing up at home Glenne or Jeff will strip him down to his diaper.

"Harry i can see your diaper!!"Dylan laughs as Harry gets his trousers around his ankles, Daisy soon noticing and is rushing over.

"No laughing!! Diapeys aren't funny!"Harry grumbles attempting to pull his dress on with no success as Daisy quickly comes over to the three of them and attempts to shield Harry from everyone else.

"Harry we don't get undressed okay? S'a no no, let's get those trousers back on you"Daisy says softly taking note of how Harry's diaper is currently looking.

"B-but wanna wear pwetty dress!!"Harry whines, looking comical with the dress half over his head, Daisy helping him take it off before gently pulling his trousers back up.

"We can wear our pretty dresses over our clothes!! It is not appropriate to get undressed in class buddy, how about you and Miss Daisy take a little trip to the bathrooms?"Daisy says as Harry shrugs taking her hand.

"I be back soon!! Jus'going potty!"Harry calls out to his friends who are still continuing to play.

"Okay Harry!! We wait for you to come back!"Penny calls out as Harry waddles off.

"Do you wear diapers Penny?"Dylan says with a frown as he looks at where Harry is leaving.

"Uh-no...don't think it's appropriate to ask though Dyl"Penelope says slowly, social queues are something she's been working on.

"Oh...jus'wondering why Harry has one on since I don't wear them either, you think he's like a big baby??"Dylan says with a frown as Penelope gasps shaking her head.

"That's not very nice Dylan!!! You can't be mean to Harry he's our best friend!"Penelope says in shock, maybe she also has a tiny crush on the boy too.

"M'sorry, just though it was weird...he can still play with us though"Dylan says with a shrug, planning to bring it up again when Harry is around because he's a little confused. Being autistic he can sometimes be quite forward with his questions without realising.

"Right sweetie do we have any wee-wee's to do?"Daisy says as she locks the door behind the pair, a specialised changing room for young adults like Harry which also doubles up as a restroom. The walls are painted a bright blue with several clouds painted around which always catches Harry's attention.

"Dunno...maybe all in diapey"Harry admits as Daisy pulls his trousers down to his ankles.

"We can maybe have a try yeah? Let's get you out of your protection first"She says softly.

"Miss Daisy?! Not propriate to get undressed 'round people!"Harry whines as he feels her reach out to undo the tabs of his diaper, Harry still a little confused about the previous talk.

"It's inappropriate to get undressed in the classroom around people you don't know too well or strangers...but it's okay for Miss Daisy to help you get undressed and help you out because she is caring for you right now"Daisy tries to explain in a way Harry will understand.

"GiGi and Foof can see Hawwy nakey too cause they caring for him!!"Harry says slowly giving Daisy a small smile at the end thinking he's cracked it.

"That's right buddy! Now can Miss Daisy finish this change now...that okay?"Daisy says always wanting some form of consent.

"S'okay...cold"Harry cringes at the wet feeling of pee in his diaper as Daisy leans down a little to free his lower regions from the protection.

"Booty on the potty please Mr!...Jeff told me about you trying to stand"Daisy says as Harry hesitates as he stands by the toilet.

"Ugh....wanna be big boy!"Harry pouts as he sits down and peeks between his legs for a second to see if anything is happening.

"You can be a big boy just by sitting on the potty H-ie...oop why are we standing again?"Daisy says rushing over to grab Harry's arm as he's been sat on the toilet for mere seconds before standing back up.

"Nuffin'happened"Harry grumbles as Daisy sits him down again.

"We have to wait a little bit longer...get listening to your tummy buddy"Daisy says as Harry frowns concentrating.

"Sing the Elmo song?"Harry kicks his legs as he waits looking at Daisy hopefully who gives him a smile.

"Of course we can!! Can you help me out?"Daisy says as Harry nods clapping his hands excitedly.

It had actually been Daisy who showed him the song knowing Harry's love for Sesame Street and the boy got a bit of an attachment to the song/video, either wanting to sing it while on the potty or asking Glenne and Jeff for his iPad to watch it which they never really say no because at least he's trying on the potty.

