feeling icky

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This was requested by @iangel1 so thank youuu❤️

harry- age 10
louis- age 16

"Louis! Could you bring me a change of pyjamas for Haz?"Anne says as Louis passes her room after being awaken in the middle of the night by Harry's wailing, Harry was suffering from a bad stomach bug and had just woken up and projectile vomited down himself and the bed.

"Sure Mum, is he okay?"Louis says seeing Anne trying to comfort Harry as he cries in her arms.

"He will be babes, make sure they're some loose fitting jammies as the fleecy ones won't help with his fever"Anne says as Louis nods leaving the room.

"That's it buddy, you calm down...Mumma's not mad at you"Anne says softly patting Harry's butt as he continues to cry, feeling utterly terrible.

"S..so..sorryyyy"Harry sobs as Anne shushes him rocking him a little as Louis returns with some pyjamas for him.

"Told you already Mummy doesn't mind, she's been thrown up on more times by you and your bubba that it doesn't bother her anymore"Anne says picking him up and taking him into the bathroom to give him a quick wash and get changed.

"We'll give you a bath later on honey but for now let's just give you a quick wipe"Anne says seeing Harry's only really made a mess on his pyjamas, not so himself so a quick wipe with some baby wipes will suffice for now.

"S..snuggles!"Harry wails as Anne let's him out of her grip to put him in new pyjamas.

"Just let Mummy dress you and then you can come back for snuggles"Anne says with a sigh, hating to see her poor boy like this, so tired he can hardly sit up with his face tinged an awful off white colour.

"Oh boo you're an angel!"Anne says as she walks into Louis changing her bedsheets, the dirty ones in a heap on the floor for him to put in the laundry.

"It's the least I could do Mum, you've got H to look after"Louis says with a shrug, blushing as Anne kisses his head and trying to push her away like a typical teenager.

"Now after you've put them in the laundry get to bed babe, it's the early morning and you've got school!"Anne reminds him checking the time.

"I'm used to being up early Mum I'll be fine, can I give Harry a cuddle?"Louis says, Anne hesitating before Harry is reaching out for Louis wanting a cuddle from his older brother.

"Thanks Bubba, you feel better soon okay?"Louis says giving Harry a light cuddle, trying not to squeeze him too much after the vomiting he's been doing.

"Mph...me too"Harry says tiredly rubbing at his eyes before crawling back over into Anne's arms.

"Night babes I love you!"Anne calls out as Louis leaves the room, the sheets in his arms.

"Love you too Mum and Harry Bear!"Louis says.

"Mummy's put the bucket beside you so if you feel icky again just put your head in here, you're usually okay with getting it in the bucket so I think earlier was just a mishap"Anne says rubbing Harry's head as he sleepily gazes at her .

"Sorry...Mumma"Harry sniffles still embarrassed by it.

"No need to be sorry, Mumma's got a poorly boy who needs looking after...now shut those eyes precious and try and get some sleepy"Anne says softly kissing Harry's forehead lightly and cuddling next to him, the comfort of being next to his Mum in bed soothing him to sleep.

He's a massive Mummy's boy and Anne had been trying to get him to sleep in his own bed more recently since he's growing up. It's hard for him as he always gets the best sleep when he's with Anne so when he's by himself it's lonely, this bug he has is both a blessing and a curse.

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