They're about halfway through when Harry starts to finally pee, only a short stream but it's least something and earns him a high five from Daisy for doing such a good job, Daisy making a note to add it onto his little chart he has in her office so she can keep track for Glenne and Jeff. Harry is aware and picked the chart out himself and will sometimes be allowed to help Daisy out in filling it in, using smiley face stickers much to his delight.

(Elmo again because this boy is obsessed😂)

Today he wants to go straight back to playing and is shyly asking Daisy to help him into a princess dress so he can continue playing with Penny and Dylan which she does right away before leaving the trio to play, her and a few other members of staff starting to set out art supplies for the activity they were planning for the young adults.

"Can everyone gather around the tables!! We are all gonna do some drawing!"Daisy announces as the small group of adults soon have her attention, there is only around ten of them in Harry's class with five 'teachers' so it's an small group which is perfect for Harry's needs since he get can get anxious around bigger groups.

"Miss Daisy can I draw one for Foof an'Gigi?"Harry announces as he sits down at his table.

"Of course buddy! Maybe they can put it on the fridge yeah?"Daisy says as Harry nods excitedly looking at the paper in front of him.

"So I want you all to draw me your favourite animal!...We have pens, pencils and paint so once you make a choice tell Miss Daisy so we can put you in a bib so we don't get messy!"Daisy announces hearing all the students start to chat about what they're going to use, Harry frowning to himself as he doesn't know what to pick.

"Is everything okay Buddy?"Daisy asks crouching next time Harry noticing his frowny face.

"I dunno what to use Miss Daisy....not vewy good at paintin"Harry pouts remembering the times he's tried to paint at home and made a mess.

"Well that leaves pencils or pens...how about you use both of them?!"Daisy suggests watching Harry's face light up.

"Oh thank you Miss Daisy!!"Harry giggles pulling her in for a hug, almost about to go and kiss her cheek but remembering the chat he had with Jeff how that isn't appropriate.

Harry thinks his hardest about what to draw, seeing Dylan at one side of him concentrating while attempting to draw his pet dog while Penelope at the other side of him is drawing a pony that she's always dreamed of. That's when it springs to mine his favourite animal, a bumblebee!!
He did once attempt to hold one while in the garden at Jeff's parents but was stopped quickly by his 'Nana' who told him that the bee might get frightened and accidentally hurt him, Harry did get a bit pouty as he only wanted to be friends with Mr Bee but Jeff's mom made sure to get him a bumblebee stuffy for when he next visited to stop him from trying to catch an actual one.

Harry carefully or carefully in his mind draws out his bumblebee, his tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration. It does look like a toddler has drawn it but Harry is happy and that's all that matters, messily colouring it in with black and yellow pens not keeping in the lines at all really.

"Miss Daisy I done!! Wanna see?"Harry announces holding his picture out.

"Wow H!! That is so so good!!"Daisy says with a gasp, of course it isn't the greatest but she knows the boy thrives off praise and she can see how proud he is.

"Harry you didn't colour in the lines! S'doesn't look good"Dylan points out, a finger jabbing at Harry's drawing harshly.

"B-but m'trywed! Did good right Miss Daisy..."Harry says his bottom lip wobbling as he looks at his teacher sadly.

"Of course you did a good job Harry! Dylan I think you need to apologise to Harry"Daisy says sternly turning to Dylan.

"Mm'being a meanie"Harry murmurs stuffing his thumb in his mouth for a second before remembering he's not at home and hiding it quick.

"Hey Mr Styles I don't want any name calling either, Dylan is going to apologise aren't you buddy?"Daisy says her eyebrows raised.

"Ugh...sorry Harry for saying your drawing is bad"Dylan says with a pout as Harry looks at him innocently.

"T'ank you Dylan!! Your doggy is really good!"Harry says as he looks over at Dylan's photo, always quick to forgive someone.

"Hmm thanks"Dylan mumbles before turning away from Harry, starting to talk to the person next to him as Harry turns to Penelope and starts rambling about an episode of Telitubbies he watched that morning, Penelope listening along to Harry even though she has no interest in the TV show at all, she does think most of the shows Harry watches are for babies but she'd never tell him.

It's soon lunch time and Harry is sitting next to Penelope and beginning to eat his lunch that Jeff made him the night before. He makes sure to share his animal crackers with Penny, he would usually offer some to Dylan but the boy has sat himself far away from the pair for some reason.

Penelope is back over at the art and craft table after lunch and Harry isn't really interested since his drawing before didn't really get the best reaction so he's waddling over to play with Dylan, Dylan and another boy playing with some cars on the car mat.

"Dylan...can I pwlay?"Harry says sitting his diapered tush next to his friend who would usually agree and hand Harry a car.

"Um...no! Just for me and Ben"Dylan says shaking his head and glaring at Harry.

"B-but s'mean! I can plway too?"Harry tries to reach across for a car but Dylan slaps his hand harshly making both Harry and Ben gasp.

"Dylan!! You can't slap people!"Ben says in shock as Harry cradles his hand, his bottom lip wobbling and his green eyes filling with tears.

"Harry should listen then....he can't play with us!"Dylan grumbles turning his back on the curly haired boy as Ben stares at Harry nervously, he does want the boy to join them but Dylan isn't letting up.

"B-but best fwiends D-Dylan!"Harry whines with a hiccup.

"Not anymore...don't wanna be best friends with a diaper baby!"Dylan says grumpily as Harry lets out a loud sob, he really doesn't take well to being called a baby.

"Dylan!! I'm telling Miss Daisy you're being mean!"Ben says rushing over to Harry who is hugging his knees to his chest crying.

"Noooo...not being mean!"Dylan says turning around and glaring at the two of them.

"Y-you a-a-areeee!"Harry wails as Daisy and another member of staff are soon looking over hearing the disagreement and the all too familiar sound of Harry crying.

"Not!! You're just bein'a baby again!"Dylan shouts as Harry's emotions go from upset to anger, growling and reaching across to Dylan, scratching his cheek.

"NOT A BABY!!!!"Harry screams his hand also going out to hit Dylan on the arm which he does quite harshly which is when Daisy and two other members of staff rush over to them.

"Mister Styles!!! I sure hope Miss Daisy didn't just see you using unkind hands!!"Daisy says sternly squatting down in front of the boy as Dylan is taken away, the other boy also crying and holding his face where Harry clawed him.

"Miss Daisy!! Dylan was being mean to Harry....called him a baby and said he can't play!!"Ben says his calls only just heard over Harry's current loud wailing.

"Thank you Ben for being so honest, can you go over there with Miss Hayley while I deal with Harry please"Daisy asks Ben softly as he nods grabbing one of the helpers hands and leaving the scene, just Daisy and Harry left.

"Harry...Harry I think we need to head to the quiet room okay"Daisy tries to speak to Harry who is having none of it throwing a full on tantrum, wriggling out of Daisy's grip and throwing himself on the floor screaming how 'he's not a bad boy'.

Instead Daisy leaves him to have his little tantrum as the other young adults try there hardest not to stare over but Harry isn't the most quiet as he screeches and hits his fists on the floor, a meltdown like this is very rare for Harry now but Dylan being so mean triggered him.

It takes around fifteen minutes for Harry to get calmed down to just tears, the other students thankfully taken outside since the weather is nice giving Harry a little bit of privacy to calm down.

"Are we all good now? No more naughties or screaming?"Daisy says squatting down in front of Harry who is curled up in a ball, tears still rolling down his cheeks as he rocks back and forth a little.

"S-sowwyyyy!! N-n-no tell Foof!"Harry cries his breath getting shaky again as he realises he's probably gonna get a telling off from Jeff or even worse a spanked tush.

"Miss Daisy has to tell Jeff at pick up time honey...can we head to the quiet room now to have a little chat about what happened?"Daisy asks softly before a familiar smell hits her nose, a messy diaper.

"Mmm'gotta wh-whisper so-some'fin"Harry hiccups, drooling around two fingers he's shoved in his mouth.

"Do we maybe need to head to the bathroom buddy?? Is that what you're trying to tell Miss Daisy?"Daisy asks rubbing Harry's back as he lets out a soft sob and nods.

"D-done poo-poo's...h-hawwy s-sowwy!"He wails, Daisy trying to not cringe as she sees him start to rock on his bum again, trying to get him to the bathroom to change him as fast as possible.

"We don't need to apologise for using our protection bubba...what we do is go for changes so we're all clean again!"Daisy speaks to Harry in third person knowing he'll understand much better that way as he gives her a rare moment of eye contact and nods.

"Good boy!! Let me grab your bag and we can get going"Daisy says as Harry stands up and grabs her hand, Daisy grabbing Harry's changing bag and taking him into the bathroom.

"M'sowwy 'gain Ms'Daisy....poopies go in big boy potty"Harry murmurs his eyes glued to his feet as Daisy squats down a little to pull Harry's trousers down.

"Well you're right there honey...when you feel the need to go poo you do need to head to the potty however Miss Daisy knows you're still learning and accidents sometimes happen"Daisy says softly breathing through her mouth at the sudden bad aroma of the bathroom thanks to someone's stinky diaper.

"Still learnin' "Harry repeats playing with his shirt as Daisy removes his messy diaper and gently turns him around to start the dreaded clean up.

"Can Hawwy haf'dummy??"Harry slurs around his thumb that Daisy notices has suddenly appeared in his mouth, a tell tale sign he's getting tired.

"Once I've finished cleaning you buddy we can head to the quiet room and have a little nap yeah?"Daisy says as she finishes wiping the boy up and grabs a clean diaper from his bag.

"Nooo nap!!! For b-babies!!!"Harry whines out his bottom lip wobbling still visibly upset.

"Okay....well we can head for some quiet time then and Miss Daisy will let you have your dummy for a little bit"Daisy says as she parts Harry's legs a little to slip his diaper between them, she'd of much rather had him lying down for the change but she knows he's already upset enough and doesn't want to trigger him again.

"Dummy now pwease?"Harry says tugging on Daisy's sleeve with round eyes.

"In a moment bubba, let's finish up first"Daisy speaks softly washing her hands and Harry's since he's had them in his mouth an awful lot, Harry continuing to whine for his dummy as they leave the bathroom and head to the quiet room.
It's not that Daisy doesn't want the boy to have his comfort item it's just he's already been teased quite a bit for his childish habits and the other students seeing him with a pacifier in his mouth might not get the best reception.

The pair of them settle in the corner with the bean bags, Daisy sitting down first and Harry clambering into her lap. It's probably looks a little weird to some people especially since Daisy is essentially Harry's teacher however she knows Jeff and Glenne are comfortable with her holding him like this as it's the most effective way to get the boy calm.

"So what happened in there buddy?"Daisy asks softly as Harry blinks up at her slowly, the pacifier in his mouth bobbing in between his lips at a quick pace.

"Dwylan...nwaughty"Harry slurs, his words nearly inaudible due to the comforter stuffed in his mouth.

"How about you hold your paccy while we have our chat, then Miss Daisy can hear you nice and clearly!"Daisy says softly as Harry pouts sucking a few more times before spitting out the pacifier into his hand.

"Dylan was bad boy....called Hawwy baby and said no play"Harry says his bottom lip wobbling as he remembers the previous situation.

"Uh'huh...well I do agree that was mean of him however the thing Harry should've done is go and tell one of his helpers instead of hitting Dylan cause now it's landed you in some trouble too"Daisy says.

"D-Dylan hit Hawwy too, slapped here!"Harry pouts pointing to his hand as Daisy nods knowing it's now a case of speaking to Dylan's parents about his behaviour too.

"You getting tired bud?"Daisy says as Harry starts to grow a bit of a dead weight in her arms, his eyes fluttering open and shut.

"Mm'have nap-nap?"He asks softly quickly placing the pacifier back in as Daisy nods raking a hand through his hair as he drifts off into slumber, Daisy just about moving him out of her lap and into a comfy position on the beanbags before dashing out of the room quick to grab her laptop before returning. She gets some work done while Harry sleeps next to her, she wouldn't dream of leaving him alone especially with his fragile mood today.

He sleeps for around an hour before Daisy thinks it should be probably be time to get waking him up, it's almost pick up time and Daisy has to have the dreaded chat with Jeff about Harry's behaviour.

"Miss Daisy....I stay here wif'you....no go home with Jeffy"Harry mumbles nervously clutching his teachers hand as he waits for Jeff at the door, the pair seeing his Range Rover pull up into the car park.

"Bud Miss Daisy is going home too after you!! Why don't you want to go home with Jeff?"Daisy says softly.

"C-cause he gonna tell me off!! No wanna go in the naughty cornerrrr"Harry whines hiding his face in Daisy's arm as Jeff makes his way inside.

"Hi baby boy!! How was school?"Jeff asks as he spots Harry, a little puzzled why he's not suddenly clinging to him like he usually does, Harry can suffer from separation anxiety and even being apart from the couple for mere hours means they're smothered in love from him afterwards.

"Uh...was okay Foof?"Harry says avoiding eye contact with the man as Jeff looks at Daisy confused, already able to tell something is off.

"How about you sit over there and have a little bit more playtime while I chat with Jeff buddy"Daisy says patting Harry's back as he continues to cling to her.

"No wanna!! We have to go home Jeffy so I can watch Mickey Mouse!"Harry says completely ignoring Daisy and finally looking at Jeff.

"Harry listen to Miss Daisy please! I'm sure it must be very important if it requires her to talk to me"Jeff says sternly, knowing Harry has either misbehaved or had some sort of accident.

Harry sniffles trudging off to where some baby dolls are kept, cradling one in his arms as he also self consciously glances over to the pair talking now and again knowing he's got no way of getting out of it.

"So Harry hasn't really had the best of days....him and another student had a bit of a disagreement and it lead to a bit of hitting, Harry did hit back and unfortunately scratched the other student on the face"Daisy explains as Jeff gasps.

"I am so sorry!! Harry knows better than to hit and scratch....me and Glenne have had countless talks about using kind hands"Jeff says blushing in embarrassment at the fact Harry is misbehaving under someone else's care.

"I do think the other student did maybe mention something to Harry that provoked him however Harry is aware that he's also not in the good books for lashing out....threw a bit of a tantrum and i had to take him away to calm him down"Daisy says as Jeff nods.

"Did he nap? Usually sorts him right out if he's crabby"Jeff asks.

"He did and woke up about twenty minutes ago, he's just had a change so should be dry for now....he did poop in his diaper earlier which upset him quite a bit, it was while he was mid meltdown"Daisy explains.

"Yeah I think that still needs some work, did he make it to the toilet at all today?"Jeff says as Daisy shakes her head.

"He did sort of do a small stream in the toilet but he'd already done the majority in his diaper....he's been pretty unsettled"Daisy sighs as Jeff casts his eyes over to Harry who has a stuffed animal in his lap, murmuring to it softly.

"I guess I'd better get him home, he's got some naughty corner time coming his way"Jeff says.

"I hope we have a better day on Thursday, I did also inform the other child's parents so I know it's not just Harry who's in a bit of trouble....I'll make sure to keep the two separate by the next time he's in"Daisy says as Jeff calls Harry over.

"Come on Harry, home time"Jeff says his lips pressed in a firm line, holding his hand out for the younger boy who scurries over.

"Sowwy Foof....m'not naughty i pwomise...I love y-"Harry babbles as he grabs Jeff's hand, expecting the hand to squeeze it as he usually does but Jeff just hangs onto it with a strong grip like Harry would run away.

"It's a little too late for apologising Harry Edward, say your goodbyes to Miss Daisy please"Jeff says his voice all too calm for Harry's liking as Harry gives a quick goodbye to his teacher and lets Jeff lead him out to the car.

"Jeffy we go to Starbucks? GiGi tell you"Harry asks as Jeff straps him into his car seat, Jeff looking up at Harry in disbelief as if the boy thinks he deserves a treat.

"No way Hersh....Glenney did tell me but that was before I was told you'd been a naughty boy at school....bad boys don't get treats"Jeff says sternly as he closes Harry's car door and climbs into the drivers seat.

"Noooo!! Not bad boy!!! GiGi's said we can goooo!"Harry wails miserably as Jeff chooses to ignore him starting the car up and backing out of the carpark.

"Foofy I wanna goooo!! M'good boyyy!"Harry whines out for about the hundredth time in the short car journey, Jeff has had to turn the radio on as he's heard enough of Harry's whines.

"Harry enough!!! Do you really think you've deserved a Starbucks?? Really?!"Jeff says raising his voice a little and making Harry whimper.

"Uh....yes?? Hawwy went on potty all day!"Harry says with a pouty lip, lying full out to Jeff's face.

"Oh yeah?? What did you do on the potty huh?"Jeff says looking through the mirror at Harry's face, seeing how his eyes avoid his own as he lies.

"Lotsa pee-pees an-an'a poo!!"Harry bites down on his lip and kicks his feet as he continues to tell fibs, Jeff rolling his eyes at the obvious tales Harry's telling.

"Harry I know you're downright lying because Miss Daisy told me you've not made it to the potty fully at all today...and you did a poo-poo in your diaper like a baby"Jeff says, Harry's heart dropping at the last sentence.

"FOOFY NOOO!! NOT BABY....Y-YOU LIKE TYLER.....SAIDS HAWWY BABY BUT HE ISN'TTTTT"Harry cries instantly bursting into hysterical tears as Jeff again rolls his eyes at the dramatics, trying to ignore Harry but is soon casting his eyes over worriedly as his breathing starts to quicken up.

"Harry....bub can you breathe for Foofy please"Jeff panics a little seeing Harry's face get redder and redder as he gets more upset.

"NOOOO! YOU SAIDS HAWWY BABY....WAN'GIGIIIII"Harry scream cries as Jeff pulls up into the driveway, quickly parking the car and rushing over to Harry's side.

"Foof is sorry about calling you a baby okay....you need to take some deep breaths for me, good boy!!"Jeff says softly as Harry tries to slow his breathing down.

"H-hurts Foofyyyy!"Harry cries pointing to his chest as Jeff is soon grabbing Harry's bag pack and grabbing his inhaler out of the front pouch.

"Just a few pumps to get your chest working bubba....Foof is sorry for getting you so worked up"Jeff says instantly feeling like shit for getting Harry so upset.

Harry is still choking on his tears as Jeff presses the inhaler to his lips and gives it a few presses to get air into his lungs, Harry pushing it away in the end and once again crying for 'Glenney'

"Bubba you can go and have some quick cuddles with Glenne but then it's corner time and a chat with Foof"Jeff says as he unbuckles Harry from his car seat.

"Foof is meanyyy!"Harry cries as he escapes his car seat and hops out of the car, running past Jeff and straight into the house where Glenne is lounged on the sofa.

"Hi bab-oh dear....why are we upset huh?"Glenne says instantly sitting up and opening her arms for the boy, Jeff had previously messaged her telling her that he'd not been on his best behaviour at daycare but she didn't know the ins and outs.

"Ba-bad dayyy!! Dylan a-an-Foof call Hawwy b-baby!"Harry cries barrelling into Glenne's lap like he's light as a feather and sobbing into her neck.

"Foof called you a baby huh? Well that was very very naughty of him!! I hear he's not the only one who's been a bit naughty today though...."Glenne says putting her stern momma mode on as she also attempts to soothe Harry a little, patting the boys tush.

"H-Hawwy was bad boy b-but only cause Dylan was me-meanie too!!"Harry says looking up at Glenne, his tear streaked face breaking her heart.

"Yeah what did Dylan say to you princess?"Glenne says wiping at Harry's runny nose with her sleeve, slightly disgusting but she's cleaned up worse before.

"Laughed at diapey an-an said I was baby and no play wif'him an-and he hitted Hawwy too!"Harry pouts pointing to his arm, his speech deteriorating which shows Glenne he's regressed quite a bit.

"Well that makes Dylan a bad boy!! However what did Harry do to Dylan to make him naughty?"Glenne speaks to Harry in the third person, hoping it'll help him understand a little better.

"Hit Dylan....scratched at 'im too but only cause he was meanie to Hawwy"Harry mumbles looking after Glenne apologetically.

"I understand he was mean to you bubsy but hitting him back isn't a good thing, next time someone is being mean you go tell Miss Daisy right away okay?? Me and Jeff don't want to hear anymore of you using unkind hands"Glenne says grabbing one of Harry's hands and pressing a kiss to the back of it as he nods slowly, sniffling a little.

"Hawwy have to go in the corner?"Harry mumbles glancing over his shoulder at where Jeff is waiting leaning against the kitchen door.

"Yup just for a little while bubba but once we're done it's time for a nice bubble bath!"Glenne says as Harry pouts but climbs off her lap and makes his way into the kitchen towards Jeff.

"Sowwy for bein'a bad boy again Foof"Harry says as he takes Jeff's hand, Jeff walking him over to the naughty corner chair.

"Thanks for the apology princess, Foof is gonna be back in fifteen minutes okay?"Jeff says as Harry nods sitting his bum down, thanking the heavens he's not getting a spanking.

"Mm...I do counting Jeffy?"Harry says stuffing a finger in his mouth to self soothe.

"Quietly babes...no shouting or Foof will have to start the timer over yeah?"Jeff says as Harry nods starting to mumble numbers under his breath as Jeff starts the timer on his phone, Jeff knowing Harry will probably get bored after thirty seconds or so....Jeff isn't really even sure Harry can count after that.

Harry instead begins to softly sing to himself to get him through the remainder of his corner time, it's a change from the usual upset that they have during the punishment. Harry mid way through twinkle twinkle little star by the time Jeff makes his way back in.

"All done Foof-Foof?"Harry says turning as he notices Jeff crouched beside him.

"All done buddy...what do we say again?"Jeff says holding his arms out.

"I am sorry for being bad at school! Gonna try and be a good boy now so Santa doesn't put me on the naughty list"Harry says as Jeff laughs at Harry's logic, getting put on the naughty list is Harry's worst nightmare and Jeff and Glenne are definitely guilty in using it as a way to get Harry to behave.

"That's right Bubba! Now let's have a cuddle and then you and Gi head up for bath time"Jeff says as Harry gives him a hug, Jeff kissing both his cheeks.

"Not have dinner first Jeffy?"Harry says a little puzzled, it's earlier than he usually has his baths.

"Dinner after today peach...you're definitely due a bath!"Jeff teases pinching his nose as Harry laughs pushing Jeff away softly.

"Not stinky!!! Foofy is!"Harry giggles as Jeff begins to attack him with kisses, pecking at his face again and again as Harry tries to fight away, Glenne finding the pair and joining in kissing at the other side of Harry's face until the younger boy is screeching in laughter.

Glenne and Harry are soon making there way up to her and Jeff's bathroom to give Harry his bubble bath/a bit of a pamper night. It's something Glenne likes to do when Harry is a bit stressed or he's had a hard day, she'll smooth a face mask onto his face even though he usually wants it off after a few minutes and deep condition his curls. She knows he loves a little pamper and to be spoilt a little so will indulge in nights like this for the pair where Glenne will also paint Harry's finger and toe nails what ever colour he feels like.

"Foof look at my nails!! Sparkly!!"Harry giggles rushing to show Jeff his nails while still only in his diaper, his body still sticky with lotion so Glenne left him without pyjamas for it to sink in.

"They're so pretty!! Just like you Angel!"Jeff coos making Harry blush plopping himself in Jeff's lap and cuddling up to the older man.

"I love you Foofy! Will always be a good boy from now on"Harry says holding his pinky out to promise as Jeff laughs locking his pinky with the boy.

"I love you too Hershel....I'm gonna hold you to what you've said next time you throw a little tantrum"Jeff says teasingly as Harry whines hiding his face in Jeff's shirt, Glenne joining the pair holding her phone and suggesting a takeout which doesn't take the two boys long to agree to.

Authors note
Rushed ending I know 😭 I lost all inspiration half way through and just wanted this chapter done lmao
Merry Christmas!! I hope you all have a good day and enjoy this chapter as my present to you all 💓💓

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